The Imperial Shipyards

Cultures => Others => Topic started by: Cimter on December 20, 2009, 01:40:25 PM

Title: The Iyra
Post by: Cimter on December 20, 2009, 01:40:25 PM
INFO: The Iyra were a species of sentient cephalopods from the watery planet F'tral.

RACE: Iyra
HEIGHT: 1 to 2 Meters in Diameter
SKIN: Chameleon-like
DISTINCTION: Radial symmetry, four or more arms and eyestalks

F'tral was a large, oceanic planet orbiting the blue-white star F'la Ren. It was the homeworld of the tentacled cephalopods known as the Iyra. The Iyra inhabited large undersea cities and had developed many valuable technologies, including corrosian-resistant alloys and gravity well projectors and inertial devices for starships.


Iyra had four or more limbs about a radially symmetric body, one to two meters across, with mouths on the ventral side of their bodies and one eyestalk on their bodies for each tentacle. As Iyra became older, they grew more tentacles. Their leathery skin was very elastic, and could change color for camouflage or for courtship rituals. Although they were an aquatic species that resided in large undersea cities, Iyra could survive on land. They were clumsy out of water, however, and preferred to travel in small repulsorlift vehicles with small, shallow ponds inside.


yra society was governed by a rigid caste system, where Iyra with more tentacles (and therefore older and larger) occupied higher positions in society. Iyra careless enough to lose a tentacle through accident or in combat went down in caste. These Iyra had to destroy an eye as well (though the loss of an eye alone did not result in loss of caste or tentacles). Disputes between Iyra of equal caste were sometimes settled via duels. The first to lose a tentacle would immediately become lower in caste, and would yield to his or her superior. The lowest caste, the four-armed Iyra, was responsible for raising young Iyra. Many Iyra misapplied their caste system to judge other species. Since most of the galaxy's other sentient species were humanoids or other two-armed bipeds, Iyra with five or more arms adopted a superior attitude when talking to them, and were therefore perceived as arrogant.

Since Iyra could absorb oxygen through their skin, Iyra spaceships had holds filled with a gaseous atmosphere heavy in water vapor. This was in contrast to many purely aquatic species who designed craft with holds filled with liquid water, making them heavier and thus requiring more energy. Iyra were also leaders in the manufacture of corrosion-resistant metal alloys and in the design of gravity manipulation equipment and inertial devices for starships.

Famous Iyra included Tem Eliss, the eminent sentientologist who wrote The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life.

Star Wars: Rebellion (Mentioned only)

Galaxy Guide 4: Alien Races
Galaxy Guide 12: Aliens—Enemies and Allies
The Game Chambers of Questal (Picture only)
The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (See F'tral)

I would like to Wookieepedia for this info.