Cultures > Mandalorian

the Mythosaur

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Acording to what I've read and researched the mythosaur was an enormous beast which roamed the planet Mandoa before it was faught to extinction by the first mandalorians...  Since it's defeat it became a symbol of Mandoa culture.  The massive skeletons of the extinct animals became the litteral backbone for entire cities... 

Unfourtunately we only have the skull emblem as a reference... and the single comic book "the city of bone"...

here are some visuals:

the ever familiar emblem

the city of bone...

now... I have a bone to pick with the comic book artist....

how do you go from the so familiar skull on boba's patch to that monstrosity!?  First off, where are the tell tale tusks?  second, why does it have spines on the forehead?  thirdly... the skeletal structure is WHACK.... 

Now, the concept of a city being constructed inside the skull of one of these beasts is amazing...  but I have some issues with that too.

I would understand the plasability of this if these animals were dead for a long time before mandalore was inhabited by the first mandalorians.... but think about it.  if "mandalore the first" killed them off then wouldn't their gigantic rotting carcases REAK!?  Would you realy want to build a city inside there?!

ok... and what about this:

The mythosaur Axe.  "made of overlapping mythosaur bone"...
ok... that's freaking cool as all heck...  but did the bone come from the giant skeletons?  or were these some smaller version of the animal?  is it just bone or maybe the teeth of the animal? (Im thinking like a Freemen Crysnife?)...

can anyone else use their tallents to sleuth up some more info on these mythical creatures?    BTW... I uploaded some sketches I've done of some concepts on my take of what the mythosaur would have looked like alive, and it's skeletal structure.... They are over in my artwork thread, but I can paste the images into this thread too if you'd like.

btw... just a little greek/latin trivia...

Mythos means "tale, story, or myth"  in ancient Greek

saur is a derivitive of the Latin "sauros" which means Lizard

so....  "mythosaur"  can be translated into "Mythical Lizard" or "Legend Lizard" 

Heck yes, put your scetches in that first post I would love to see what you think these would have looked like.


Daggone, now that makes more sense to me too! Those are sweet Devin. Time for the front page I am thinking!


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