Author Topic: The Pacithhip  (Read 2987 times)

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The Pacithhip
« on: December 26, 2009, 11:22:59 AM »
INFO: The Pacithhip were a sentient species native to the planet Shimia in the Outer Rim Territories. Members of the species were short, squat pachydermoid bipeds with long, thick tails and rough, green or gray skin. To fit in with a humanoid-dominated galaxy, Pacithhip often employed robotic stilts to achieve greater height and to use technology crafted for standard humanoids. The Pacithhip face featured a long trunk, four nostrils, and two elaborate tusks. These came in three distinct patterns, which determined whether their bearer was a member of the scholar, warrior, or farmer caste. Most Pacithhip made peace with their genetically determined place in society, but a few rejected the system and sought their fortune offworld. Pacithhip were broad-minded and adaptable to foreign environments.

The Pacithhip were discovered before 1000 BBY, in the days of the Galactic Republic. The Corellian Run trade route eventually reached Shimia, and their gained access to galactic-standard technology. Pacithhip colonists reached faraway planets; for example, by 35 BBY, Mos Espa on Tatooine boasted a significant Pacithhip population, many of whom were animal breeders. After the rise of the Galactic Empire, Imperial troops took over Shimia's spaceports and discouraged offworld travel but otherwise left the Pacithhip alone. Imperial defeat at the Battle of Endor freed the Pacithhip to once again spread throughout the galaxy.

Since the days of the Old Republic, Pacithhip gained renown for their exploits. One such individual was a Pacithhip Jedi who fought in the Army of Light during the New Sith Wars. A Pacithhip represented Shimia in the Imperial Senate at the time of the institution of the New Order. Ketwol was a Pacithhip prospector who settled on Tatooine and frequented Chalmun's Cantina.

RACE: Pacithhip
HEIGHT: 1.3 to 1.7 Meters Tall
SKIN: Gray to green
DISTINCTION: Two tusks, trunks
LANGUAGE: Shimiese


Pacithhip were mammalian pachydermoids who walked upright on stubby legs. Coupled with a long tail, this gave them a low center of gravity and made them surefooted and stable. Nevertheless, these short limbs made them slower than most humanoid species and prevented them from operating standard machinery and vehicles. Many Pacithhip wore robotic stilts that raised their height from their natural 1.3 to 1.7 meters and gave them the proportions of an average humanoid, although this behavior was far from universal. Because Pacithhip young often hitched rides on their elders' backs, their speed was not as much of a disadvantage. The Pacithhip had hairless, wrinkled skin that ranged in color from green to gray. It was thick and tough, which afforded them some resistance to physical damage and stun blasts. The hands of some had three short, stubby fingers, while others sported four long and thin digits. Pacithhip adjusted easily to environmental extremes.

A thick ridge of bone at the back of the skull protected the Pacithhip head. Above this and high on the sides of the head were two large eyes that gave the Pacithhip a full 360-degree field of vision. Their eyes came in different hues, but blue was particularly common. A long proboscis jutted from the front of the face and ended in two nostrils; Pacithhip could drink through the trunk and even squirt jets of liquid from it. This was flanked by two larger nostrils at its base. The large mouth opened widely. The beings' most distinctive feature was a pair of elaborate tusks that grew from the base of the skull ridge and stuck out to either side of the nose. These were deadly in combat but served primarily to aid in depth perception. The tusks came in three genetically determined patterns. Some Pacitthip adorned them with rings and bands. Young Pacithhip had undifferentiated tusks until the onset of adolescence (age 13), with the full tusk pattern emerging by adulthood (age 18). Pacithhip life expectancy was 85 years.

Shimia's 10 to 100 million Pacithhip were divided into three castes: scholars, warriors, and farmers. Pacithhip viewed the castes as equal in rights and duties with no caste-based discrimination, but each had predetermined tasks they were expected to execute. The scholars acted as legal experts, judges, administrators, and teachers. The warriors upheld the mandates of the scholars and provided Pacithhip communities with defense. The farmers were the most diverse; although originally responsible for food production and textile work, in later years, they took on manufacturing tasks on a greater scale. Membership in a particular caste was determined by the shape of a Pacithhip's tusks. This could be determined early in a Pacithhip's life through genetic testing, but the tusks of a few Pacithhip failed to differentiate, making their place in society liminal.

The Pacitthip were logical and broad-minded beings. Their society condoned and encouraged stoicism; their preferred approach to dealing with the disagreeable (even something as fundamental as dislike of the caste system) was to let it be and endure. They believed it best to follow authority, especially the intellectual caste. These intellectuals emphasized egalitarianism and equality, so Pacithhip were unafraid of, even intrigued by, other species. Understandably, they easily adjusted to different cultures and conditions.

The language of the Pacithhip was known as Shimiese, a tongue that combined proboscis toots, dense oral vocalizations, and quick nasal huffs. Written Shimiese employed pictograms that stood for idioms and various parts of speech. Pacithhip could easily understand and speak Basic.

After their discovery by the Old Republic and integration to the Corellian Run trade route, the Pacithhip gained access to advanced technology and spaceports. Nevertheless, their native manufacturing and engineering capabilities lagged behind those of the galaxy at large for most of their history; by the time of the Galactic Civil War, they were still in their industrial period. The Imperial presence on Shimia did its best to retard the Pacithhip's technological progress, but with the rise of the New Republic, the species was once again able to engage in trade with the galaxy on a large scale.

The Pacithhip evolved on the planet Shimia, in the Dalchon sector of the Outer Rim Territories. The world was dominated by temperate grassland that abutted coastal mountain ranges. The Pacithhip evolved from creatures with tough, lengthy tusks used for defense and sexual competition. As the beings grew more intelligent, these features became smaller and more refined.

Shimia was first reached by outsiders between 20,000 and 15,000 BBY, during the Galactic Republic's settlement of the Trailing Sectors in which the world was located. The remote world lay just south of the Corellian Run trade route, and over time, commercial Republic interests built several spaceports on the world. The world became part of both Hutt Space and the New Sith Empire during the New Sith Wars of 1,004 to 1,000 BBY. Years later, the Pacithhip remained unaligned during the Clone Wars.

Over millennia of contact with the offworlders, the Pacithhip imported and embraced galactic technology. Their own manufacturing capabilities, however, remained primitive; they had only approached the industrial level—fossil fuels and precision machinery—at the time of the Galactic Civil War.

This relative backwardness and reliance on imported technology helped the Galactic Empire conquer the world after the fall of the Old Republic. The new government contented itself with taking over operations of Shimia's spaceports, monitoring traffic to and from the planet, and discouraging Pacithhip form traveling offworld; otherwise, it left the Pacithhip to their own devices. With the defeat of the Empire, the Pacithhip reclaimed their spaceports and pursued larger-scale trade with the outside galaxy. When the New Republic was established, more and more Pactihhip ventured off Shimia. In 137 ABY, the world had become part of Darth Krayt's Galactic Empire.

In the centuries after their first contact with the Old Republic, several Pacithhip left their homeworld to explore the greater galaxy, and members of the species could be found from the Rim to the Core. Some of these opposed their world's rigid caste system and sought instead to make their own destinies in the galaxy. Paradoxically, these dissidents were not branded outcasts or ostracized from society; rather, members of the scholar caste encouraged them to seek their own ways, especially after the fall of the Empire. Offworld Pacithhip often took up the life of fringers, scoundrels, or scouts. Such Pacithhip were more likely to employ robotic stilts and hide their tails to better fit in with other species.

Pacithhip earned fame for centuries. For example, a Pacithhip Jedi was a member of the Army of Light in 1000 BBY. By 32 BBY, a number of Pacithhip lived in Mos Espa on Tatooine. Tatooine's Pacithhip were known as skilled animal breeders; at least a few such Pacithhip made trips to Coruscant to sell their beasts. The Tatooine jerba was one rare breed they raised. Pacithhip in the Republic gravitated toward podracing. One worked as a podracer mechanic on Tatooine, and another, known as Durundo, was a podracer who competed in the final race of the Vinta Harvest Classic on Malastare in 32 BBY. Bok Askol was a prospector. Pacithhip were also present at the Casino District of Ord Mantell in 29 BBY, and Coruscant's Outlander Club in 22 BBY. Another member of the species was part of a circus that performed on Coruscant.

During the Imperial occupation of Shimia, emigration was discouraged though never outlawed, and Pacithhip suffered from government anti-alien policies. Indeed, a Pacithhip was among other job seekers at the Coruscant Employment Center in 19 BBY. Some members of the species chose to collaborate with the new government in exchange for bribes; Pacithhip businessbeings on Dantooine, for example, sold the Empire the names of the Alliance's financial backers on that world. Erkwil was a Pacithhip spice dealer who lived in Mos Eisley on Tatooine. Ketwol was an asteroid miner and prospector who traveled widely during the period of the Galactic Civil War and befriended the Tatooine street thief Swilla Corey. Another Pactihhip shared a jigger of Merenzane Gold with a Defel and a Devaronian in the Mos Eisley Cantina around this time.

After the Battle of Endor, Pacithhip joined the throngs on Coruscant cheering the Empire's fall. With the rise of the New Republic, Pacithhip became more and more common off their homeworld, especially along the Corellian Run, where many became traders.

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I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.