Imperial Entertainment TV and Movies > Star Wars Movies

Episode IX

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Darth More:
Have you seen all the numerous teaser trailers for The Rise of Skywalker? Came accross this video this morning and think it's worth sharing.

I'm quite excited to hear the feedback for Disney's final Episode to ruin the Skywalker legacy.

"Let the past die. Kill it if you have to."

Well, they certainly did.

Hard to believe just a few more days till we can watch this.

Guess we should create a Spoiler version, but what did you think about it without giving anything away? To me I was left feeling neither excited nor bummed. I think it was a good middle of the road film.

The only thing I will say is the nod to OT Fans all over the place felt a bit forced at times, but as a person who grew up with those films I loved it while my wife hated it. She said it was "corny" when they did it sometimes.

I am gonna go ahead and create the spoil it away thread now too.

I say keep both and use the spoiler one for nitpicking?

Me I kinda "loved it" the worst part is I want EP 10 now since THIS should've just been EP 7. it has many many flaws and things I either didn't like or thought was inane but the overall product was polished enough that I was able to enjoy it and not feel insulted or preached too. Every leak was right but the execution was all that matters. This one actually felt like a SW movie. It FINALLY had all the characters back in one single movie... No matter how random or convoluted. It focused on the characters and working as a team caring about each other. That is important to me as a SW fan. I really liked even the hokey nonsense because it at least just owned it or had some silly reason for existence. Like the aliens at the festival. Not my favorite but it was the customs/culture fore most... Unlike the Frog Nuns, Porgs, Sea Calf ETC. 5000X from TLJ which had ZERO purpose but merch/comic relief. It's kinda like a soft reboot of EP8 / Dark Empire which is enough for me to just not be picky and just enjoy it. Its going to be epic to hear all the BTS information after this movie alone because it had like 9 different cuts to the point it's rumored that's why Lucas etc. Were not at premiere.

I really liked it. Of course ROTJ is my favorite, that's the movie I watch the most, and build the most dioramas based on. It had an ROTJ feel, but I don't think it pandered to nostalgia as much as TFA, and it wasn't a complete rehash either.

It didn't retcon TLJ in my opinion, as many claim. It cleaned it up a bit. Well the only retcon was Luke's saber not being destroyed anymore. That's not a spoiler if you saw the trailer.
The comic relief was funny, 3po was funny the same way he was in the OT. I liked Babu frik I don't give a damn what anyone says. I laughed at almost everything he said.
The space battle was good. Lando was awesome.
Overall I really like it. I knew I would, but not as much as I do. I probably need to see it again to find something I don't like about it.  This movie saved the Trilogy, for me. When TFA came out, I thought well, it's using a familiar storyline to introduce new characters. TLJ, it started to get it's own identity, but it was still incomplete. Now the trilogy is complete, I can look at it begining to end, and I feel much better about it.


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