Author Topic: Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab  (Read 5902 times)

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Re: Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #15 on: March 31, 2011, 01:25:31 PM »
I'm liking this a lot and am eagerly anticipating future instalments.

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Re: Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2011, 07:58:54 AM »
Great read! It is a great companion during this long day in the surveillance van.

Offline Mungo Baobab

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Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2011, 11:26:20 AM »
+++++Part Eight+++++

Seconds seemed like minutes. Minutes felt like hours.

Jared stared at the ground. He bit his tongue while remembering the last time he was sentenced to serve Master Nu.  He listened to his master explain the information they had "gathered" to Master Yoda and Master Ki.  It was all Jared could do to keep himself from blurting out everything he knew, but he didn't. Then as if a lifetime had passed the masters began to wrap up their discussion.

"So you are certain, Curch, this information you have obtained is good," Master Ki asked.

Curch looked at Ki with a slight grin, "Have I ever let you down?"

Yoda then added, "Alert the Chancellor we must. Make sure he is well protected we should. Uncertain we are about Koth's actions."

"I agree," added Master Rahn, "I will contact the Chancellor immediately.  I will ask for his permission to add a few Jedi to his personal security detail."

As master Ki turned to leave, Curch put his arm on Rahn's shoulder to give him pause.

"Master," said Curch, "I wish to be the lead on this security detail. If Sariss is foolish enough to make any kind of move against the Chancellor...I want to be there. Maybe I can talk some sense in to him."

Ki made eye contact with Yoda. Giving a slight nod, as if reading each others mind, Ki turned toward Curch, "That can be arranged. I will let you know something as soon as I have spoken with Chancellor Vimic. Until then, you and padawan Rand get some rest."

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Re: Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2011, 02:52:50 PM »
+++++Part Nine+++++

A beeping on his communicator woke him.

Curch rolled sideways on his bedding and reached for the flashing button.

"This is Master Denas," he said with an obvious tone of awakening.

"Curch, it's Ki. I have spoken with the Chancellor. He was most alarmed by the news, but, will more than gladly accept our protection. However, he is entertaining representatives from both trade dispute factions tonight. Chancellor Vimic said he will increase security for tonight, but would like to meet with you tomorrow after the delegates have departed from Coruscant. He said his aid will contact us in the morning to set up a time."

Curch rolled his eyes sleepily, "Did you stress to the Chancellor the severity of this situation? Without knowing what Koth might do, we should be protecting him now. I could pretend to be one of his aids or even mix in with the guards."

"I offered all those ideas, but he wouldn't go for it.  These delegates are extremely distrusting of the Jedi. If you were discovered tensions could escalate," exclaimed Ki. "The Chancellor's aid will contact you in the morning. Make the arrangements and meet with Vimic. Hopefully, the force be willing, Koth won't do anything stupid tonight. Ki out."

There was a bit of static noise and the transmission ended.

"Master Denas calling padawan Rand. Master Denas calling padawan Rand. Do you copy?"

There were a few seconds of static and a sleepy sounding Jared Rand replied, "Yes master?"

Curch began to give Jared the details he received from Master Rahn. They both agreed they needed rest and would meet early in the morning for a bit of  training until the Chancellor's aid contacted them.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2011, 11:20:41 AM by Mungo Baobab »

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Re: Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2011, 04:05:23 PM »
+++++Part Ten+++++

Ki Rahn opened his eyes. He sensed a dark presence outside the door to his living quarters. He glanced over his shoulder to his chronometer as he stood. It was early morning. He had been meditating almost four hours.

Ki picked up his lightsaber, closed his eyes and concentrated. Something confused him; the presence he sensed was not advancing, only waiting. He took a deep breath and focused.

It was Sariss Koth.

With a motion of his hand the door flew opened. Ki ignited his lightsaber. The glow of the red blade filled the room.

Slowly, Ki moved toward the opening, keeping his senses focused on Koth. As he came out into the corridor, there stood Koth, patiently waiting.

“Master Rahn, how nice of you to accept my invitation. I was wondering when you were going to join me,” jested Koth?

Ki stood in ready stance, “Koth surrender now! You must go before the council for disciplinary action!”

Koth laughed aloud, “Ha! My old friend I am afraid I cannot comply with your request. I tried to warn you and the others about the Chancellor, but you would not listen to me. I now have to rectify this entire situation myself.”

“You know I cannot let you do that. Besides, there is no situation with the Chancellor. He is running the republic well and has no evil motives. You are the situation that needs to be rectified. Now, stand down,” replied Ki sternly!

“Sorry Ki, but I do not have time for useless dribble. I have more important matters at hand,” Koth said.

Koth ignited his lightsaber. The deep red blade cast a sinister glow on the walls.

Ki grinned, his eyes yellow with the dark side of the force, "Now it's time for"
« Last Edit: June 12, 2011, 07:36:24 PM by Mungo Baobab »

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Re: Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2011, 04:23:32 PM »
+++++Part Eleven+++++

Jared Rand quickly sat up in bed. He was covered in sweat. There was a strange disturbance in the force. He felt cold and surrounded by darkness. Suddenly, Jared felt pain; suffering and then the force seem to prompt him, “Jared…help me!”

Quickly Jared dressed himself. Using the force he grabbed his lightsaber as he ran out the door and down the corridor. He didn’t know where he was running, but if felt as if the force was pulling him right down this hallway and then left down another. Suddnely he realized he was being guided toward Master Ki’s living quarters.

As he turned the corner, Jared saw Sariss Koth standing over Ki Rahn.

Jared yelled, "Get away from him," and with a snap-hiss, Jared ignited his lightsaber and leapt through the air. Although Jared moved very quickly, his sillouette, highlighted by the orange glow of his bladed, made him and easy target for Koth. Jared  screamed out when hit with a surge of blue lightning emanating from Sariss Koths hand. 

The padawan bounced off the hallway wall and blackness consumed his consciousness.

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Re: Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2011, 11:54:35 AM »
+++++Part Twelve+++++

Jared, recovering from the impact of Sariss Koth’s initial strike, slowly opened his eyes.

He saw a blurry Sariss Koth standing over Master Rahn’s lifeless body. This quickly sent him in to a state sobriety. Jared sprung to his feet, using the force called his lightsaber to himself and ignited the blade. He stood facing Sariss Koth in ready stance. The bright orange blade hummed silently, casting its glow upon his face. Sariss Koth turned and faced the young padawan, carrying a slight grin upon his face.

Jared began to feel afraid, but he quickly pushed the fear away. Fear, he reminded himself, was of the dark side. Jared drew in the power of the force as he drew in a deep breath. He exhaled and tuned his senses to every aspect and detail of the dark corridor. He could feel the power flowing through him as if it was his very blood.

“Young padawan, you are indeed brave, but I can sense your fear. You must realize this is foolishness; you are strong in the force, but not that strong. If Ki Rahn could not survive my attack, surely you will not. Simply surrender and I will end your life...quickly,” Koth said with a pious tongue.

“No! You have turned your back on the living force and the Jedi Order. The only way you will escape is by destroying me in combat,” Jared said and remained in a readied posture. Sariss Koth may have been a powerful Jedi Master, but he was now under the influence of the dark side. The dark side is not stronger. Master Yoda repeatedly taught that lesson to all the younglings. Jared reassured himself that he would not back down!

Koth’s angry voice filled the hall, “foolish child!”

Koth brought his lightsaber up and he then charged Jared. The green and orange blades cracked loudly as they met. Strike for strike, turn for turn, attack for attack, Jared matched Sariss Koth.

Koth gave a smile as he took a step back from the young warrior. “You have great talent young one. It is a pity you must die,” spouted Koth!

Jared did not speak. His focus was on the power of the force.

As Koth swung his sword, Jared flipped up and over Koth. As he landed he set his footing, turned, set for his attack and moved in. Jared Rand could feel the force; he was now leading his own charge. Move by move his offensive strikes seem to be wearing Koth down. They moved back, back, back. Koth was now cornered. Jared put his full strength into each blow. Quickly, Koth fell to his knees and turned off his lightsaber. Jared’s sword cam around and stopped one inch from Koth’s neck.

Koth, breathing heavily began to speak, “I submit young one. You have won, I surrender.” Koth placed his lightsaber on the floor. Jared kicked it away with his foot and stepped back.

“We will now go to Master Yoda. He and the council will decide your fate,” Jared said.

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Re: Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2011, 12:24:56 PM »
+++++Part Thirteen+++++

Curch leapt out of his bed. Standing in the middle of the room, eyes adjusting to the darkness, he realized he had only been dreaming. Restless from his nightmare, Curch slipped on his boots and an undershirt to take a walk. Suddenly he felt a great disturbance in the force. It was a wave darkness and death. Out the door and down the hall he ran, hoping all the way that this disturbance he felt was simply a feeling stirred by a bad dream. But where was the force leading him?

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Re: Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #23 on: June 09, 2011, 12:31:17 PM »
+++++Part Fourteen+++++

Suddenly, Jared felt a disturbance in the force. He looked at Koth, who slightly raise his head and smiled.

From behind Jared heard a familiar snap-hiss and a red glow flared. He turned to defend himself but couldn't bring his sword up quickly enough.

Koth's lightsaber was just moving too fast. The blade went through Jared's head like a laser bolt.

The lifeless padawan fell to the ground.

Koth stood and walked over toward the padawan. “What a waste,” he whispered. Koth reclaimed his lightsaber and silently left the corridor, disappearing into the shadows.

“Now…Chancellor…it is your turn.”
« Last Edit: June 12, 2011, 07:37:13 PM by Mungo Baobab »

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Re: Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #24 on: June 09, 2011, 12:52:48 PM »
+++++Part Fifteen+++++

Curch approached Ki Rahn’s living quarters with stealth. Reaching out with the force, he could feel nothing. As he entered the corridor he saw that the darkness from his dream had become a reality. Both Jared and Ki Rahn lay dead on the floor.

In that moment of grief, a voice from behind startled him.

“Grieve for them later, we must, time now there is not,” said Yoda.

“Master Yoda, what happened,” asked Curch?

“Returned to the temple Sariss Koth did. Kill our friends did he. I sense the Chancellor is in danger, now protect him you must. Go, now you must, quickly, quickly,” spoke Yoda with urgency.

Curch, using the force, drew the lightsabers of his fallen brethren to his hands and ran down the hall to the elevator. When he got in, he froze. What should I do? His mind was blank. He could not think. Suddenly, drawn by the force, he raised his arm and pushed a button for the seventy seventh level. After a few moments, the elevator stopped and the door opened. Exiting he slowly made his way down the corridor then out on to the edge of a landing platform. Standing there, he looked over the cityscape. Even at this time of the night traffic was buzzing in all directions. He began to feel the force flowing through his body. JUMP NOW. Without hesitation, Curch leapt off the edge of the platform and landed on the top of a large air-bus. Not sure what his, better yet, what the force’s next move might be for him, he dropped to one knee. The air-bus made its way toward the capital building. As the bus passed near the one of the docking stations of the building, it was almost as if Curch was flung off the moving vehicle. He realized his trajectory was a bit short; however, he caught the ledge and pulled himself up.

Curch looked up toward the night sky and yelled, “All you have to do is give me a little warning. I am not much help to anyone if I am dead!”

“Who are you? What are you doing here,” questioned a voice from the darkness?

Curch spun around and ignited the lightsabers and with a stern command said, “Show yourself!”

“Master Jedi…it is me, Chancellor Vimic, please lower your swords.”

Curch’s heart skipped with relief, “Chancellor, I am Curch Denas. What are you doing out here? We must get you inside; your life is in danger. Where are your body guards?”

The Chancellor seemed puzzled, “I don't know, I called for assistance and none of them responded. I was looking for them when I saw you drop in.”

Sariss Koth then emerged from the darkness, “If you referring to the pathetic guards that were dressed in blue standing outside your door Vimic? Well, when I showed up, they lost their heads…literally.”

Curch spun to face Koth. “Chancellor, get out of here.”

“Chancellor, get out of here,” Koth said in a childish, mimicking voice. “Please, after I finish with you I will track him down and kill him too, so he might as well stay and enjoy the show. How are you going to protect Vimic? If the way you taught your padawan to fight is any representation of how well you perform, it should be nothing short of easy defeating you. Tell me Curch was I that bad of a teacher when it came to the lightsaber. Jared could barely hold his lightsaber right. What pity.., I had such high regard for you, yet…you are such a failure.” Koth’s face glowed with rage, “You have delayed things long enough. Now…I will just kill the both of you and it will be done.”

Koth ignited his lightsaber and leapt toward Curch.

Curch quickly brought both blades up in defense. “Run Chancellor…now,” yelled Curch.

The chancellor began to run toward the open door, but as their lightsabers clashed, Koth extended one hand using the force to push the chancellor off the platform. Chancellor Vimic’s body was thrown backward and disappeared over the edge into the darkness.

“NOOOOOOOO,” screamed Curch.

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Re: Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #25 on: June 10, 2011, 04:28:27 AM »
Cool deal, on the front page.

Offline Mungo Baobab

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Re: Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #26 on: June 10, 2011, 01:05:27 PM »
Cool deal, on the front page.

Thanks Tamer. I appreciate your support and encouragement.

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Re: Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #27 on: June 11, 2011, 04:49:37 PM »
If any of you reading this have any comments, suggestions, or mistakes you find or want to point out...please do so. I try to proof my work, however, we are all human. Also, I would like to know how people feel about my work.


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Re: Star Wars: Emergence of the Sith by Mungo Baobab
« Reply #28 on: June 21, 2011, 10:08:22 PM »
amazing reading man, really cool work!