Author Topic: Tales of the Old Republic : REACH  (Read 1647 times)

Offline republiccommando1164

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Tales of the Old Republic : REACH
« on: April 06, 2011, 11:19:59 AM »
Reach is silent now. A dead planet, a monument to the Siths destructive power. The planets orbit is a grave yard of destroyed Republic and Imperial warships.Thousands of them just float there lifeless and crippled just like the planet below.

What was once the crown jewel of the Republic is now a barren and lifeless rock. The sky is orange from the dust in the atmosphere. The ground black from their turbo lasers, the oceans evaporated and the forests charcole. It was beautiful once. The valleys, laggoons and the beautiful city Cavlin with its beautiful archtecture and universities and buildings that were built before the Republic lays in ruins its inhabitants massacred.

They outnumbered us 10 to 1, first they eradicated the home fleet, landed on our planet slayed all of our valiant solidiers and Jedi Knights. And then they burned the planet in a base delta zero operation.  The bodies of civilains litter the planet no where was safe for them to hide. Most of the bodies were incinerated anyway.

Our dropship descends through the near toxic atmosphere toward the location where castle base once stood. The base now a pile of ruins and surronded by the bodies of the dead on both sides. As I take my first step on that barren lifeless world I notice a commandos helmet, its visor cracked a short distance away I see its owner. Dead as youd expect but by lightsaber wounds but that dosent concern me the fact the solidier is surronded by 7 dead sith wariors does. As I stare at the damaged helmet I cant help but wonder who this trooper was or what his story was. I place the helmet back on its owners chest,. Take one final look and the proced to join my squad in our mission.

Star Wars

Offline republiccommando1164

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Re: Tales of the Old Republic : REACH
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2011, 11:56:29 AM »
3 weeks earlier......

New guy great. Emile just sat there with his back against the wall like he always did when he was upset. He looked at the sunset, the red sky made his armour look orange. Once a sight like this would fill his heart with joy but joy had long left Emile, it left him 2 weeks 4 days and 13 hours ago. It left him the moment he seen that Opperessor class warship burst into flames on Lego it left him when he realised that Kat got hit and Thom took the proton bomb. It left him the same time Thom did. Emile never cried he'd just bottle it up till he could take it out on a sith or two. Still this was hard.

He could feel the tears building up in him. It hurt it hurt more than one could imagine. To lose a brother, father, mentor and best friend all at once. It nearly took him to tears. And then he snapped. Roaring at the top of his voice he said.

" Fuck you Thom you fucking idiot" Tears ran down his face as he sobbed. "Why was it you why not me ? Why did you have to go die on me you heartless bastard. I fucking loved you bro so why did you have to be so fucking stupid". Emile than fell against the wall crying his eyes out. " You thought me everything I know so why did you not wait for back up". They all knew Thoms death would effect Emile but not this much.

A hand then was placed around Emile. Jorge the squads father figure and go to guy then held the poor commando for a while till the tears stopped.
"So what now we pretend he didnt excist?" Emile finally turned to Jorge
" He'll always be remembered by you and me" said Jorge in his sweet Coruscanti accent.
" All we can do is remember and honour him" he said as he got up and walked of.

Emile put on his helmet and took one final look at the sunset. He knew how he'd honour Thom. The sith werent gonna know what hit them.

Offline republiccommando1164

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Re: Tales of the Old Republic : REACH
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2011, 11:15:44 AM »
Meanwhile in the nearby town of Masrat......

Ji and Fillie sat in the comms room. The republic listening outpost was small and very lightly manned ppartly due to the fact that the war was draining troopers out ofsmall installations like this one. The two troopers followedthe exact same path they did an hour ago.
"You know what I hate this place nothing ever happens" Ji said
"Well would you prefer to be on Rhen Var?" Fillie asked
"And what freeze myself to death? nah"
"Well if you want action Rhen Vars the place. Just yesterday half of the 43 fleet was wiped out and mandolorians have been blasting everything that moves on the planet and lets not even mention the sith"
"Yeah we--"
Suddenly he couldnt breath.It felt like his throat was in a vice, he was floating as well.  To his left Fillie kicking at the air blood flowing out of his eyes, trying to scream but to no avail. Thn he seen him a sith warrior lightsaber in hand yet unactive. Behind him stood five Imperial commandos. It was then snap.

Right across the base exterior this scene played out eight republic solidiers were killed by the force. And the sith werent done by a long shot.

Mean while in the bases control room....
"Hey somethings up"  Tilvar said
"What you mean" Telc asked
"Ji and Fillie aint responding neither is the other patrols"
"Probaly a busted transmitter"
"Or worse"
Wil spun his chair around. "Ignor the tail head hes over reacting"
Tivar shot him a glare.
"If it worries you that much ill take a squad and have a look" he turened on his comlink
"Lik Van Tarles meet me by the front door we have some missing squaddies."
He then turned to the others again if I aint back in 3 minutes Ive been killed by a sith lord" He laughed as he walked away.

Little did Wil know that he was right he was going to be killed by a sith lord. As soon as he and his squad opened the door to the base a blast of force energy hit them. Then as sith commandos and lords burst through the doors an kealesh sith lord plummet his lightsaber into his abdomin.

Maybe if they could of warned the Republic things would have been different for Reach however  the enemy had over run the base so quick. The Republic troo[ps were cut down by lightsaber and blaster fire before they could do anything. The Sith captured the facility and destroyed the comms to the core worlds.

The fall of Reach had begun.

Offline republiccommando1164

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Re: Tales of the Old Republic : REACH
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2011, 07:40:41 AM »
1 Standard hour later in Castle Base....

"Masrat outpost come in ... Masrat outpost respond" captain Tid turned to jedi general Vamar.

"General still no response, somethings up I know it"  The young officer wiped his forehead with the palm of his hand. He was sweating alot, he could feel the patchs on his back and arm pits worse he could smell it.

"It is most odd that the listening outpost in Masrat has gone dark. It could possibly be an equipment problem" the kel dorian jedi said while looking at his data pad.

"Sir I know they are lazy up there but they would never allow equipment to fall into disrepair. I think we should send someone to check it out"

"A good idea  captain have some troopers from Masrat go have a look."

"Yes sir" Tid said .

He then turned to his comm link.

"Masrat garrison come in ...... Masrat garrison respond.... Masrat do you read me acknowledge!!??"

This was worse then he thought. he turned to the jedi he was shaking with nerves.

"Sir, they are not responding either" he said his voice trembling

Vamar looked up at the officer droping his data pad.

"Masrat was our listening outpost correct?"

"Yes sir"

"Captain send a squad up there to find out whats going on, I need to contact high command"  and with that Vamar walked out of the room.

Tid turned to his com link again.

"Cavlin garrision come in"

He finally got an answer.

"Castle base Cavlin here over" replied a duros voice

"Cavlin, Masrat outpost is not responding send some of your guys up there for a look will you.

"Aye aye sir"

Tid ran his hands through his hair and looked at the ceiling.

"God I hope they arent here" he muttered before returning to work.