The Imperial Shipyards

Imperial Creative Engineering => Fan Fiction => Topic started by: hannsfartknocker on November 02, 2010, 05:22:46 PM

Title: Search for the Pilot
Post by: hannsfartknocker on November 02, 2010, 05:22:46 PM
Here's a short story I wrote called Search for the Pilot it isn't done yet, it takes place in about 1 BBY in Mos Espa, Tatooine. I hope you like it. :)

Search for the Pilot
The sea-mice, owned by Tyon Rollerbite, swam to their stone cavern used as a shelter, as a hooded figure and two droids stepped into the dome-roofed motel room in Mos Espa.
   “This place is disgusting.” Spat the angered 2-1B, 21.
   “I don’t need your opinion, 21. If I keep losing in sabacc, this may be our home for a while.”
   “Fine, just let me fix your blaster wound. Gonks, please come here and give the medical equipment some power.”
   “Gonk Gonk Gonk.”  said the worn out power droid.
Gonks staggered to the equipment and plugged in. Tyon sat on a table and pulled up his tattered jedi robes, he reveled his scorched forearm.
   “Well this is nasty, the skin falls off like bantha butter. I haven’t been hurt like this since The Wars. The awful, awful Clone Wars.” exclaimed Tyon.
   “I am aware sir, where’s PP?”
   “He stayed in the ship, just leave him alone he won’t talk to us.”
   “Why is that?”
    “I suppose he has nothing to say.”
PP sat in the cockpit of The Corellian banshee. He processed, why was I not made with a TranLang III Communicator module. I’ll just leave I am not needed. PP opened the canopy, stood and stepped out of The Corellian banshee and into the streets of Mos Espa.
Title: Re: Search for the Pilot
Post by: hannsfartknocker on November 14, 2010, 04:18:19 PM
Outlanders stared at the black droid striding through the streets. PP saw strange hooded figures but, passed them off as a cult of some sort. He walked through Mos Espa and into The Jundland Wastes. Womp rats slyly crawled on the desert floor preying on profroggs. Filthy animals, PP processed. His audio sensors picked up a small life form growing nearer. It’s one of those filthy hooded creatures, he processed, and by the looks of him he’s pretty beat up. The creature’s cloak was tattered and blood dripped from his hood.
He fell in front of PP, and whispered, “Nekkel juuvar obwegadada,”
“No,” PP said, “NO!”   
PP ran back to the motel only to find that Tyon, 21, and Gonks were gone. 
Title: Re: Search for the Pilot
Post by: beige-4 on November 15, 2010, 11:31:08 AM
Nekkel juuvar obwegadada .. i hope thats not rude !  :P j/k  i like the addition
Title: Re: Search for the Pilot
Post by: hannsfartknocker on November 15, 2010, 01:01:47 PM
I think it is a jawa curse