Author Topic: The Felucian  (Read 4320 times)

Offline Cimter

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The Felucian
« on: January 05, 2010, 04:53:09 PM »
INFO: Felucians were the native species of the fungi planet Felucia. The Felucians were sensitive to the Force as a species, but were driven deep into the jungles by the settlement of Gossam colonists on the world.

RACE: Felucian
HEIGHT: 1.9 Meters Tall
SKIN: Blue
DISTINCTION: Physical similarities to fungal surroundings, extra limb at elbow.
LANGUAGE: Felucianese

Felucia (pronounced /fa'lusa/ or /fa'lusia/), originally known as Galuch, was a plant-covered, fairly inhospitable planet between Thanium and Mossak, and located near the Perlemian Trade Route. It would become a major CIS stronghold during the Clone Wars.

Felucia had a diversity of bizarre plants, fungi, and animals which were almost rubber-like and translucent, as well as enormous Pitchers. When the sun shone, the environment glittered like multicolored glass. Most of Felucia was entirely covered by a humid, fetid landscape of huge fungal forests, and its wildlife included native gelagrubs, immigrated acklays, and a prodigious sarlacc. Felucia had strong ties to the Living Force, and as such the world's flora and fauna, including Felucians, could be influenced by a presence of a strong Force-user, both light and dark. Most plants and animals of Felucia have adapted special defenses to protect them from each other, which made them particularly hostile to the off-worlders.  See post below for further info on planet.

The Felucians were tall, bipedal amphibious species and had natural camouflage that allowed them to seemingly disappear into their surroundings. They were equally at home on land or in water, and traveled the swamps with ease. Both their arms and legs ended in limbs with four cup-like, webbed fingertips. Their suction cup-like limbs enabled them to stick to surfaces. Springing from the underside of each arm was a second short arm, which ended in three large and agile fingers. Their faces were constantly covered by masks.

Though Felucia had long been colonized, Felucians avoided notice for a long time by living deep in the jungle, where few colonists would venture without a strong cause.

Throughout their history, Felucians were often regarded by most other sentient species to be primitive and savage. They had long thrived and flourished in the wild jungles of their home planet without the development of any advanced technology, which was in part, largely due to their natural affinity to the Force.

During the Clone Wars, the entire species became threatened under the destruction of the many battles fought on the surface. Entire forests and regions were left scarred and ultimately uninhabitable. By the close of the war, however, the Felucians were able to use the Force to aid the forests in their regeneration.

During the Great Jedi Purge, Jedi Master Shaak Ti arrived on Felucia to hide from the Galactic Empire. Seeing the Force potential inside the Felucians, she trained them to use the Force for both attack and defense all the while encouraging them to resist the temptation of the dark side. During the Purge, Ti also discovered Maris Brood, a Zabrak Jedi padawan on the verge of the dark side. Seeking to help her stay on the light, Ti took Maris with her to Felucia and trained her as her new master.

Then, around 3 BBY, Darth Vader's secret apprentice Starkiller arrived on the planet in search of Shaak Ti, who he was assigned to kill. The Felucians attempted to defend the Jedi Master, but all who met the Jedi hunter were brutally slaughtered. Some of these had managed to tame the Rancors native to their jungles, and rode them as battle mounts. Unfortunately, Starkiller managed to defeat Shaak Ti, who flung herself into the Ancient Abyss following her defeat. Unfortunately, Shaak Ti's influence had kept the Felucians from slipping into the darkness. With her death, the Felucians succumbed to hatred and anger, particularly under the influence of Maris Brood, who had embraced the dark side herself following Shaak Ti's death. The corrupt Felucians became insane under the power of the dark side. Their entire physical appearances became twisted, and the natives began rampaging throughout the planet, recklessly attacking anyone on sight with nothing in mind but bloodlust. When the Imperials came to exterminate their kind, many Felucians hid within the body of the Mega Sarlacc Pit that Shaak Ti perished in. The Imperials held the Sarlacc captive to enter and exterminate those hidden inside.

Eventually, Starkiller, whose real name was Galen Marek, returned to the planet once more to rescue Senator Bail Organa from Maris Brood and her bull rancor. After an intense duel, Brood realized that she could not hope to win. She promised that she'd turn her back on the dark side if he spared her life, and he obliged.

Aside from a brief encounter with agents of Senator Bail Organa, it is unknown what happened to the species after Maris Brood left Felucia in an effort to turn away from the dark side.

The outsiders viewed Felucians as strange and alien beings, because they operated on a different social level, much like the Tusken Raiders on Tatooine. But unlike other primitive species, the Felucians did not split into separate tribes but were instead all members of a single tribe, split across their various villages. Each village's members were split into various castes: Chieftains, shamans and warriors[1]. Due to their connection to the Force, which gave them a somewhat primal attitude, Felucians were careful not to fall to the Dark Side and fed those that did to Felucia's Sarlacc. They were also influenced by the planet itself, which could result in entire villages being driven into an insane bloodlust. This also affected them physically, causing their bodies to mutate to reflect their tortured psyches. Most Felucians were subjects to rather wild mood swings, which resulted in them reacting to the same situations in a variety of different ways.

The Felucians were divided into a caste-based society, with each member fulfilling various roles. The most common of these were the warriors, who hunted and defended their people. The shamans were of a higher caste that healed their kin from injuries and served as leaders to their people, giving moral advice and teaching the ways of the Force. The highest-ranking members of the race were the chieftains.

The Traitor's Gambit (First appearance)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed video game
The Force Unleashed novel
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed comic (Appears in flashback(s))

Star Wars PocketModel TCG: The Force Unleashed Collectors Tin
The Art and Making of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed: Prima Official Game Guide
The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide
"Sound Unleashed" - Star Wars Insider 106
Star Wars Miniatures: Jedi Academy

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.

Offline Cimter

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Re: The Felucian
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2010, 04:56:41 PM »

Originally known as Galuch, the planet was colonized by the Gossam in 27,000 BBY, early in their interstellar history. Felucia was a hard planet to colonize because of its dense forests and creatures. When the Gossams tried to colonize it, many aggressive plants and animals tried to defend the planet, but the Gossams finally gained a few footholds on it. Felucia was one of their earliest colonies, though it was one of the least populated since its vast fungus jungles proved too wild to support large Gossam colonies. As such, the planet became little more that an exotic retreat world for the wealthy Gossam along with their lowly servants and laborers. Circa 25,126 BBY, the planet was absorbed into Xim's empire as he expanded his borders from the Kingdom of Cron.

The planet was entirely controlled by the Commerce Guild, and resistance to the Guild was found in scattered townships in the wilderness. These townships were home to escaped workers, criminals, and enemies of the Guild. As colonies spread, the native Felucian species went underground or lived in small villages in the thickest forests. Many, if not all, of the Felucians were Force-sensitive, and had a communal relationship with the planets ecosystem.

During the Clone Wars, Felucia became the headquarters of the Commerce Guild which supported the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Felucia would become a valuable member world and was as a result named by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine as part of a "Triad of Evil," alongside Mygeeto and Saleucami.

The planet was attacked during the Outer Rim Sieges. After the first attack, 19 BBY, Barriss Offee and Zonder were imprisoned on the planet. Aayla Secura took the Intrepid to Felucia to capture Shu Mai and rescue Barriss and Zonder; meanwhile, the Separatists began their attack on Coruscant.

With the help of Padawan Ekria, Aayla rescued Barriss and Zonder from the Nigkoe Detention Facility, resulting in a full-fledged ground battle. The Republic forces then assaulted Shu Mai's personal compound, not realizing Mai had already evacuated and was on Utapau.

The Jedi infiltrated the compound, found Mai long gone, but managed to shut down the droid army remotely, letting Commander Bly's clone troops into the compound, at the same time the Invisible Hand was crashing onto Coruscant.

Unfortunately, the compound was booby-trapped, and released toxins, killing many clones. The Jedi barely escaped before the entire compound exploded, but many clones did not. The trap also triggered a "poisoned well" policy to keep the planet from being of worth to the Republic, unleashing a highly poisonous biological agent into the water supply of Felucia's natural planet-wide aquatic distribution system, capable of infecting the entire planet in four days.

Shu Mai had left behind forces ordered to fortify the planet's major water treatment facilities. They knew the only way to prevent the deaths of millions was to take over the facilities and contain the toxin. The Jedi Council sent Stass Allie with clone reinforcements to Felucia.

Stass dropped off the clone reinforcements and Padawan Drake Lo'gaan on Felucia and then headed to Saleucami. The Republic forces split into three forces, each headed toward a different facility: Barriss, Lieutenant Inc, and Lieutenant Barr to Har Gau; Ekria, Zonder, Drake, and Lieutenant Galle to Jiaozi; and Aayla and Commander Bly to Niango.

Barriss's forces defeated a Commerce Guild patrol, at the cost of Lieutenant Inc's life. Barriss ordered Lieutenant Barr's troops to abandon her and go get Lieutenant Galle for help.

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Galle used a staged retreat to distract the Commerce Guild forces from the facility at Jiaozi, which the Padawans were able to infiltrate. The Padawans completed their mission at Jiaozi by shutting down the outgoing pipes before the arrival of the toxin, but were unable to access the controls of the Niango and Har Gau.

Ekria was puzzled when she detected a Confederacy-encrypted holo from Coruscant being received by Bly, not understanding that it was Darth Sidious relaying Order 66. Ekria was able to tap into the clone-cam feeds of Bly's troops and behold Aayla, who was spooked by the complete silence of the wildlife as she and Bly headed towards Niango. As Aayla was distracted by a native bird taking to the air, she was gunned down from behind by Bly and the other clones.

Simultaneously, Barriss was fighting alone, surrounded by droids. To her relief, she saw Lieutenant Galle's men seemingly rush to her rescue, but instead they shot her down.

The Padawans were horrified by Aayla's murder, but able to decrypt the message and hear Order 66. They then heard a new message on Republic channels from Coruscant: "Calling all Jedi. This is Supreme Chancellor Palpatine. The war is over. I repeat, the war is over. All Jedi are ordered to return to the Jedi Temple immediately. You will receive further instructions when you arrive."

The Padawans then checked Galle's clone-cam, and saw that Galle's troops were about to burst into the Jiaozi facility to kill the Padawans. The Padawans barely escaped, and would later head to Coruscant.

Since their defeat, separatist remnants, including Gossam settlers found shelter in small enclaves in the fungal wilderness, joining forces with fugitive laborers, outlaws and smugglers they formerly persecuted.

After the Clone Wars, the damage to the eco-system combined with the pain and suffering felt on the planet caused many of the force sensitive Felucians to teeter dangerously close to the dark side of the Force. This made Felucia an even more dangerous place, in many years to come. Sometime before the Galactic Civil War, the Empire conquered the planet, after the world’s capture, they destroyed any local resistance. In the Aftermath of Felucia's fall, the Empire began to occupy the world. The Imperial forces maintained presence in Kway Teow primarily to gather Gossam slaves for export and to research biological agents takes from diverse and abundant plant life.

During the Great Jedi Purge, Darth Vader sent his "secret" apprentice Starkiller to Felucia to deal with Force-sensitives there. Master Shaak Ti had exiled herself to this planet, where she was training the grief-stricken Padawan, Maris Brood, and Felucians for a confrontation with the Dark Lord. The Empire began operations on the planet to eliminate the native Force sensitives and established a prison facility, from which agents of Bail Prestor Organa rescued Admiral Gilder Varth.

During the Galactic Civil War, Jabba Desilijic Tiure had sent a Sith holocron that he spent half his wealth on to Felucia to be protected by the Empire, where it was stolen by the Zann Consortium. It was during this time that Tyber Zann here led a contingent of his underworld mercenaries against the Imperial forces. However, Zann would get captured by Imperial forces as part of a trap set up by Jabba, although he would later escape.

The Ithorians later colonised the planet after the devastation of Ithor.