Author Topic: The Mrissi  (Read 1283 times)

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The Mrissi
« on: December 24, 2009, 08:31:34 PM »
INFO: The Mrissi dwell on the planet Mrisst in the GaTir system. The Empire has subjugated the Mrissi for decades. They are small, avian-descended creatures who lost the power of flight millennia ago. They have a light covering of feathers and small vestigial wings protrude from their backs. They have small beaks and round, piercing eyes.

RACE: Mrissi
HEIGHT: 0.3 to 0.5 Meters Tall
SKIN: White to dark brown
DISTINCTION: Flightless birds, vestigial wings, scholarly aptitude
LANGUAGE: Mrissian

Mrisst was a mid-sized planet in the Fakir Sector of the Inner Rim. It had a mild climate, and its four continents were dotted with small lakes and rivers. Jungle made up the majority of the terrain, consisting of spinetrees, spirepines, and a variety of other flora. It was the homeworld of the Mrissi.

The planet boasted many cultures, but had yet to develop three dimensional art when first contacted by the Old Republic.

Mrisst became a center of higher learning for many underprivileged youths galaxywide; its Mrisst Trade and Science Academy, while not as prestigious as other universities, was an effective learning institution.

Mrisst was recaptured by Grand Admiral Thrawn, who used it as a staging area for his final assaults leading up to his surprising attack on Coruscant. Years later, the New Republic used Mrisst as a staging area for an attack on Yaga Minor.

Mrissi (singular Mriss) were a race of scholars from the planet Mrisst in the GaTir system. They evolved from flightless birds, and retained a light covering of feathers, hollow bones, and vestigial wings on their shoulders. They were a small people, less than half a meter tall on average.

During the time of the Galactic Empire, Mrisst had several universities which, while not as prestigious as more expensive schools, enjoyed an excellent galactic reputation. It was these schools which brought Imperial forces to Mrisst to subdue the sometimes radical (but peaceful) political views of the Mrissi.

During the period of Imperial subjugation, many Mrissi left their homeworld as refugees or wandering scholars. Others were forced to use their knowledge to serve the Empire. Soon after the Battle of Endor, the Mrissi began to enthusiastically support the New Republic.

Despite their intelligence, the Mrissi had an unusual cultural blind spot. Until contacted by the Tenth Alderaanian Expedition, they had never developed the art of sculpture. Grand Admiral Thrawn used this quirk as a starting point to better understand Mriss psychology, leading to the seizure of Mrisst shortly before his siege of Coruscant.

Mrissi should not be confused with the Mrlssi of Mrlsst, in the Tapani Sector, who were also a small, scholarly race of flightless birds.

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I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.