Author Topic: The Ganathan  (Read 1825 times)

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The Ganathan
« on: January 12, 2010, 05:28:36 PM »
INFO: Ganathans were humanoid sapients indigenous to Ganath.

RACE: Ganathan
SKIN: Normal flesh colored
DISTINCTION: Steampunk technology, near-human
LANGUAGE: Ganathian

Ganath was a planet hidden within the unchartered depths of a cloud of intensely radioactive interstellar gas near Nal Hutta.

The severely injured Jedi Knight Empatojayos Brand hid there and survived the Great Jedi Purge. He was made king of the Ganathans and ruled by the Jedi creed of justice until discovered by Leia Organa Solo fleeing from Nar Shaddaa during the crises surrounding the ressurected Emperor on 10 ABY. He joined her, leaving Ganath behind.

At a later point, the Robida Colossus joined the Rebel fleet, possibly indicating Ganath joined the New Republic.

The Ganathans were a sentient Near-Human species. They are very much a Steampunk race, very similar to earth's fantastical 19th century technology (think league or extraordinary gentlemen).

The Ganathans had limited space travel capabilities, using steam-powered spacecraft capable of slow, inter-system travel. They were ignorant of the hyperdrive, as well as many other modern developments, but were quite advanced in some areas, notably electronics, constructing, among other things, Empatojayos Brand's cyborg suit and the infamous Lightning gun weapons system. They had also apparently developed protocols for the handling of alien visitations.

The Ganathans evolved on the planet Ganath, located with the Oktos Nebula, a largely uncharted cloud of gases within Hutt Space. Cut off from the rest of the galaxy by the uncharted and unexplored clouds of highly-irradiated interstellar gases that surround their pocket of space, the Ganathans' technology remained at an archaic level. The Ganathans' existence might never have been revealed to the rest of the galaxy if the severely damaged Millennium Falcon had not flown into the gas clouds in 10 ABY, making Han and Leia Organa Solo, Chewbacca and Vima-Da-Boda the first outside visitors since Empatojayos Brand had been rescued from his stricken craft at the end of the Clone Wars.

His ship too damaged to travel, and nothing to return to if he could, the severely wounded Jedi Brand had remained among the Ganathans, who combined their technology with his own to create the repulsorlift sphere that housed Brand's body and kept him alive. Eventually Brand came to be the Ganathans' leader, and ruled through the Jedi creed of justice.

Dark Empire II (First appearance)

Handbook 3: Dark Empire
The Essential Atlas

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.