Author Topic: The Coruscani Ogre  (Read 2182 times)

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The Coruscani Ogre
« on: January 01, 2010, 08:55:37 PM »
INFO: Coruscani Ogres are stupid they come from Coruscant in the under levels.

RACE: Coruscani Ogre
HEIGHT: 3 Meters Tall
SKIN: Pale pink to white
DISTINCTION: Huge semi-sentient beast

The Galactic Center of Coruscant (pronounced /'koresant/), originally called Notron, also known as Imperial Center or the Queen of the Core, was the political hub of the galaxy for millennia. It was generally agreed that Coruscant was, during most of Galactic history, the most politically important world in the galaxy. At various times, it was the capital of the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Empire, the New Republic, briefly the Empire Reborn, the New Republic again, the Yuuzhan Vong Empire occupation, the Galactic Alliance, the Fel Empire and Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire. These governments, that all controlled Coruscant, controlled the galaxy in the process.

A large number of the galaxy's trade routes—including the Perlemian Trade Route, the Corellian Run, the Metellos Trade Route, the Koros Trunk Line, and the Leisure Corridor—went through Coruscant, making it one of the richest worlds in the galaxy. Tellingly, the planet's hyperspace coordinates were (0,0,0), and the military designation was Triple Zero. Accordingly, it was the main planet of the all-important 'Sector Zero', a military designation for the Coruscant and surrounding systems.

The actual planet-wide metropolis of Coruscant was divided into smaller 'cities', (though each was the size of the average country by most standards). Among these was the administrative center, known as Galactic City, Republic City, Coruscant City or the City of Spires under the Galactic Republic, Imperial City during the rule of the Galactic Empire, and New Republic City under the New Republic, and later Yuuzhan'tar when the planet was under Yuuzhan Vong control.  For further info on planet please see Humans.

The Coruscani ogre was a large semi-sentient humanoid beast that lived in Coruscant sublevels, sewers, and dumps. While most of these ogres demonstrated similar features such as sparse patches of hair, leathery skin, and large misshapen angular heads with wide mouths containing jagged teeth; it was interesting to note that no two of these beasts looked alike. Millennia of exposure to sewage, pollution, reactor radiation, poor diets, and destroyed ecosystems on Coruscant most likely contributed to the ogres' deformed, motley, mutated appearances. It is believed that these creatures were primates and closely related to Humans. However, like the Corridor ghoul, the true origins of this creature are unknown.

Ogres were observed using basic tools and weapons such as clubs, but so far it is unknown if an ogre can be taught to communicate. They also had been observed using rags and cloth to warm and cover their body, though this behavior was extremely rare. Ogres were omnivorous scavengers and hunters, but prefer to avoid Human contact. However, an ogre was dangerous to sentient creatures if threatened, startled, scared, angry, or hungry.

Coruscani ogres were also smuggled out of Coruscant by slavers and hunters. Infamous Chevin slaver Phylus Mon kept a guard of Coruscani ogres as a part of his personal security entourage.

Some of these beasts would be captured and lobotomized by Imperial forces, who called them Friendlies, who would use them to destabilize planetary governments. This was done by secretly releasing the ogres onto a planet where they would terrorize the locals. Afterward, stormtroopers would be dispatched to eliminate the ogres and thus win over the local civilians. Thus, the species spread to other worlds where they survived and prospered while those remaining on Coruscant perished, for the most part, during the Yuuzhan Vong terraforming of the planet.

"Coruscani Dawn"
A Reckoning of Wraiths
Dark Apprentice (First appearance)

The Jedi Academy Sourcebook
Alien Anthology
Ultimate Adversaries
"A Mon Alone"
Lobotomized Ogre on (article)
The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.