The Imperial Shipyards

Cultures => Others => Topic started by: Cimter on December 21, 2009, 08:07:19 PM

Title: The Squib
Post by: Cimter on December 21, 2009, 08:07:19 PM
INFO: Squibs were a sentient species from Skor II known for collecting, trading, and haggling. Adult Squibs had humanoid bodies averaging a meter in height. They were covered in colorful fur and had pointed snouts, tufted ears, and large eyes. Squibs tasted objects by rubbing them over their fur. They were gregarious, insatiably curious, and obsessed with haggling and deal-making. It was said that the easiest way to get information from a Squib was to propose a trade.

Skor II was rich in natural resources, but these were unevenly distributed. As the Squibs developed the compulsion to collect and stockpile baubles, some tribes settled down while others became nomadic traders. Over time, a complex system of trade and barter emerged. After their discovery by the galaxy at large, the Squibs established themselves as galactic scavengers and rivals to the Ugors. King Ebareebaveebeedee, who vocally supported the Galactic Republic during the Separatist Crisis, struck agreements with galactic interests to place Squibs aboard capital spacecraft as laborers. The Galactic Empire considered these Squibs slaves, but they provided salvage vessels with the locations of Imperial dumpsites. The species later signed a pact of mutual support with the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Squib salvagers reclaimed, refurbished, and resold rubbish both planetside and deep in space. Many worked directly for the Squib Merchandising Consortium, while others operated independently. Although most stayed within the law, some found work as forgers, thieves, and even crime lords. The Solo family had several encounters with the Squibs Emala, Grees, and Sligh, who operated as black market art dealers and information brokers.

RACE: Squib
HEIGHT: 1 Meter Tall
SKIN (FUR): White, gray, black, brown, blue, violet, red
DISTINCTION: Curious, overconfident, hagglers
LANGUAGE: Squibbian

Skor II was a planet in the Squab system and the homeworld of the Squibs. It was located in the Outer Rim Territories just west of the Rimma Trade Route. The world was small, with a varied terrain and climate that provided it with vast natural resources. The planet's system of government, known as the polyanarchy, was headed by a king. One major population center was Metrobig City, site of the Metrobig Interplanetary Blastport.


Early tribes of Squibs were forced to wander Skor II to find resources. As some tribes founded villages, others traded from settlement to settlement, and haggling became an ingrained part of the Squib psyche. It was this bargaining instinct that allowed the Squibs to trade for hyperspace technology and bring their world to galactic prominence. Skor II remained loyal to the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars. When the Confederacy of Independent Systems invaded the world in 21 BBY, the Republic fought to regain the world, with the ensuing Battle of Skor II won by Mace Windu and Clone Commander Cody. Although the government of Skor II later negotiated rubbish management contracts with the Galactic Empire, the king declared a pact of mutual support with the Alliance to Restore the Republic sometime before the Battle of Hoth. See for further info on the planet the post below.

Squibs were small, sentient, humanoid rodents who ranged from 0.8 to 1.2 meters in height. Their pink skin was covered in fur that ranged from white, gray, black, and brown to blue, violet, and red. This coat served as an important olfactory organ, able to pick up scents at a distance and ascertain intrinsic details—such as seeing through a disguise or identifying a forgery—when rubbed against. This led to a common Squib greeting: rubbing a person's palm across the cheek fur. As Squibs often wore gloves, this conveyed more information than a simple handshake. The hackles stood on end when a Squib was nervous. Squibs wore clothing and footwear, but individuals left fur exposed to facilitate olfaction.

Squib eyes were large in relation to the skull and located on the sides of the head. They came in shades of blue, yellow, red, and brown. Their large ears often sported tufts of fur whose color could differ from that of the main coat. These pointed upward and could pivot to zero in on specific sounds. The short Squib muzzle tapered to a bewhiskered black nose. Their mouths were full of forbidding, sharp teeth. Squibs could store items in their flexible cheeks. The species had nimble, five-fingered hands and five toes on each foot.

The Squibs had quick metabolisms and relatively short life spans. A Squib was considered a child (fuzzling) until 9 standard years of age. Sexual maturity occurred at 13 standard years. Beginning at around 39 years, a Squib entered middle age, when the fur grayed and the face wrinkled. Squib life expectancy was about 65 standard years.

Squibs were cheerful, gregarious, and overconfident to the point of egotism. They were friendly and unintimidating, making them quite likable—at first. Over time, Squib acquaintances could grow to regard the beings as slightly annoying to downright obnoxious; over many encounters, Leia Organa Solo came to strongly dislike the species. Furbag and furball were derisive terms for Squibs.

Squibs were inherently curious. They handled anything that interested them, usually by rubbing it against their fur with little forethought as to whether doing so might be harmful. Squib curiosity and propensity for haggling made them unabashed pack rats. Typical clothing included pockets and pouches to stuff with odds and ends that caught their eye. A Squib could never tell when one of these items might be useful in making a deal.

Cheerful overconfidence was a definitive trait. The typical Squib response to a threat was not to fight or flee, but to bluff and bluster. This was particularly true when the Squibs were out of sight, as when communicating from a Squib spacecraft. However, their sharp teeth were a favored means of intimidation when they felt such a tactic was necessary.

Squibs were known for resourcefulness and improvisation. This manifested itself both in Squib technology and art. For example, many Squibs sported homemade ion blasters, cobbled together from spare parts, which they used to disable droids they wished to reclaim. Squib artists utilized found objects (i.e., garbage), which they organized into intricate and beautiful works. For example, the audience chamber on the Squib Momship Thrifty featured murals of Squib craft, the collapse of the Paradise system, and the Rebel Alliance operatives who helped to bring it about.

To Squibs, bargaining was an art form. The highest compliment one could pay a Squib was that he or she bargained well, and a Squib denied the chance to haggle for any length of time could grow withdrawn and melancholy. Some members of the species claimed to have trained in the Mystic Martial Arts of Squib Combats and Transactions, and the species even celebrated a holiday called Haggleday. Haggling was superior to all other impulses, and the Squibs were experts at it.

Squib bargaining followed three major rules:
1) If something was free, it was a good deal.
2) Bargaining was the highest form of communication.
3) When dealing with Ugors, all bets were off.

A few other principles also applied. First, Squibs preferred to bargain face-to-face. This allowed them to play up their small, unassuming appearance and make their opponent feel overconfident. Next, by tradition, the party who wanted something (usually the Squib) had to make the first offer. They could be insistent on this, refusing to talk or answer questions until a potential business partner made the first move. Persistence—to the point of pestering—was a favored tactic. Squibs continually asked for things that the owner had expressed no interest in parting with, hoping that they would eventually give in out of sheer annoyance.

The haggling process itself was more valued than any spoils obtained. In Squib reckoning, a good bout of bargaining let both sides think they were getting the better deal at least once. A key to Squib success was to involve as much complexity and as many individuals as possible: the more intricate a deal, the better, and a confused customer was a good customer. Squibs preferred to trade for things whose values were are not easily comparable, thus preventing anyone from really knowing who got the best bargain. By involving several partners, any losses were spread out, and the chances that any one party felt any more than mildly ripped off were minimized. Although the negotiations themselves could be quite intricate, the terms of the deal could preferably be completed quickly, without lengthy payments or interest (considered more the Ugors' style).

Squib ideas of value differed from those of most other beings. Worth was determined by something called kRR value, a concept not easily translatable. Gaining a great quantity of something or obtaining something novel was highly desirable. Squibs preferred to trade things they could see and touch; abstract commodities, such as information, were less attractive. Anything could be brought to the bargaining table, including a Squib's own offspring. The species' legends told of a mythical, idyllic junk heap of the ancients.

A deal was a binding oath. Squibs went to great lengths to ensure their arrangements went through, and they were incredibly loyal to their business partners, even accompanying them—saving their lives if need be—to help them complete their end of a bargain. Nevertheless, Squib interpretations of business arrangements could be fluid and subjective; many of their partners later found themselves wondering whether the Squibs were still adhering to the terms at all. The beings genuinely shunned deception and theft, however, so any apparent reneging was often perfectly justified in their own minds. For example, they believed that cheating was perfectly acceptable as long as they did not lie outright. The Squib crime lord Slythor, for instance, often threw in R4-B11 with deals he made; the droid was programmed to kill the business partners and return with the goods Slythor had traded them. Despite this flightiness, many beings knew Squibs to be mostly honest; in fact, Morseerians often preferred dealing with Squibs to other species.

Title: The Squib - Continued
Post by: Cimter on December 21, 2009, 08:07:53 PM
Skor II was governed by the Squib Polyanarchy, autonomous communities under the rule of a mostly hands-off king. In addition, all Squibs were employees of a species-wide corporation called the Squib Merchandising Consortium (SMC), which held important contracts with galactic and planetary governments to collect, refurbish, and resell refuse. The degree of involvement varied; at one extreme were individuals such as Squib diplomats, recognizable by the ceremonial Fizz-Pop Cap (with foil cluster); at the other were independent traders. The head of the SMC was known as the Illustrious Chieftain of Junkyards. During the reign of Ebareebaveebeedee, this post was held by the king, although it is not known if this was always the case. All Squibs were beholden to High Squibbian Law, a system that, for example, forbade the king from using the ceremonial items hanging from his robes and stipulated that possession was nine-hundred-and-ninety-nine one-thousandths of the law. The Polyanarchy was historically apolitical, although it supported the Galactic Republic during the Separatist Crisis and signed a pact of mutual support with the Alliance to Restore the Republic sometime between the battles of Yavin and Hoth.

One major arm of the SMC and a major Squib employer was the Squib Reclamation Fleet. Its vessels followed capital ships from one jump point to the next, collecting garbage jettisoned along the way. Squibs worked on the capital ships as garbage collectors and conveyed to the fleet the coordinates of dumps and any trade opportunities in the area. The Reclamation Fleet was shadowed by vessels of the Squibs' rivals, the Ugors, who would swoop in, attack any Squib craft, and try to grab as much salvage as possible.

Squibs read, wrote, and spoke a language called Squibbian. The language developed from Old High Squibbian, a tongue that remained in use as a secret form of communication for spies to convey the coordinates of trash dumps and for traders to avoid being understood by those with whom they were bartering. Squib names tended to be rather long, although the beings usually adopted shorter forms for use with non-Squibs. For example, the names Galaneever-marmalios, Meelawindemort, and Sleerinwilpher-remalior shortened to Galan, Meela, and Wilpher, respectively.

Most Squibs spoke Basic. Some achieved fluency, but more often, a Squib's command of the tongue was less than perfect. Few Squibs could read and write the language. They often had thick accents, and their knowledge of idiom could be quite limited. It could be difficult to determine what information Squibs were trying to convey: they might speak too quickly, combine seemingly incongruous subjects in a single breath, or mention things that seemed of no relevance to the discussion at hand. Squibs peppered their Basic with unusual expressions, such as koovy and often ended sentences with "you bet". When bargaining, however, Squibs were meticulous about explaining terms. Trading with Squibs was a sure method of getting information from them.

The Squibs had access to all aspects of galactic technology, although it differed from the standard in that it was often created from salvaged components refitted in ways their original makers never intended. Squib companies, such as Fegegrish Heavy Industrials, sold personal gear across the galaxy. The shoulder-mounted Squib battering ram, for example, weakened obstructions at the molecular level and was sold for military use—although it was also popular with pirate groups for breaching the hulls of their targets. Nevertheless, Squib inventions often proved a hard sell to other species. The C2-R4 multi-purpose droid flopped due to its poor aesthetics and confusingly over-abundant functionality. Squib inventors rarely lost heart, however; a failed product simply afforded the chance to bargain with the creditors.

Squibs excelled at tractor beam technology. Their tractor beams rivaled the best in the galaxy, and Squib spacers became experts at using them. Squib needle ships, for example, had no weaponry or shields, instead relying on ten tractor beams—rumored to be among the most powerful in the galaxy— for defense. If attacked, the crew used quick and precise manipulations to erect a wall of garbage around the ship and hurl pieces of refuse at the enemy. The popular garbage grabber was a personal tractor beam with a claw at the end for gathering salvage from hard-to-reach places. Squib engineers developed whole weapons based on tractor beam technology. These tensor weapons attacked with invisible (but loud) compressed waves of tractor energy and disrupted the target's cells—highly useful against the unicellular Ugors. Amberlandrax Armaments marketed a rifle of this design.

Squib starshipwrights constructed spacecraft from second-hand materials. The main vessels of the Squib Reclamation Fleet were the tapered, fifty-meter needle ships, each crewed by twenty individuals. The fleet flagship was for many years the Wholesale. Other important vessels were the Momships, one of which was the personal vessel of the Squib king. Ebareebaveebeedee's vessel was the Thrifty. Others traveled in tramp freighters or Squib scout ships, small craft armed with only a single tractor beam. Some Squib craft were considered "Uglies" similar to those employed by pirate groups.

Title: The Squib - Continued
Post by: Cimter on December 21, 2009, 08:16:22 PM
The Squibs evolved on Skor II, a small, dense world in the Skor system, just west of the Rimma Trade Route in the Outer Rim Territories. The planet possessed a diverse ecosystem, varied terrain, and vast resources spread far across its surface. Early tribes of Squibs were thus forced to travel from region to region to find necessities. Accumulating material goods became an ingrained part of the Squib psyche, leading some tribes to found small villages. Those who maintained their nomadic lifestyle took on the added role of merchants, trading foreign goods with their sedentary brethren. Bargaining became a deep-seated part of Squib culture.

The Squibs advanced to the point of mass production and developed a peaceful, species-wide government called the Polyanarchy. Sometime between 1000 BBY and a few centuries before the fall of the Republic, a Dorcin trader discovered their world. After a spirited round of negotiations, the offworlder gained mineral rights to some frigid wastes, while the Squibs learned the intricacies of starship technology.

The Squibs' natural curiosity and mastery of haggling helped them to carve out a niche as interstellar garbage collectors and scavengers. While Squib settlers colonized other planets, Squib companies signed contracts to haul rubbish from populous worlds and other corporations refurbished the junk for resale. Skor II became a prosperous trade world with a major population center at Metrobig City. Sometime before 20 BBY, the planet joined the Galactic Republic.

Meanwhile, the Squibs' activities put them in direct competition with another scavenger species: the Ugors. Over time, the species developed a fraught antagonism, practically to the point of war. The Squibs came to regard the Ugors as their hereditary foes, and the Ugors made the Squibs de facto demons in their religion of trash worship.

Reign of Ebareebaveebeedee
Sometime before 40 BBY, Ebareebaveebeedee became king of the Polyanarchy. His reign proved something of a golden age. Under his initiative, the species struck deals with various galactic interests to place Squibs aboard capital ships as garbage laborers. To many observers, they were little better than slaves, although it was understood that they would be allowed to keep any scrap that caught their eye. In the eyes of the Squib government, however, these were embedded spies, whose job was to communicate the coordinates of capital-ship garbage dumps to the Squib Reclamation Fleet.

Despite overtures from the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Ebareebaveebeedee enthusiastically supported the Galactic Republic during the Separatist Crisis, declaring that his people were "going nowhere" and that the Jedi were "koovy".  In month 15 of 21 BBY, Metrobig Interplanetary Blastport was seized by the Separatists. Jedi Master Mace Windu and Commander Cody led Republic forces to drive away the battle droids and recapture the spaceport in the Battle of Skor II. Ebareebaveebeedee erected a bronzium statue in honor of Windu and named him "Big Time Hero of Beyond-Squib Eliteness". The Squibs found their homeward in uncontrolled territory for the remainder of the war.

Ebareebaveebeedee largely kept the Squibs out of the Galactic Civil War, and the species traded and dealt with members of both sides. Alliance and Imperial intelligence tried to track Squib vessels to the bases of their enemies, but the species made sure to secure the secrecy of their markets. Despite a minor hiccup after the rise of the Empire over the salvage of orbital wrecks, Ebareebaveebeedee secured permission to allow Squib sanitation workers aboard Imperial vessels, thus perpetuating his "spy network".

Nevertheless, early in the New Order, the Squibs found themselves elbowed out by their rivals as much of the galaxy came to rely upon Ugor waste disposal services. The Ugors even secured an exclusive Imperial license not only to collect Imperial garbage dumps but also to accept Imperial dumping. The Squibs were forced to rely even more on their spy network; armed with its intelligence, their craft could swoop in and snap up as much garbage as possible before the Ugors arrived to chase them away.

Sometime between 0 and 2 ABY, the Squibs hit their nadir. Their intelligence revealed that the Ugors had obtained a gravity well projector with which they were bringing order to the junk in their home, the Paradise system. This granted the Ugor salvage fleet greater efficiency and drew new customers to both dump their garbage and seek rare pieces of flotsam. The king made a deal with a group of Rebel operatives: he would provide information on the location of an Imperial ship they sought in exchange for the projector. When the Rebels and a Squib diplomat named Spilferithimus-narlamos removed the contraption, the Paradise system fell back into disarray. Ebareebaveebeedee then declared a pact of mutual support between the Squibs and the Alliance.

With the defeat of the Empire at the Battle of Endor and the formation of the New Republic in 4 ABY, the Squibs maintained their neutrality. As late as the Thrawn campaign of 9 ABY, their world remained unaligned. Nevertheless, by 137 ABY, Skor II had fallen to Darth Krayt's Sith Empire.

Although a few held mundane jobs, such as flying air taxis on Coruscant, garbage was everywhere, and Squibs were where the garbage was. Many capital ships contracted Squib sanitation workers to handle onboard refuse. A telltale sign that Squibs were aboard was that ejected trash had been stripped of potentially valuable parts. Many galactic citizens came to regard the beings as no more than laborers, an idea that persisted well into the days of the New Jedi Order. Especially in the Imperial period, Squib garbage workers kept a low profile and avoided contact with their employers; others broke their contracts due to mistreatment. Rebel Alliance operatives cultivated disaffected Squibs to gain valuable logistical and operational intelligence about Imperial vessels. In 3 ABY, undercover Alliance operatives were subcontracted by the Squib Jeremos to work aboard the Star Destroyer Indomitable. They used their position to gain access to sensitive areas of the ship and further their mission.

Some Squibs were fringers, scavenging on a single planet. Squeerie, for example, led a team on Almas c. 32 BBY and helped a group of agents working for Lanius Qel-Bertuk find the lost Jedi Master Kirlocca. Sometime after Order 66 and the Clone Wars, members of Squeerie's group, led by Jiminaldo-mabbramsti (Jimi), encountered agents of Jedi Master Denia while fighting with a group of Ugors over the salvage of a damaged droid in the ruins of Almas Academy. No sooner had the offworlders mediated the dispute when a group of Dark Lizards attacked all parties. Maja was a Squib who purchased salvage rights to a waste field on the third moon of Kothlis c. 4 ABY. He was trapped in a Plexus Droid Vessel and soon found himself facing a group of adventurers who needed information from the PDV. As any good Squib trader, Maja gave up his would-be personal craft for the right price.

Other Squibs took to a life as spacers. Some acted as scouts, passively scanning deep space for interesting junk floating by, while others tracked vessels to reclaim their garbage dumps. Squib vessels joined the wreckage of the Hoth asteroid field while attempting to salvage the remains of the Mugaari pirate Icanis Tsur 's ship. In 13 ABY, the crew of a Squib prospector vessel was detained on the Quarantine Enforcement Cruiser Lycoming. A Squib tourist in Piringiisi on Sullust survived a dianoga attack, alerting the authorities to the presence of the predator in the mud pits there.

Squib traders traveled to even the most remote and secretive locations to sell reconditioned goods, prompting many top-secret installations to completely rethink their security procedures. The species was so well established that Squibs were among the many targets presented by the holographic shooting range of Almas Academy. A Squib named Kwilper wandered from spaceport to spaceport selling pieces of art he had fashioned from salvaged junk, and in 3 ABY, a Squib named Veeter found himself stranded on Dalicron-4, desperate to repair his ship and return to his wandering lifestyle. Occasionally, roving Squib traders obtained goods whose value even they could not imagine. One found himself the center of a bidding war among parties interested in a data storage unit with an important decryption program.

Squibs opened second-hand shops in spaceport towns. Around 0 BBY, Macemillian-winduarté helped run Jawa Traders, a droid shop on Tatooine. In 9 ABY, Arrejis Mellaha operated Serooin's Gear on the smugglers' world Betha II. In 13 ABY, Sheebareevadee ran Sheebareevadee's Emporium of Interstellar Goods on Gamorr. Other Squib traders operated on the planets Asation and Kabal.

Other Squibs took up the life of scoundrels. Their ranks included petty thieves, such as the pickpocket-turned-Rebel Smileredon-Verdont, forgers, like the two Squibs employed by the Sljee Jeseej on Coruscant, infochants, such as Burnout space station's Blasnic, and full-fledged crime lords, such as Slythor, who controlled salvage operations on Korad. Four Squib thieves were tasked by Quip Fargil at Sriluur to steal components from an Interdictor cruiser to help upgrade the hyperdrive of the Millennium Falcon. Emala, Grees, and Sligh were a trio of scoundrels who had dealings with the Solo family over the years. In 8 ABY, they were working as information brokers, selling data to the New Republic. They teamed up with the Solos to obtain the painting Killik Twilight, which contained hidden data sensitive to the New Republic. They later worked with members of the Invisible Shell, but when their patsy, Ludlo Lebauer, learned of their scheme, he froze Grees in carbonite. The Squibs manipulated the Solos into helping them rescue their companion on Pavo Prime.[4] Following the Yuuzhan Vong War, the three were still selling artwork, and their organization had grown to include Emala's children, Krafte and Seneki, as well as Squib assassins.

A few Squibs had a talent for the Force. Some of these had no idea of their gifts and remained on Skor II, but others were trained as Jedi. A popular series of children's stories from the Republic period focused on a roguish Squib Jedi who was rumored to be based on a real individual. The series went to several volumes; the third was titled Busteromuchmacho and the Vermillion Shadow. Years later, in 35 ABY, a Squib Jedi was training at the Jedi Academy of Ossus.

Around 220 BBY, a Squib vessel crash landed on the planet Holador. The survivors broadcast a distress signal and hunkered down to be rescued, to no avail. When their equipment failed, they were forced to revert to a primitive lifestyle. Over seven generations, the Squibs took to worshiping their comm relay as a Holy Icon and hoping for the day offworlders would once again return them to the stars. A Twi'lek bounty hunter named Kelyan tried to convince the village that a group of visiting adventurers were dangerous, but the village elder, Alexem, was convinced that she was manipulating them.
Post by: Cimter on December 21, 2009, 08:18:31 PM
Skor II was a terrestrial planet far from the Core Worlds in the Outer Rim reaches just west of the Rimma Trade Route. It orbited a small, red star called Squab as part of the Skor system. The world and its system were located in the Airam sector.

Though small, Skor II was dense, and its terrain and climate differed greatly from one region to another. The result was that the planet had seemingly boundless natural resources, although these were often localized: abundant timber was available in temperate zones, while salt was plentiful in sweltering coastal planes, and precious metals were concentrated in areas with mountainous terrain. Native fauna included a bird species that had green body feathers, red plumage on its head, yellow legs, and a long, yellow beak. Despite the fluctuations in climate, most beings found the world pleasant.

A sentient species known as the Squibs evolved on Skor II. The diminutive beings, split into various tribes, had to wander the world in search of daily necessities due to the uneven distribution of the world's natural resources. Nevertheless, they evolved an innate curiosity and proclivity for collecting that eventually forced some tribes to settle down and found villages. Other tribes kept up their traditional nomadism and took on the added mantle of traders, bringing goods from far-flung regions as they wandered the globe. Haggling attained a heretofore unseen importance in Squib culture and was perfected to an artform. Technology on Skor II advanced to early mass production.

Beginning c. 5,500 BBY, traders from the Tapani sector began blazing new hyperlanes in the galaxy's southern reaches. Sometime during this process, Skor II received its first offworld visitor, a Dorcin merchant vessel. The Squibs negotiated for the technical specifications of hyperspace technology, and the Dorcin gained mineral rights to an arctic region of the planet. The Squibs took to the stars, and their world became progressively linked to the outside galaxy. The Tapani merchant hyperlane, which came to be known as the Rimma Trade Route, grew to be one of the most heavily trafficked in the galaxy, Inflows of trade and the Squibs' mastery of bargaining helped the planet prosper. Squibs spread across the galaxy; one group crash-landed on the planet Holador and was forced to eke out a living there. Sometime before 20 BBY, Skor II joined the Galactic Republic.

More than 40 years before the Battle of Yavin, a Squib named Ebareebaveebeedee ascended the planet's throne to become king. Beginning in 23 BBY, sectors along the Rimma seceded one after another to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Like other rimward systems on the hyperlane, Skor II found its trade with the Republic cut off. Nevertheless, the king proclaimed that the Squibs were "going nowhere" and staunchly placed Skor II on the Republic side of the dispute. The defection of Sullust to the Separatist side emboldened the separatists, and in 21 BBY, CIS battle droids invaded Skor II and seized Metrobig Interplanetary Blastport for use as a base from which to launch proximity mines along the outer Rimma. A force of Republic clone troopers led by Commander Cody and Jedi Master Mace Windu counter-attacked, recapturing the spaceport and routing the invaders in the Battle of Skor II. The Republic then left a contingent of peacekeepers on the world. Ebareebaveebeedee held a ceremony in Metrobig City, where he unveiled a bronzium statue of Windu and declared him a "Big Time Hero of Beyond-Squib Eliteness". Skor II remained in contested space for the remainder of the war.

Although Ebareebaveebeedee largely kept his planet out of galactic politics during the Galactic Civil War, he did sign contracts with the Galactic Empire to place Squib laborers aboard capital ships to work in waste disposal. After a group of Rebel agents aided the Squib government in vandalizing the Paradise system, home to the rival Ugors, the king signed a pact of mutual support with the Alliance to Restore the Republic. The world remained neutral after the Empire's defeat at Endor in 4 ABY. That same year, an Imperial warlord named Delvardus asserted his control over the systems of the Rimma Trade Route, but New Republic forces pushed him into the Deep Core by the middle of the year. Still, Skor II remained in neutral space through the Thrawn campaign of 9 ABY. The world eventually fell within the influence of Darth Krayt's Sith Empire by 137 ABY.

Skor II was the homeworld of the Squibs, a species of meter-tall humanoid rodents known for their irrepressible temperaments, uncontrollable curiosity, and love for collecting and trading items of every description. The world's native languages included Squibbian and its ancestral form, Old High Squibbian. Most Squibs knew Basic, although few spoke it with any fluency.

After its discovery by a Dorcin trader, the world's native technology advanced to the galactic standard. The planet was located on the Rimma Trade Route, and by the time of the New Order, it had grown into a prosperous trade world.

Since its first encounter with the galactic market, Skor II was an exporter of raw materials. As the world advanced in technology, the major imports were salvage and garbage from across the galaxy. Squib corporations reorganized, refurbished, repackaged, and resold this "junk," especially on less populated worlds away from major trade routes. Goods of Squib design included highly efficient tractor beams and weapons based on them, known as tensor weapons. Despite the technical aptitude of its inhabitants, however, Skor II was best known as an exporter of labor. Squibs from the world toiled across the galaxy as trash collectors and garbage workers.

The planet was governed by the Squib Polyanarchy, a loose coalition of autonomous communes. The head of state was known as the king, although this individual rarely intervened in local affairs. Skor II was the headquarters of the Squib Merchandising Consortium, a state corporation that operated waste disposal services across the galaxy. Every Squib was at least a nominal employee. The head of the SMC was known as the Illustrious Chieftain of Junkyards. King Ebareebaveebeedee held this post during the Galactic Civil War.

Metrobig City was a major population center on Skor II. During his reign, the Squib king Ebareebaveebeedee made numerous official proclamations from the city, in a location notable for its dilapidated appearance. The city was the home of a major spaceport known as Metrobig Interplanetary Blastport. A bronzium statue of Mace Windu stood there, a testament to the Jedi's deeds during the Battle of Skor II.
Post by: Cimter on December 21, 2009, 08:19:21 PM
Squibs Announce They're "Going Nowhere."—HoloNet News Vol. 531 47
"Desert Cries"
"Republic HoloNet News Core Edition 14:9:01" - Star Wars Insider 69
"Republic HoloNet News Special Inaugural Edition 16:5:24" - Star Wars Insider 84 (Mentioned only)
"Strike III"
Echoes of the Jedi on (article)
"Spare Parts" - Star Wars Adventure Journal 11
Shatterpoint (Mentioned only)
Rookies: Rendezvous
Rookies: No Turning Back
Scavenger Hunt (First appearance)
Operation: Elrood
"Counterstrike" - Star Wars Adventure Journal 8
Alien Adventures on (article)
"HoloNet Waystation" - Challenge 74 (Ambiguously canonical source) (Mentioned only)
Mos Eisley Adventure Set
"Fair Prey" - Star Wars Gamer 1
Star Wars: Rebellion (Mentioned only)
Child of Light
Soulsaber (Mentioned only)
Light and Dark (Mentioned only)
Tatooine Ghost
"The Trouble with Squibs" - Star Wars Insider 67
Planet of Twilight
Dark Nest I: The Joiner King
Dark Nest II: The Unseen Queen
Dark Nest III: The Swarm War
Inferno (Mentioned only)
Invincible (Vision to Darth Caedus)
Millennium Falcon

Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races (First Edition)
Galaxy Guide 7: Mos Eisley
Star Wars Gamemaster Handbook, Second Edition
A Guide to the Star Wars Universe (Second Edition)
Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races (Second Edition)
Galladinium's Fantastic Technology
Heroes & Rogues
"The Gree Enclave" - Star Wars Adventure Journal 8
Shadows of the Empire Planets Guide
Pirates & Privateers
"Murder in Slushtime" - Star Wars Adventure Journal 14
Classic Adventures: Volume Four - The Best of the Journal
Alien Encounters
Star Wars Encyclopedia
The Essential Guide to Droids
A Guide to the Star Wars Universe (Third Edition)
Rebellion Era Sourcebook
Alien Anthology
Coruscani Nights: Coruscant and the Core Worlds Preview #5 on (article)
Jeseej and the Sljee: Coruscant and the Core Worlds Preview #7 on (article)
Coruscant and the Core Worlds
Ultimate Alien Anthology
Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds
Galactic Gazetteer: Hoth and the Greater Javin on (article)
The Official Star Wars Fact File 11 (AST4, Astromech Droids)
The Official Star Wars Fact File 30 (TRA3, Tractor Beams)
The Official Star Wars Fact File 138 (WAS4, Waste Disposal)
The New Essential Chronology
Scum and Villainy
The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
Gravity well projector in the Databank
R5-D4 in the Databank
Squib in the Databank
Aguilae in the Databank

I would like to thank Wookieepedia for this info.
Title: Re: The Squib
Post by: night force cynic on December 22, 2009, 08:25:42 AM
Squibs are funny additions to the mythos, most authors never seem quite sure how to use them even when they're just showing up as convenient plot devices (like in that terrible Ghosts Of Tattooine book).   They're so ridiculous it's hard not to love them.
Title: Re: The Squib
Post by: Cimter on December 22, 2009, 09:24:19 AM
They remind me of the Ewoks and Jawas combined.  Would love it if the Clone Wars used them in some way so we could get a figure of them, actually would love it we could get more of the Aliens from across the universe as figures not just the bog standard ones.
Title: Re: The Squib
Post by: night force cynic on December 22, 2009, 09:52:27 AM
actually would love it we could get more of the Aliens from across the universe as figures not just the bog standard ones.
thank you, it's nice to meet another believer in that sentiment!   You can join the small crowd Tamer and I are in that thinks the more diversity the better the Star Wars experience is.  :)

 IMO there are not nearly enough alien toys in the SW line and there's way too many humans in all the movies (especially the OT)