The Imperial Shipyards

Cultures => Others => Topic started by: Cimter on December 31, 2009, 03:49:22 PM

Title: The Bormterran
Post by: Cimter on December 31, 2009, 03:49:22 PM
INFO: Dragon-like species that where bred from the Great Old Dragon eggs.

RACE: Bormterran
HEIGHT: 1.9 Meters Tall
SKIN: Various with caste
DISTINCTION: Dragon-Reptilian
LANGUAGE: Bormterran, and own Castes

Bormter was the 5th planet in the Svekk system of Wild Space. It was conquered by Moff Delurin after the Battle of Endor, when he delcared himself Warlord of Wild Space. It was the Bormterran homeworld. The Bormterrans served Delurin as Dragon Troopers.

The Bormterrans were fearsome, loyal, dragon-like, reptilian, sapients indigenous to Bormter. They were known to be fierce melee combatants, which made them perfect for recruitment into Warlord Delurin's Dragon Troopers. Being from a primitive culture, they were not very comfortable with advanced technology but adapted to using it. They grew to an average height of 1.9 meters.

All Borterrans have some form of force resistance and have different death throes. Also, all draconians (except Baaz) have wings, but only the Sivak can truly fly. Bozaks, Kapaks, and Aurak Bormterrans can use their wings only to glide, a useful ability that allows them to fall safely from any height (provided their wings are unimpeded) and act as paratroopers by jumping into the fray from above (often from surrounding cliffs, the backs of allied dragons, or from flying citadels). Bormterrans are poikilothermic, meaning that their body temperature adapts to their surroundings (becoming cooler in the rain or underground, thus making them effectively invisible to infrared detection). This makes them simultaneously vulnerable to extremes of temperature (such as the heat of Mustafar).

Bormterran Society is largely militaristic. Bormterran are not given a last name at birth. Rather, they are given a basic name, and then referred to by their military rank.

Though the physical differences between male and female Bormterran are subtle (females have wider hips), they possess more fundamental differences in behavior and abilities. While male Bormterran are violent, and prone to drinking, foul language, and crude behavior, females are more dignified, nurturing, and pacifist, although they are known to find crude qualities attractive. A male and female Bormterran look mostly alike, but one can only tell the difference by close observation. For example, while Kapak males have poison saliva (as noted by their habit to lick their weapons before use), females have inherent healing abilities.

As stated their are different Castes of Bormterran, each one hails from one of the great old Dragons of their world, the Castes are as follows:

Baaz Bormterrans come from the eggs of the great old Dragons of Brass and are the smallest and most common type of Bormterran. Baaz typically serve as soldiers, and are historically mistreated by other draconian breeds (though the arrival of female Baaz draconians is beginning to change this, female Baaz being superb organizers by nature). They are incapable of using any force powers. When a Baaz is killed, its body turns into stone, often trapping the weapon used to kill it. After a short time passes, the stone body will crumble on its own and the trapped weapon will then be released, unharmed.

Kapak Bormterrans come from the eggs of the great old Dragons of Copper. They make good assassins and thieves, as they can coat their weapons with a form of poison, which paralyzes a victim. Kapaks are larger than Baaz Bormterran (though smaller than Sivaks) and powerfully muscled; they tend to enjoy battle, but they are not particularly perceptive or creative. When a Kapak is killed, it immediately dissolves into a pool of acid and all equipment it carried becomes useless. The saliva of female Kapaks is not poisonous; instead, it has healing properties.

Bozak Bormterrans come from the eggs of the great old Dragons of Bronze. They are skilled force users and are typically the more religious folk. They take pride in knowing a variety of force abilities, and Bozaks are also good with languages. Bozaks are physically about the same size as Kapak Bormterran, but tend to be more intelligent; nevertheless, they are also proficient melee combatants and are natural tacticians and strategists. When a Bozak is killed, its scales shrivel and its bones are revealed; the bones then explode.

Sivak Bormterrans come from the eggs of the great old Dragons of Silver and are the largest of all Bormterran, ranging from seven to nine feet in height. They are cunning, powerful warriors; they are also the only Bprmterran capable of true flight. Male Sivaks possess a shape-shifting ability which allows them to take the form of anyone they kill (provided their victim is a humanoid the same size as the Sivak or smaller). This ability affects voice and appearance only (it does not supply the Sivak with the memories of his victim), and is contingent upon the acceptance of the illusion by those around him. If the Sivak gives those around him cause to doubt the illusion, the ability fails (although some Sivaks, most notable Slith, were able to assume the shape of enemies they only knocked out or incapacitated, and the form was held regardless of whether or not it was "accepted"). This typically allows male Sivaks to serve as spies, assassins, saboteurs, and psychological warfare agents. When a male Sivak is killed, one of two things can happen depending on his killer. If the killer is a humanoid as large as the Sivak or smaller, the Sivak will shape-shift into the form of his killer. This is sometimes referred to as a Sivak's "Death Shape." The "Death Shape" lasts for three days, after which the Bormterran's body dissolves into soot; this ability can serve to decrease the morale of enemy forces by creating the illusion of a battlefield littered with the corpses of fallen "comrades." If the killer is larger than he is or non-humanoid, the Sivak simply bursts into flames. Female Sivaks, on the other hand, do not have any shape-shifting abilities. Instead, they can blend with their surroundings at will, making them much harder to spot under all circumstances and practically impossible to see at night or in deep shadows. When killed, female Sivaks burst into flame.

Aurak Bormterrans come from the eggs of the great old Dragons of Gold and are the greatest and rarest of the Bprmterran. They are typically force users and possess many force abilities (more than a Bozak). These Bormterran become more lethal in death than they were in life. When killed they burst into green flames and become berserker like. After a certain amount of time, or if they are physically incapacitated (whichever comes first) the Aurak transforms into a ball of green lightning. When half the time between the first change passes again the Aurak explodes.


"The Galaxy Dragon and Crew" - Dragon 200

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.