Author Topic: The Arpor-Lan  (Read 1420 times)

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The Arpor-Lan
« on: December 30, 2009, 11:14:52 PM »
INFO: The Arpor-Lan were a humanoid species. They come from Arporatal-Lanin.

RACE: Arpor-Lan
HEIGHT: 1.8 Meters Tall
SKIN: Dark brown to light brown
DISTINCTION: Horned eyebrow ridges, chin horns
LANGUAGE: Arporatal-Lanin

Arporatal-Lanin was the planet in the Arporatal-Lanin system and the homeworld of the Arpor-Lan species. It has been a major trade and cultural center for the Outer Rim regions. Homeworld of the Arpor-Lan. The sky from Arporatal-Lanin has two notable stars, Deneb (visible during daylight hours) and Antares.

The Arpor-Lan were a humanoid species. They had horned eyebrow ridges and a pair of short horns on their chins.

The world of Arporatal-Lanin, while possessed of a hospitable environment, boasted an alien ecology based on its own independently evolved biology, a biology that produced amino acids, proteins, and sugars that were difficult for Arpor-Lans to digest and metabolize. The Arpor-Lans just could not use local plant and animal life for food.

One of the oldest occupations in Arpor-Lan society is that of shugilii (which translates roughly as miller). The shugilii was a person who could transform raw food into edible food through special aging and chemical treatments. The shugilii position was more akin to that of shaman or witch doctor than that of cook. Since virtually no food on Arporatal-Lanin was edible without some treatment, shugilii were powerful members of society.

The alien land was reciprocal: the Arpor-Lan were unsuitable as food for predators, parasites died because the Arpor-Lan provided no nutrition, bacteria could not infect the Arpor-Lan system, and even viruses were unable to invade and take over the Arpor-Lan cells. Consequently, the primitive Arpor-Lan society found no need for medically oriented shaman. Arpor-Lan medical understanding was very slow to develop because of this.

Arpor-Lan legends are full of accounts of the wars of the gods, terrible destruction, and occasional intervention in Arpor-Lan affairs by the gods. Legends exist of early explorers who found lands with great living stone-metal gods possessed of immense magical powers. Modern archaeologists now believe these "gods" were actually great robot warriors and juggernauts used by the ancients in the Final War. Apparently, the last of these machines finally ran down around 20,000 BBY.

Rebel Force: Renegade

Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts (First appearance)
Alliance Intelligence Reports (First identified as Arpor-Lan)
The Essential Atlas

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.