Author Topic: DC Universe Online  (Read 1016 times)

Offline Phatty

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DC Universe Online
« on: December 11, 2011, 07:40:55 PM »
So apparently due to low reviews from players, the game DC Universe Online has gone free to play.  An MMORPG, this takes place in the DC Comics Universe.  I was interested in trying this game out, but paying $60 for a game that I have to pay $15/month to play stopped me from doing so.  Since it's free, I decided to give it a whirl.  I've downloaded the game client on both my laptop and my PS3, which presents itself with a bit of an annoyance: you can't play one on the other.  That means, 2 characters on 2 platforms, but the same missions (for the most part).

Let me start off by saying, I love it.  I'm having a lot of fun so far, and what does make it nice is that when I'm at the firehouse, I have a game to play during my downtime.  You start off with the introductory movie explaining where you're at, and it's a pretty cool movie.  The graphics are sharp, the audio is crisp, and the story is compelling.  You then get to create your character using several options, such as skin type (you can be an animal, crystal, rock, etc), weapon class, power class, clothing, and movement type.  You can choose from flight, super speed, or athleticism, which lets you climb walls and jump long distances.  You can also decide to let the game crank out a character for you that mimics some of the classic heroes and villains.  The hardest part was choosing a name, because so many are already taken up.  You then get to choose a mentor from Batman, Superman, or Wonder Woman.  That starts you off on your basic missions to get your feet wet, but later you'll eventually have to complete the missions from all 3 areas designated for the individual heroes.  Some are VERY hard, some are very easy, some are just right.  There's something for everyone, and you're free to play on your own, or with/against others.  I prefer to play PvE, or Player vs Environment.  I don't know anyone else on the game, so depending on others does not at all appeal to me.  However, there are also some missions that you get that you get to team up with 3 others to complete, and the computer puts you in a queue until there are 4 of you, and then you begin.  It tries to pair enough of the different types (defender, Destructive, Healer, and Tank) so that the game is balanced, which is nice.  Those are fun for sure.

Then there are Legends arenas, where you use the profile of a DC character to battle against others, earning more profiles.  The first one you get is Robin.  I haven't tried any of those yet, but I am curious.

On PS3, I am using a female character with the movement of Flight and mystic powers with hand blasters (laser beams out of your hands).  I definitely prefer the flight movement over athleticism, and prefer the hand blasters over any of the handheld weapons (I tried dual weild) available.  On PC, I am using a male character with flight and hand blasters, but the power of Ice control.  Of course, just the other day, the Lightning Strikes DLC pack came out with powers of electricity which sound pretty sweet, and new missions in Center City with the Flash.  However, I don't want to start yet another new character to play just for a new power set.

To top it all off, I have a Logitech controller that is like a PS3 controller that works great on my computer.  It makes it so much easier to play!  If you've been thinking about playing this game, or just looking for something else to play, give this one a shot.  It's free!