Imperial Entertainment TV and Movies > Star Wars Movies

Star Wars: Episode VIII: The Last Jedi

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We have a teaser trailer here.

It's also been confirmed that sadly, Billy Dee will NOT be reprising his role as Lando. Maybe Episode 9.

So what do you think? Is Luke the Last Jedi or what? Sounds like two different voices on that line to me.

Mr. Black:
So, who is excited to go see TLJ? I know I am, especially after that latest trailer. It seems TLJ, just like TESB, will be of a much darker tone, perhaps even darker. But I also think it won't be a 'rehash' of TESB (you know, the lead porg claiming to be Rey's father :p ).

I plan on seeing it opening day, which is..... wait for it...... December 13th here in Holland :D  :D :D  0/ vadsab

Yeah, looking forward to the Heavy Walkers personally. I know a lot of folks are hating the rehash so to speak, but I am so looking forward to that snowy ground battle. I will probably try to see it in our dinner theatre place (Alamo) and maybe make a whole day out of it and stay up late, etc. I may also try to get my Driver costume out and troop a bit.

I saw it today with my 8 yr old son and we both loved it, it's not the originals or Rogue One but it is very entertaining.



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