Author Topic: Gamma Squad  (Read 9974 times)

Offline Irish Ninja 97

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Re: Gamma Squad
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2010, 02:57:39 PM »
Part 16:

Nagi: Guys, I remember a space port town northeast of here. If we go there, we might be able to buy a ship.

Blitz: With what?

Nagi: Well, I have some Republic Credits that I've saved up with me.

Hak: How much? A good ship costs over forty-thousand.

Nagi: Well I have um, sixty-thousand.

Sonny: What!

Flicker: How the heck did you get that much!

Nagi: Well lets just say that I saved up and that being a Republic Agent has high pay.

Stark: Yeah, we'll just keep it at that.

Sonny: Well, let's go! That ship isn't gonna buy itself!

*In the town*

Nagi: We're here! This town is like  Mos Eisly, but on Taanab!

Stark: Looks like there is a guy selling ships over there.

Nagi: I'll go talk to him. *Walks towards the starfighter seller*

Rodian Trader: What do you want?

Nagi: I'm looking for a starfighter.

Rodian Trader: Then you came to the right place! We have all different types, like the Z-95, the PTB-625, oh, and this CloakShape fighter is very, very nice!

Nagi: Yeah. I think I'll take that one. It looks brand new.

Rodian Trader: Ah, you a nice guy! I tell ya what, I'll charge ya 50,000 even though the ship costs 60,000.

Nagi: How kind of you. Here's 50,ooo credits. *Hands the credits to the Rodian Trader*

Rodian Trader: Thank you very much! You're ship will be in hangarbay 73!

Nagi: 73!

*Walks back to Gamma Squad*

Stark: Didja get a ship?

Nagi: Yup. But um, you guys are gonna have to stay down here until we get a gunship down here.

Flicker: What!

Stark: Stop whining, whoever you are!

Flicker: I'm RC-1277, also known as Flicker!

Stark: OK! Now I know.

Blitz: Nagi, we'll be fine!

Sonny: Yeah!

Hak: You can count on us!

Nagi: Thanks guys, for everything. My ship should be ready, so I'll be leaving. See ya soon!

*In Hangarbay 73*

Nagi: Ah! There's my ship.

*Enters the ship*

Nagi: Okay, engines primed, ready for take-off!

*Ship takes off*

Nagi: Alright! Here we go!

*Enters Taanab space*

Nagi: Ah, man! There are five Separatist Cruisers and only three Republic Cruisers! I have to help them and send a gunship down for Gamma Squad!

Separatist Cruisers attack the Godspeed, the Justice, and the Tranquility! Will Nagi and his new CloakShape Fighter save the day? Will he destroy the Separatist Cruisers in time? Will the rest of Gamma Squad on Taanab get bored to death while waiting for Nagi?

Flicker: Yeah.

Blitz: Maybe.

Find out in the next installment of Gamma Squad!
As do I. It is our lot in life, Master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer us up?

Offline Irish Ninja 97

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Re: Gamma Squad
« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2010, 03:00:11 PM »
Part 17:

Nagi: I've gotta get to the Godspeed and make sure everything's alright!

*Flies towards the Godspeed*

Nagi: Crap! I've got Vultures on my tail!

* A turret on the Godspeed shoots at Nagi's CloakShape fighter*

Nagi: *Into Radio* Republic Cruiser Godspeed hold your fire!

Jedi Master Tak'ka: Who is this?

Nagi: This is Republic agent Nagi Springfield!

Tak'ka: Nagi Springfield... oh yes! The young man who I ran into in the halls! What are you doing up here?

Nagi: The mission was a success. Prisoner 627 was Stark!

Tak'ka: Stark!? He died!

Nagi: Apparently not. I'll have Stark explain it to you. But they need a gunship to pick them up!

Tak'ka: We've been trying to send a gunship down to the surface. The ones we send out keep getting shot down!

Nagi: Then we're gonna have to take out those cruisers... do me a favor... send out Thunder Squadron.

Tak'ka: But the leader of that squadron is currently in the medical bay!

Nagi: Then I'll be the leader!

Tak'ka: OK. Good luck!

*Y-wing Squadron Thunder exits the hangar*

Thunder 2: Thunder leader, we're all set!

Nagi: Alright boys! Follow me, attack pattern Theta! Concentrate on the Seppie cruiser to the left!

Thunder Pilots: Yes sir!

*The Y-wings fly towards the cruiser, turrets start shooting at them*

Nagi: Take evasive action!

Thunder 7: We got vultures right behind us!

Nagi: Thunder 4, 9, 11, and 14 come with me! We'll take those vultures down!

*Nagi and the other Y-wings turn around and shoot at the vultures*

Thunder 4: Yeah! Suck it clankers!

*Vultures destroyed*

Nagi: Good work! It looks as though the rest of  Thunder Squadron took down the cruiser! Thunder Squadron, focus on the Cruiser to the right!

*Thunder Squad heads to the cruiser*

Nagi: Wait... wait... wait... Now! All wings, launch torpedoes!

* Y-wings fire torpedoes and the cruiser falls apart*

Thunder 13: Good call, Thunder Leader!

Thunder 8: Hey look! That's Flame Squadron taking down that other cruiser!

Clone on Godspeed: Thunder squadron, we'll take it from here, thanks for the assist!

Nagi: Alright boys! We're headed back home! How many did we lose?

Thunder 2: 4 wings, sir.

Nagi: Alright!

*Laser fire comes out of nowhere*

Thunder 2: Sir, we just lost half of the unit!

Nagi: What?!

Thunder 2: We've lost Thunder 6!

Nagi: Thunder Squadron, get back to the Cruiser, I'll take care of this!

Thunder 2: Alright!

Nagi: Kellic, come out! I know its you.

Kellic: Hello Nagi! I told you that you would see me again!

Nagi: Would you just shut up and fight me?

Kellic: With pleasure. *Opens fire on Nagi's CloakShape fighter*

Nagi: *Flies the CloakShape out of the way*

Kellic: You can run but you can't hide! *Chases Nagi*

Nagi: Come on! Your aim is better than that! Or is my CloakShape faster then your Mankvim-814?

Kellic: I'll make you eat those words, Springfield! *Fires at Nagi*

Nagi: *Dodges* You missed!

Kellic: Grr. *Fires again*

Nagi: *Dodges again* You're to slow!

Kellic: Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. *Fires again*

Nagi: *Dodges again* My goodness! That almost hit me! Oh wait, it wasn't even close.


Nagi: Really? *Goes at full speed away from Kellic*

Kellic: *Goes full speed after Nagi*

Nagi: *Heading towards Separatist Cruiser* Wait... wait... wait... now! Flashbang! *Fires a flashbang and flies away from the cruiser*

Kellic: Ah! My eyes! *Regains vision* Uhh. *Looks up and sees he is headed right toward the cruiser's bridge* AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *Crashes into the ship's bridge and destroys the cruiser*

Nagi: Take that! A real Black Baron indeed!

Tak'ka: Nagi? This is Jedi Master Tak'ka. We saw the Separatist Cruiser explode. We're sending down a gunship for Gamma Squad.

Nagi: Thank you, Master Tak'ka. I will be entering your hangar.

Tak'ka: Good. Once you do, come to me, there is something I must tell you.

Nagi: Alright! See ya soon!

Victorious! Not only did Nagi lead Thunder Squadron, he also killed the infamous Black Baron! Jedi Master Rosk Tak'ka needs to tell Nagi something. What could it be? Find out in the next installment of Gamma Squad!
As do I. It is our lot in life, Master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer us up?

Offline Irish Ninja 97

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Re: Gamma Squad
« Reply #17 on: July 10, 2010, 03:01:28 PM »
Part 18:

Nagi: Engineer, would you repair the tail fin of my ship here? It got a bit roughed up on those attack runs.

Clone Engineer: Well, CloakShapes weren't really made for space combat. I'll fix her right up!

Nagi: Thank you. *Starts to walk away*

Clone Engineer: Does she have a name?

Nagi: I'm sorry?

Clone Engineer: Every good ship needs a name. Ya know, like General Anakin Skywalker's ship, Twilight.

Nagi: Hmmm, How 'bout Stormcloud?

Clone Engineer: Hm. I like it. Well then, I'll fix Stormcloud right up!

Nagi: Thanks! *Walks away*

Sonny: Hey Nagi!

Nagi: *Turns around* Sonny! Hak! Blitz! Flicker! Stark!

Hak: We were told about you leading Thunder Squadron and defeating the Black Baron!

Blitz: We even saw some Seppie cruisers explode!

Flicker: It was a very good fireworks show, if I say so myself.

Stark: Well done Negi! I mean, Nagi!

Nagi: Thanks! But I can't really talk now. Master Tak'ka needs me.

Stark: Then, we'll see ya later?

Nagi: Yeah. Bye!

*Walks to Master Tak'ka's quarters*

Nagi: Master Tak'ka.

Tak'ka: Ah, Nagi! Why are you here again?

Nagi: You were to tell me something.

Tak'ka: Yes, that's it. It seems I am becoming forgetfull in my old age. Where did you get that lightsaber?

Nagi: I built it on Ilum.

Tak'ka: Who took you there?

Nagi: A merchant who let me go with him to Coruscant so I could be a Republic Agent. Something was wrong with the engine, so he had to land his freighter and repair it. The merchant said that we'd be staying here a while, so he sent me to go find shelter. I found a cave filled with many crystals of all different colors: blue, green, orange, yellow, purple all those. The merchant came and saw the cave and then he left to get some metal. When he came back, he gave me the metal and told me to put a crystal inside of it. I took the metal apart, put the crystal in a proper compartment, then pieced it together. When I did, the saber activated. It's green glow lit up the cave.

Tak'ka: Well, how did you put it together? With you're magic, Negi?

Nagi: Yes.. wait, what?

Tak'ka: I know that you are ten, Negi. I also know you're a mage.

Nagi: *Snaps his fingers and transforms into his ten year old self* Seems as though I'm found out. Please don't let my secret out.

Tak'ka: I don't plan to. But Negi, you didn't put the lightsaber together with your magic.

Negi: What do you mean?

Tak'ka: Negi, you put the saber together with the Force.

Negi: What!?

Tak'ka: Believe it or not, you are Force sensitive. Your parents were Jedi. They didn't want you to be a Jedi; they wanted you to live a normal life. So, they let your cousin Nekane raise you. You were still a baby at the time, so when you learned to talk, she said she was your sister. As I said before, you are Force sensitive.

Negi: But...but, my magic?

Tak'ka: Was powered by the Force. You are not a mage, Negi. You only thought you were. You were really using special abilities activated through the Force. Powers like these have not been mastered since the time when Revan became a lord of the Sith.

Negi: But, I'm to old. I can't train to be a Jedi.

Tak'ka: True, but that doesn't mean we can't use you for something. You see, you've already achieved such skill with the Force and a lightsaber without Jedi training. For example, you defeated General Grievous! Many skilled Jedi have fallen in duels with him. Few were even lucky to get away. Very few actually defeated him, but he always seems to get away. You see, you can't train to be a Jedi, because you already are one.

Negi: What?

Tak'ka: Think about it. You're patient, kind, not easy to anger, wise, - a Jedi has these traits. It was Master Yoda who said,"A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack." You've used the Force for knowledge by studying these so called "spells" when you were really studying Force powers that no one has seen in nearly three thousand years. You also used the Force for defense when you built a lightsaber to protect yourself and others.

Negi: You're right. But, no one will accept me as a Jedi.

Tak'ka: Master Yoda has. Obviously, someone has been watching you and reporting back to the Jedi Council. They said that they would be honored if you would join them.

Negi: Master Tak'ka, I am deeply honored, but, my place is with Gamma Squad.

Tak'ka: The members of the Council also said you can serve with Gamma Squad.

Negi: Really! Then yes! I accept!

Who would've thought it!? Nagi, or I should say Negi, finds out he is Force sensitive! The Jedi have even accepted him into their ranks! What new adventures will he embark on with Gamma Squad? Find out by reading GAMMA SQUAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
As do I. It is our lot in life, Master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer us up?

Offline Irish Ninja 97

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Re: Gamma Squad
« Reply #18 on: July 10, 2010, 03:02:37 PM »
Part 19:

Nagi: Alright, assault craft on board, troops assembled, ready for drop!

Captain: Roger that! Hunter one-six this is Zulu six-one-niner ready for drop! Kryo, bring up boarding ramp!

Kryo: Roger, bringing up boarding ramp!

Captain: Yeller, prep engines!

Yeller: Copy that, prepping engines!

Captain: Hunter one-six, this is Zulu six-one-niner, release the coupling on my mark. 5...4...3...2...1... mark!

*Republic Heavy Assault Multi Altitude Transports, or HAMAAT's, drop from the Republic Cruisers, carrying troops and armor  to the surface of the ice planet Toola*

Captain: Gentlemen, we may be experiencing some turbulance once we enter the planet, so hold on tight!

*Ships enter the system*

Yeller: Captain, the snowstorm is strong. We have at least 9 minutes to unload the soldiers, the AT-TE's, and the AT-AP's.

Captain: That's plenty of time!

Yeller: If you say so! Beginning landing cycle!

Kryo: Distance to ground, 170 meters!

Mare: Initiating landing gear!

*HAMAAT's land*

Kryo: OK! Safe landing!

Captain: Good. Nav, get a sit rep on the surrounding area.

Nav: Yes sir.

Captain: Kryo, keep the engines running I want dustoff in 4 minutes.

Kryo: You got it!

Nav: With our special "Droid Detector" I'll see if any of our clanker friends showed up. Hm. Perimeter clear up to 500 meters.

Captain: Good. Get some numbers for the armor to Mare's comp now!

Nav: Sending numbers!

Mare: OK. AT-TE 3, go 213.

AT-TE 3: Copy that, going 213! *Leaves drop off zone*

Mare: AT-TE 7, go to 361.

AT-TE 7: Copy, going 361! *Leaves drop off zone*

Mare: AT-TE 1, go to 323.

AT-TE 1: Copy, going 323. *Leaves drop off zone*

Mare: AT-TE 9, go 145.

AT-TE 9: Roger, going 145. *Leaves drop off zone*

Mare: Recon team Beta, go 422!

Recon team Beta commander: Copy that, going 422! *Leaves drop off zone*

Mare: That's all, sir!

Captain: OK. Kryo get us out of here!

Kryo: Got it! *HAMAAT heads back to Republic Cruiser*


Sonny: Someone tell me why we're with the 12th Cold Assault Corps again?

Blitz: They needed all the help they can get.

Nagi: Cut the chatter, boys. OK. The Separatists have taken this planet. Their fleet is gone, but the ground forces are as powerful as ever. We're outnumbered, but we have armor and swift tactics. Now, the droids have set up bases all around this sector, and its our job to take them down. Got it?

All troops: Yes sir!

Nagi: Good. We get dropped off in 30 minutes, so get your weapons, ammo, anything that you'll need ready.

30 minutes later...

AT-TE 9 Pilot: This is the drop off point!  All troops, prepare for drop off.

*Back of the AT-TE opens and the troops come out*

Nagi: Alright men, let's go. The first base is northeast.

*Soldiers move forward with Nagi*

Sonny: Ya know, these snow suits are pretty comfortable!

Flicker: Really? I feel like all stiff, like a protocol droid.

Stark: Be quiet will ya? You never know if a Clanker patrol is watching us now.

Hak: Sir, my power sign detector dosen't show any signals...wait a minute... I'm counting 20... no... I'm counting at least 45 signals headed right towards us!

Nagi: Commander!

Snowtrooper Commander: Yes?

Nagi: I need some binoculars.

Snowtrooper Commander: Here you go. *Hands Nagi binoculars*

Nagi: *Looks in binoculars* Ahh, yeah. I see a lot of droids moving in on our position. It looks as though they don't know we're here... get behind those snowbanks, move! *All troops get behind snowbanks* The droids are moving in. On my mark, you all fire at the droids. Ready? 3...2...1... mark!

*Snowtroopers fire at the droids*

Droid Commander: Wha?! We're under attack!

Nagi: Keep firing! Don't let up!

*After a few more minutes the droid patrol is flatlined*

Nagi: Good work men! Now let's find that base...

Hak: Sir. I found it.

Nagi: Where?

Hak: To the northeast.

Nagi: *Looks through binoculars* Yeah. There it is. The enterance is heavily defended. Stark.

Stark: Yes sir?

Nagi: You think Gamma Squad can do a little 'breaking and entering mission' while we distract the droid guards out here?

Stark: You don't even have to ask, sir. We'll have one wrecked base in no time.

Nagi: Good. Go ahead.

Stark: Yes sir. Gamma Squad, move out!

Gamma Squad makes a move to destroy the Separatist base while Nagi and the 12th Cold Assault Corps. distract the droid forces! Will Gamma Squad succeed in there mission?

Blitz: Don't we always?

Sonny: I mean, we've been successful in all our past missions.

Sonny and Blitz do have a point there. Anyways, log in next time for Gamma Squad!!!!!!!!!!!

As do I. It is our lot in life, Master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer us up?

Offline Irish Ninja 97

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Re: Gamma Squad
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2010, 03:04:23 PM »
Part 20:

Stark: *Jumps down from an air vent* OK. It's clear, come on down.

Hak: *Jumps down from the air vent* Well, that was fun.

Sonny: *Jumps down from air vent* My plans always work.

Blitz: *Jumps down from air vent* Sorry, but I don't agree.

Flicker: *Falls out of air vent* Ow! *Gets up* I'm OK.

Stark: We didn't really ask. Anyways, follow me.

*Gamma Squad walks down the hallway and come up to a command center*

Stark: OK, squad. On my go, we take out these clankers. Ready?

All: Ready.

Stark: OK...go! *Gets out of cover and fires at the droids*

Droid Commander: Wha! Get to cover! *He and a Droid Sergeant take cover* How did they get in?

Droid Sergeant: How the heck am I supposed to know?

Droid Commander: Oh, well. Keep firing at the intruders!

Blitz: Now there shooting back. This is gonna be fun! *Shoots a droid's head with his sniper rifle*

Stark: *Takes out a grenade* Heh, so long, clankers! *Throws grenade*

Super Battle Droid: Oh, no. *Grenade explodes*

Stark: Yes!

Flicker: *Shoots and kills a droid* I got one!

Sonny: *Fires anti armor attachment* I got three!

Hak: EMP! *Throws EMP grenade*

Droid: *Grenade sets off* Ahhh... *Shuts down*

Stark: OK. Hak, check these holo maps for the location of any other bases and then mark them on your datapad map.

Hak: Yes sir.

Stark: Sonny, see if you can find anything that you can set charges on. We need to wreck this base.

Sonny: Got it, sir!

Stark: Blitz, Flicker, you guys make sure no droids that I don't see on the security cameras make it through to this command center.

Blitz & Flicker: Yes sir!

Hak: OK, let's see here. Base 2, latitude 73, longitude 34. Base 3, latitude 86, longitude 21. Base 4...*Continues recording base locations*


Sonny: *Humming Vode An* Huh, what's this? *Walks up to sign* Liquid Tibanna storage. Hmmm, I'll set charges there! *Walks into Tibanna storage* OK, just set some here, another here, oh a few more here... that should do it! *Prepares to walk back to the command center*

Droid: Freeze!

Sonny: No, you freeze!

Droid: *Sees droidekas roll up* Haha!

Sonny: *Sets Anti Armor attachment* Haha! *Fires at the droids and destroys them*

Droid over loudspeaker: Attention all units! We have intruders that are stationed in the command center! Nearby squads are ordered to attack the intruders!  

Sonny: *Gets back to the command center* Guys, I'm sorry! It's my fault the alarm went off, you see I fired an anti armor-

Blitz: It wasn't your fault. It was mine. I let a droid get away and he reported us.

Sonny: Oh.

Stark: Well, we gotta get out of here! Clankers will be coming in on all sides of us!

Sonny: The air vents! *Stands on a table and climbs inside of an air vent*

Stark: Alright then. Squad, follow Sonny into the air vents, double time!

*Squad enters the air vents and then put the cover back on*

Droid: We've got you now! *Runs into the command center* Hey! There's no one here!


*Gamma Squad is outside of the base*

Sonny: Guys, get clear of the base! *Picks up comlink* Nagi! This is Sonny! Move the troops away from the base!

Nagi: Copy that! All units fall back! *Nagi and his unit fall back*

Sonny: *Gets away from base* Alright! Fire in the hole! *About to press down on detonation device*


Droid: I've got the worse job in the entire droid army: Checking the Tibanna storage. It's highly explosive, so you have to be careful with it. *Walks into Tibanna storage and sees the charges on the Tibanna tanks* Oh, no.


Sonny: Fire in the hole! *Presses detonation device*

*The base explodes, and the range was far enough to take out the droid defences, the base was completely disintegrated*

Blitz: Sonny, what did you set the charges on?

Sonny: Liquid Tibanna tanks.

Hak: And how many charges did you set?

Sonny: Uhh, fifteen, maybe sixteen.

Stark: Oh, well it did the job. Let's get back to Nagi.

*Gamma squad walks back to Nagi*

Hak: Sir, I have the coordinates to the other bases. All I have to do is patch them through to the Republic Cruisers and they can take them out with an orbital strike. Do I have your permission to do so?

Nagi: Permission granted. Also tell them to send the HAMAAT's back down to pick us up.

Hak: Yes sir. *Into radio* Godspeed, Godspeed, this is Hak! We need an orbital strike on these coordinates: latitude 73, longitude 34.

Clone on Godspeed: Roger that, firing on those coordinates!

Hak: Tranquility, fire on latitude 86, longitude 21.

Clone on Tranquility: Copy that!

Hak: Justice, fire on latitude 81, longitude 25.

Clone on Justice: Copy that! Firing for affect!

Hak: Godspeed, send down the HAMAAT's, we need a pick up.

Clone on Godspeed: Sending them down!

A victory on Toola! Thanks to Gamma Squad and the Guns of the Republic Cruisers, the Separatist bases on Toola  have been destroyed! Tune in next time for Gamma Squad, part 20!
« Last Edit: July 10, 2010, 03:06:13 PM by Irish Ninja 97 »
As do I. It is our lot in life, Master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer us up?

Offline Irish Ninja 97

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Re: Gamma Squad
« Reply #20 on: July 10, 2010, 03:05:49 PM »
Part 21:

CC-1475: Ah, Gamma Squad. It has been a while since I've given you mission briefing. And Stark, good to have you back.

Stark: Thank you, sir! *Salutes*

CC-1475: Anyways, the planet Miriala has been taken by the Separatists. We need you boys to take the planet.

Blitz: Take a whole planet? We're just five commandos!

CC-1475: Let me finish. The 78th Attack Batallion is right behind you. Now, you will be taking out an airfield that is covered with Anti-Aircraft turrets. Take them out and the 78th should take care of the rest.

Flicker: Sounds like fun.

CC-1475: OK. The gunship should drop you off now.

Sonny: Sir? From now on, can we give names to our missions?

CC-1475: What? Why?

Sonny: Delta Squad does.

CC-1475: Alright, fine. When you hit the ground, Operation Twilight Base Destruction will begin.

Hak: Oh, brother.

Blitz: Don't remind me.

Stark: Alright, let's go!

*Gamma Squad gets off the gunship and it flies away*

Sonny: Brrr. Its cold. I thought this was a desert planet.

Flicker: Its night time, stupid!

Sonny: Oh. By the way, where's Nagi?

Flicker: He drank some rotten blue milk and got sick.

Stark: Cut it, you two. The airfield is a few kliks away. *Starts walking, the rest of Gamma Squad follows*

5 kliks later...

Blitz: Well there it is.

Hak: Yeah, thats it.

Stark: OK. Move in. *Leads Gamma Squad to the airfield*

Stark: These clankers don't know we're here. There should be an opening around this corner. *Leads Gamma Squad around the corner* Well, would ya look at that. That clanker is taking some time studying a datapad. Blitz, relieve him. Quietly.

Blitz: Yes sir. *Walks behind the droid* Hey tin can!

Droid: Huh? *Turns around*

Blitz: Good Night. *Whacks the droid with the back of his gun and kills it*

Stark: Nice. Let's go. *Leads squad inside the airfield* Hak! Droid popper!

Hak: Got it! *Throws EMP grenade*

Droid: *Sees grenade* You're kidding me right? *Grenade sets off* Uhhh... *Dies*

Droid commander: Kill those clone troopers! *Droid forces open fire*

Stark: Fire! *Gamma Squad fires at droids*

Hak: *Kills a droid* Oh yeah!

Sonny: Suck Anti-Armor! *Fires Anti-Armor attachment and kills five droids*

Blitz: *Hits three droids with one shot from his sniper rifle* Set em up, knock em down!

Stark: Sonny! We'll keep these scrap brains busy, you set the charges on the turrets!

Sonny: With honor sir! *Runs to an AA turret and sets a charge* OK. *Runs to another turret and sets a charge* Alright. *Runs to the third turret and sets a charge* OK. *Runs to the final turret and sets a charge* All done! Now I need to-

Droid: Stop right there!

Sonny: Yikes! *Prepares to pick up his rifle* Forget it! *Pulls out pistol and shoots at the droids* Eat it! *Kills seven droids* MagnaGuard! *Magna Guard walks up to Sonny, Sonny pulls out pistol, but it is knocked away from his hands by the MagnaGuard's electro-staff, Sonny gets hit in the face with the electro-staff and his helmet flies off, leaving a cut on his face* Oh, you've done it now, scraphead. *Grabs the electro-staff from the MagnaGuard and shoves it through his torso* How do you like me now! *Puts helmet back on and runs back to his squad*

Flicker: What took ya so long?

Sonny: I ran into some old friends.

Hak: Did you set the charges?

Sonny: No, I went to get a drink. Of course I set the charges!

Stark: Then let's get out of here! *Leads Gamma Squad out of the airfield*

Outside of the airfield...

Stark: Sonny, set off those charges!

Sonny: Yes sir! *Prepares to set off charges*


Droid commander: *Sees Gamma Squad retreating* We're victorious!

Droid engineer: There are charges on the turrets!

Droid commander: What!? *Charges explode and destroy the turrets and the droids*


Stark: Good work Sonny!

Sonny: Thanks! Now let's get out of here.

Hak: I'm on it. Gunship Skull, we're ready for pickup. Mission complete. Popping a flare to mark our location.

Gamma Squad successfully destroys an airfield on Miriala! The 78th Attack Battallion moves in as they leave. Until next time yarders, may the Force be with you all!
As do I. It is our lot in life, Master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer us up?

Offline Irish Ninja 97

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Re: Gamma Squad
« Reply #21 on: July 10, 2010, 03:08:28 PM »
Part 22:

Gamma Squad and Nagi are currently on the planet Rhen Var, finding and destroying a CIS transport station. It holds Spider droids, Dwarf Spider droids, Hailfire droids, Tri-droids, AAT's, Corporate Alliance Tanks, and other CIS transports. Gamma Squad needs to destroy the station and report to the cruisers above to send in the 35th Snowtroopers. Now, I'll stop yakkin, so you can start reading!

Nagi: We're clear guys. Let's go! *Leads Gamma Squad behind a wall*

Blitz: *Looks around a corner* Clankers. Lots of clankers.

Nagi: Blitz, what else do you see?

Blitz: Seppie armor.

Nagi: OK. I'll call in. Godspeed, this is Gamma Squad. We've entered a type of harbor, and we have eyes on the transport station and heavy defenses.

Clone on Godspeed: Gamma Squad, you're gonna have to take care of those droids yourself if Operation Blizzard is to succeed.

Nagi: Alright. Over and out. Guys, ready to scrap some clankers?

All: Oh, yeah!

Nagi: Then let's go! Come on! *Activates lightsaber*

Flicker: You're a Jedi, right?

Nagi: I'm no Jedi, I'm just a ten-year-old with a lightsaber. *Cuts a droid in half*

Sonny: Suck this! *Fires Anti-Armor attachment multiple times and kills many droids*

Stark: *Fires at two droids and kills them* Haha!

Droid: Commander, we have to pull back and regroup if we are to protect the transport station!

Droid Commander: Yeah sure. *Sees the Droid get shot* Pull back!

Hak: Look! They're pulling back!

Nagi: We still have to take care of that transport station! Go get em!

*Gamma Squad runs up a flight of stairs*

Droid: Commander! They're back!

Droid Commander: We have to protect the transport station! All units, fire at will!

Blitz: *Blows a droids head clean off* You look better without a head!

Hak: Droid morale, currently at twenty-one percent. If we don't wipe them out, they will try to surrender.

Flicker: But Hak, we're not supposed to accept surrender.

Sonny: Oh, good, because Blitz needs way more kills before he can get to my kill count!

Blitz: Well, what is your kill count, Sonny?

Sonny: It's...uhh...crap! I lost it!

Blitz: Hehe.

Stark: Less time laughing, more killing clankers! *Kills a droid*

One minute later...

Droid Commander: We surrender!

Stark: Really? Oh, that's good.

Droid Commander: What's good? That you win?

Sonny: No, that we can shoot you down without you shooting back! Blast em!

Droid Commander: No! No! N-ahh! *Gets killed*

Nagi: Good work boys! Now, we have 2 different ways to destroy the transports. We can blow up the station itself, or sabotage the transports. What do you guys think?

Stark: How about we let the readers decide? Hey, all you yarders! Read this chapter, and comment below wether you think we should destroy the station, or sabotage the transports. The choice with the most votes will be what we do in Part 22. So, hurry up and vote already! Because it's...getting cold.
As do I. It is our lot in life, Master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer us up?

Offline Irish Ninja 97

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Re: Gamma Squad
« Reply #22 on: July 10, 2010, 03:09:43 PM »
Part 23:

Nagi: We should just blow up the station.

Sonny: Sounds good to me!

*Gamma Squad approaches the transprt station, but a ray shield appears and covers the door*

Stark: Ray shields?

Nagi: I'll go look around and see if I can find the generator. Until then, hold position here.

All: Yes sir!

*Nagi walks a large flight of stairs that leads to a citadel*

Nagi: Hmm, this must be where the shield generator is. *Walks inside the citadel's keep* This is the shield generator. I'll shut it down.

Grievous: I don't think so, Springfield!

Nagi: *Turns around* General Grievous. Good to see you again.

Grievous: This time I will not lose. Your lightsaber and your head will be mine! *Activates 4 lightsabers in his hands*

Nagi: *Activates and brandishes his saber* Your move!

Greivous: *Lunges towards Nagi*

Nagi: *Blocks Grievous's lightsabers and swongs at Grievous*

Grievous: *Blocks Nagi's attacks and kicks him*

Nagi: Oof! *Hits citadel wall*

Grievous: Hehehe. *Picks up Nagi's lightsaber and adds it to his collection* Now, I will kill you. *Prepares to swing lightsaber*

Nagi: *Jumps over Grievous just as he swings, Grievous turns around and Nagi steals one of Grievous' lightsabers from his belt* Now, come at me.

Grievous: With pleasure. *Runs towards Nagi*

Nagi: *Blocks lightsabers and swings at Grievous*

Greivous: *Blocks attack and swings back*

Nagi: *Blocks the move then cuts of Grievous' hands*

Grievous: Grr. Jedi slime! *Kicks Nagi and runs away*

Nagi: Err. He got away again. Oh well, better shut down the ray shields. *Walks over to shield generator and shuts it down*

Stark *Over Commlink*: Sir, the shields are down. We're going to set charges in the transport station.

Nagi: *Into commlink* Roger that. I'll meet you at the extraction point. Out.

A few minutes later inside the gunship........

Stark: Sonny, set of the charges.

Sonny: Yes sir! *Presses button on detonation device, but the charges don't explode* Huh?

Hak: Please don't tell me that the charges were duds.

Blitz: They better not be.

*Transport Station explodes*

Flicker: Woohoo!

Gamma Squad successfully makes the battle on Rhen Var easier for the 35th Snowtroopers! Until next time, my fellow yarders, may the Force be with you always!!!!!!!!!!
As do I. It is our lot in life, Master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer us up?

Offline Irish Ninja 97

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Re: Gamma Squad
« Reply #23 on: July 10, 2010, 03:12:17 PM »
Part 24:

Nagi: *Stabs a droid with his lightsaber* That's the last of them.

Stark: OK. Second Battalion, move in! Easy Company, go up top! Able Company, go down to the lower levels.

*Companies go to their designated position*

Sonny: Look! More clankers!

*10 Super Battle Droids come in*

Stark: Get to cover!

Sonny: Suck this! *Throws a thermal detonator at a droid*

SBD: *Grenade explodes* Ahhhhh!

Nagi: *Picks up a droid with the Force and smashes it to the ground, then cuts a Super Battle Droid in half* Yeah! Get some!

Hak: Get clear! *Loads rocket launcher, fires, and kills the leftover SBD's*

Flicker: Good shot Hak!

Easy Company radioman: Commander Springfield! We've run into heavy enemy resistance! We need help!

Nagi: Hang on! I'm on my way! *Turns to Stark* I'm going to help Easy Company out. Stay here, mop up any droid resistance.

Stark: Yes sir.

*Nagi jumps up to the upper levels and finds Easy Company*

Nagi: Captain! What's going on!

Captain Trik: The Seppies ambushed us with hundreds of clankers, We lost about one-fourth of the company. Any ideas Commander?

Nagi: Yeah, move the other half of your troops to that mansion, they'll have better cover there! I'll take the remaining fourth to the front to take out the droids.

Captain Trik: Got it! Easy Company, follow me! Sergeant Dess, take your squad with Commander Springfield!

Sergeant Dess: Yes sir! Let's go boys! *Leads troops towards the droids*

Nagi: *Cuts a droid in half, then cuts another droid's head off, then stabs another droid and Force Push's three more over the edge* Haha!

Clone trooper: Watch your left! *Blasts a droid* Yes!

Sergeant Dess: *Blasts three droids* That's the way its done!

Clone: Spider Droid! Get dow-ahhhhh! *Killed by the Spider Droid's cannon*

Sergeant Dess: Commander, that Spider Droid is tearing us apart!

Nagi: OK. Draw the Droids' fire away from me. I'm gonna squash that spider! *Runs around the Spider Droid*

*Spider Droid fires at Nagi*

Nagi: *Dodges the laser and jumps on top of the Spider Droid*

Battle Droid Pilot: *Points blaster pistol at Nagi* Don't move or I'll shoot!

Nagi: *Pulls the droid out with the Force and slams him into a wall, then cuts the Spider Droid down the middle*

*Droid forces retreat to the lower levels*

Sergeant Dess: Don't chase them. Able Company will take them.

Nagi: I'll call it in. *Into holoprojector* Master Windu. Sector 5 on Boz Pity has been cleared.

Windu: Very good, Springfield.

Nagi: We'll take out the droid forces. Springfield out. *Turns of holoprojector*


Captain Trik: Hold on, I'm getting a message. *Takes out holoprojector*

Palpatine: Captain Trik, the time has come. Execute Order 66!

Captain Trik: Yes, my lord.

Nagi: *Hears blasters reloading, turns around* Is there a problem Captain? Why are your weapons raised? Put them down.

Captain Trik: I'm sorry, sir, but we're no longer required to follow your orders.

Nagi: What did you say Captain?

CaptainTrik : Fire! *Easy Company fire rifles, launchers, and pistols at Nagi, a cloud of smoke covers the Jedi. When the smoke clears, Nagi is gone*

Clone: Where'd he go?

Clone: Do you think we got him?

Clone: I don't- Ahh! AHHHHH! *Thrown over the edge*

Clone: Spark! Gah! GAHHHHH! *Is slammed against a wall and thrown into the air*

Clone: What the heck is going on? What the?-AHHH! *He and three other clones are cut in half by an azure saber*

*The clones from Easy company are slowly killed off, one by one, until Captain Trik and Sergeant Dess are left*

Nagi: Ahh, it has come down to you two. *Jumps down from a building* I'm sorry, but both of you must be killed. *Activates his saber*

Sergeant Dess: Die Jedi!

Captain Trik: Dess, don't! *Dess fires at Nagi, Nagi reflects it back at Dess, and it goes through his head* Dess! *Sees Nagi heading towards him* You.. you monster!

Nagi: I am very sorry that it had to come to this, Captain. I truly am. *Picks up Trik with the Force*

Captain Trik: Put me down! Put me down!

Nagi: *Starts to choke Trik with the Force*

Captain Trik: Urrrk, Urrr.

Nagi: *Drops Trik*

Trik: Uhh, that was a Sith power.

Nagi: Force powers aren't good or evil *Activates lightsaber* its how you use them. You would never understand. *Stabs Trik*

Trik: Uhhh! Ahhh.

Stark: Commander Springfield!

Nagi: Stark... *Deactivates lightsaber*

Sonny: What happened?

Nagi: The clones in Easy company tried to kill me!

Hak: They did, huh?

Nagi: Yes.

Blitz: You made quite a mess Nagi.

Stark: Come on. Let's get back to the lower levels to help Able Company.

Nagi: Yes. Let's go.

*They all walk a little, then Nagi turns around*

Nagi: I can sense your thoughts. You... you're trying to kill me, aren't you?

Stark: I'm sorry sir. Orders are orders.

Nagi: *Activates lightsaber* I'm very sorry,too.

Stark: Blast him! *Gamma Squad opens fire on Nagi*

Nagi: *Deflects blaster bolts and runs towards Gamma Squad* I'm sorry, Flicker. *Cuts of Flicker's arm*

Flicker: AHHH!

Nagi: I'm sorry, Blitz. *Cuts off Blitz's hand*

Blitz: GAHHH!

Nagi: *Tears roll down Nagi's face* I'm sorry, Hak. *Cuts off Hak's leg*


Nagi: *Tears still rolling down his face* I'm sorry... *Sniff* Sonny. *Cuts of Sonny's leg*


Nagi: *Tears rolling down his face* I'm sorry...*Sniff* Stark. *Force Pushes Stark into a wall*

Stark: Oof!

Nagi: *Approaches Stark* Stark... on Dantooine, I saved your life...*Sniff* and this is what I get in return!? *Turns around to speak to all of Gamma Squad* You were all like brothers to me! Brothers don't turn against eachother! I... I... I hate all of you! ALL OFF YOU! *Turns towards Stark* I saved your life... now, I will end it! *Raises lightsaber* Now, you shall d-*Gasp* *Falls to the ground*

Captain Grav: You boys alright?

Stark: Captain Grav of Able Company!

Captain Grav: *Runs towards Nagi's body* He's alright. I stunned the bugger. Take him to the gunship, get him on the Godspeed and put him in the prison.

Able Company Clone Trooper: Yes sir! Crayn, help me out.

Captain Grav: Don't worry, Stark. Your men will be fine.

Stark: So all the Jedi in the Republic are dead?

Captain Grav: This isn't a Republic any more. Its an Empire.

Stark: What?

Captain Grav: Chancellor, or Emperor Palpatine, made an announcement to the Senate this morning and Darth Vader is on Mustafar killing the Seppie leaders.

Stark: Vader?

Captain Grav: He used to be Anakin Skywalker, but Palpatine turned him to the Dark side of the Force. New armor's coming in next month, and you and your boys will become Imperial Commandos.

Stark: Really?

Captain Grav: Yes. Now, let's gt you back to the Godspeed.


Thanks for reading!

-Jack AKA IN97
As do I. It is our lot in life, Master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer us up?