Author Topic: The Bith  (Read 1840 times)

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The Bith
« on: December 19, 2009, 01:34:53 PM »
INFO: Bith were a peaceful, highly-evolved craniopod species native to the planet Clak'dor VII. Fully adapted to a civilized, high-technology lifestyle, Bith were found galaxy-wide at all levels of society, most notably as engineers, scientists, intellectuals, consultants, and musicians.

RACE: Bith
HEIGHT: 1.5 to 1.75 Meters Tall
SKIN: Pale Pink, yellow, green
DISTINCTION: Large cranium, acute senses of smell and hearing

Clak'dor VII was small planet orbiting the large white star Colu, in the Colu system of the Outer Rim Territories, on the Rimma Trade Route. It was a long-time member of the Galactic Republic and the homeworld of the Bith. For further info on the planet see post below.

Bith were craniopods with pale pink, yellow, or (rarely) green skin, large heads, large lidless eyes, and long fingers. The Bith's internal systems were different from most humanoids, as the Bith had only one lung. Bith also lacked a proper nose, instead having highly sensitive olfactory organs hidden in the flaps of their cheeks.

The other Bith senses were also acute. Bith could sense the tonal qualities of sound as well as other races sensed colors. Their eyes were able to focus to 0.07 on the Gandok Scale and they could see microscopic details of nearby objects, but were extremely nearsighted as a result. An interesting side effect of their incredible sensors was the effect of sonic grenades on them. It was described as causing their heads to explode.

Similarly, Bith had high manual dexterity which helped them manipulate fine tools, though their physical prowess with gross motor skills was only average.

Bith had even evolved past the need for sleep. Instead, they would slip into a light meditative trance, which allowed them to get as much rest in four hours as other species could get in eight. During this trance, Bith were still almost fully aware of their surroundings.

Since they had relied on technology for so many generations, Bith were also unable to reproduce naturally. Instead, they relied on artificial conception and gestation. Mates brought genetic material to a Computer Mating Service for analysis against prospective mates. Bith children were created from genetic material from two parents, which was combined, fertilized, and incubated for a year.

Bith were one of the galaxy's most ancient civilizations, with a history going back millions of years. This antiquity garnered respect in certain quarters, such as among the Gree, who gave them more respect than other, "younger" species. Their society was highly regimented, with everything from mate selection to political leadership controlled by sophisticated computer programs.

Circa 300 BBY, the Bith city-states of Nozho and Weogar engaged in a massive civil war using biological weapons over patent rights to a new hyperdrive. The aftermath of the Nozho-Weogar War destroyed Clak'dor VII's ecosystem and crippled the Bith industrial capacity, forcing the Bith to retreat to sealed cities and rely on imported goods and machinery to keep their society functioning. The Y'bith, a subspecies of Bith, were descended from Bith whose genetic code was altered in the aftermath of a biological attack on Nozho. These "ghost Bith" resettled on Clak'dor IV and developed their own society, somewhat estranged from the Bith mainstream.

The war also brought out a strong pacifistic streak in Bith culture. For example, they attempted to remain neutral during the Separatist Crisis, though they were eventually coerced into supporting the Confederacy of Independent Systems against the Galactic Republic. While they viewed the Republic as morally corrupt, they restricted their support of the CIS to technological and artistic contributions.

Not all Bith joined with the Separatists, however—notably Jedi Master Ph'ton, who served the Republic as a Senior General during the Clone Wars. Many other Bith had served the Republic as Jedi Consulars over the years: some of them were rumored to have survived the Great Jedi Purge by hiding on their homeworld.

Both the Clone Wars and the rise of the Galactic Empire made the Bith uneasy about conditions in the rest of the galaxy, with most Bith choosing to wait out the Dark Times within Clak'dor VII's sealed cities. After the Clone Wars ended, the Bith did not resist the Empire, instead putting their technical expertise at the service of the Imperial war machine. The Bith were horrified by the Empire, however, and were among the first species to be liberated by the New Republic in 5 ABY. The Bith did not emerge fully from their isolation until 8 ABY, shortly after the Hapans rejoined the Galactic community.

Ever since the Nozho-Weogar War, Clak'dor VII's main exports were the products of the Bith intellect. Many Bith worked as engineers, data analysts, or in other intellectual professions. Others used their intelligence, natural technical skills, and dexterity to work in the criminal underworld. Many Bith worked as cantina staff, since bartenders in Bith society held a position equivalent in many ways to priests in other cultures. Their hearing also made Bith such as Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes (the house band in the Mos Eisley Cantina circa 0 BBY) excellent musicians.

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« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2009, 01:37:21 PM »

Ecological Disaster

The Bith evolved over the millennia, and making use of their powerful senses of sight and hearing became a race of artists and musicians. They built great cities in the mountains and the jungles of Clak'dor VII. However in c. 120 BBY, a conflict erupted on the planet between the capital city of Weogar and its domed counterpart Nozho over a stardrive patent. When subterfuge was detected by Weogar, war soon broke out and a chemical attack was launched by Nozho on the capital. The retaliatory biological strike on Nozho wiped the city out and destroyed Clak'dor VII's ecosystem, destroying the planet's ability to produce either the basic needs for its citizens or goods for export. The populace was decimated, though from the ruins of Nozho came the offshoot Y'bith subspecies who would go on to colonize Clak'dor IV. The surviving Bith on the planet were forced to relocate into domed cities, now proclaiming themselves pacifists and seldom venturing into the irradiated swamps, where the wildlife mutated into such lifeforms as the Ghhhk.

The Clone Wars
Clak'dor VII was represented in the Galactic Senate directly by Dodra F'ass until the planet seceded in 22 BBY, shortly before the Clone Wars. Though many Bith, like F'ass, retreated to their homeworld and seldom participated in battles, being pacifists, the Bith supported the Confederacy of Independent Systems with technological and artistic contributions: to the Bith, the Confederacy was opposing a morally corrupt Republic. There was a CIS buildup on the world prior to the Outer Rim Sieges.

Joining the New Republic
The Bith were horrified by the Galactic Empire, which persecuted them, necessitating an Alliance relief mission shortly before the Battle of Yavin, led by Naytaan. Clak'dor VII was one of the first planets liberated by the New Republic (in 5 ABY, immediately after the New Republic campaign to Lwhekk).

After the planet's liberation, Clak'dor VII remained isolated for some time. It was not until a Bith ambassador witnessed the Hapans offer aide to the New Republic (and present Isolder as a gift to Leia Organa) that the planet joined the government.

The planet was represented in the New Republic Senate first by Nara Deega and later by E'noro. It was spared invasion during the Yuuzhan Vong War.

Offline Cimter

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Re: The Bith
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2009, 01:50:14 PM »
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Episode I: Anakin Skywalker
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Star Wars Republic: Outlander
Star Wars: Bounty Hunter
Jango Fett: Open Seasons (Appears in flashback(s))
Star Wars Republic: Emissaries to Malastare
Star Wars Republic: The Stark Hyperspace War (Appears in flashback(s))
Star Wars Republic: The Devaronian Version
Star Wars Republic: Rite of Passage (Appears in flashback(s))
Star Wars: Jango Fett
Starfighter: Crossbones
Star Wars Republic 46: Honor and Duty, Part 1
Sluis Sector Secedes; Seswenna Restates Loyalty—HoloNet News Vol. 531 49
Coruscant Restricts Immigration—HoloNet News Vol. 531 51 (Picture only)
Gotal Standoff Ends Violently—HoloNet News Vol. 531 53 (Picture only)
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Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter
"Elusion Illusion" - Star Wars Insider 66
"No Way Out" - Clone Wars Adventures: Volume 9
"Old Scores" - Clone Wars Adventures: Volume 8
"Rogue's Gallery" - Clone Wars Adventures: Volume 3 (Skull only)
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CIS Shadowfeed Dispatch 14:9:08 Edition (Mentioned only)
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MedStar II: Jedi Healer
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Star Wars: Clone Wars – "Chapter 21"
Star Wars The Clone Wars Volume 2: Crash Course
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Dooku Captured"
Star Wars The Clone Wars 11: Hero of the Confederacy, Part 2
Star Wars Republic: Trackdown (Vision to Quinlan Vos)
"Means and Ends" - Clone Wars Adventures: Volume 6
"Spy Girls" - Clone Wars Adventures: Volume 7
"Graduation Day" - Clone Wars Adventures: Volume 10
Labyrinth of Evil
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars Republic: Into the Unknown
Star Wars Dark Times: The Path to Nowhere
Coruscant Nights I: Jedi Twilight
"The Order of Outcasts" - Clone Wars Adventures: Volume 5
The Paradise Snare (Mentioned only)
Tinian on Trial
"The Hovel on Terk Street" - Star Wars Tales 6
Rebel Dawn
Star Wars Adventures Volume 1: Han Solo and the Hollow Moon of Khorya
Underworld: The Yavin Vassilika
A Hunter's Fate: Greedo's Tale webstrip
"Survivors" - Star Wars Tales 13
"Number Two in the Galaxy" - Star Wars Tales 18
"Being Boba Fett" - Star Wars Tales 18
"Nerf Herder" - Star Wars Tales 7
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (First appearance)
Perfect Evil
Oh!! Jawajawa
Star Wars 19: The Ultimate Gamble
Star Wars 31: Return to Tatooine
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Vader's Quest
The Star Wars Holiday Special
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To Fight Another Day
"Lady Luck" - Star Wars Tales 3
Star Wars: Rebellion (Mentioned only)
Star Wars Galaxies – An Empire Divided
Star Wars Galaxies: The Ruins of Dantooine
Shadows of the Empire novel
"Stop That Jawa!" - Star Wars Tales 2
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"The One That Got Away" - Star Wars Tales 8
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (Special Edition)
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Tatooine Ghost (Mentioned only)
Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood
Children of the Jedi
Murder in Slushtime
Junior Jedi Knights: Kenobi's Blade (Mentioned only)
Young Jedi Knights: Diversity Alliance (Mentioned only)
Young Jedi Knights: Trouble on Cloud City
Young Jedi Knights: Crisis at Crystal Reef
Star Wars: Chewbacca (Appears in flashback(s))
Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial
Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse
Balance Point
Star by Star
The Unifying Force
Dark Nest III: The Swarm War
Exile (Mentioned only)
Millennium Falcon
Star Wars Legacy 14: Claws of the Dragon, Part 1
Star Wars Legacy 38: Tatooine, Part 2

Star Wars: The Power of the Force (1995)
Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races (First identified as Bith)
The Abduction
Alien Anthology
Ultimate Alien Anthology
Star Wars: The Visual Dictionary
The Essential Guide to Characters
The Essential Guide to Alien Species
Star Wars: Behind the Magic
The New Essential Guide to Alien Species
Star Wars Miniatures: Bounty Hunters
"The Gree Enclave" - Star Wars Adventure Journal 8
"Who Is That Alien? Mon Calamari & Bith" - Star Wars Kids 5
"Star Wars Kids Answer Quest" - Star Wars Kids 5
Star Wars: The Action Figure Archive
"Who's Who in the Max Rebo Band" - Star Wars Insider 67 Cantina Roll-Call: Shedding Light on Some Alien Aliases on (backup link on
Threats of the Galaxy
The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – Galactic Hunters (Card: Rebel Collaborator) (Picture only)
Bith in the Databank
Barquin D'an in the Databank
Farquill Ban'n in the Databank
The Max Rebo Band in the Databank
The Modal Nodes in the Databank
Y'bith in the Databank

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.

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Re: The Bith
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2009, 06:28:11 AM »
wow  :o u must know the galaxie on the tip of ur hand