Author Topic: The Farghul  (Read 3211 times)

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The Farghul
« on: December 22, 2009, 06:30:59 PM »
INFO: The Farghul were felinoid sapients indigenous to Farrfin. They had claws, incredible strength and speed, and were covered with tawny fur and possessed prehensile tails.

RACE: Farghul
HEIGHT: 1.7 to 2 Meters Tall
SKIN (FUR): Light Brown to Dark Brown
DISTINCTION: Prehensile tails, natural con artists

Farrfin was the capital of Farrfin Sector and the Farghul homeworld. It joined the Galactic Republic 3,000 BBY. It was a haven for criminals. A shakedown by the Jedi left the Farghul distrustful of Jedi.

Farrfin was also a haven for the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War, and eventually broke from the Empire with New Republic support. The New Republic engaged Grand Admiral Thrawn in battle at Farrfin in 9 ABY. Its population in that era was approximately six billion.

Farrfin has three major cities: Farlhu, Jahhnu and Geltyu. A strong criminal element thrives in these cities, with con-artists running sabacc scams on every street corner, and pockets being picked left and right. The famed Jahhnu betting houses rake in incredible sums of currency, as gullible off-worlders and bored smugglers gamble away their earnings.

The Farghul are a felinoid species from Farrfin. They have medium-length, tawny fur, sharp claws and teeth, and a flexible, prehensile tail. The Farghul are a graceful and agile people. They are very conscious of their appearance, always wearing high-quality clothing, usually elaborately decorated shorts and pants, cloaks and hats; they do not generally wear tunics, shirts or blouses.

The species had a reputation for being both fearsome fighters as well as cunning thieves. They became quite fearful of the Jedi Knights after the destruction of a smuggling base on their homeworld during the times of the Galactic Republic. The Farghul were also generally distrustful of politicians and were considered slightly xenophobic. Despite this, they were known to friends as mischievous and playful beings who loved telling bad jokes. Many Farghul were also were known to rig games. Their reputation for being cheaters, con artists, and thieves originated from this; though, upon being caught, those Farghul would often return their illicit winnings. However, this did not stop them from gaining their bad reputation in the galaxy.

The Farghul are particularly intimidated by Jedi, probably a holdover from the days of the Old Republic: the Jedi Knights once attempted to clean out the smuggling and piracy bases that were operated on Farrfin (with the felinoids' blessing). They have retained a suspicion of other governments ever since. They have a strong distaste for the Empire, though they hide this dislike behind facades of smiles and respect.

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I would like to thank Wookieepedia and for this info.