The Imperial Shipyards

Imperial Archive => Saga Collection => Topic started by: Reconsgt on September 13, 2009, 07:53:42 AM

Title: 2002 Figure checklist
Post by: Reconsgt on September 13, 2009, 07:53:42 AM
#01  Anakin Skywalker: Outland Peasant Disguise
#02  Padmé Amidala: Arena Escape
#03  Obi-Wan Kenobi: Coruscant Chase
#04  C-3PO: Protocal Droid
#05  Kit Fisto: Jedi Master
#06  Super Battle Droid
#07  Boba Fett: Kamino Escape
#08  Tusken Raider: Female w/ Child
#09  Captain Typho: Padmé's Head of Security
#10  Shaak Ti: Jedi Master
#11  Battle Droid: Arena Battle
#12  Plo Koon: Arena Battle
#13  Jango Fett: Kamino Escape
#14  R2-D2: Coruscant Sentry
#15  Geonosian Warrior
#16  Dexter Jettster: Coruscant Informant
#17  Clone Trooper
#18  Zam Wesell: Bounty Hunter
#19  Royal Guard: Coruscant Security
#20  Saesee Tiin: Jedi Master
#21  Nikto: Jedi Knight
#22  Anakin Skywalker: Hangar Duel
#23  Yoda: Jedi Master
#24  Jar Jar Binks: Gungan Senator
#25  Taun We: Kamino Cloner
#26  Luminara Unduli: Jedi Master
#27  Count Dooku: Dark Lord
#28  Mace Windu: Geonosian Rescue
#29  Luke Skywalker: Bespin Duel
#30  Darth Vader: Bespin Duel
#31  Jango Fett: Final Battle
#32  Qui-Gon Jinn: Jedi Master
#33  Endor Rebel Soldier (Goatee)
#33  Endor Rebel Soldier (No Goatee)
#34  Massif w/ Geonosian Handler  
#35  Orn Fre Taa: Ryloth Senator
#36  Obi-Wan Kenobi: Jedi Starfighter Pilot
#37  Han Solo: Endor Raid
#38  Chewbacca: Cloud City Capture
#39  Supreme Chancellor Palpatine
#40  Djas Puhr: Alien Bounty Hunter
#41  Padme Amidala: Coruscant Attack
#42  Darth Maul: Sith Training
#43  Anakin Skywalker: Tatooine Attack
#44  Ki-Adi-Mundi: Jedi Master
#45  Ephant Mon: Jabba's Head of Security
#46  Teemto Pagalies: Pod Racer
#47  Jango Fett: Slave 1 Pilot
#48  Destroyer Droid: Geonosis Battle
#49  Clonetrooper: Republic Gunship Pilot
#50  Watto: Mos Espa Junk Dealer
#51  Lott Dod: Neimodian Senator
#52  Tusken Raider w/ Massiff
#53  Yoda: Jedi High Council
#54  Rebel Trooper: Tantive IV Defender
#55  Imperial Officer
#56 Eeth Koth: Jedi Master
#57 Teebo