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Repacks you will buy...

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With the latest rerelease of the Wal-Mart Clone Wars Exclusive Vintage Figures I am just pondering what would get you to buy the same figure you already have?

That being said I think these Wal-Mart CW Sculpts and paint work are a little newer (or seem so to me when I have compared them), but what would get you to buy the same figure again if you already have one?

I know for me I am a sucker for the vintage style cardbacks and boxes. Put it in that style and chances are I will get one even if I already have the same one on a different cardback or box style. I think about the only time I haven't done that is with the Vintage Boxed BMF. I stuck with my Legacy Box.

   I hate bad repacks. Good repacks I'll buy all day.  Good repacks would be figures that are selling for ridiculous prices. I'm still looking for a Wooof and Tarkin at a good price. Loose!

Also I buy repacks of any imperial. In the case of the AT-ST driver however, I can get them from TungHori cheaper than the new release. But that's a rare case. Otherwise I'll gobble up imperial army builders.

Finally I'll buy repacks that I can use for customs. Its a little subjective.  Aliens are a no brainer. (The only exception is Akbar, because again I can get him cheaper on ebay thanks to the over saturation of the TBS Walmart repack, now it's being repacked a third time.) Figures with genaric style jumpsuits or jackets.  I think my most purchased repacks are Jyn, Hoth Leia and Bespin Han, they have genaric clothing that can be repainted or kitbashed. If a figure has really unique clothing, no matter what you do it'll look like a headswap.

I think some of the figures with the real faceprint or whatever is worth buying twice. I think the Endor Leia looks a whole lot better overall, and woth getting. Same with endor luke. They're also making the soft goods better in some cases. It depends on the figure. If it's a significant change I'll get it.

Do you folks think the small changes with the WalMart CW Vintage Wave are worth buying if you arleady have them and don't really need them?

I am also wondering if the carbonized treatment is enough to get you to buy the same figure again?

For me I don't worry about getting a carbonized figure at all. I can remember when I used to be a completionist sort of collector and am so glad I got out of that. Speaking of that I do need to pick up one of those new AT-ST Drivers. I haven't seen them in store yet.

I know as for figures when the Bespin Luke hit the VC way back in the day it sold like hotcakes. I don't think I ever saw that figure warm the pegs. I thnk that is true for pretty much any Mando or Imperial Trooper too.

I wish there were such a thing as a Vintage Collection Archive Collection where we could get some of those really hard to get 3.75" figures like Darth Malgus and Revan and some of those waves there like TFU and what was back then the Expanded Universe Figures. I mean look how quick that Fans Choice Republic Trooper sold out. I would love to see Hasbro take a lets ruin eBay with at least one figure a year to rerelease like some of those you have mentioned.

I am also wondering which vehicles you would love to see rereleased in the vintage collection? I still love my Target Exclusive Hoth Set that comes with the Rebel Turret and an AT-ST with assorted figures. It still looks great in the box. I saw a vintage boxed AT-AT (Legacy version) that was listed at over a thousand dollars sometime this week. I am so bummed that all we got out of the anniversary of TESB was a Slave I. I like the Slave I, but think they should have done some other ones too.

Back to buying them just for the vintage cards. Are any of you out there buying figures if they just show up new on a vintage card or box?

   Those carbonized figures are just an obvious attempt to get you to buy the same figure twice.  What's worse is you have to pay extra. I think only completionists buy them. The carbonized tvc wave, they should have just repacked those figures straight up without the glitter, and they would have sold better. Kenner tried to do something similar in the mid 80s when Star Wars was on the decline, with metallic painted figures, and Lucas was like, no that's stupid, no more gimicky crap, so kenner never released them. It's cool if people like them, they help fund new sculpts, but I just wonder if anyone actually likes them? 

Darth More:
my neutal-postive opinion:

Tamer: I think it's a solid point to say that this carbonized line is a cheap way to pay off tooling costs. Talking about creativity there are certainly more creative ways for alternate deco. BUT if I was a boy I think I'd like the shine of these. Similar to the attraction of holographic trading cards. I used to be crazy about Pokémon cards as a kid. And if I saw these carbonized figures through a boy's eyes I might think these are rarer than the regular ones - already telling by the foil printed packaging. Speaking of the packaging art, I think these are very nice additions for MISB collectors. I'm a loose collector by now and only buy most nostalgic items in box if they're not too crazy expensive. But I'm also a customizer and here's my main point:

I think these are actually a great chance for us customizers. If we don't like a figure's paint job, we'll just repaint it right? If we don't like specific details, we'll change 'em to the better. Centurion's Corner on YouTube does that a lot.
I think these carbonized figures are a great opportunity for us because
a) we can use them for customs e.g. complete repaints if
b) they are cheaper than the regular release, which they are not as far as I know.

If you missed on them the first run and they haven't made it to the Archive Line, yet, I think these are great second chances. Paz Vizla has a name now, but that's not enough for me to buy another one. What I really like about him though are the extra details in metal finish. His armor looks great like that overall, so I might actually get him.
A Scout Trooper is always a win in my book and it's so overdue that Hasbro give us one on ROTJ card for TVC. But that's a different topic. I'd get the Scout if found cheap.
The Shore Trooper looks too shiny for me though. Easy pass. Didn't like the silver Stormtrooper already and this one is too golden for me. There's so much other great stuff to buy instead.
But the best think about this hobby is that you can buy whatever you like - unless you're a completist. Hence I'm glad you stopped forcing yourself to buy everything.
I only buy stuff that appeals to me or that I can use for customs. Don't spend a penny on things I don't like - simple as that.

Personally, I got The Mandalorian and Boba Fett in carbonized edition. I like how the metal finish makes them look different. If I was a fan of the Sequels I'd definitely get the Sith Trooper in red metallic as well. But at the same time I rather buy a 1/18 scale model car in that paint.

JDeck: Wow, I didn't know about Kenner planning to release a metallic paint series of figures. I'm always amazed by the insider knowledge you have, JD! Thanks for the insight!

I'm fine with these carbonized choices. Either way they'll help to make new molds/figures possible.


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