Author Topic: The Abyssin  (Read 1562 times)

Offline Cimter

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The Abyssin
« on: December 19, 2009, 12:10:18 PM »
INFO: Abyssin were a people who were often described as "primitive and violent", and were often hired as petty thugs. They inhabited the arid desert planet Byss, where they lived as nomadic herders. At about two meters tall, the hulking, humanoid Abyssin had long limbs and a single large eye that dominated their greenish-tan foreheads.

RACE: Abyssin
HEIGHT: 1.7 to 2.1 Meters Tall
SKIN: Greenish-tan
DISTINCTION: Single eye, regenerative abilities

The Outer Rim world of Byss was located in the Byss/Abyss system of the Slice. Home to the one-eyed Abyssin, the planet circled the binary stars Byss and Abyss in an unusual figure-eight orbit. A hot and arid planet, temperatures on Byss reached their unbearable apex when the planet passed between its two suns, a nightless period called "The Burning."

Byss was largely ignored in galactic trade, its one substantial export being the Abyssin themselves as slaves.

Much of the animal life of Byss either hibernated during the hottest part of Byss's year, or lived entirely underground. Byss's animals also evolved various systems to conserve water, such as the Abyssin ability to quickly regenerate from injuries to minimize blood loss.

Most plant life on Byss utilized extensive taproots to extract underground water. One animal native to Byss was the gaunt.

The Abyssin are an alien race native to the planet Byss. These tall humanoids have long, well-muscled limbs and a single, slitted eye. The eye of the Abyssin has twin lenses and dual focal planes, which allows the Abyssin some measure of depth perception. They have incredible regenerative ability, and actually consume their own body mass and rebuild cells. An average Abyssin body cell is replaced every 80 hours. Many of the normal organs found in pairs in other races are singular in the Abyssin, but can be regenerated if injured.

They are a nomadic race, with no substantial exports. Thus, the planet has been relatively ignored by traders. The primary visitors to the planet are slavers who come to export the Abyssin themselves. When two tribes of Abyssin meet, they will either enter into a Trade (if water and food are plentiful, gaunts, weapons, or young are exchanged) or a Blooding (a fight to the death for water rights).

The Abyssin have greenish-tan skin and long arms that reach to the ground when they walk. Their hands end in sharp claws. Although Abyssin can live to be over 300 years in age, their ability to regenerate gradually decreases. Those Abyssin who can no longer regenerate themselves usually walk into the desert and die. Those that refuse to die are ritually stoned by younger Abyssin.

Abyssin could heal quickly and regenerate any body part, which some believe contributed to an especially violent racial culture. Their fast regeneration is believed to have been an adaptation to prevent fluid loss from bleeding. Because of their regenerative abilities, Abyssin could live up to 300 standard years. Elderly Abyssin lost these regenerative abilities, and either voluntarily exiled themselves to die in the desert or were ritually killed by their tribe.

When two Abyssin tribes met, they would interact peacefully through trading only if both groups had plentiful water and food supplies. Otherwise, they began a "Blooding", a brawl which ended only when one tribe's warriors were all killed, captured, or incapacitated. Warriors who survived a Blooding were usually allowed to join the winning tribe once they finished regeneration. This tradition led to some violent incidents when spacers tried to trade with Abyssin tribes with scarce water resources, especially since the Abyssins assumed the alien traders could regenerate as quickly as they did.

Abyssin were uncommon in the greater galaxy. Those who were found off Byss were often slaves or mercenaries. Abyssin were sometimes referred to as "monocs", "cyclops", or "One-Eye". The Abyssin generally found these terms insulting, and would often react violently to them.

A number of Abyssin lived on Phaeda and Dubrava.

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Evasive Action: Recruitment
Evasive Action: Prey
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A Hunter's Fate: Greedo's Tale webstrip (Appears in flashback(s))
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Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (First appearance)
Play It Again, Figrin D'an: The Tale of Muftak and Kabe
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The Star Wars Holiday Special
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Crimson Empire
Crimson Empire II: Council of Blood
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Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races
Star Wars Encyclopedia
Ultimate Alien Anthology
Unknown Soldier: The Story of General Grievous
Star Wars Miniatures: Universe
Star Wars Customizable Card Game – Jabba's Palace Limited (Card: Abyssin)
The Official Star Wars Fact File 138 (HEA1-2, Healing and Healers)
The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
Sebulba in the Databank
Abyssin in the Databank

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 11:36:05 PM by Cimter »

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Re: The Abyssin
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2009, 06:35:16 AM »
ive heard of these abyysin but tghanks for mor info mate