Author Topic: The Selonians  (Read 1634 times)

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The Selonians
« on: December 26, 2009, 05:46:58 PM »
INFO: Most Selonians tend to be very serious-minded. They are first and foremost concerned with the safety of their dens, and then with that of Selonians in general. The well-being of an individual is not as important as the well-being of the whole. This hive-mind philosophy leaves the Selonians very unemotional about the rest of the universe. It also causes them to be very honorable, for the actions of an individual might affect the entire den. It is very difficult for a Selonian to lie, and Selonians in general believe lying is as terrible a crime as murder.

RACE: Selonian
HEIGHT: 2 Meters Tall
SKIN: Brown
DISTINCTION: Needle-sharp fangs and claws, powerful tails, long pointed faces with bristly whiskers
LANGUAGE: Selonian

Selonia was an oceanic planet in the Corellian system. It was one of the Five Brothers, and the homeworld of the Selonian race.

Selonia was an industrial world, comprising many small islands surrounded by a global ocean. However, to circumvent this obstacle, the Selonians dug an elaborate network of tunnels under the planetary surface, thus facilitating contact among their peoples. The planet's oceans were rumored to be the habitat of sea monsters, since it was said that only Selonia's oceans were large enough to accommodate these creatures.

Selonian "dens" and tunnels ran through much of the planet's crust and mantle, while orbital shipyards operated above. Most of the vessels produced over Selonia were constructed for use within the Corellian system and, since Selonians generally had little interest in exploring further, were not fitted with hyperdrives.

One of the most striking features of the planet was a volcanic mountain range known as the Cloudland Peaks, said to rise so high that their tops were obscured. Selonia was close enough to the planet Corellia that it was easily recognizable by most Corellians among the many stars of the nighttime sky. The Selonian species lived in hives created around a fertile female.

It was believed that the Celestials moved the planet into Corell's orbit, along with four other planets, facilitated by planetary repulsors and Centerpoint Station. It is unknown whether Selonians were indigenous to the planet, or whether they were transplanted there by the Celestials. It is known that the planet was annexed by the Infinite Empire in 30,000 BBY.

In 500 BBY, Selonia joined with Drall and Corellia in a failed attempt to conquer Tralus and Talus. Centuries later, during the First Corellian Insurrection, the planet was taken over by the Overden.

Selonia was the site of a victory for the Confederacy of Independent Systems over the Galactic Republic during the early stages of the Clone Wars.

During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Pride of Selonia was named after the world. During the Second Galactic Civil War in 40 ABY, Selonia was blockaded by the Galactic Alliance. By around 130 ABY, the planet was orbited by the Selonian Shipyards.

Selonians are furry burrowing bipedal mammals, native to Selonia in the Corellia system. They are taller and thinner than humans, with slightly shorter arms and legs. Their bodies are a bit longer with flexible spines.

Selonians are comfortable walking on two legs or four. They have retractable claws at the ends of their paw-like hands, which give them the ability to dig and climb very well. Their tails, which average about a half-meter long, help counterbalance the body when walking upright.

Their faces are long and pointed with bristly whiskers and very sharp teeth. They have glossy, short-haired coats which are usually brown or black.

Most Selonians were infertile females. One in every hundred was male, and five in every hundred were fertile females. Selonians lived in clans called "septs," always headed by a female. Septs were organized into dens, which were made up of sterile females and a small number of breeder males and females. Although they did possess advanced technology, they generally stayed on Selonia.

Selonians averaged two meters tall, with sterile females the largest and strongest. They had needle-sharp fangs, equally sharp claws on their hands and feet which made them excellent climbers, powerful tails, and were furious in combat. Many Selonians also lived on Talus, Tralus, and Corellia, with additional dens on planets scattered throughout the galaxy. They had a reputation for being refined and a serious minded species. It is believed that their origins were from an aquatic mammal species that lived in riverside burrows which they still used as their homes.

Selonians were also brutally honest, and similar to Wookiees in their trustworthiness and sense of honor.

Specially trained Selonians were a source of contact with other species as the race was long believed by all other species to be potentially dangerous. These members of the race were sterile females. The Human-centric Empire, in an effort to spread xenophobia among the Human population of the Corellian system, spread propaganda saying that Selonians were warlike and prone to violence. Few Humans from the system believed it, however, as the species hadn't been warlike in centuries and the two races co-existed in relative peace. They could speak a modified language among their dens which was not diminished by auditory echoes in their burrows.

A Selonian was known to work for Jabba Desilijic Tiure as a chef.

Selonians are organized into seperate groups, identified as clans, and their homes are called dens. They also seem to possess Queens, who is perhaps the ruler of a den, and perhaps Ladies of some fashion. Several Selonian groups were known for xenophobia, including the Overden, Absolutists, and Sacorrian Triad. They breed each child of a clan to a specific purpose. Infertile females are the most commonly seen, usually as warriors. Males, due to their rarity, and Selonian's reluctance to travel, are almost never seen, save as Jedi. Zonder is one of the few known males to venture out of the Corellian systems. Selonian warriors, who are almost always female, create their own personal glaives, in a manner similar to a Jedi's creation of their lightsaber.

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X-wing: Rogue Leader
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Ambush at Corellia (First appearance)
Assault at Selonia
Showdown at Centerpoint
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Star Wars Galaxy 10 (Cover image)
Alien Encounters
"On Our Planet: Corellia" - Star Wars Kids 3
The Essential Guide to Alien Species
The Essential Guide to Planets and Moons
Alien Anthology
Ultimate Alien Anthology
The New Essential Chronology
The New Essential Guide to Alien Species
Star Wars Galaxies Trading Card Game – Champions of the Force (Card: Selonian Contact)
Corellia in the Databank
Selonian in the Databank

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.