The Imperial Shipyards

Cultures => Others => Topic started by: Cimter on January 14, 2010, 02:42:22 PM

Title: The Lannik
Post by: Cimter on January 14, 2010, 02:42:22 PM
INFO: The Lannik came from Lannik which was located in the Mid Rim region.

RACE: Lannik
HEIGHT: 1.2 Meters Tall
SKIN: Pink
DISTINCTION: Droopy long ears

Lannik was the home planet of the Lannik species. It was ruled by a hereditary monarchy and was independent of the Galactic Republic. The planet was discovered by Duros scouts. It suffered by anti-Republic terrorists known as the Red Iaro until 32 BBY. Under the Galactic Empire and even at the end of the Swarm War, the planet remained isolated.


Unlike most other Republic planets, the considerable natural resources and mineral wealth of Lannik were largely unmined and unexploited, making it a tempting prize for enterprising would-be manipulators such as Red Iaro leader General Zug and corrupt Gran Senators on Malastare such as Aks Moe. Pugil was a sport popular on Lannik. A local team was the New Osler Flejj Beasts.

Lannik were short, bipedal humanoids with droopy, long ears and pink skin. Their homeworld was Lannik.

The Lannik were known for their bellicose society, and were seen to be fearless and sometimes hotheaded and arrogant. More often than not, Lannik kept clear heads in combat, and could deduce a solution to many dangerous situations. The Lannik were governed by the Lannik High Court.

The Lannik homeworld was first discovered by a group of Human and Duros explorers, who brought high technology to Lannik. The natives' exposure to this technology split Lannik society into factions, each with its own thoughts on how to integrate that technology into their society. Conflicts raged on Lannik, forcing the intervention of several criminal groups, and finally, the Galactic Republic itself, which restricted the amount of technology exported to the planet. This did not go as planned, serving only to increase the amount of technology on Lannik, and also entrenched crime syndicates on the planet. This led to the rise of the terrorist group known as the Red Iaro.

During the Separatist Crisis, Spotts TradeChip Company mislabeled Jedi Master Yoda as a Lannik in its controversial Jedi TradeChips series. By the time of the Galactic Empire, Lannik were rarely seen offworld.

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: Commencement
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: Reunion
Yaddle's Tale: The One Below
The Sith in the Shadow
Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan: Last Stand on Ord Mantell
Jedi Council: Acts of War
Cloak of Deception
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (First appearance)
Star Wars Republic: Outlander (Mentioned only)
Star Wars Republic: Emissaries to Malastare
Star Wars Republic: The Hunt for Aurra Sing
Star Wars Republic: The Stark Hyperspace War (Appears in flashback(s))
Star Wars Republic: Rite of Passage
Star Wars: Zam Wesell
Jedi TradeChips Spark Controversy—HoloNet News Vol. 531 50 (Mentioned only)
Noviee Exposed as a Changeling—HoloNet News Vol. 531 56
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
The Lesson (Ambiguously canonical source)
Star Wars: Clone Wars – "Chapter 21"
Star Wars Dark Times: Blue Harvest, Part 1
Coruscant Nights I: Jedi Twilight
Star Wars Rebellion: The Ahakista Gambit
Walking the Path That's Given

Ultimate Alien Anthology
Power of the Jedi Sourcebook
The New Essential Chronology
The New Essential Guide to Alien Species
The Essential Atlas
Even Piell in the Databank

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.