Imperial Creative Engineering > YouTube Channels

The Dejarik Table YouTube Channel


We don't record much (about once a month) and we don't have many visuals but since YouTube is free we use it.  Found @dejariktable on twitter and Facebook, one of these days we'll figure out how to set up an RSS feed or get on itunes... if only i wasn't so lazy.

The trifecta of babble are: Eric "Raylen" Berry @jediraylen

Follower of all things General Veers in the new Star Wars Canon, George Kostal found @Veerswatch

and yours truly, Matt "Rezikai" White @Rezikai

We're 3 guys sitting around talking Star Wars Action Figures for a Podcast.

Feel free to listen to us ramble and comment or just laugh at our idiocy lol or visit the site:

Cool. I will give this a share on our front pages.

I used to love to podcast before time just ate away at it. Still it is great to see this and have some fun!


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