The Imperial Shipyards

Imperial Creative Engineering => Fan Fiction => Topic started by: Darth Depressis on April 27, 2010, 10:08:24 PM

Title: MOAWP S1/E6: "Sinister Agents of the Empire" part 2
Post by: Darth Depressis on April 27, 2010, 10:08:24 PM
Hyperspace route connecting the Zhar system to the Mid Rim-13 years before the battle of Yavin IV

The turncoat padawan awakes in the cargo hold of the prototype vessel and finds herself within the salivating thrall of the insectoid Kobok: Gaff.


Cittro: what is the meaning of this!

Gaff: oh my lovely awakes, I must excuse the spines on my arms. they pack quite a punch for your types.

Cittro: lovely yourself pal! Where em we bound!

Gaff: I seek your hive mate; Vont.

Cittro: were not…like that.

Gaff: good, good. So does it trouble you to know he may not make it outta this predicament. Or can we point our ship towards the unknown regions and form a human/kobok hybrid colony?


Cittro: (igniting light saber) not even if that genetic combination where possible, buddy. Now get your lust toad kester back into the cockpit!

Gaff: ok, so we are intended for vont then? Quite the age difference between you?

Cittro: remember yourself in my prescience. Where is the ship headed?


Gaff: so you don’t even want to know who I em? Most are at least peeved at the sight of an unrecognizable insectoid.

Cittro: most aren’t me, did my formative years with the kriffin Jedi. where are we bound!

Gaff: we seek those whom detained vont, since they know where he would be held.  My status as an imperial agent requires a bit of time in processing. Time enough for you to gather the data. No matter how well your objectives are achieved, I still retain my status.


Cittro: how exactly does a non-humanoid hold any status in the galactic empire these days?

Gaff: one would also venture a query regarding the shelf life of a turncoat padawan as well?

Docking Bay-Victory I-class Star Destroyer: Iron Fist-13 years before the battle of Yavin IV


The insectoid marches down the ramp of the Star Wing and is met by a platoon of storm troopers accompanied by Zsinj.

Stormtrooper private: (leveling blaster) hold it right there bug!

Zsinj: at attention troops! This is no mere non-humanoid. What brings an affiliate of Admiral Screed to my vessel?


Gaff: nothing out of the ordinary I can assure you. I was in pursuit of an enemy of the empire departing the Zhar System, namely the moon of Gall. And was hoping to gather support from you in this matter.

Zsinj: Gall, you say? Then might I ask why you couldn’t obtain support from Commander Vont’s garrison?

Gaff: it would appear from the comm-static that vont was either unavailable or deliberately avoiding the imperial channels.


Zsinj: well I can tell you on good authority that Gall is off limits to most imperial traffic these days. Its all classified. As for assistance I have none to offer, my tasks are of the highest importance.

Gaff: then hopefully I will regain her trail.


Zsinj: happy hunting.

The insectoid scuttles back up the ramp of the star wing. The troops march back down the docking bay following Zsinj.

Bridge-Victory I-class Star Destroyer: Iron Fist-13 years before the battle of Yavin IV

Commander Zsinj strides down the walkway of the bridge towards the windows, the crew immediately begins to shuffle about their tasks in a more efficient manner. The commander stops atop the post of a swarthy imperial comm-officer.


Zsinj: is that my code cylinder there? Milton.


Before the flop sweat ridden officer can begin a series of half witted rebuttals; a light saber pierces the window and causes it to give way to the recesses of Space.


The bridge is instantly caught in a decompression updraft as the crew is sucked out into the void. The turncoat padawan storms into the scene with magnetized boots and makes for the computer console while brandishing a slicer tool.


The commander grips a bulk head tightly as Cittro fetches his code cylinders from his breast pocket. With the intel gathered she releases  the magnetrons and drifts into space before the window is replaced by a transparisteel panel.


As gravity is restored, zsinj plummets to the deck of his bridge and immediately shoots upwards barking orders only to find his entire bridge crew was lost to space. In the distance cittro can be seen boarding the star wing before it blasts into light speed.

Zsinj: Gaff!

Landing Field-Niollipa-13 years before the battle of Yavin IV


The hulking Neimoidian drags vont by a chain towards his craft.


Big Galgu: so wutcha know bout some “grand equalizer” that ol’augies building? And don’t play dumb, I gots word from the top brass bout the imperial fund allocation bureau being slapped down bout it being over extended lately. So any peep?


Dilbun Vont: for ffibs sake…go kriff yourself!

Big Galgu: (dropping chain) kriff me?


Galgu lumbers towards Vont with murderous intent, as he comes within six paces of the human. Dilbun snaps the chain upwards and around Galgus neck with one motion pulling him face first into a knee. Bones crack as the impact is made, but Neimoidians don’t regenerate on the penal moon. With another motion vont shatters Galgu’s hand and cracks a rib with a well placed kick. The Neimoidian takes the beating without a single noise. Before he can right himself vont jumps atop his back and tightens the chain round the Neimoidians neck.


Dilbun Vont: you’ve had your six, now its my turn. Whose laughing now!

Big Galgu: how long have you bein puttin this together ya kriffin sleemo?

Dilbun Vont: jus had to waste the beetle droids and here we are.  First ovv; whose the leak in the imperial court!

Big Galgu: wuz dis whole thing set by ol’ augie!

Dilbun Vont: duh. Lil tig fromm managed to brag to the wrong people bout his dads dealings with you and that whole trigon mess. Augie never believed jabba would snuff out Sise Fromm over insults nor kriffin credits, so that leaves you the smallest pup on the list of Mafioso’s.

Big Galgu: so giving you up to me was just to get you close to me and try gittin me to spill my guts? Dats the plan!


Without warning the hulking Neimoidian breaks the chain with his teeth and wraps his legs round vont and tosses him backwards.


Big Galgu: before I smash yur head with a rock, it was Mas Amedda. Kriffer got edged outta the inner circle not even a day into the new order, nuthin worse then guys like izard,pestazz, dwebiana and you taking a seat at the table in place of him.


Vont lunges towards Galgu at full speed. In a blur of motion he runs up the Neimoidians brutish form and performs a spinning round house kick to galgu’s face mid air. Only to land on his ribs as he falls to the ground after the facial abuse.


Without pause vont attempts to stomp Galgu’s rib cage, but is suddenly stopped by the crushing power of the Neimoidians hand around his foot.  Vont looses balance due to the severity of the pain and falls as the wound is rapidly healed by the moons regenerative properties. The heavily wounded Neimoidian staggers as he attempts to regain his footing, vont also languishes in the dirt.


Big Galgu: so wuts the big plan if I just kill your keester here vont! Huh whats the emperor gonna do without the intelligence he sent you in after? that’s the problem with this empire. Full of nuthin but slime balls looking to keep ol’ augie content in his palace. Funny thing is all us gangsters cannot be erased vont, dis empire would find itself a thousand of upstarts carvin out territories for themselves.

Dilbun Vont: dats why it was you he targeted galgu, you ain’t got no future. For all your boasting and showboating, you have no holdings nor any rackets going. Just a thug that thinks he’s his own boss. Pathetic really.

Big Galgu: (thrashing vont with his boots) I command whoevers I pay! I got three sectors worth of profit! And unlike the other gangsters I ain’t lame enough to have a soft spot palace to get hit in! dats why they sent you!

Dilbun Vont: (catching and twisting foot) don’t make me laugh! Three sectors full of non-sentients laboring under the worship of you. A kriffin false idol. We did our homework on you pal. Oh an the lost purse world funds where actually left there as a means to fund your little organization.


Big Galgu: (catching vont in a upper cut while standing) spare me war profiteer!


As vont uncermonelisly lands a few paces away from Galgu an concussion missle makes its mark between the two. From out of the dust lands a Star Wing prototype vessel.


Its ramp extends upon landing, the turncoat padawan sprints down onto the scene. She settles near vont, and ignites her light saber as galgu regains his stance across from them. Cittro attempts a non-force assisted a saber throw, but a lone blaster bolt catches her saber hilt wielding hand causing her to drop the weapon.


The insectoid Gaff enters the fray with a smoking blaster leaveled at the two humans. Cittro springs towards Gaff whom lets off a string of blaster shots at the girl, the bolts are dodged gracefully.


Only for the girl to be caught on the Kobok’s sleep serum filled elbow spine. Cittro falls to the ground.

Gaff:  gee if only Longo Two-Guns could be in attendance we’d have ourselves a full reunion eh?

Big Galgu: oh and lil miss Mahwi Lihnn, can’t forget bout her gaff.

Dilbun Vont: that little minx sure loved playin us ovv one another, probably a good thing ol augies pet zabrak took her out.

Big Galgu: she wuz my dame vont, wutca you talkin bout her playin us all? You wuz just a young pup back then.

Gaff: oh havn’t gotten any brighter with age have we?


Dilbun Vont:  so whuts your angle gaff….

The insectoid tosses a blaster each to Vont and Galgu. Both assume gun fighter stances. The three start pacing in a counter clock wise circle.


The wind picks up some dust as the sunlight begins to fade. Without a seconds notice, Gaff opens fire on Big Galgu whom attempts to unload his chargless pistol on vont whom sprints up to the Neimoidian and fires off a bolt between the eyes. Galgu falls to the ground.

Gaff: so trusting, always was his weakness.

Dilbun Vont: wuz Mahwi really cavorting with Galgu?

Gaff: real hive like being was she. Galaxy be better without her. So whose the next target?


Dilbun Vont: Amedda apparently. Thinkin augie can sort it out on his time though. After this nightmare, I’m thinking bout Letting cit have her way and settling into a quieter life back on gall.

Gaff: there room for another imperial agent over there?

Dilbun Vont: of course, as long as the kid here doesn’t kill you for shootin her in the kriffin hand. I know just the way to cool her jets.

Crimson Casino-The Wheel-Besh Gorgon System-13 years before the battle of Yavin IV


Dilbun Vont: (narration) always wanted a Gammorean binding ceremony, but hell a kriffin night on the wheel is just wut a nerf herder like me needs after gittin the snot beat outta him by galgu.

Cittro and Dilbun stand face to face while a Ffib Priest places both his hands on their shoulders while uttering an binding incantation.

Ransel Sac: without compromise do you Cittro accept Dilbun as your partner till you may both enter the nether realm?

Cittro: of course.


Ransel Sac: and do you Dilbun, without hesitation accept..

Dilbun Vont: sure ding….

Dilbun Vont: (narration) priest neva said anything bout a kriffin kid.

The Ffib Priest is taken aback by the sheer rudness of vonts acceptance of Cittro and walks away shaking his head in disgust. The newly bound couple share a bottle of Whyren’s Reserve as Gaff looks on.

Title: Re: MOAWP S1/E6: "Sinister Agents of the Empire" part 2
Post by: hangarbay94 on May 03, 2010, 03:47:45 AM
Darth Depressis, another awesome chapter, I especially love the interaction between Vont and Galgu (love the name as well). I also like the locations you come up with, I think you do it best out of all of the nevellors I know of....

My only unease is the the liberal use of swearing, albeit gutteral and within the Star Wars Universe's lino, it is still uncharastic of anything else I've read and I only recall a small number of swear words in all of the Star Wars movies (Slimo, poodoo & Nerf Hearder). 

Swearing aside I really love everything else, so really do not take the criticism to heart, it is only my opinion and it doesn't really diminish my awe at all of the effort and stunning special effects you produce.

I look forward to you next offering.
