Author Topic: Memoirs of a War Profiteer S1/E2: "The Unknown Battle of Wayland" part 1  (Read 1504 times)

Offline Darth Depressis

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Dilbun: (narration) you know with all that noise and light you'd figure these force enhanced diaper bags wouldn't be such a problem. historically speaking. i mean their weapon of choice leaves em without the element of surprise. like gee theres something robed glowing and humming in the corner what could that be?

Wayland-20 years Before the Battle of Yavin IV

Nikkos Tyris:(sparring with Tol Skorr) as i've demonstrated the weakness is not in your style, it is your cowardice towards the dark side.

Tol Skorr:(attempting death blow)you ferglutz!

Asajj Ventress:(locking blades with Tyris) there will be no room for your Jensaarai when the sith hold dominion over this galaxy!

Nikkos Tyris:(deflecting death blow via force leviatate) your logic in such matters isn't of importance!

before the three can kill one another, Sora Bulq separates them via the force.

Sora Bulq: your anger towards one another will be a beacon to our prey! separate! go on your patrols and hide yourselves in the predatory urges of this jungle.

Asajj Ventress: (disengaging sabers) the count does not abide my mistreatment bulq! you will regret this.

Sora Bulq: one trained by the jedi never holds such physical distractions above the will of the force. run along girl.

Ventress flees into the canopy, while Tyris and Skorr stand maintaining defensive positions against one another.

Sora Bulq: i will not repeat an order. disengage!

Skorr force leaps into the jungle after Ventress. Tyris turns his saber towards Bulq.

Nikkos Tyris: Come now saber Master are you willing to test yourself against my style?

Sora Bulq: i no longer hold that title, but it does not mean my blade would falter before the likes of Cin Drallig or yourself. disengage tyris, the masters require your services in the future, or the so force tells me.

Dilbun: (narration) much like their count, these kath hounds still have that jedi stiffness about them. not at all like ol' augie or even ventress. but even with my utter disregard for them, i fail to see my purpose in this mission? why em i leading them. they supposedly got themselves tuned into that kriffing force! shouldn't it be essential to killing one of their kind?   

Nikkos Tyris: amusing how much self doubt clouds his mind. your soup would be spicy Vont, it really is too bad your of importance.

Dilbun: (narration) nosey brain sucking scum!

Dilbun Vont: good thing ol' augie's got the say so over you dweebs. must confess i've been winning every bet i place on the outcome of this war's engagements, and where the kriff has dooku been stowing your suck face tyris?

Nikkos Tyris: Force Sensitive Anzati are in short supply, there really is no better way to imprint our organic operatives.

Phutt Nuum: in other words you bein crawling all over solider laps for the duration of the war eh? they at-least tip you for your dance?

Nikkos Tyris:(force choking Nuum) may i remind you of which side you serve in this war Death Watchmen. yours is a life i may end at anytime.

Dilbun Vont: call off yur Akk dog Bulq, Nuum's part of my team!

Sora Bulq: your role as team leader is noted Vont, but we have no standing orders to leave anyone but yourself unharmed.

Dilbun Vont: Black Opps-i envoke Order 23. exterminate confederate agents.

Trachta, Gauer and J'mee Fett pull their blasters and open fire upon Tyris and Bulq. the Dark Jedi deflect the energy bolts and release Phutt Nuum whom collapses into the foilage.

Dilbun Vont: Black Opps-stand down. Nuum git your hid in line, I'm not ordering the execution of these force dweebs for yer worthless life got it?

Sora Bulq: let us get within range of your pitiful band next time vont, bacta won't be any help. i promise it.

Gauer: either way your ass would be the first down. kinda hard to be so cocky with a vibroblade up your...

Dilbun Vont: Black Opps- patrol the perm, Gauer git me holos of Doneeta bathing down by the lake on the double. Tractha keep outta the rain don't need ya shorting out on us in the thick of it eh? Fett yer wit me.

Nikkos Tyris: what about your mando, you giving him to us after that little show of force?

Phutt Nuum:(choking)

Tractha: I'll keep an eye on him commander.

the group divides, Sora Bulq and Vont take up a monitoring position overlooking the incomplete Mt. Tantis storehouse.

Sora Bulq: it's good you seek to relieve your tensions with holos of the twi'lek. your mind must be in its usual state for this mission.

Dilbun Vont: never had anybody encourage me to do that befere, eh. so why the hell em i even here let alone leading this tactic-less mission? what is the kriffing plan, i'm the commander and nobodies seen fit to advise me of tha damn thing?

Sora Bulq: just clear your head vont, kill something. make time with Sha'ala, whatever it takes. all i can advise you to do is be yourself.

Dilbun Vont: any hints given to you Fett?

J'mee Fett: tactically speaking this mission shouldn't be of any concern to you Commander. we are five special units and five Confederate Lieutenants strong with battle divisions in play all around the system. the intel provided upon our target suggests one Dark Jedi with a Slicer is all we face. 

Sora Bulq: all true enough clone, but your flash-trained mind fails to grasp the gravity of our situation. our masters can blanket this area with battles all they wish, should we fail to destroy Fai'rel here and he escapes with proof of the truth. we face a revolution led by the Jedi.

Dilbun Vont: don't give me that bull, the sith are playing both sides of this game, what the hell would change if the populace found out? and the jedi. come on who they gonna led against two war machines?

Sora Bulq: you assume the Sith Lords could maintain their forces after exposure. this war is built upon broken promises, false claims and of-course  those whom believe in its underlying purpose; keeping this one united galaxy.

Dilbun Vont: which it never bein! never will be and quite frankly in all sanity should never be.

Sora Bulq: (exiting the ridge)so says the war Profiteer.

Dilbun: (narration) five of these bastards, Dooku's elite. and a group assembled by tarkin as suggested by ol'augie. the Dark Jedi being here i understand, but my black opps? were the covert berserker squad? assassins of the assassins! all stranded on this jungle hell hole awaiting that Bpfhashi clown.

Acclamator I-class assault ship: Bloodsport
approaching orbit of Wayland

Kiev Plau: as i've said before we cannot interfere with the natural progression of sentient affairs.

Fai'rel: why can't your order see the purpose in my actions! the sith will rule and they must be stopped.

Kiev Plau: exposure will not put an end to the violence that shrouds this galaxy. you will find yourself engaging your enemies in blood soaked worlds for the remainder of your existence.

Fai'rel: the twelve of you united with the jedi order could eliminate the sith yet you seek to continue your orders secrecy! and you decry my efforts to expose them.

Kiev Plau: we are connected in life via the force, its entire spectrum. we cannot do battle with those completely devoted to either of its halves and survive. our work is too important to involve ourselves with this ancient feud between your orders.

Fai'rel: then you consign my mission to failure and you condone the coming darkness!

Kiev Plau: our invitation still stands, despite your allegiance with the dark side. if you could but look past these petty sentient troubles and join us in maintaining this stellar body.

Fai'rel: i utilize the dark side in my efforts against the sith as all the jedi should! nevertheless i refuse, you'd might as well go if you will not aid me in my coming struggle.

Kiev Plau: (fading away) i was never here.

Fai'rel: such power..wasted.

frustrated the dark jedi exits his chamber and enters the deserted bridge of the star destroyer. at the main com station sits Kligson. whom quickly approaches Fai'rel noticing his entrance.

Kligson: i gotta tell you, this force stuff along with my slicing skills could find a guy running the galaxy.

Fai'rel: it already has.

Kligson: oh yeah, umm. i've got a LAAT prepped in the docking bay if you're ready to go down to the surface.

Fai'rel: very good, do you have this ship slaved to your suit? should we require it's further assistance?

Kligson: as you requested. now once you've got what you want, i can keep the suit right?

Fai'rel: it is your design, is it not? plus the funds you siphoned to construct it never really existed so even by jedi logic it is yours to do with as you please.

Kligson: and i'll be free to go my own way after this right?

Fai'rel: are you implying our partnership has been less than beneficial for you?   

Kligson: its not that sir. i just wanna get away from all of this mess, all these people. slicing my way is great fun and all but being continually around beings unable to see a simple number scam coming down on them has taken its toll upon me.

Fai'rel: why is it everyone i require aid from seeks to remove themselves from sentient concerns?