The Imperial Shipyards

Imperial Creative Engineering => Custom Figures => Topic started by: NightStalker on February 21, 2011, 06:10:50 PM

Title: Customs in progress
Post by: NightStalker on February 21, 2011, 06:10:50 PM
Here are few of my customs, they are work in progress. I start with Saga Legends Super articulated clone troopers.
I have updated them recently so I'm working on getting some new photos up. I call this team "Redwing"

Their callsigns, or more like nicknames are (Left to right):
"Deuce" beacause he likes "deuce" on the bad guys.
and last, but not least
"Hawksin"                                                                   (sorry for the Spamed pictures, if you could, please let me know how to remove them)
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: SITHHAPPENS on February 21, 2011, 06:26:22 PM
they are looking good welcome to the yards!!!
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: Clonehead on February 21, 2011, 07:16:37 PM
That is a nice looking squad you have there, NS. Welcome to the shipyards!
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: SITHHAPPENS on February 21, 2011, 07:48:21 PM
were these on ebay a couple weeks ago?
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: CaptainLux on February 21, 2011, 07:50:15 PM
Cool customs, welcome to the yards!
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: trooperfelks on February 21, 2011, 08:38:01 PM
good looking squad welcome to the yard . dude
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: NightStalker on February 21, 2011, 09:47:28 PM
were these on ebay a couple weeks ago?

   Yeah they were, did you see 'em? They didn't sell so I'm keeping them for now. I just took some pictures of my improvement on Axe and Hawksin, I'll have them up tomorrow afternoon.

Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: Jedi Minstrel on February 22, 2011, 06:21:05 AM
cool stuff.  welcome to the Yards.
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: Luke Sprywalker on February 22, 2011, 06:58:32 AM
Nice group of Clones, welcome to the yards!
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: NightStalker on February 22, 2011, 04:06:45 PM
    Alright here are my new pictures of Axe and Hawksin. And a little backstory.

    I based team "Redwing" off of a form of intimidation the USN SEAL Teams used back in Vietnam. A form of camoflauge known as "Improper Camo."
Basically what it is, SEALs will paint their face with some kind of design, like a skull face. So if you can imagine a Viet Cong soldier soldier walking along a trail at night. And then all of a suddenly a man with skull face pops up and cuts your throat.
   This is essentialy my Star Wars version of those guys.

Featuring Axe:
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: Clonehead on February 22, 2011, 04:57:10 PM
That guy just looks bad a$$! I love the improper camo approach and all of the equipment.

Welcome aboard! You have been (
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: NightStalker on February 22, 2011, 05:13:30 PM
That guy just looks bad a$$! I love the improper camo approach and all of the equipment.

Welcome aboard! You have been (

Thanks for the front page man! Awesome!
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: darknsour on February 22, 2011, 05:48:26 PM
WOW thats some heavy duty stuff!!!

Great looking clones!!!

Really good colors!!!

Oh and welcome aboard!!!

Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: NightStalker on February 22, 2011, 06:02:34 PM
   Here are some photos of "Hawks" the team's Designated marksman. He got his name Hawks, because he likes to "professionally display" or bragg about his ability to hit a battle droid from 800 meters away. In a moving gunship... He has the same Improper camo technique as Axe.

And there are some pictures of actual Navy SEALs in Vietnam. Thats where my inspiration came from.
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: Jangobones on February 22, 2011, 08:13:51 PM
Lookin Good Brother...Welocome to the Yard
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: Luke Sprywalker on February 23, 2011, 05:06:40 AM
Very nice work! I like the camo patern and colors.
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: artilarytrooper321 on February 23, 2011, 05:14:52 AM
awesome trooopers
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: Tamer on February 23, 2011, 06:32:55 AM
I too am loving the red and black slash camo you have going on here. Looks like Clint beat me to fping you though.
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: CloneSniper78 on February 23, 2011, 07:50:15 AM
Nice! I would like to see a breakdown or an in detail explanation of that backpack. On a side note does anyone know what kind of rifle/machine gun that Navy SEAL was carrying in Nam?
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: DocOutlands on February 23, 2011, 08:03:02 AM
   I based team "Redwing" off of a form of intimidation the USN SEAL Teams used back in Vietnam. A form of camoflauge known as "Improper Camo."
Basically what it is, SEALs will paint their face with some kind of design, like a skull face. So if you can imagine a Viet Cong soldier soldier walking along a trail at night. And then all of a suddenly a man with skull face pops up and cuts your throat.

You done gave me an idea.....
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on February 23, 2011, 11:00:16 AM
that's a nice group of custom clones
welcome aboard
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: kreeper2 on February 23, 2011, 12:38:24 PM
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: trooperfelks on February 23, 2011, 12:47:33 PM
Nice work on Hawk , thats weapon looks nice on him .
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: NightStalker on February 23, 2011, 03:28:50 PM
    I based team "Redwing" off of a form of intimidation the USN SEAL Teams used back in Vietnam. A form of camoflauge known as "Improper Camo."
Basically what it is, SEALs will paint their face with some kind of design, like a skull face. So if you can imagine a Viet Cong soldier soldier walking along a trail at night. And then all of a suddenly a man with skull face pops up and cuts your throat.

You done gave me an idea.....

Clone  with a skull mask?
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: JediMerc on February 23, 2011, 03:41:27 PM
Nice work on the paint apps...I read something similar about soldiers in conflicts doing the same, it was more common in Vietnam.  Love the gear and the scheme on this guy!
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: NightStalker on February 23, 2011, 04:25:32 PM
Alright, here is "Deuce" he's the team communication specialist. He deals with all the stressful interplanetary and long distance communication with his specialized light weight equipment. He also carries a laser designator for painting target for airstrikes, artillery, and other forms of precision support work.
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: NightStalker on February 23, 2011, 04:33:22 PM
And here is "Vegas" he is the team's breacher. I am thinking about changing his visor color to a silver or maybe a blue.
Next all I have do is, finish the stand I am workin' on and create a backstory and I am done with this team.
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: Mungo Baobab on February 23, 2011, 04:54:43 PM
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: SITHHAPPENS on February 24, 2011, 01:00:19 AM
looks like your team is coming together nicely
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: Luke Sprywalker on February 24, 2011, 05:05:27 AM
Again, nice work on these. I really like Duces blak arms with the whit underneath exposed as weathering. Very cool!
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: DocOutlands on February 24, 2011, 07:51:42 AM
    I based team "Redwing" off of a form of intimidation the USN SEAL Teams used back in Vietnam. A form of camoflauge known as "Improper Camo."
Basically what it is, SEALs will paint their face with some kind of design, like a skull face. So if you can imagine a Viet Cong soldier soldier walking along a trail at night. And then all of a suddenly a man with skull face pops up and cuts your throat.

You done gave me an idea.....

Clone  with a skull mask?

Pretty much!  A ghost-faced ninja would be even better, *IF* I were capable of pulling that off.
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: Tamer on February 24, 2011, 11:01:27 AM
Very nice, expect to see these on the fp soon.
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: NightStalker on February 24, 2011, 03:41:28 PM
Nice! I would like to see a breakdown or an in detail explanation of that backpack. On a side note does anyone know what kind of rifle/machine gun that Navy SEAL was carrying in Nam?

Yep, it's a Stoner LMG. 
Expect to see a video soon of an explanation of the pack and other stuff.
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: artilarytrooper321 on February 26, 2011, 11:25:40 AM
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: NightStalker on February 27, 2011, 09:09:06 PM

  In the early stages of the Grand Army of the Republic, Jango Fett noticed a massive problem with armies Special Operation Brigade. Although Many of the operations conducted were sucessful, there was a problem with intelligence work. The soldiers whom were conduction them, were clone troopers. And this made things particularly difficult. If a clone was in the field posing as a civilian in order to infiltrate behind enemy lines and act as a spy. He would tend to draw attention to himself, because there are 15 million others who look like him, and 3 others around him who also look exactly alike.
   So a new Detachment of Special Operations Brigade was created. The Special Warfare Development Teams. There were 3 teams, Team 1, 5, and 11. In order to make the enemy think that were 11 teams, not 3. Each Team is conprised of 100 Operators, Team - 100 men, company - 50, Platoon 25, squad 10, and then a squad can be broken up into smaller groups. When Jango went out to look for warrior eligable for the 3 week selection training. He looked for non-cloned commandos, ARCs, and other non-cloned soldiers under special Operations brigade who have excelled above their fellow warrior clone troopers. The first class of soldiers to go SWDT's selection training, was a class of 165 soldiers. This included the now operators of Redwing, Axe, Hawks, Duece, and Vegas. Each week of selection was a new evolution, indoctrination evolution 1. This was just a week for the soldiers to fine-tune basic skills like navigation, and simple techniques that will help in days to come. The 2nd Evolution was one too weed out the weak, this consisted of a 50-mile cross-country Forced March, Long distances swim in a full combat armor, and many other tough exercises. At this point, students were given 1 day to recover. And then the last phase. 3rd Evolution also known as "Hell Week" it starts early in the moring  around 1 or 2 o'clock. While the students are sleeping and them, seeming all hell breaks loose. Their immediately woken up and thrown into the "Mosh Pit" a dug out mud pit filled with about a foot of water. Forced crawl al 50 meters and then they get to the logs, divided up into teams, doing cunches, lifts, running with it, a 450lb telephone pole.
   this goes on for about 6 1/2 days. Oh and it's conducted under combat conditions. So no sleep, and their is constantly someone yelling at you and making your life difficult. When hellweeks is over, the class went from 165, down to 25. After the students rejoice and celebrate, their given a day off. And then move Coruscant for advanced weapon system training. They hown their skills to be infinately better than the average clone. They train with almost every weapon system, and even aerial platform shooting. Then after about a 2 months, they move onto more advanced combat techniques. Their practice close quarters combat, urban warfare, breaching, escapes, shooting and moving and operating in the field as a team. After about 3 months, the students go to Scout Sniper training. practicing shooting with a precision rifle, relaying information to am assault team, and counter sniper tactics.
   Soon after Scout Sniper school, the students train in tactical drving, and some types of flying. Once they have complete their Direct Action training, Intelligence training began. They learned how to spy and conduct secret operation. Some Shadow Troopers were brought in to help instruct them on how gather inteligence alone in the field, how to link-up with other operators, and prepare an assault on their target and capture, or kill it. After the students have gone through all the training, they are given one last test. This would test all their skills. Class 1's (Redwings class) mission was to locate and capture a high ranking terrorist leader, and swiftly capture him for trial in front of a jury.
during the 2 week operation each operator is given 5 hours from mission breifing, until the local Law enforcement begin to track them down. They were reported by their intructors to be a terrorist organization planing an assault on Courascant.
   Once the class finishes, they go to graduate and are assign a Team. Redwing was assigned Team 1.

If you liked this description of their traning, let me know, and maybe I'll actually write a short story about the selection and training of SWDT. That actually is about the oeprators of Team Redwing, rather than just paraphrasing it.         

    Alright here is what I have done since. A quick look at my progress with the stand (Working on putting a team emblem in the center). And a look at the the entire team and thier weapons.

Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: CaptainLux on March 01, 2011, 07:08:46 PM
Nice man!
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: NightStalker on March 05, 2011, 09:28:38 AM
Alright I'm gonna be starting my next set of customs. So here is a teaser.  I'm a fan of the Battlefield series, and thought this would be neat. (ftp://
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: NightStalker on March 16, 2011, 06:45:02 PM
Here are some customs I have been working on.
      The first is a Vintage Sand Trooper. I added a half camma and some paint applications.

      The second is a team of trooper I am doing to a friend of mine.                             
                                                                                                                                                                      Hope you like 'em.
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: SITHHAPPENS on March 16, 2011, 06:55:25 PM
looks awesome i like that sandtrooper
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: trooperfelks on March 16, 2011, 07:11:30 PM
thosse troopeer looks great dude keep up the good work dude
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on March 17, 2011, 09:56:24 AM
I like the Stormtrooper with half Kama
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: CaptainLux on March 17, 2011, 11:14:04 AM
nice trooper there!
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: Clonehead on March 17, 2011, 05:29:37 PM
That sandtrooper looks cool.
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: NightStalker on March 17, 2011, 07:36:04 PM
I'll have more, and better picture when I am finished this weekend.
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: Tamer on March 18, 2011, 05:03:29 AM
Sweet stormy, back on the front page.
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: Art deWhill on March 18, 2011, 05:06:24 AM
wow, the red one looks pretty cool!!
keep em coming :)
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: ghostskull18 on March 18, 2011, 02:03:24 PM
Title: Re: Customs in progress
Post by: JediMerc on March 18, 2011, 02:19:36 PM
Awesome job on the red sandy!  Nice touch adding the half kama; I have a piece that looks like that and haven't had time to think of where to put it.  Looks like another item added to my "want to get to" list!  More great inspiration!