The Imperial Shipyards

Imperial Entertainment TV and Movies => Star Wars Television => Topic started by: Darth More on April 17, 2019, 02:30:26 AM

Title: The Mandalorian: A Game Changer for the Cinematic Industry
Post by: Darth More on April 17, 2019, 02:30:26 AM
Celebration Chicago must have been epic! The next one is going to take place in Anaheim, CA in 2022, again.

YouTube Channel "Behind Star Wars" shared a 12 minute footage of the presentation in Chicago. It shows the making of "The Mandorian" and a sneak preview with sequences of the first episodes of the new TV series.


WARNING to all fans of Mr Salacious B Crumb and his fellows!

Double-click for full screen view. This is definitely worth watching!

From a rather neutral perspective and having watched this video five times so far, I say this looks like solid work of story writing, tention building and movie making.

Who else is excited for this? What do you think about the possibilities of seeing a return of Boba Fett in the series? What could be the plot of this series? Your ideas?

Please, let us know in the comments below!

- Philipp
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Tamer on April 18, 2019, 02:22:25 AM
I need to take some time this weekend to just take a few hours and go through all the Celebration News and sort it in my head. Off to share.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Mr. Black on September 12, 2019, 07:08:44 AM
Well, I was already on board for this, but after the reel shown on D23 I'm pretty much super excited for this series. I hope it's a gritty show, really showing the underbelly of the GFFA. And for some reason I hope the Mando doesn't say one single word in the entire series :D

Anyway, today is a joyful day. As you probably know, Disney+ rolls out in Northern America AND the Netherlands this november. I already set up an account and today I got notice I can activate it and already enjoy the content on Dosney+ !!! And there is some content to behold, fellow yarders :D Best of all, it's free till November!

I already saw the entire Clone Wars and Rebels series is up, as well as some funny Lego shorts.

But can't wait till November 12, though!
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Tamer on September 13, 2019, 02:31:07 AM
Thats pretty sweet. I definitely will have it.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: RC-1136 on October 29, 2019, 06:58:36 PM
Did y'all catch the last trailer? I saw a Super Battle Droid and a Droid Gunship.

Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Tamer on October 30, 2019, 03:04:05 AM
Coo deal, I like seeing them riding the beasties too. Off to share.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Darth More on November 05, 2019, 04:13:13 AM
Thank you for sharing this, RC! And sorry for my late response.
Honestly. When I first saw this second trailer I was most excited about seeing the Droid Gunship! Then I read the comments that there even is a Super Battle Droid visible, but it took me a review on YouTube to know where it is.
The overall theme looks very promising to me. I hope Disney will launch their payTV by April 2020 here in Germany. If not I gotta visit the Netherlands and watch The Mandalorian there.

And the best part of the trailer is: It all makes sense! It looks athentic! (unlike the SZ)
I really like what I'm seeing and it looks like this is the general echo so far.
Re-activating some CIS units from the Clone Wars and Imperial weapons falling into the hands of pirates after The Revolution are two more another ideas I really dig!!
Can't wait for more content!

Thanks for sharing the latest!
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Mr. Black on November 11, 2019, 04:30:25 AM
I think the Cone Wars era stuff is featured in flashback scenes. In one of the trailers we see a little boy, who I think will eventually be "the Mandalorian".  You also hear Werner Herzog say it is a shame "your people suffered", perhaps talking to the Mandalorian about what happened when he was just a boy.

Anyway, I am super excited for this series. Just one more night's sleep and a day's work and then it's here! Woohoo!
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: RC-1136 on November 12, 2019, 11:44:36 AM
This show is badass. I watched the first episode. It has everything we have been looking for in Star Wars since 2015.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Darth More on November 13, 2019, 01:23:55 AM
I think the Cone Wars era stuff is featured in flashback scenes. In one of the trailers we see a little boy, who I think will eventually be "the Mandalorian".  You also hear Werner Herzog say it is a shame "your people suffered", perhaps talking to the Mandalorian about what happened when he was just a boy.

Anyway, I am super excited for this series. Just one more night's sleep and a day's work and then it's here! Woohoo!

And you were exactly right, Mr. Black! No CIS units after the OT. I think many OT fans would be upset about that anyway.
They got me there! But I'm sure "Darth Rey" is also just a vision/fear to trigger/trap fans in the trailer of Episode IX.

Well, the general echo on Facebook and YouTube is very postive! So I hope you're alson happy with the premiere of this series? I'm super happy that Disney+ is available in the Netherlands already! I tried to stream it online, but I can obviously find shady pages only, that don't even work. I might have to come visit you, soon! I will bring popcorn for the next epsiodes of course ;) jk But I heard from people in the UK who watched it already, but they didn't say how...
What are your thoughts on The Mandalorian? I hope you caught some sleep yesterday and could focus on work a little. 

This show is badass. I watched the first episode. It has everything we have been looking for in Star Wars since 2015.

It's a blessing to hear that, RC! I like the fact that Bounty Hunters receive more attention now. The scene on the bridge in ESB is way too short anyway and Boba Fett didn't hit anyone on screen before he falls in the pit. By the way I think it's very likely that Boba Fett will appear in the TV series! I think Disney will bring him back. He's such an excellent villain and too good to let him die in the desert. And I find it plausible that he could escape the Sarlacc.
Thanks for sharing your first impression!
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Darth More on November 13, 2019, 01:30:31 AM
I was SO close to watch it, but the pages I found are not trustworthy (of course they're not!).
Well, I listened to some videos on YouTube and now I'm pretty much spoiled on the first episode of the show. I will avoid that for all coming epsiodes, though. Still try to watch it myself before the end of March 2020! Has anyone outside the U.S., Canada and the Netherlands found a way to watch it online already? Please, let me know. I'm way to thrilled to watch this...
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Tamer on November 13, 2019, 03:58:32 AM
I watched it last night and enjoyed every second of it. To me it had the kind of feel of the ole Clint Eastwood and Lee Van Cleef Spaghetti Westerns. Seeing insight into Mando Culture is just fantastic. I don't want to give too much away, but seeing a Mandalorian Armourer in action working some Mando Metal was just awesome! I look forward to seeing what more they give us and that final scene. This show is gonna leave us wanting more each episode.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Tamer on November 13, 2019, 03:58:55 AM
Did anyone else watch it? I would love to hear folk's opinions.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: JTrooper on November 13, 2019, 05:13:56 AM
IT WAS AWESOME. Can't wait until Friday for the next Finally somebody got it right. This is Star Wars at it's best.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: hemble on November 13, 2019, 05:46:09 AM
All, I can say is WOW, WOW and WOW loved it and the other good thing is that I can see people making so many custom figures and diorama's .

Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: RC-1136 on November 13, 2019, 12:05:23 PM
The good:
-Insight into Mandalorian culture. I.e., hints of how foundlings (abandoned children) become Mandalorian. The gritty world is back, like the best undertones of the underworld in Return of the Jedi (but the focus this time!). I know a lot of people had issue with the music, but I loved it. The costumes look authentic. They were well planned and executed. The pacing and character development is amazing. Aliens and droids. In abundance!

The bad:
Episodes are too short. There's not really an "opening" to the show.

Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: DarthSinister on November 13, 2019, 04:43:08 PM
I watched it yesterday morning. I've been waiting on this for the simple reason that I feel anything Jon Favreau touches turns to gold. I love the guy! He is especially on his game when he's passionate about the content he's given to work with. He shined with his stint at Marvel Studios and I knew he was a Star Wars fan. Of coarse he blew it out of the water! Props too, to Dave Filoni for his Direction.

I'll be honest. I stopped watching the films after TFA. I won't get into my particular qualms... lets just say this new stuff ain't my cup of tea. When I heard about the Mandalorian and Favreau's involvement, I knew this would be the franchise savior. "I have spoken". (If you saw the episode you understand that phrase.)

Tamer, you are exactly right about the Western feel. A lot of Sergio Leone influence there, but there were also scenes taken strait from classic westerns as well. John Wayne's The Searchers comes to mind. You know I'm all about classic cinema. Remember my digital art with Clint Eastwood and the Dewback, 'A Fist Full Of Credits'. It's totally that!

It's everything Star Wars is supposed to be. Classic aliens are finally back! Giant monsters and interesting settings. Fantasy and mystery is back. And only Jon Favreau would have a big enough set of cahonies to even allow the phrase 'Life Day' be uttered! So much more, but watch it for yourselves and enjoy because Star Wars is BACK! 10/10
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Tamer on November 14, 2019, 04:07:31 AM
I am glad folks are liking it like me.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Mr. Black on November 14, 2019, 05:59:29 AM
First of all, I'd very much like to know why Disney+ has been rolled out the way it has. As many of you know, I live in the Netherlands. We have had Disney+ for free for the past month and a half or so. We were the only country to have had pre-access to it. Of course, that's a great gesture, but the fact itself remains strange to me. Even more strange is the fact that Disney+ as of November 12 is limited to a few countries (USA, Canada, Netherlands and later on Australia?). Really weird that large SW based countries like the UK, Germany, heck, the whole world, still won't have access to it. I haven't checked pirate sites yet, but I think this will lead to The Mandalorian be the single most pirated series of all time, even surpassing Game of Thrones. Not sure if that's a record Disney should be proud of...

Back on topic: I woke up last Tuesday morning at 5:45 to do my daily half hour workout, but first checked Disney+ I saw The Mandalorian was already available (expected a release of 12 pm Pacific Time, which is 21pm my time), but of course I had to wait the entire day, because I also have a job at the office :)

Anyway, after work we settled down on the couch, with our dinner plate and a cold one and fired up the Mandalorian!

Holy Bantha, what an impressive first episode! Loved every second of it. I've read some comments that the show is geared a bit too much to Star Wars fans and not enough to a more general audience. Well, guess what, it is intentionally geared to Star Wars fans, and rightfully so. It is clearly made FOR the fans and even better, by fans. Filoni came out on top big time with his first live action debut.

The whole look and feel of it just oozes Star Wars. During the entire episode I was like "yeah, nice, cool, great" when another nod or reference to 42 years of Star Wars came along.

I personally like how we kinda get thrown in the world of the Mandalorian, instead of getting a lengthy introduction to who he is and why he does what he does. Telling his history over the course of the series by means of short flashbacks is perfectly fine by me.

That scene in the cantina is just sheer brilliance. Immediately I thought of that scene in Tarantino's Hateful Eight and half expected one of the partons to shout "close the door!" :D

Loved the scenes in the Razor's Crest too. Pretty funny to have that blue fella trying to talk his way out of the mess he's in, and the Mandalorian just sitting there, not saying a word. And what about that portable carbon freeze tub! That incident on Cloud City really kicked the whole carbon freeze chamber market in a higher gear :D

Really cool to see those Bllurgs, do you guys think those latest events took place on Ryloth?

And what about IG-11? Very cool to see an IG droid in action. Wow! Makes the T-800 look like a toddler!

That last scene was just mind blowing. No other words for it.

I'm also very anxious to find out what really happened to the people of Mandalore. Apparently they really ended up on the wrong end of the Clone Wars, the Galactic Civil War? Who knows.

Yup, I'm hooked and can't wait till tomorrow, when episode 2 launches.

Bravo Disney. Bravo Mr. Favreau. Bravo Mr. Filoni. Star Wars is back.

Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: (SID) on November 17, 2019, 01:39:58 AM
This show makes all other attempts before it... Except the best of the CW... A joke. No reason this shouldn't have happened 20yrs ago in some

The 2nd EP was incredible!!! All the jawa stuff! It reminded me of marvel #32! If I would've saw that episode as a kid in 1977 it would've blew my damn mind!!!!

Soo much I 💕 love right now... IG-11 (that was crazy right!), the kubaz (long snout) playing a flute! To call a junky speeder driven by Brian Posehn, tame/riding blurrg's, HERZOG himself... I could go on and on

Only the most salty / jaded fans don't like it. For really stupid reasons.

My only 2 real minor gripes are the random and lame "SW helmet into" I've no clue why they came up with that? Also I'm not a fan of the music... It was better in 2nd episode thou. I just think the "composer" is a lame hack and uninspired. I know he's a muti- Grammy and Oscar winner. But his music sux (in my opinion)... But I like real Electronic and Industrial not this millennial over produced "hip-hop" garbage. These clowns today are just impostors who don't know anything but the equipment they buy or busy ripping other people off.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Tamer on November 17, 2019, 07:28:19 AM
I like the fact that they just kind of started too. No origin story yet, no major flashbacks yet, we just get right to the action. I am wondering if we are just gonna get one new episode on Friday each week now?
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: RC-1136 on November 17, 2019, 09:03:15 AM
I like the fact that they just kind of started too. No origin story yet, no major flashbacks yet, we just get right to the action. I am wondering if we are just gonna get one new episode on Friday each week now?

Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Tamer on November 18, 2019, 03:54:06 AM
Hey RC thanks for the schedule I will know when to go watch now.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: JTrooper on November 19, 2019, 04:17:08 AM
Watch the second epi. It's awesome  can't wait till my boys see it. I have spoken.

Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: (SID) on November 22, 2019, 06:35:34 AM
WOW don't waste anytime  bbfet... Watch EP3 of Mando ASAP the amount of action is nuts  ()rr x1000... It has everything... More than all the DISNEY SW (minus Rouge One) combined.

I would've been jumping up and down as child, nearly screaming.  DH
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Tamer on November 24, 2019, 08:18:50 AM
They are all good, but yes episode 3 is the one that really knocks it home!
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Darth More on February 21, 2020, 05:07:07 AM
ILMFX uploaded a behind the scenes Video of The Virtual Production of The Mandalorian to wrap up & honor Season One of the series.

Stay tuned for some interesting interviews and exciting impressions:

The Virtual Production of The Mandalorian, Season One

Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Tamer on February 22, 2020, 11:01:00 AM
Nice, off to the front pages.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: MandoMuggle on March 14, 2020, 07:54:54 PM
ILMFX uploaded a behind the scenes Video of The Virtual Production of The Mandalorian to wrap up & honor Season One of the series.

Stay tuned for some interesting interviews and exciting impressions:

The Virtual Production of The Mandalorian, Season One

I watched it yesterday morning. I've been waiting on this for the simple reason that I feel anything Jon Favreau touches turns to gold. I love the guy! He is especially on his game when he's passionate about the content he's given to work with. He shined with his stint at Marvel Studios and I knew he was a Star Wars fan. Of coarse he blew it out of the water! Props too, to Dave Filoni for his Direction.

I'll be honest. I stopped watching the films after TFA. I won't get into my particular qualms... lets just say this new stuff ain't my cup of tea. When I heard about the Mandalorian and Favreau's involvement, I knew this would be the franchise savior. "I have spoken". (If you saw the episode you understand that phrase.)

Tamer, you are exactly right about the Western feel. A lot of Sergio Leone influence there, but there were also scenes taken strait from classic westerns as well. John Wayne's The Searchers comes to mind. You know I'm all about classic cinema. Remember my digital art with Clint Eastwood and the Dewback, 'A Fist Full Of Credits'. It's totally that!

It's everything Star Wars is supposed to be. Classic aliens are finally back! Giant monsters and interesting settings. Fantasy and mystery is back. And only Jon Favreau would have a big enough set of cahonies to even allow the phrase 'Life Day' be uttered! So much more, but watch it for yourselves and enjoy because Star Wars is BACK! 10/10

Couldnt agree more!

Love how this series brings innovation back to the film industry!

Cannot wait for S2!

One thing that i cant wrap my head around though was how they all just assumed Gideon died and everythings okay?
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Tamer on March 15, 2020, 05:10:40 AM
Yeah, that was not smart.

I like the fact he custom himself out of that TIE with a darksaber even though the cockpit door still worked.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Darth More on September 15, 2020, 03:25:48 PM
Didn't know this was coming today, but I was definitely thrilled to see the first trailer of the 2nd season of The Mandalorian.

Man, am I pumped for the next season! Haven't been so excited for a STAR WARS series since I watched STAR WARS for the very first time.

Slight spoilers of the plot ahead - so watch at your own risk:

(double-click for full screen view)

Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Tamer on September 16, 2020, 02:51:04 AM
Yeah, I was glad to see it too. I already have it on the front pages!

October 30th is gonna rock!
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Darth More on September 24, 2020, 10:28:09 AM
The premiere of the latest video from Industrial Light & Magic just ended on their YouTube channel.

This video of the making of the Razor Crest is worth 17 minutes of your time!

Inside ILM: Creating the Razor Crest

Can this be coincidence that ILM published this documentary today? I don't think so. We might indeed see Hasbro announce a TVC Razor Crest tomorrow...
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Tamer on September 25, 2020, 02:49:09 AM
I hope you are correct. Hope so! Hope so!

Off to share this vid.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Darth More on September 25, 2020, 04:07:46 AM
Thanks for coming by, Tamer! Fingers crossed. I'll be happy to join the HasCon today at 11 am EST.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Darth More on September 25, 2020, 12:09:55 PM
I knew it was foreshadowing! I'm really excited for the new HasLab! But I also think the Razor Crest would be strong enough for a regular TVC vehicle release...Hasbro might not want to pay for development in advance though.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Tamer on September 26, 2020, 07:19:42 AM
I will be honest I was hearing rumors of a regular Razor Crest Vintage Collection release and then a new HasLab announcement, but evidently that was wrong.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Darth More on October 15, 2020, 04:41:45 AM
The Razor Crest would sell right through at retail...but what I do...glad to see it succeed @HasLab!
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Darth More on October 15, 2020, 04:42:24 AM
Schedule for Season 2 is up!

Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Tamer on October 16, 2020, 02:55:32 AM
Can't wait!
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Tamer on October 20, 2020, 02:53:31 AM
New Trailer:

Title: Mandalorian
Post by: JTrooper on October 30, 2020, 04:50:49 AM
I thought this was awesome just saw it no spoil alerts here. You got to see this.

Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Darth More on October 30, 2020, 06:52:12 AM
I finished watching S2E1 a few minutes ago and all I can say is: The hype is real guys!
Title: Re: The Mandalorian
Post by: Darth More on February 12, 2021, 04:40:10 AM
So after the post, which Gina Carano shared on her Instagram, resulted in a controversial discussion,  Disney and Lucasfilm decided to quit the contract with her and no longer employ her as Cara Dune for the Mandalorian. After their decision the discussion now is on fire.
What are your thoughts about this topic?
Title: Re: The Mandalorian: Gina Carano no longer employed by Disney as Cara Dune
Post by: JDeck on February 12, 2021, 06:37:53 AM
Eh it's been an ongoing problem with her. If it was an isolated incident, I'd say disney was wrong.  This all started back in November, tweeting about covid being a liberal conspiracy ect. Disney didn't fire her. They did the most diplomatic thing they could do and go to her agents. Then she did it again, disney contacted them again. The third time they all had a sit down meeting, where she agreed to stop. That's the problem. If she thought she was being unfairly targeted she would have said so then. So when this latest thing happened disney had enough. I don't blame them one bit. She proved herself to be untrustworthy. To me she seems like a big troublemaker. Disney doesn't want that. She could have had her own spinoff show, but she threw it all away.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian: Gina Carano no longer employed by Disney as Cara Dune
Post by: Darth More on February 13, 2021, 03:55:51 AM
Thank you so much for this sophisticated and deliberate explanation, JD! I knew I could rely on our smart community on here being capable of an elaborate discussion without getting messy.
Yesterday, I came from a completely different direction. But now that I read your reply and gathered more information about it, I actually agree with you and think Disney made a reasonable choice after they've talked to her and/or her agents. It's still sad that this successful show gets trouble.
I think Gina Carano does not have to apologize because I still think her last instagram post was questionable, but not offensive. It would still be nice if she made a statement herself. It's always easy talking about people instead of talking to them. Well, she thanked her fans and supporters. I'm still a fan and defend at least her last controversial post, but I can also see the reasons why Disney pulled the consequences and fired her.

I find it sad to see her character go. To me Cara Dune was one of the best characters of the show. Besides I think her character received an action figure which probably has the BEST likeness a female action figure in 3.75" has ever received by Hasbro! Hands down.

Thank you so much for your reply, JDeck.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian: Gina Carano no longer employed by Disney as Cara Dune
Post by: JDeck on February 13, 2021, 07:19:28 AM
Yeah her character was cool. I would have liked to have seen her in Rangers of the new Republic or something like that. But there are plenty of cool characters, and potentially new characters to come. I don't think she was going to be that important in the next couple seasons of mandalorian anyway to be honest.

   Evidently she's doing something with Ben Shapiro, and Ted Cruz is adamantly defending her and criticizing Disney. They're making her a martyr for discrimination of conservatives. Which I think is a mistake. A few reasons. One her posts are on the far right fringes. I consider myself conservative, however I don't think Covid is a liberal conspiracy.  I wouldn't defend that idea. Second I considered Cruz to be somewhat of a free market conservative, however damning Disney for making their own choice after her choices negatively affected them is hypocritical.  Thirdly, she was shitposting. She wasn't defending her viewpoints in a discussion, she was posting idiotic memes to get a rise out of people. When she got called out, she either denied it or doubled down.  Fourthly she was warned and on top of it all promised to stop. If she was fired for not agreeing to stop it would be another story, but that's not the case. She can't be trusted. Plain and simple.

I don't think she should apologize, because you shouldn't apologize for your ideas. Nor should you apologize for something you're not sorry for. Disney doesn't give a crap what people post, until it affects them. Same thing if you had a troublemaker friend, they can do what they want until their action affect you, then you break ties. If you're smart. But that's all I have to say. To bad,, but she did it to herself.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian: Gina Carano no longer employed by Disney as Cara Dune
Post by: Tamer on February 13, 2021, 08:06:54 AM
I think the biggest thing I am taking away from this is the fact that your employer has a right to not have to deal with the fallout of you flaming on the internet. I think she has been warned multiple times about it and she still wouldn't listen. Clear and present insubordination. Disney did not want politics tied to their show; I get it. They warned her, she didn't listen. I get it. Its such a shame we will loose out on what would have probably been a good show. I could also see her getting better as an actress this current season too.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian: Gina Carano no longer employed by Disney as Cara Dune
Post by: RC-1136 on February 13, 2021, 12:05:23 PM
I find it funny Disney hasn't fired a lot of their employees who have said far worse things. Specifically the one guy who said children should be thrown into a wood chipper with an illustrated graphic.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian: Gina Carano no longer employed by Disney as Cara Dune
Post by: JDeck on February 13, 2021, 02:57:41 PM
The difference is Disney probably isn't even aware. Like I always say, the squeaky wheel gets tbe grease.  I'm not even on twitter but #FireGinaCarano was in my google news feed at least once a week, until I hit the not interested in Gina Carano button. So if I'm aware of it, then Disney is. In fact I defended her, saying it was wrong for them to fire her over stupid memes. They don't monitor peoples social media accounts  look at James Gunn, he posted something ten years ago and got fired on the spot, with no warnings. Of course a year later they hired him back, probably because he stopped posting crazy shit. Gina Carano was given fair warning.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian: Gina Carano no longer employed by Disney as Cara Dune
Post by: Tamer on February 14, 2021, 06:59:17 AM
This has really garnered a lot of postings on our Facebook Page. I have seen everything from one view to the polar opposite and a lot of in between.

I did read a comment where they were wondering how this was customizing and you know; I couldn't fault their logic. Still I would be a liar if I said I wasn't wondering how people were perceiving this non renewal of her contract.

I guess my thing is people in high profile jobs have a different burden of social media and PR posting in general than we do. I know it is written in their contracts and I agree with JDeck that she was warned several times. I just think Disney was just tired of the negative press period. I don't think they cared on whit about her political views, conservatism, or her life in general. They just didn't want it affecting their baby; the Mandalorian. When it did they protected their investment. What do I hear all the time? Its just business.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian: Gina Carano no longer employed by Disney as Cara Dune
Post by: RC-1136 on February 14, 2021, 03:20:23 PM
The problem with the knee jerk reaction is that they are catering to the Twitter mobs with the loudest voice but the least amount of money in the game.

The Twitter mob doesn't invest in merchandise, visit the parks, or subscribe to Disney plus.

In fact, they would pirate the Mandalorian, not pay for it. Because that violates the established rules and policies set up by the echo chamber they permeate themselves with.

Word on the street is this whole cluster has lost a lot of subs over her firing. We shall see.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian: Gina Carano no longer employed by Disney as Cara Dune
Post by: JDeck on February 15, 2021, 02:48:08 AM
How is the twitter mob any different from the fandom menace trying to get Kathleen Kennedy fired for her "feminist adgenda"? 

They boycott when they don't make the movies they like, now they boycott something they actually like? They're just sabotaging The Mandalorian, or any future projects. Talk about double standards.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian: Gina Carano no longer employed by Disney as Cara Dune
Post by: RC-1136 on February 16, 2021, 01:48:57 PM
 Simple. The blue checkmark weirdos retweet for social status points and clout without ever investing a penny in the franchise they are so militant about. While the other side isn't much better in rocking the boat, at least they buy products.

I'm not on the side of abandoning the Mandalorian, but I am not on the side of a company who doesn't issue punishment for the same kind of offenses. Especially when both went viral. They knowingly and deliberately chose a side. There is no impartiality.

Therein lies the problem.

I get they are a private company and can basically do whatever they want, but they risk that at the people who make them money.

No amount of retweets will pay the bills and keep the lights on. Only money and investment will. And considering the amount of unsold and piled up sequel trilogy merchandise that ended up at 4th tier retailers while TCW/Prequels/OT generally sells well...

I think we know the costs of backing a flawed product are. Especially when you spit in the face of the entire group of fans. The lamestream articles that have blackwashed Star Wars Fandom (all groups) with a wide stroke of the brush does them no favors.

Retroblasting pretty much hits the nail on the head.

Title: Re: The Mandalorian: A Game Changer for the Cinematic Industry
Post by: Darth More on November 12, 2021, 12:58:14 AM
Adam Savage answers questions asked by patreons of his Tested channel on YouTube. One one of them is how The Mandalorian changed the game for the entire entertainment. With The Book of Boba Fett airing in little more than 6 weeks, we can expect more of the screen environment technology.

Ask Adam Savage: How Mandalorian's Digital Effects Are Game-Changing

And if you're a fan of concept art like me, you might want to check out the latest in-depth review by Matt Bryant:

The Mandalorian (Credit Collection) Star Wars Black Series - REVIEW

Title: Re: The Mandalorian: A Game Changer for the Cinematic Industry
Post by: Tamer on November 12, 2021, 03:40:24 AM
Oh I gotta take some time to watch this today. Thanks for sharing it.

off to share on the front pages.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian: A Game Changer for the Cinematic Industry
Post by: DarthHawk on September 12, 2022, 11:23:50 AM
The new trailer shows Mando dude being asked if he has ever taken off his helmet. His reply must have been in the affirmative because the next scene shows him being told that he is no longer Mandalorian.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian: A Game Changer for the Cinematic Industry
Post by: Darth More on February 06, 2023, 03:01:30 AM
Tamer: I hope you did, it's well worth watching. So is the next video I'm about to share in a sec. March where are you?

DarthHawk: You were absolutely right! Your clue turned out to be true.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian: A Game Changer for the Cinematic Industry
Post by: Tamer on February 06, 2023, 03:57:26 AM
Yeah, I am watching the Last of Us and Pedro is great in that one too.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian: A Game Changer for the Cinematic Industry
Post by: Darth More on February 27, 2023, 03:27:00 AM
I'm sitting here watching Willow. A friend of mine borrowed me his DVD. I can find many elements from George like the camera perspective and props.
Already got a favorite quote:

"Magic is the bloodstram of the universe."


THIS IS THE WAY! Wish Wednesday was tomorrow already.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian: A Game Changer for the Cinematic Industry
Post by: Tamer on February 27, 2023, 04:07:25 AM
So looking forward to getting back to the Mandalorian this week.
Title: Re: The Mandalorian: A Game Changer for the Cinematic Industry
Post by: DarthHawk on February 28, 2023, 04:35:31 PM
I agree. We need Star Wars that's exciting and leaves us wanting more.
Has to be better than the babysitters.