Author Topic: MOAWP s1/e4: "Prize Captive of Operation Knightfall" part 3  (Read 1326 times)

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MOAWP s1/e4: "Prize Captive of Operation Knightfall" part 3
« on: December 07, 2009, 04:01:48 AM »
Jedi Temple Hangar-Coruscant-19 Years Before the Battle of Yavin IV

Master It'kla attempts to apply his force energies to healing both of his wounded comrades.

Ranik Solusar: if only we'd had better training in the healing arts Brand...

Empatajayos Brand: (holding hand over bleeding wound) atleast yours is from a lightsaber...still can't get how that bastard got the drop on me.

Ranik Solusar: there should be a bacta patch in one of those interceptors.

Ylenic It'kla: so i guess we should split up here?

Ranik Solusar: agreed, should victory come to our forces. may we meet again!

Empatajayos Brand: you two can flee if you wish, i'll cover your exit. i'm certain as a collective force, we can hold the temple and repel this incursion.

Ylenic It'kla: this isn't the Yinchorri Uprising, the temple is taken Brand.

Empatajayos Brand: nevertheless..

suddenly the room is entered by Lord Vader whom springs from the elevator and runs towards the Three Masters. they separate and lift off within Jedi Interceptors, the sith lord jumps behind the console of another interceptor.

The Jedi Masters take to the skies and split up, all three maintain radio silence. It'kla dives for cover and flies deep into the under levels of the galactic cityscape. Solusar races into the congested traffic lanes of the planet. Brand however makes for space and is pursued by the merciless Sith Lord.

Brand successfully docks with a hyperspace docking ring and blasts off towards Nar Shaddaa. Vader does the same and checks his instruments.

the interceptor blasts into lightspeed in pursuit.

Hall of Knighthood-Jedi Temple-Coruscant-19 BBY

The Clone troopers charge the retreating jedi whom are backed into the windowless chamber. dozens of knights fall to blaster fire as they cover the retreat.

once completely backed into the chamber of knighthood, The AT-PT fires an thermal detonator into the room and an explosion of utter gore rocks the temple as an generation of Jedi are blown to bits, the room falls silent.

 Dilbun Vont approaches the commander of the 501st accompanied by the turncoat padawan; Cittro.

Appo: why is that child still alive!

Dilbun Vont: relax yursef vatboy. dis kits wit me. consider her a member of the Black Opps, she says the awhole bunch of da council dweebs snuck out via the undercity.

Appo: we already know that Commander! lord Vader was subdued by Master Ti. troops are already on their trail.

Dilbun Vont: well i guess i can leave this slaughter under yur control then?

Appo: the child does not leave the temple sir!

Dilbun Vont: (brandishing axe) see this bucket head? that kit did work dirtier than you where trained to stomach wit it. my kinda work, she lives!

Appo: order 66 remains active sir. all jedi are to be slaughtered.

Dilbun Vont: howa bout command directive? Ordea 77 right? clandestine agent commands neutrality over an enemy of value. need somethin to wash that pill down wit Clone?

Appo: understood sir.

Dilbun and Cittro leave the clones to their work. they march down a staircase within the temple, smoke from the blasted out portions of the temple blanket the air.

Cittro: what's going to happen now?

Dilbun Vont: eveyding dat ol Augie promised, galaxy's gonna be the place people like me know it really iz. their ain't gonna be no ticker tape parade commencing it. more like a burning building on the holonet accompanied by some interesstin stories bout how it all came ta be.

Cittro: i meant whats going to happen to me.

Dilbun Vont: well i wuz thinkin we'd work togetha. i'd train ya up and then we'd be like partnas out on the rim. my skills and yur force skills..

Cittro: i refuse to use the force! that kriffing force ruined my life!

Dilbun Vont: ok, don't use the kriffing force.

Cittro: so when you say partners, are we talking business or pleasure?

Dilbun Vont: umm...thought you jedi where trained to like avoid that sorta stuff?

Cittro: i never wanted to be a jedi or know the force!

Dilbun Vont: well i dink ya need to grow up abit before anything like dat can even be considered aight?

Cittro: i'm not a child!

Dilbun Vont: i'll let ya know when yur not a child.

Dilbun Vont: (narration) dis iz why ol' augie had to create those reeducation schools for the Hands. how do you handle a dozen force-sensitive kits wit raging hormones? gotta give em some sort of control over dem selves!  

The Ganath Cloud-near Nar Shaddaa-19 Years Before the Battle of Yavin IV

A Starfighter battle rages out of control, two jedi craft engage one another at point blank ranges, salvos are exchanged and targets are re-engaged at lightening speeds. Brand's craft is heavily damaged, but he continues in his quest to vanquish the sith lord. but no matter how much effort the jedi puts towards his task, the sith lord's piloting skills are beyond superior.

without warning Vader tires of the struggle and uses the force to explode the fuel tank manifold of Brand's fighter, the explosion sends the dark lord spinning away from the cloud of radioactive gases and towards Nar Shaddaa. assuming victory Vader, reverses his course and reattaches to his hyperspace ring. the sith lord makes for coruscant.

Brand's vessel careens out of control and drifts into the Cloud whilst disintegrating. The Jedi Master is adrift in the cloud, his body a mangled burning mess which the coldness of space begins to freeze. the vacuums effect is interrupted by the cloud. a crude mixture of oxygen and Jedi stamina keep Brand alive. the master drifts towards a hidden planet, steam powered vessels take notice of the wreckage and move into rescue Brand.

On Coruscant, From the window of Vont's Apartment, Dilbun and Cittro share a toast of Whyren's Reserve while sitting atop his wooden table. the Jedi Temple burns in the distance.