Author Topic: The Weequays  (Read 3569 times)

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The Weequays
« on: December 17, 2009, 05:11:40 PM »
INFO: Weequays were a race of humanoids who came from the Outer Rim planet of Sriluur, near Hutt Space. Their home was a harsh desert planet, leading to the species' tanned skin tone and rough, sandy, wrinkled skin. Their eyes were dark and slightly recessed into their skull.

RACE: Weequay
HEIGHT: 1.7 Meters Tall
SKIN: Tan or dark brown
DISTINCTION: Pheromone communication
LANGUAGE: Sriluurian

Sriluur, in the Outer Rim Territories near Hutt Space, was the homeworld of the Weequay. It was on the Sisar Run, near the Ac'fren Spur. Its continents were covered in white, rocky deserts, with cities along the shores of its acidic seas and oceans. The natives worshiped Quay, the planet's main moon, as a god, and practiced astrology.

The Weequay were allied to the Hutts in the Third Battle of Vontor, but were not enslaved by the Hutts. Sriluur joined the Galactic Republic. Houks colonized the planet in 282 BBY, and were constantly at conflict with the natives. By 11 BBY a full scale civil war broke out between the Houks and the Weequay. In 1 BBY, the planet was conquered by the Galactic Empire, ending the interspecies war. In 26 ABY, the planet was overrun by the Yuuzhan Vong.

Weequays were humanoids with thick, leathery skin that ranged in color from tan to dark brown. Their faces were lipless, with a frill along each of their jowls.

Weequays had the ability to communicate with members of their own clan through smell by exuding complex pheromones. This pheromonal language could not be understood by any other species, or even by Weequays of another clan. Only Jedi senses could even tell that two Weequay were communicating. Since each Weequay's pheromones were unique, Weequay had no need for a name within their clan. As a result, speech was only a secondary form of communication for Weequay, and they seldom spoke a whole sentence, resulting in Humans mistakenly believing the species to be unintelligent.

Only Weequay who had to live among other clans, or among non-Weequay, took a personal name. Even then, some were simply referred to as "Weequay". In Weequay culture, individual identity was much less important than the clan. As long as the clan survived, a single Weequay was expendable. This resulted in a sometimes brutal culture.

Male Weequay often tied their hair into long braids. Traditionally, they would grow one "seclusion braid" for each Sriluurian year spent away from their homeworld as a tribute to their home. When they returned, they shaved their braids. Weequays serving the Hutt clans were often very close to their homeworld, and would only have one or two braids. Female Weequay were usually bald, and did not follow this tradition.

Weequay religion was complex, with many deities. Among them were the moon-god Quay and the thunder god Am-Shak. Quay was their chief god: indeed, "Weequay" translated to "Follower of Quay". Zealous Weequays performed ritual sacrifices in Quay's honor, at times resorting to murder, earning their culture a violent reputation. Each of their cities was centered around a shrine of black, polished stone, known as a thal, where the Weequay made offerings of food and valuables. Their religious code prohibited building thal off Sriluur, so off-world devotees were obligated to substitute animal sacrifices (usually large animals like banthas).

The Weequays shared their homeworld with Houk colonists, though not enthusiastically. The two societies went to war on Sriluur in 10 BBY. The conflict ended after a decade, leaving many unemployed Weequay soldiers to find work as mercenaries and bounty hunters. This war also gave certain Weequay companies a good reputation throughout the galaxy as manufacturers of force pikes and other melee weapons.

Weequays were widely used throughout the galaxy as mercenaries or criminal henchmen. They played this role in their earliest recorded contact with the outside galaxy, when they joined Vodran, Klatooinian, and Nikto mercenaries in the pay of the Hutts to battle Xim the Despot's forces at the Third Battle of Vontor during the Hutt-Xim conflict. Unlike the other races hired by the Hutts, the Weequay did not sign the Treaty of Vontor, and remained independent of the Hutts. They were used extensively as foot soldiers by the Hutt Cartel and Black Sun. Jabba Desilijic Tiure also employed several Weequay mercenaries, including Ak-Buz, the captain of the sail barge Khetanna, and Ak-rev, one of Jabba's bodyguards and an occasional drummer with the Max Rebo Band.
Hondo Ohnaka, a Weequay pirate.

Weequay were occasionally hired as bodyguards in Hutt syndicates when they chose to make their lives in the galaxy. They generally went offworld as part of small groups, usually from the same clan. Their role in the galaxy was usually minor, as their mean-spirited temperaments left them ill-suited for more grand ventures, while their suspicious and xenophobic nature prevented them from carving permanent settlements on strange worlds.

Many Weequays displayed Force-sensitivity and became members of the Jedi Order. During the Clone Wars Weequay Jedi Knight Que-Mars Redath-Gom fought and died in the Battle of Geonosis, Jedi Master Kossex fough and died in the First Battle of Kamino and Jedi Master Tyr met his fate during the Battle of Thustra. A prominent and respected Jedi Master Sora Bulq betrayed the Jedi Order and became one of Count Dooku's Dark Acolytes, while another Jedi General named Sev was killed during Order 66.

During the Clone Wars Hondo Ohnaka led a Weequay pirate gang that captured Count Dooku on Florrum and then held him for ransom. Ohnaka's right hand man, Turk Falso betrayed him to obtain the ransom put on Dooku's head. During the conflict Weequays Gar-Ul and his brother Guta-Nay served as lieutenants of the Mandalorian named Ghez Hokan.

Later, during the Second Imperial Civil War a Weequay officer Jhoram Bey served in the Galactic Alliance Core Fleet as Rogue Leader of the famed Rogue Squadron.

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I, Jedi
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Star Wars: Rebellion: Prima's Official Strategy Guide (Picture only)
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"Set Piece" - Star Wars Insider 67
"Who's Who in the Max Rebo Band" - Star Wars Insider 67
The Official Star Wars Fact File 124 (WEE1-2, Weequay)
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Star Wars Customizable Card Game – Jabba's Palace Limited (Card: Weequay Skiff Master)
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Ak-Rev in the Databank
Sora Bulq in the Databank
Lowle Ch'red in the Databank
Tas Kee in the Databank
Ayy Vida in the Databank
Weequay in the Databank

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2009, 10:00:51 PM by Cimter »