The Imperial Shipyards

Imperial Creative Engineering => Custom Vehicles => Topic started by: Joerhyno on November 24, 2009, 03:06:26 PM

Title: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay(10-1-12 GI JOE/StarWars Crossover idea&question)...
Post by: Joerhyno on November 24, 2009, 03:06:26 PM
Greetings everyone!  I kept on hearing Imperialshipyards this, Imperialshipyards that.. and kept seeing it in Jule's youtube videos, so when it was time to start building some custom vehicles, I thought what better place than a custom site that not only has a name that fits, but also a custom section for just that...

Anyway, without boring you with too much text, most of you guys probably have seen my name here and there on various custom sites... I mainly wanted to find a site that had a good section for custom vehicles to help me out on a couple projects I'm working on for a friend's diorama. I'm hoping I chose the right place...  ;D

With that said, lets dive in... basically my friend's diorama is going to be a Smuggler's den/hangar hidden in an asteroid(There have been a couple like this in recent books)... I'm trying to help him populate the "hangar" part with some random smuggler/Bounty Hunter transports/starfighter/cargo ships... nothing too big(like Bessie Mk2) but nothing too small like a Jedi Starfighter.

My goal is to have 2-3 medium to large ships that have a look where someone can get up and walk around in... granted the ships wont open up for this to actually happen, but just the general look of a ship that size.

The first one up I started with a GI Joe tank and added another GI Joe Cobra cockpit. I dont have the area set up right now to take a good picture with my ghetto camera/lighting in the basement(where I work).. so for now, I hope my digital mockup will help get the idea across until I can get real pictures taken.

I started out with this tank:

It's funny, cause as I was checking around the site.. I remember seeing someone mention this very tank(the jungle camo one) for another project, lol.. It was one of the only junk larger Joe vehicles I had, so I figured, why not?

Anyway, I unscrewed all the 4,000 screws this thing had, took it apart, took off the turret and the treads, and then put it back together. I then went and added a HISS tank cockpit that I had(it was broken and missing parts, so don't worry) to the top for the main cabin/cockpit area...

Here's my digital mock-up I did with two images I found on the net to give you an idea of what it looks like right now...


This is where I am right now. I'm hoping to get some gray primer or something on the parts to help take away from the mixmatch color, but our lovely Chicago weather's been rainy the last week or so, so maybe it'll clear up soon and I can do that.. if not, I might have to do it by my ghetto-rigged air vent window fan...

So, my main reason for posting this, is to A. get ideas from people to make the ship more Star Warsey... things to add, wings, gun emplacements, radar dishes, etc... and also B. to find out other ideas for the next couple of ships.  Can't wait to see what kind of input you guys have... I spent about 2.5 hours on here just looking through everyone's thread, seeing the talent and hope you guys can help me out... Thanks again, and see you guys around...

Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay...
Post by: Clonehead on November 24, 2009, 03:40:19 PM
Hey Joe, welcome to the Shipyards! Sounds like a cool project you got going here and if you are looking for input and ideas for making custom vehicles, I do believe that you came to the right place.
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay...
Post by: Reconsgt on November 24, 2009, 03:47:20 PM
Welcome to the Shipyards Joe,

 The tank will be a killer combo and I eagerly await more pics.
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay...
Post by: Joerhyno on November 24, 2009, 03:50:42 PM
Tanks guys....  ;D

What's the best method to take off factory stickers? These are those new-er clear stickers.. is there a good method, or just peel and goo gone them???
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay...
Post by: Clonehead on November 24, 2009, 04:12:48 PM
I always heard that lighter fluid worked well for that. Also, a citrus based solvent works well for breaking up the adhesive on stickers.
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay...
Post by: Reconsgt on November 24, 2009, 04:22:35 PM
I peal them off and use lighter fluid, then was with a mild soap and water before I paint.
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay...
Post by: Luke Sprywalker on November 24, 2009, 07:32:51 PM
Welcome to the Yards Joe! This vehicle and dio project is sounding pretty sweet. This tank is a great first vehicle and the mock up looks great. As far as additions it really depends on what you are looking for as far as style and the fodder you have available. I think a cobbled together look would be cool, like things were added over time. If you want to add some thrusters on the side sprinkler head guts/ the stem of  a pop up but non rotary head, works well. You can also use the body and cap for the diorama as a fuel storage tank or whatever. I hit Salvation Army, Dollar Tree, Ollies, Big Lots, Ross, Marshals and other discount stores all the time for various fodder for projects like this. If you can go out and buy something get the new Joe Ice Dagger for  another vehicle. I would love to get my hands on one of them. Also I saw the terminator ship at Ross for $10 and thought it would be cool to mod it for a bounty hunter. So take at look at that and see what you think. I know what you are saying about the bad lighting for the pics but please get us some pics of the actual thing as that helps even more. Good luck.
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay...
Post by: Joerhyno on November 24, 2009, 09:13:33 PM
oooh.. love those ideas... sprinkler heads? Runs outside and guts the lil' spiderman wacky web sprinkler... hmmm... maybe not.  I have various vehicles that I was selling/trying to get rid of, not to mention the 20 or so that I already did, while most of them I don't mind, it helped pay the bills.. there are a couple I'm cringing at now, of course after I started brainstorming, like that GI Joe Ice Dagger I had, that I sold for dirt cheap.. yeah.. that could have made a sweet ride... sigh...

I still have a couple pod racers, I might dig those out, maybe steal the pod engines for boosters.. though I don't think I want to add too much as far as wings go, I think the boxy-ness gives it a certain flavor, and I think I wanna keep with that.

I cleared part of an area in the extra room. so I'll try to get some real pics for you guys... thanks for the input so far!!!

Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay...
Post by: TheCloneCommander on November 24, 2009, 11:43:54 PM
i think L.S is talking about these!!

Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay...
Post by: Luke Sprywalker on November 25, 2009, 06:50:54 AM
Yes CC those are the ones and you can get them a bit taller as well. All you have to do is unscrew the nozel on the center one and remove the spring.  These things have many uses. Joe I totally agree about the boxy look and would not add any wings. SW vehicles don't need wings to fly but this looks more lika a hover craft/land vehicle.
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay...
Post by: Reconsgt on November 25, 2009, 07:36:42 AM
If your going for a smuggle craft, I wholeheartedly agree with the others, boxy is good,    This is just my opinion, but it appears in SW lore, wings act as nothing more than weapons platforms for space vehicles, so who needs wings all the time.  The overall desgin you have laid out is perfect for a armored cargo ship.

 As to the sprinkler ideas, I never saw those, but they are filled with potential and since my other half works at a Home Depot, I will be looking for these and other ideas.

Hunting fodder is half the fun of building these types of customs.
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay...
Post by: StenHunter on November 25, 2009, 09:21:02 AM
Welcome to the yard!! This looks like a great idea and should come out awesome!
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay...
Post by: DocOutlands on November 25, 2009, 12:45:40 PM
JOE!!  Welcome aboard!!

Dude, that is one seriously sweet design you have going!!  Wish I'd known you were dumping an Ice Dagger!  (wait... I'm broke and couldn't have bought it anyway...)
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay...
Post by: Joerhyno on November 26, 2009, 12:46:34 AM
Thanks for the welcomes...

I was able to use some of my cousin's gear to take some pics, though I'm not a pro at the camera, so sorry if they're "yellowish"... anyway, I wanted to get some actual pics before the holiday took up my free time, so here's a pic of where I was at when I started the thread...


I attached the front of the HISS Tank canopy to the tank with a little bead of hot glue just so it would stop falling on me when I moved it around... I also went over it with a base coat of a chrome color I had, to get rid of the mix-matched color... Don't worry, it's not the color of the ship, if anything, it'll be the color of some battle damaged parts.. ;)




The last pic kinda shows how low it sits... and I want this to be a sort of transport, so I want to raise it up a tad... Nothing too high, but I was thinking maybe an inch or two.


I think even just that little amount makes it look a lot better, something someone could actually walk around in, instead of hunched over all the time.

As for adding to it, like some have said, I think I'll pass on some wings, it'll take away from the transport look, I do have a Sebulba's Pod Racer, so I'm really thinking of hacking up the engine part, and adding it towards the back... maybe using the height of the "L" shape part of the engine to determine the end height of the added part of the ship and then build onto if from there... but I dunno. I guess I'll have to wait till I see the pod engines next to this.

Anyway, let me know what you think so far. I do have a question... What type of filler do you guys recommend to fill in the gaps. I'm mainly planning on using foamcore to cover most of the gaps, and styrene, then I was thinking of just using fixit sculpt to putty it all up and sand it smooth... anyone else have any better ideas on putty to use? Anyone ever use bondo they use on cars? Just wondering if there's an alternative, all I really have is Fixit sculpt on me.

Thanks again...

Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay...
Post by: hangarbay94 on November 26, 2009, 02:09:08 AM
That is a very clever use of parts, plus it looks at home in the Star Wars Universe...

My recommendation: Get some thin styrene sheet and fill in the holes in the underside area, other then that it makes an excellent accompaniment to the Luke figure!
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay...
Post by: Reconsgt on November 26, 2009, 06:21:27 AM
It's comming along good,  I like the hight your suggesting much better, adds a better sense of scale,  If you use the styrene, just fill it in like your photoshop mock up and it will look great,   fantastic start.
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay...
Post by: spudafett on November 26, 2009, 06:54:32 AM
I'll be honest I was a little doubtful at first on this one.  but seeing the actual parts mashed together it looks pretty wicked!  Fill in that area on the back of the hiss tank, behind the cockpit in with some styrene sheet and I'd call it finished!

Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay...
Post by: Joerhyno on November 26, 2009, 08:51:03 AM
In before the inlaws...  >:D

I'll be honest I was a little doubtful at first on this one.  but seeing the actual parts mashed together it looks pretty wicked!

So was I, lol...

Thanks guys, yeah, that back part's gonna get filled in with some foamcore(for strength) and sheet styrene on the outside(for looks) and probably add some panels and parts here and there to make it flow.

Extending the bottom is going to be harder, but basically the same method(I hope).. so we'll see.. the wife will be gone all day tomorrow, so hopefully I can get in some me-time!!!

Happy Turkey Day...

Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay...
Post by: Clonehead on November 26, 2009, 09:49:18 AM
Cool start there, Joe. You surprised me and I just now found your wip pics. For thicker panels, I have used thin craft foam sheet before. It cuts easily and the paper backing makes it very glue friendly.
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay...
Post by: Luke Sprywalker on November 29, 2009, 01:07:36 PM
Thanks for the new pic's Joe and it is a very clever mix. I love the 2 seater cockpit. I would encourage you to use more styrene than foam core on a vehicle. It just doesn't hold up as good over time if it will be played with. I use large for sale signs from walmart as the source for most of my styrene unless I need something thicker. The idea of using fix it will work but take more time, cutting coverings and glueing them on is easier/faster. I like the idea of Sebulba's pod engines added to give it the height as you described as well.
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay...
Post by: Tamer on November 29, 2009, 01:35:29 PM
Welcome to the Yards Joe! Expect this one to hit the FP when finished. It will look good in an ole Asteriod Hangar.
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay...
Post by: Joerhyno on November 29, 2009, 10:27:39 PM
Thanks guys.. I've been testing some colors and the rubber cement thing for battle damage, but that's about it... I just got back a little while ago and got the car unloaded from a local custom meet-up we had at my friend's college he teaches at.

I took all my vehicle fodder(3 8 foot tables worth) and laid them all out for everyone to help me brainstorm on some custom vehicles for the diorama... We came up with some pretty nifty designs, so hopefully mid-week, I can get back to working on this guy, and while he's drying/curing, I can hack up and mash together some more vehicles... so stay tuned...
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay...
Post by: Joerhyno on July 31, 2012, 08:33:06 PM
Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 120 days.

SHAME ON ME... lol...

Hey guys, remember me? Well, I guess I never finished my freighter that I was working on in this thread, I still have it, so one of these days, I'll dig it out.

I thought I'd post some pictures of what I started working on over the last couple of days.  I'm kinda on a Batman high right now, so I dug out a vehicle I had in storage for the last 5 or so years...


I actually have 3 of these, lol.. one looked like this, another I'm turning into a Bat-Tank and the 3rd is just my reg Tumbler on my Bat-Shelf, lol.. I'll keep that one as-is.

Anyway, I've started getting back into customizing and I wanted to get back into selling some customs, mainly to help with bills, but also to help fund the hobby, I don't collect much, mainly because of money, but I'd like to maybe use some of my customs money to help buy fodder and new stuff to customize.

So, with that, I went at it on the Tumbler. I love the camo one in the first movie and thought it was awesome when I saw more in Dark Knight Rises... so I thought it would be the perfect time finally paint mine up!

My plan is, or course I want all 3 camo ones for my collection, the regular one, the Rocket Launcher one and the one with the big ol' cannon on it. If I thought ahead, I could have bought a couple of these dirt cheap before teh movie came out(I actually got my black one a month or so ago for a couple bucks and shipping, cant beat that)... So.. with them going for $30+ now, I think it'd be a good thing to sell a couple of them, then use the money to buy some more tumblers.. and then customize them again.. then finally I'd have enough to make my three for my collection... that's my plan, at least.. hopefully I can stick to it!

So, with all that wording out of the way, here are a couple pics of where I am at right now...


The other night, I gutted the thing, took out all the electronics, used some styrene and covered up the silly electronic and sound buttons on top. I also glued the cockpit closed, going to make this one for display only, no need to see the ugly insides... lol..

After laying a basecoat of Chocolate brown, I went in and I masked off the areas I wanted to stay brown, and then I'd spray it a tan camo color...

Like so...


This morning, I went and checked on it and then did a little touch ups that I missed and then let it sit for the rest of the day.

About 6 or so hours later, I thought it was time to see what it looked like when I took off the masking tape... I wanted to make sure, paint didn't bleed through under the tape, or anything like that. So here it is as it stands from about a couple of hours ago..


Man, that took FOREVER to do, lol.. actually, masking it took about 4 hours!!! It only took about 45 mins to take it all off. So I guess that wasn't too bad.

Right now, there are a couple parts I'm going to try and fix, bu for the most part, I'm happy with how it turned out. I still have a lot of work to do.

I sprayed it with a clear coat about 20 mins ago, I figured I'd let it sit overnight, and then check on it. I have to take it all apart again, and then the detailing starts.

My main plain is to do some slight dry brushing of silver for wear, then some black for exausts and all that. I'll also attempt to fix any of my over spray mistakes and also use some of them as perfect "battle damage" spots, lol.

I'm hoping to get it finished by Sunday, if not, next Thursday the latest.. here's hoping I can keep to the schedule I set for it.. I'll update a couple more times, but only with some teaser pics of some of the work and hopefully save the rest for the final reveal. I got a desk full of customs in progress, so hopefully you'll see a lot more updates from me in my figure customs thread.

Any tips critiques, I'd love to hear them. :D
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay(7-31-12 UPDATE-Camouflage Tumbler-W-I-P)...
Post by: Mando Assasin on August 01, 2012, 05:05:38 AM
Warning: this topic has not been posted in for at least 120 days.

SHAME ON ME... lol...

Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay(7-31-12 UPDATE-Camouflage Tumbler-W-I-P)...
Post by: Tamer on August 01, 2012, 05:10:35 AM
Good to see you checking back in Joe.

The rest of my comments are on the front page. ()rr
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay(7-31-12 UPDATE-Camouflage Tumbler-W-I-P)...
Post by: Mandalore_1992 on August 01, 2012, 07:37:45 AM
woooow amanzig love the paint look very real good looking tumbler
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay(7-31-12 UPDATE-Camouflage Tumbler-W-I-P)...
Post by: Joerhyno on August 01, 2012, 10:25:00 AM
Thanks guys, it's good to be back. :D I'll update a couple teaser pics soon.
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay(7-31-12 UPDATE-Camouflage Tumbler-W-I-P)...
Post by: Luke Sprywalker on August 01, 2012, 11:45:38 AM
Joe, good to see you back buddy! Love your tumbler project!
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay(7-31-12 UPDATE-Camouflage Tumbler-W-I-P)...
Post by: Darth Optimus on August 01, 2012, 05:37:36 PM
Welcome back! 

Now get back to work on another kick-@$$ custom!  Time's a wastin'!
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay(10-1-12 GI JOE/StarWars Crossover idea&question)...
Post by: Joerhyno on October 01, 2012, 09:06:03 PM
Tumbler had to be put on hold, as 90% of my custom stuff was boxed up and put ion storage... :( Hopefully I can get the stuff out soon.

I did have a question for people though... I don't know if any of ou have seen the cool GI Joe/Star Wars crossover customs that Ian/Prince De Lu... I've been wanting to tackle this mainly because GI Joe and Star Wars were my two toys I played with the most as a kid.. and after seeing his customs.. I though.. WOW.. I can't believe I never did this..

My idea is basically SW characters are here, in the real world, but as Joe/Cobra characters....  So, for me, the Rebel Alliance would be some sort of band of rebels working for the Joes.. as mercs, or a sub team, kind of like Tiger Force, or what not... Same with the Empire.. they'd be working w/ Cobra... Bounty Hunters would prob be kind of like Dreadnoks or something.. Anyway, here's a list of the ones done that I could find...

Storm Viper (

Captain Luke "Sky" Walker (

Boba Fett (

Han Solo (

And Dr. Bindy also made his own Joeverse, or really hisverse:

Han & Chewie (

So... anyway, with all that said, I know, you're thinking.. this is a vehicle thread.. what's up with all the figs Joe???

Well.. I got to thinking that for my Joe/SW crossover figures, I wanted some sort of Millennium Falcon for Han and Chewie... but there aren't that many "transports" out there that could pass for real world flying discs, lol.. I want to mainly keep this realistic... to a point. I know GI Joe has lasers, and they have walking androids... and even later they have Zombies and mutants and all sorts of weird monsters that Dr. Mindbender did... not to mention Serpentor and the cloning and all that.. so, year.. not totally realistic.. just mostly.

So, with all that said, I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for a vehicle to use for the Falcon. I was thinking Blackhawk Helicopter, but the nice realistic 1:18th ones go for a lot.. the okay looking ones at TRU in the "cheap toy" aisle look okay... but I dunno.. There's the chinook(I think that's what it's called), that might work, but it's kind of fat and chubby looking.. I'm thinking helicopter, mainly because how Han can drop in and out of a job, do his smuggling and all that and then bang out in a hurry.. seems something that would translate easy to a hellicopter.

There are a couple of jets and planes out there too, but I dunno.. seems kinda like it goes against what Han would be doing. I'm really liking the C-130 plane at TRU:

I think that'd look awesome, but not sure if Han could just jump in and take off if he got in trouble... lol.. he might need a long long runway...  But I really like the features, the back ramp reminds me of the Falcon, but I'd have to do some kind of modifications to give it more of a Falcon look(belly guns, some sort of radar dish, etc)...

Anyway.. last night, as I was going through boxed up vehicles in my fodder, I found a GI Joe RHINO...


I know, it looks nothing like the Falcon.. but I like the way the drivers area is.. if done right, I could mod it so there is only one window on the side, that would kind of mimmick the falcon's cockpit off to the side.. the other stuff, I guess would mainly be paint apps.. I'd probaby get rid of the helicopter part and box it up so there are more cargo areas and maybe even some hidden panels.. etc...

So... what do you guys think? Should the Falcon stay a flying vehicle.. if it's a land vehicle.. even if it's modded to resemble the Falcon, would it come off like the Falcon, or no matter what, it wouldn't be passable because it's a land vehicle..

If that's the case and I'm just going to have to find me a flying vehicle.. any other suggestions for me to think about??

I know, a billion questions.. and not even a single WIP pic, lol.. sorry, since it's a large vehicle and it's probably going to cost a lot.. I didn't want to just start hacking up a $20-30-$50 vehicle and then not like the look of it...

Any help would be appreciated.. :)


Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay(10-1-12 GI JOE/StarWars Crossover idea&question)...
Post by: Tamer on October 06, 2012, 04:55:50 AM
This sounds like a cool project.
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay(10-1-12 GI JOE/StarWars Crossover idea&question)...
Post by: DocOutlands on October 06, 2012, 08:47:48 AM
That looks cool.  Way cool.  "I need to put it on my list of vehicles to get and hack up" cool.

What I was considering was getting the AB-115 (True Heroes C-130) and the "Storm" sci-fi VTOL w/ the swing-out wings & the lift-fans.  Snatch or blend the Storm wings and 'fans into the AB115's fuselage and/or wings.  Altho... using the chopper as the main fuselage might work just as well...
Title: Re: Joerhyno's vehicle repairbay(10-1-12 GI JOE/StarWars Crossover idea&question)...
Post by: Joerhyno on October 06, 2012, 11:49:02 AM
I was thinking about this a lot and I don't think a ground vehicle would be right for my Joeverse Falcon.

I did think about the C-130 that TRU has.. but it's HUGE! I can't see Han using that to quickly pop in and out of a mission dropping off goods(which is how I plan on using him). I do have the CH-46 Helicopter they made, looks kind of like this:


My only issue with it is that it's kind of stocky, or chubby looking. So I'm thinking of using that, then lengthening the fuselage by close to a foot. Might not go that long, but I want to get it close to it's proper 1:18  proportions as I can.

I'll update more as I come up with something.