Author Topic: SW CW The Shroud Of Darkness Episode I Hide In Plain Sight Part I  (Read 4078 times)

Offline CloneCrazy

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A Republic supply convoy roars through the tranquil shores of Bestine.

Astride his BARC speeder bike Clone Sergeant Denal reports, “We are approaching the outskirts of the village, sir. Still, no sign of any droid forces.".

As she pilots her own speeder Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano snidely remarks, “So much for the droid siege. We haven’t seen a single clanker!”.

Standing atop a republic swamp speeder Anakin begins, “That’s what worries me..."

 "...All units, take evasive action!” Anakin snaps sensing danger.

Just then a Separatist assault group appears behind the convoy.

As the enemy tanks open fire on the convoy Skywalker orders, “ Do not engage the enemy! Make for the village!”.

Unable to evade the pursuing droids, a trooper is brutally shot from behind.

As the droids continue to gain on the convoy, Clone Trooper Fives frantically reports, "They’re gaining on us!”.

Anakin cracks a knowing smirk and replies, “ Not for long!”.

The Republic convoy speeds over the Pulstar bridge to the Republic encampment with the droid assault team in hot pursuit!

Picking up the incoming droids on their sensors, the cannons surrounding the city thunder to life...

... obliterating the droids!

Coming to a stop inside the Republic encampment Anakin disembarks from the swamp speeder and greets Jedi Master Luminara Unduli and her padawan Barriss Offee, “Master Unduli, my thanks for the assistance.”

Luminara tersely answers, “Quite all right Skywalker. Your arrival was most... impressive. Your style posses a showmanship unbefitting of a Jedi.".

Anakin smugly answers,  “ Perhaps, but it works.”

 Luminara scolds, “Do not be so quick to discard our order’s wisdom, it shall lead you down a dangerous path.”.

Realizing there is no use in continuing the conversation any further Luminara turns to leave, prompted by Skywalker's glare.

Coming alongside her Master Ahsoka burst, “Skyguy! How did you know the droids would attack?".

Anakin answers, “You noticed it too, Snips.”.

Ahsoka puzzles, “I did?”.

Anakin laughs, “Yup. You noted the droids had not attacked, despite having forces in the area.”.

 Ahsoka shares, “I still don’t see how you predicted an attack.”.

Anakin gloats, “That’s why I’m a Jedi Knight. Remember Ahsoka, sometimes trying to hard to hide something draws attention to it. The best traps are laid in plain sight.”.

 Anakin walks off, leaving Ahsoka to contemplate her lesson.

Anakin and Ahsoka enter the Republic command center as Master Plo Koon briefs, “The Separatist forces are massing outside the village. We believe they mean to attack us within the rotation."

Gesturing to a tactical screen Plo continues, "We will make our stand here, at the beachhead surrounding the Pulstar bridge, the only way in or out of the village.”.

Kenobi adds, “Thus far we have been unable to determine the strength of the Separatist force. Therefore, we must dispatch a reconnaissance team to gather intelligence on the enemy force in order to prepare an effective defense of the village. ”.

Anakin volunteers, “I’ll take a squad and report on the Separatist forces.”.

Luminara warns, “It’s not that simple Skywalker. We will need all available Generals to oversee the defense of the village. We cannot risk loosing you.".

Anakin challenges,  “Then who will lead the recon team?”.

Plo gravely answers, “You and Master Unduli’s padawans.”.

“The padawans!?! But they’re just children!”, Anakin protectively exclaims.

Ahsoka hotly replies, “I am not a child! I can do it Master!”.

 Luminara stoically cautions, “Do not let your attachment blind you Skywalker. Our padawans are ready for this assignment.”.

Anakin menacingly replies, “Is that what you really believe or is it what you want to believe?”.

Obi-Wan places a hand on Anakin’s shoulder and consoles, “Anakin, we would not ask this of Ahsoka if we felt she wasn’t ready. She is. You’ve trained her well.”

 Anakin bows his head and concedes, “Then I will yield to your wisdom, Master.”.

Plo and Obi-Wan watch as Anakin gives Ahsoka guidance while the 501st loads into the gunship. Plo states, “Skywalker must learn to let go of his attachments if he is ever to fulfill his destiny as the chosen one.”.

Obi-Wan replies, “He is learning. Working with Ahsoka has taught him as much as it has her.”.

 Plo agrees, “Indeed, but learning and practicing a skill are two very different things. We can only hope that Skywalker will practice detachment. If not, his future is shrouded in darkness.”.

Anakin warns Ahsoka, “You are only to report on the enemy’s strength. Under no circumstances are you to engage them. Stay hidden and report back once your mission is complete.”.

Ahsoka impatiently replies, “I can handle myself, Master. I do know what I’m doing.”.

Anakin states, “We’ll see, Snips.”.

Barriss and Luminara approach. Luminara advises, “You know your mission, padawan. I am expecting you to complete it to the letter. Should the operation be compromised contact myself or the Council for guidance.”.

Barriss respectfully bows and answers, “Yes Master.”.

Rex joins the Jedi and reports, “We are ready to get underway, General.”.

Anakin replies, “Alright Rex, I’m trusting you to return the padawans in one piece.”. Rex, sensing the difficulty of his General's decision to part with his padawan, responds, “Copy that sir”.

The group marches toward the awaiting gunship, each lost in their own thoughts.

As the gunship's engine roars to life Anakin grasps for words capable of describing the pride and fear he feels for his padawan. In the end he quietly wishes, “May the force be with you.”.

The gunship rises from the makeshift landing zone and speeds away, taking with it any reply from Ahsoka.

Attempting to calm Anakin's mind, Luminara suggests,  “Trust in the force, Skywalker. It will see them to safety.”.

Unconvinced Anakin snaps, “And if not?”.

Luminara calmly recites, "There is no death, there is only the force.".

Outside the village at the nearby Separatist forward command center the CIS Commander, Assajj  Ventress, reports her progress to her Master, Count Dooku, “ My troops have pushed the Jedi back to the Favell village, my Lord. We will soon drive the Republic filth from this planet.”

Dooku congratulates,  “Good! Leave nothing to chance, the time has come to exterminate the Jedi and their clone pets.”

“It shall be done.”, Ventress answers, her voice filled with loathing.

Droid Commander ES-B5 approaches Ventress from behind as Dooku's hologram fades away.

 Ventress rises and demands,  “Report, commander!”.

ES-B5 cowers before the Dark Acolyte and reports, “We are tracking a Republic Gunship in sector four, Mistress.”

Ventress orders, “Destroy it and mobilize our forces, we will wipe the Jedi and their vat grown soldiers from Bestine once and for all.”.

At the Republic encampment the Jedi and a group of clones listen to Commander Cody’s briefing, “General Kenobi and I will lead Ghost Company in  a defense of the east beachhead. ",

"Generals Skywalker and Unduli will work with Commander Gree’s Green Company to hold the Pulstar bridge."

"While General Plo and Wolffe Pack will hold the west shore.”, Cody concludes.

Boost pumps his fist and rallies, “Bring those clankers on! We can handle them!”.

Prompting Sinker to snicker, “Yeah and maybe you’ll manage to finally hit something, Boost!".

Plo starts, “Be mindful of-”,

but is cut off by Commander Gree, who urgently reports, “We’re receiving an emergency communication from the scout team.”.

Fearing the worst Anakin orders, “Patch it through.”.

Rex’s voice burst over the comm, “We’ve been ambushed by vulture droids!".

A massive explosion sounds over the communication and Rex frantically continues, "We’re going down! Location 577 -zzzt-!”. Anakin shouts, “Rex! Come in, Rex.”

Gree gravely reports, “We’ve lost the transmission.”.

Anakin slams his robotic hand onto the the table and burst, “This is why they should have never been sent! Cody, ready a shuttle for departure and round up some men, I’m going to extract them!”.

Luminara counters, “We need you and those men here, to defend the village! You must have faith in your padawan.”.

Anakin challenges, “I will not just leave them to die!”.

Obi-Wan sighs and calmly replies, “You aren’t. Anakin, you must learn to trust in your padawan as I did mine.”.

Anakin hangs his head in thought and rises it a moment later agreeing, “Yes, Master.”.

Anyone familiar with the Clone Wars Adventure Comic Strip will realize I owe a dept of creative gratitude to the short story "Hide In Plain Sight", written by Welles Hartley. I have always had tremendous love for this story and my rewrite is meant as the highest compliment. That said, there are several people without whom's support this would have never been possible. First off, my amazing sister, who worked as my set designer and photographer. She's an amazing artist who delivered my vision to the screen (even when I didn't know what my vision was!). Justin/Chewie, the incredible man behind the Rykrof Enloe PN Series, who provided me the inspiration to pursue a PN through his series and provided countless hours of support. Paul Harrison, of Jedi Temple Archives, for sharing Hide In Plain Sight with his great readers. Ruari Williamson , of Star Wars Clone Wars Basic Action Figures, for allowing me to post the first rough cut images of the PN and providing a great avenue to promote the story. My parents, who bought me my first Star Wars figure a long, long time ago... and have put up my insane devotion to this hobby ever since. And, most importantly, you the readers, for your support and feedback.

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Re: SW CW The Shroud Of Darkness Episode I Hide In Plain Sight Part I
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2012, 03:54:11 AM »
great shots and set ups!!

Offline CloneCrazy

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Re: SW CW The Shroud Of Darkness Episode I Hide In Plain Sight Part I
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2012, 04:36:30 AM »
great shots and set ups!!

Thanks!!! Make sure to check out part II&III.  ()rr

Offline Tamer

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Re: SW CW The Shroud Of Darkness Episode I Hide In Plain Sight Part I
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2012, 08:50:36 AM »
Cool deal a new photo noveler! You sir are now on the front page. Very nice. I plan to spend this afternoon looking at every chapter.

Offline hangarbay94

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Re: SW CW The Shroud Of Darkness Episode I Hide In Plain Sight Part I
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2012, 09:00:46 AM »
CloneCrazy, it seems Tamer beat me to the front page inclusion.

THIS IS TERRIFIC! I really enjoyed reading this, and the sets are just superb. The story builds up perfectly and you have left a perfect ending as I am dying to find out what happens next. I have noticed more chapters so I'll follow onto those shortly.

I know how hard it is to create these photo novels so you and your sister have to be commended for creating such a quality piece of work, and after so long without any new stories it's great to see a new novelist on the boards.

I don't have any critical points, just keep up the amazing work.


Offline Tamer

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Re: SW CW The Shroud Of Darkness Episode I Hide In Plain Sight Part I
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2012, 09:01:44 AM »
Sorry Jules! Feel free to use what you have posted as your sir are a master wordsmith.

Offline CloneCrazy

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Re: SW CW The Shroud Of Darkness Episode I Hide In Plain Sight Part I
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2012, 10:30:20 AM »
Cool deal a new photo noveler! You sir are now on the front page. Very nice. I plan to spend this afternoon looking at every chapter.

Thanks for the spotlight!!!! Glad I can provide some entertainment for your afternoon  0/

Offline CloneCrazy

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Re: SW CW The Shroud Of Darkness Episode I Hide In Plain Sight Part I
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2012, 10:34:02 AM »
CloneCrazy, it seems Tamer beat me to the front page inclusion.

THIS IS TERRIFIC! I really enjoyed reading this, and the sets are just superb. The story builds up perfectly and you have left a perfect ending as I am dying to find out what happens next. I have noticed more chapters so I'll follow onto those shortly.

I know how hard it is to create these photo novels so you and your sister have to be commended for creating such a quality piece of work, and after so long without any new stories it's great to see a new novelist on the boards.

I don't have any critical points, just keep up the amazing work.


Thank you so much!!! It was a labor of love, so I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it!!! Can't wait to hear what you think of the following chapters!!!

Offline Darth Depressis

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Re: SW CW The Shroud Of Darkness Episode I Hide In Plain Sight Part I
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2012, 03:21:24 PM »
Welcome to the party pal!,
As I've already commented upon this
Chapter on the Yakface forums I'm speeding
Over to the next installment.

Offline CloneCrazy

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Re: SW CW The Shroud Of Darkness Episode I Hide In Plain Sight Part I
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2012, 04:47:45 AM »
Welcome to the party pal!,
As I've already commented upon this
Chapter on the Yakface forums I'm speeding
Over to the next installment.

Thanks DD, your advice to post the PN here certainly paid off!!!

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Re: SW CW The Shroud Of Darkness Episode I Hide In Plain Sight Part I
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2012, 08:24:32 PM »
Nice job CloneCrazy!! :)

Offline CloneCrazy

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Re: SW CW The Shroud Of Darkness Episode I Hide In Plain Sight Part I
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2012, 04:45:52 AM »
Nice job CloneCrazy!! :)

Thank you!!! The epic continues, read on to parts 2&3!!!