The Imperial Shipyards

Kenner / Hasbro Collecting => General Hasbro collecting => Topic started by: RebelAce on May 21, 2011, 07:29:54 AM

Title: Shifting my collecting focus
Post by: RebelAce on May 21, 2011, 07:29:54 AM
Nearly all of my (modern era) Star Wars collection is based on the prequels and The Clone Wars cartoon line.  When I was younger I had a fairly decent sized OT collection from the PoTJ and PotF lines.  Over the years the collection began to expand and I didn't have the room to store it all so I cataloged what I had, boxed everything up and stored them in my parent's garage (at their permission, mind you).  Long story short my dear mother sold all of it in a garage sale this week. :/  Initially I was upset because she sold everything at a fraction of what it was probably worth, and now my original trilogy collection is all but gone.  Rather than be angry, upset or what have you I have decided to find a silver lining in all this and with the newly articulated sculpts of the vintage and legacy lines, I have shifted gears from buying Clone War era to OT era. Sort of a clean slate I suppose.  The only thing I hate is that most of my fighter ships like my x-wings, a-wings, and y-wings are all gone and from what I've seen are sort of expensive to replace. 

I just thought I'd share this tragedy and rebirth with you all.  Neither my family, nor my friends understand my hobby of collecting or my passion for all things Star Wars so I needed to talk to somebody.... :) 

Title: Re: Shifting my collecting focus
Post by: CloneSniper78 on May 21, 2011, 08:45:57 AM
Sorry to hear it bro. The same thing happened to me a long time ago. At least you got something to look forward to now. I saw somewhere online that the B-Wing is gonna come out again. I think as a K-Mart excl. but I'm not 100% sure. Good luck man.
Title: Re: Shifting my collecting focus
Post by: Phatty on May 21, 2011, 01:53:07 PM
Ouch!  That's a tough one for sure.  At least give you a heads up so you can put a moderate price on it, if that's what you were going to do with it.
Title: Re: Shifting my collecting focus
Post by: RebelAce on May 21, 2011, 08:31:14 PM
Thanks for the well wishes.  It would be cool to see a b-wing re-release I never owned one.  I never intended to have my collection sold lol, just one of those things that happened.  Just staying optimistic and going to rebuild from scratch. :)
Title: Re: Shifting my collecting focus
Post by: flaccideagle on July 14, 2011, 11:17:27 AM
Thanks for the well wishes.  It would be cool to see a b-wing re-release I never owned one.  I never intended to have my collection sold lol, just one of those things that happened.  Just staying optimistic and going to rebuild from scratch. :)

Sorry to hear this man... my family did this to me in the late 80's too, it wasn't so bad as I was able to get everything back before vintage was valuable and POTF2 changed the hobby...

This is a great time to go VOTC style all the way though.  I did the same (intentionally) around 2007 and having a focus (with me it's the cantina and ANH) definitely saves you $$!  There's a ton of good lots on Ebay lately of figures too... Plus this summer's Y-Wing and B-Wing re-releases look sweet.  It might cost you some $$ but your direction will sure look sweet!
Title: Re: Shifting my collecting focus
Post by: Tamer on July 15, 2011, 08:40:30 AM
That is just downright awful! What reasoning did your mother give for doing this?

Oh man, I just feel bad for you. I bought baseball cards (entire Fleer and Topps sets) for the year I graduated high school. When I got home from the service I had found my mother had sold those and some of my extra Army Uniforms and Medals in one of her Yard Sales. Needless to say we came to terms rather quickly. Don't get my wrong I love my mom, but there are some things you just check on before you do it and this would classify as one of those.

And with Hasbro distribution so horrible now too. Well I for one will help you if I can. I haven't seen a new figure in months, but I promise I will help out all I can.
Title: Re: Shifting my collecting focus
Post by: zedhatch on July 20, 2011, 09:49:07 AM
Sorry to hear:

But you can look at it in a "Make lemonade" kind of way as you know what you had and can be more selective.  I cannot count how many times I have looked back and realized I had overdone it and WISH I had been more selective.

BTW, I hope this releaves some of the burdon, but the result useually is that I end up selling it at a fraction of what it's worth.  Kind of goes with the territory I suppose. 

Did you at least get the money from your Mom for it, I would be demanding about it myself. 
Title: Re: Shifting my collecting focus
Post by: Mike Cypress on August 24, 2011, 07:39:41 PM
My mom sold my whole toy collection (Star Wars and everything cool from the 80's) in 1994.  I was mad at the time because I only have about 5 of my old toys.  But then Hasbro started remaking Star Wars stuff and it's better than the old stuff in my opinion.  My advice on replacing your stuff would be to just wait.  Hasbro likes to keep re-releasing the same stuff over and over so eventually what has came out before will come out again, sometimes better, sometimes worse.