Author Topic: MOAWP S1/E9: "The Reluctant Factor" Part 2  (Read 1283 times)

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MOAWP S1/E9: "The Reluctant Factor" Part 2
« on: August 23, 2011, 12:39:43 AM »
Assault Frigate Mark I-Cabot‘s Folly-orbit of Iskalon-10 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

The Millennium Falcon lands within the crafts large docking bay which is devoid of its Starfighter wing. The Crew is greeted by Holographic representatives of New Republic leaders: Mon Mothma of Chandrila, Borsk Fey‘lya of Kothlis, Ackbar of Dac and Garm Bel Iblis of Corellia.

Borsk Fey’lya: (via hologram) intelligence service agent Bey tells us, your mission to secure Kiro’s assistance has met utter failure? If this is indeed true than why are we risking this communication and the valuable assets of this craft to your…

Empatajayos Brand: oh do I enjoy the pointlessness of Bothan Politics! The iskalonian schools require at least the semblance of a protective garrison. I do believe Palpatine’s Dark Empire is weaker than at first thought, the mere prescience of a lone New Republic craft would arouse fear of a larger garrison on the surface.

Ackbar: (via hologram) a cunning diversionary tactic indeed.

Han Solo: more like a trap.

Garm Bel Iblis: (via hologram) spoken like a true prodigy, but don’t get too cocky. Cabot’s folly is little more than the shell of a frigate disguising a holo-net buoy, it goes offline a fighter wing appears and saves the day.

Mon Mothma: (via hologram) regardless of the ploy, master skywalker we need you and your Jedi recruits back at base.

Luke Skywalker: we will return with all speed, only when were confident of having lost our trackers.

Bey: as I mentioned in my slip stream communiqué; we have taken an imperial sympathizer captive.

At that moment New Republic soldiers escort Dilbun Vont down the ramp of the Falcon, as followed by another captive.

Borsk Fey’lya: (via hologram) I thought you said you only had one captive?

The assembled heroes all turn in shock at the appearance of a tall gangril creature attired in simplistic rags.

Chewbacca: (growls)

Ken: gee golly, maybe he’s a friendly stowaway from the depths of Iskalon…

Borsk Fey’lya: (via hologram) contain yourself boy, we’ll interrogate him all the same, aside from new republic soldiers. The folly is blessed by the prescience of a small bothan unit…

Garm Bel Iblis: (via hologram) if memory serves, Jedi are immune to pandering.

Empatajayos Brand: well spotted senator.

Luke Skywalker: may the force be with you.

The holograms crackle out of existence, as bothan soldiers assume a line around the captives.

Dilbun Vont: woulda thought you stanky bastages coulda caught wind of yur arses by now!

Bothan Soldier: (punching vont in the face) bite your tongue!

Dilbun Vont: (narration) oh the familiar sights and sounds…

Medical Suite-Cabot’s Folly-orbit of Iskalon -10 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

An clunky 2-1B droid inspects both Vont and the lanky shriveled gangril creature.

2-1B: interesting…the human subject’s brain functions are ill regular…perhaps a synaptic anomaly and or disease that affects synapses function thus resulting in unstable psychosis.

Han Solo: not so loud there rust head, don’t need this old codger claiming insanity and getting on galactic aid like every other bum…

Vont attempts to lunge at Solo, but is caught by the mighty Chewbacca whom takes the elderly man in a choke hold while attempting to pull his arm from its socket. The Bothan soldiers aim their blasters at the wookiee, while the new republic soldiers fix their aim on Vont.

Bey: to whom are the Bothans aligned? The new republic or Fringe scum.

Dilbun Vont: (grunting) wookiees an bothans both dink dar fodda don’t stank! Dhink you’d have cross bread by now!

Bothan Solider: (pressing blaster) blasphemer!

Chewbacca: (rages)

Luke’s new Jedi order enters the medical suite and levitates the arguing parties around Vont.

Luke Skywalker: just because we cannot breach your diseased mental mind; does not mean we cannot perceive deliberate hate mongering.

Bothan Solider: stop this devilry!

Kam Solusar: perhaps a single rotation around your puppeteer would cement this lesson in your minds.

Han Solo: (floating) unless you want a complete and total barf-a-rama in here, put me down!

Dilbun Vont: so much fur negiotationz…

2-1B: furthermore; the other subject is not of the Iskalonian schools. He is in fact a member of the Gungan race native to the swamp lands of Naboo.

Dilbun Vont: dat artsy farsy kriff hole.

Ken: could you mind your language sir?

Dilbun Vont: (breaking out in laughter) dis karkin bastages kiddin rite? Woulda neva thunk da heir at da empire’d be a Jedai cream puff..

Ken: (gasps) but that’s supposed to be super-secret!

Empatajayos Brand: (hovering towards Vont) his deviousness knows no bounds.

Luke Skywalker: I’ll interrogate him..alone.

The bothan soldiers haul an unruly Vont down a corridor. As the group turns their attention towards the crusty gungan.

Jar Jar Binks: (coughing and wheezing) messa jar jar binks; wasssa reprezentesa ov da senatea longo timeo ago. Also big ol’ pallo of da jeedai kinghtsa.

Kam Solusar: sadly he appears to believe his own story.

Luke Skywalker: perhaps we can move his façade aside…

Empatajayos Brand: I’m sorry to contradict you master, but neither his intellect nor conciseness are strong enough to endure such a mind probe. Regardless I don’t recall their being a gungan in the old senate.

Han Solo: (exiting room) never was a big fan of politicians, so don’t ask me.

Bey: (closely looking at binks) wouldn’t senators’ mothma and bel iblis have recognized him? You guys go on with the scumbag; I’ll check him for spy class injection punctures.

Artoo-Deeto: (beeps laughter)

Cargo Hold-Cabot’s Folly-orbit of Iskalon -10 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

Vont sits on a crate with his back to the door, Skywalker jaunts into the chamber. The motion causes his dark attire to catch the air, vont chuckles.

Luke Skywalker: Jedi interrogation methods might be funny to an imperial sleemo; but I assure you they can be more than affective.

Dilbun Vont: (barely containing laughter) spare me da kriffin act ya lil runt! Yer threads gots me cracklin; wut are you supposed to be mini vader?

Luke Skywalker: sometimes the sight of a dark clad figure with a light saber is enough to quell an uprising…sadly not often.

Dilbun Vont: (recovering from hilarity) otay, as long as you believe dat.

Luke Skywalker: nevertheless; I’d be eternally grateful if you’d care to share the source of your intel…

Dilbun Vont: (pounding a beat on his knee) oh..such purty words from a moisture farmer; I’m eternally delighted. First ovv; information brokers like all tend to let slip a great many dhings when presented with dare own I em sure you’ll one day come ta understand…sure helped yur paps outta amany binds.

Luke Skywalker: this has nothing to do with… I’m to believe you’ve had dealings with Talon Karrde within the last year or so?

Dilbun Vont: (begins tapping foot in tune) thrawn’s delta source wasa known by amany whom had at time or another taken upa roots in da imperial palace…ha, you dhink I’d pay Karrde for crud I can git for free?

Luke Skywalker:  assuming what limited intelligence we’ve pieced together regarding the emperor’s inner circle is correct. You were placed firmly outside of it; The terrestrial moon of Gall; an important post. Yes; but not at all a trusted one. But then again why would an coward like Palpatine want an psychopath at his back; one whom if he’d had the brains or ambition to rise above his petty stature could have spared the galaxy the Madness of the…

Dilbun Vont: (slapping fingers against bumping knee intone) so how’s the fam? extra crispy.

Lars Homestead-Great Chott Salt Flat, Tatooine-0 years Before the Battle of Yavin IV

Vont stands in front of two writhing human forms raining flame down upon them, his eyes are stung with the sweat caused by the power of duel suns and the human bonfire he continues to tend even after the last bits of humanity are shed from the bodies.

Darth Vader: (via hologram) well done Vont.

Dilbun Vont: naw, deez dweebz are gonna be blackened!

Vont continues to pour flame upon the smoking bodies as a crimson glass forms beneath them, the putrid smoke bellows into the sun drenched worlds sky.

Cargo Hold-Cabot’s Folly-orbit of Iskalon -10 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

Luke brandishes his light saber hilt and telekinetically presses it against vont’s throat while also lifting him into the air. His comrades attempt to enter the chamber; but luke barricades it via the force.

Dilbun Vont: (levitating with saber hilt pressed at his throat) the sands of Tatooine praduz a purty glass when exposed taa flame thrower longa enuff….best part hada though bein dhem squellin yur name…

Luke Skywalker: (under his breath) uncle…owen…aunt beru…..

Dilbun Vont: (levitating with saber hilt pressed at his throat) Dat wuz dare names..oh yea? Dhing I neva understood wuz; wut the krif doez a nineteen year old need with a toy sky hopper? When he’s gots a real one!

At that moment two light saber blades begin cutting a hole in the door, luke uses the force to short out their blades while standing below the wiggling form of Vont.

Dilbun Vont: (levitating with saber hilt pressed at his throat)  atleast yur pa had the minerals to heft my arse without the kriffin force! Ya moisture farmin runt!

at the mention of Vader, skywalker releases his hold over the situation and exit’s the chamber in disgrace.

Luke Skywalker: (hastily exiting) I no longer trust myself in the thrall of the force. It truly desires as you and I might.

Brand hovers after him, as a group of Bothan agents enter the chamber. The chamber closes.

Dilbun Vont: (narration) chairin farmers iz da only dhing dat eva called me away from Bantha huntin…

Corridors-Cabot’s Folly-orbit of Iskalon -10 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

Skywalker speeds through the corridors of the vessel while in despair; the cybernetic form of Brand keeps up with him nonetheless.

Empatajayos Brand: this order cannot survive your continued self-doubt, solusar already suspected your fragility. Now all of them except ken see it. The order must rise again luke…and you must be the one to lead it through these times.

Luke Skywalker: I ‘am no longer certain there should even be a new order! Let alone my place at its center, if only ben…

Empatajayos Brand: the dead cannot feel you through every debacle; dwelling upon their guidance will only lead us to death…is that what you seek?

Luke Skywalker: (turning to face brand) all I’ve seen in the force is turmoil…death upon death, the future promises nothing but agony and darkness.

Empatajayos Brand: as it always has; but what stands between all that you’ve seen?

Luke Skywalker: the light…..

Empatajayos Brand: without our sacrifices here and now; there won’t be anyone to wield it…look beyond yourself luke, the force encompasses all.

Cargo Hold-Cabot’s Folly-orbit of Iskalon -10 years after the Battle of Yavin IV

The Bothan soldiers salute Vont then hand him his Gungan Vibro-Axe.

Bothan Soldier: (placing axe in Vont’s hand) funds were received.

Dilbun Vont: here I wuz dhinkin ya furbags where gonna do dis for ol’ times sake.

In unison they proceed to slit their own throats in a non-lethal way. Vont soaks his vibro-axe in a puddle of Bothan blood and proceeds to wander out of his cell.

He sneaks into the medical suite where Binks is being examined by New Republic intelligence agent Bey. Before the agent turns round to notice Vont; a dart is clinging to his thigh.

Bey: (passing out) bundar root, you sleazy underhande….ed…sleee.

The large man hit’s the deck with an ominous thud; Binks slowly scales his eyes from the floor to the slowly advancing Vont.

Jar Jar Binks: (wheezing)  yousssa believes mesa…right? Pallo?

Dilbun Vont: (kicking bey in the gut) ya always where Augie’z greatest pawn in the old senate!

Jar Jar Binks: (stammering) yosa gonna tellsa dhem?

Dilbun Vont: oh no, yur gonna show em all jus how trusa worthesa yousa aresa!

Vont whispers a phrase into the elderly buffoon’s ear while placing the vibro-axe in his grip. Locked in a mental death command, Binks sets off in search of his victims.

Dilbun Vont: (speaking into com-link embedded in his arm) git redda to bring da pain Zann!