Author Topic: The Bpfasshi  (Read 2241 times)

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The Bpfasshi
« on: December 31, 2009, 07:33:49 PM »
INFO: The Bpfasshi were natural force sensitive race from Bpfassh.

RACE: Bpfasshi
HEIGHT: 1.7 to 1.8 Meters Tall
SKIN: Pale white
DISTINCTION: Natural force users

Bpfassh was an arid double planet in the Sluis Sector orbited by a complicated system of moons, located near Praesitlyn and Sluis Van. It was the homeworld of the Bpfasshi.

Bpfassh was the site of a Jedi Praxeum. Near the start of the Clone Wars, Nejaa Halcyon chased Zozridor Slayke's Scarlet Thranta there in his ship, the Plooriod Bodkin. Slayke disabled the Thranta and stole the Bodkin at the price of only one of his men, leaving Halcyon and his crew stranded on Bpfassh for months, disgracing him in the eyes of many.

Bpfassh's Praxeum joined the CIS-aligned Jensaarai and was the site of a Dark Jedi uprising later during the Clone Wars. The Bpfasshi Dark Jedi were responsible for a rampage of terror and destruction throughout the sector before the insurrection was quelled by a Jedi task force led by Yoda. The Bpfasshi held a strong dislike for all Jedi since that episode. This uprising would be distorted by legend; some tellings placing Jorus C'baoth on the front line, a Jedi Master who had died several years before the event.

Decades later, Grand Admiral Thrawn feinted at this system to draw ships away from Sluis Van. Han Solo, Leia Organa Solo, Wedge Antilles and Rogue Squadron were attacked by Grand Admiral Thrawn's Noghri here.

Bpfasshi were near-Humans native to Bpfassh, they were natural force users.

In 700 BBY, a cult of Bpfasshi Dark Jedi tried to establish themselves throughout the Bpfassh system. A Jedi task force engaged and killed them, with the Jedi Knight Minch killing their leader on Dagobah.

During the Clone Wars, another group of Bpfasshi Dark Jedi were responsible for a rampage of terror and destruction throughout the Sluis sector. A Jedi task force led by Yoda was sent to stop them and quell the insurrection in the Bpfassh system. Yoda pursued and killed one of the Dark Jedi that had kidnapped smuggler Jorj Car'das. The Bpfasshi held a strong dislike for all Jedi since that episode.

Despite this earlier hostility, the Bpfasshi joined the New Republic.

Heart of Darkness
Star Wars: Rebellion (Mentioned only)
Heir to the Empire (First appearance)
Vision of the Future (Mentioned only)

Star Wars: The Power of the Force (1995) (Indirect mention only)
The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook
Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties
Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force
The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.