Author Topic: The Askhew  (Read 1149 times)

Offline Cimter

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The Askhew
« on: December 31, 2009, 12:16:34 AM »
INFO: The Askhew came from Entooine.

RACE: Askhew
HEIGHT: 1.7 Meters Tall
SKIN (FUR): Grey to white
DISTINCTION: Large ears, short stature

Entooine was a moon of a gas giant in the Entoo system of the Outer Rim Territories. It was the only inhabited celestial body in the system and had an extreme electromagnetic field. The moon was a frigid world with ice crevasses, polar ice caves, lichen, shrubs, indigenous quohr, and two sapient species: the tribal Askhew and the blue banthas. The world joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic and served as the location of a Rebel strike base with easy access to a nearby Imperial shipping lane.

The Askhew were a race of short, furry humanoids native to the planet Entooine.

They were known to have tamed the native quohrs, and used them to pull their sleds. They hunted the regular brown bantha of the planet for their meat and skins, but believed the blue banthas to be sacred. Shamans of their species would communicate with the blue banthas by approaching them with the lower leg bone of a brown bantha and asking questions. Though the blue bantha's could in fact speak, the Ashkew could not understand them and so interpreted simple answers by watching how the bantha's stomped their hoofs. During the Galactic Civil War, the Ashkew had to ask the help of the local Rebel base to deal with a problem they had. They informed A-3P0, the base's protocol droid, that a "roaring meteor" was frightening the bantha herds, forcing them to go further and further to hunt which threatened the Ashkew tribes with starvation. Additionally, the offworlders were attacking the sacred blue bantha's for their horns. Krelk, an Ashkew chieftain, accompanied a group of Rebels when they hunted down Jowart Typok. This solved the problem, as the group shot down Typoka's ship ending his hunts.


Challenge #70

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2010, 08:30:43 AM by Cimter »