Author Topic: willy present: Brother's & Villians Part 2  (Read 1474 times)

Offline willywonkaMusic13

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willy present: Brother's & Villians Part 2
« on: July 04, 2010, 02:24:57 PM »
Part 2 thanks for reading part 1. enjoy

Boom! Boom! Boom!
Kan Dyeas: huh? what is that noise coming from?
Beew! Beew! Beew!
Kan Dyeas: Wha....!
Thire: There they are. Hence are you alright?
Hence: Well you came just in time. Clix needs a medic ASAP
Thire: Alright, medic! he's over there. Here let me help you.
Hence: Thanks
Thire: well we better go before something shows up
Hence: Not yet. wait a minute. ok lets go
Thire: his light saber, eh?
Hence: yeah needed it
Thire: lets get you patched up
Messenger: chancellor i have a package for you, from Lt. Hence
Palpatine: leave it on the counter and leave now
messenger: yes chancellor
Palpatine: hm. Ah. It's a pity for a fellow sith to die, oh well

Section 3: Seeing old faces
Hence: hey Clix, how's it been sine Endor?
Clix: well I was chocked and supposedly thought you were killed
Hence: well all that force crap can go away now
Clix: yeah
Hence: We got another mission
Clix: from who?
Hence: Republic Intelligence Center
Clix: really, they usually don't give the assignments
Hence: well this is a fun one
Clix: what is it about?
Hence: well you know anybody with the name Organa
Clix: yeah that Senator
Hence: we're going to kidnap him
Clix: no way
Hence: yeah and that's not the fun part. we're going to be bounty hunters
Clix: Wait no rank or anything?
Hence: Nope. 2 days from now we're heading to his apartment
Clix: you this is suicide and insane
Hence: well we're Black Hounds, we're always insane
Clix: hm. i agree. I'll see you then
Hence: alright meet at his office 0800 exactly. we wont be going in pairs.
Clix: OK I'll see you later
2 days later....
Hence: Well you ready kid
Clix: yeah, so what's the plan?
Hence: You'll be going as a messenger to deliver a package you'll give a sign that he has it & I'll break the windows. Then you take him as a hostage, I'll come in drive you & Organa out.
Clix: What about the security clones?
Hence: Will have to take them out before we take Organa. Well best of luck
Clix: I'm doing the dirty work while you just wait
Hence: Well you're the crazy one
Clix: Can't Blame that
Senator Organa apartment
Clone trooper: What is your purpose here?
Clix: I'm delivering a package
Clone Trooper: i don't believe you, put your hands up
Clix: i don't think so...
Beew! Beew! Beew!
Clix: nice work Hence
Clix: Senator Organa
Organa: yes?
Clix: you have a package
Organa: leave it on the counter
Clix: He has the package
Hence: roger that
Boom! Boom!
Clix: you're coming with me senator
Organa: what in god's name?!
Hence: Now get in
Organa: this is madness
Clix: No senator your just having a bad day
Vroom Vroom
Clix: where are we taking him?
Hence: Hoth
Clix: Who wants him?
Hence: Jabba the Hutt. He sent a messenger to retrieve Organa
Clix: How much payment?
Hence: At least 80,000, but i also said new weapons
Clix: Damn, why that much?
Hence: well he's a senator remember
Clix: hm yeah
Hence: just remember that this galaxy is full of scum & villainy
As time went by to reach Hoth our Jedi hero's are trying to track them down.
Hence: We're here
Clix: Alright then, lets go find this messenger then
Hence: Wait what kind of ship is that?
Clix: i don't know it seems to be following us , lose him
bzzz this is Boba Fett I'll guild you down to hoth. We'll make our arrangements there
Hence: copy over
Clix: Fett? is he the son of Jango?
Hence: it seems so, lets see what he has up his sleeve
Clix: there he is
Hence: so are you the messenger?
Boba: yes. here's your money and new weapons
Hence: thanks
Bing Bing
Hence: this is Hence
Palpatine: was the transfer complete
Hence: yes sir
Palpatine: good. There will be a package for you Lt.
Hence: Where is it
Palpatine: its on Kamino
Hence: I'll be there sir. Clix we got to go
Clix: Where to?
Hence: Kamino
Section 4: when all hell breaks loose part 1
Clone trooper: Lt. here is the package
Hence: thanks trooper. huh? new armor? to Lt. Hence & Sgt. Clix. Hey clix get over here
Clix: yeah. what's the package?
Hence: new armor for You and me
Clix: these look like shadow troopers armor
Hence: i guess we're the clones who strike fear in the hearts of enemy's
Hence: lets go
Obi-wan: Clones we yesterday at o800 senator organa was kidnapped we don't know or what though, but maybe you elite clones can help. But there's another thing. There's going to be a battle on Coruscant. We have our scouts to find the why would they attack here, but we lost them afterward s.
Hence: This is going to be one hell of a fight
Fordo: Hey its the girls who can't fight
Hence: Fordo you can't even do anything with these boys
Fordo: well then why are we picked to be a task force?
Hence: well then will you be able to go to outer rim where most of the separatist army would be at?
Fordo: you want to fight?
Hence: you know you maybe a higher rank, but are you elite elite trooper
Fordo: well lets just walk away and we'll settle this afterward s.
Clix: he can't talk trash
Hence: i know

Part 2 of this section will come soon. hope you like it
We are here to execute, not to order.

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Re: willy present: Brother's & Villians Part 2
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2010, 06:28:34 AM »
nice ! very good read mate

Offline Irish Ninja 97

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Re: willy present: Brother's & Villians Part 2
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2010, 10:11:51 AM »
Well done!

As do I. It is our lot in life, Master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer us up?

Offline Crow

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Re: willy present: Brother's & Villians Part 2
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2010, 03:01:47 AM »
nice read!