Imperial Entertainment TV and Movies > Star Wars Television

Star Wars Visions

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We were starting to talk about this in the Bad Batch Section so I figured I may as well start a thread for it!

I am on the fence with this one. So far it seems it might be an anime with just a lighsaber inserted here and there.

What do you think?

Darth More:
Thanks for sharing the trailer and opening this topic, Tamer! Saw the trailer when it aired last week.
Going back today and seeing it almost hit 3 million clicks and a 15:1.1 like to dislike ratio does impress me.

I don't know anything about manga and anime. Back in the days I occasionally watched Pokémon, Dragon Ball and One Peace. All shows were just meh to me. Pokémon was the one I was most interested in, but ironically it felt like actual Pokémon had the least screen time.
So there's where I come from.

My youngest brother is 11 years old now and he LOVES anime! He binged watched several Japanese series during the big summer holiday and so did most of his friends! Anime and stuff seem to be a thing among kids at the moment so if that's a niche Di$ney can fill with STAR WARS, it's definitely a win in my book.

When the trailer played through while I'm typing this, I enjoyed the sound effects of VISIONS the most. If experts like it, more power to them! Disney have messed enough with STAR WARS and VISIONS is not a show for me. I won't watch it. But that's okay. From what I read so far the reception of the trailer has been generally positive.
I also read someone writing that George was also heavily involved. I highly doubt it. Sounds like something Mike Zeroh would say twice a day in his stupid videos full of lies and misleading.

Again, I'm glad whenever STAR WARS inspires more souls around the world even with new genres like this one here. So I'm happy for all those out there who enjoy the show. More epic battles are always nice even if they're fought with umbrella lightsabers or triple-driple bladed lightsabers, right? Whatever.

I'm glad everyone can decide on their own which elements of STAR WARS are good for them or not. I for my part take and buy what I like. If VISIONS is successful, great! That hopefully also means we get more merch of the other entertainments within the galaxy far, far away.

But speaking of merch I can well see Bandai, Kotobukiya and such get to make some nice statues of that show's characters!

 I have two conflicting thoughts about this. On one hand, I want something new. Something other than the Filoni-verse, memberberries and fan service. Something truly different and outside of the box. Look at the Star Wars galaxy through different perspectives not just the dogmatic narrow view of the jedi. Embrace the  larger view of the galaxy.

On the other hand it's anime, and I don't like anime. It's something you love or hate. Besides that it's not canon, so I don't feel obligated to watch.  So I don't think it's for me, but then again it is different. With all the new stuff coming out there will be things I love and hate. Im actually looking forward to Acolyte, that I think will be something different that im looking for.

My daughter has gotten me into anime. I actually have watched it since way back if you count Robotech and Gundam as anime. I have also watched several fantasy series I have liked as well. So the anime part I don't have a problem with.

What I am worried about is getting a unique story out of it. Still, at the end of the day, it is new Star Wars and we have a chance to see some unique new characters and vehicles and I can't wait to see how they portray some of my favorite vehicles like Walkers and TIES and X-Wings.

I do hope we see some space battles too and not just a series of different lightsaber battles between Jedi and Sith. I am also looking forward to seeing how they portray some of our favorite OT Characters too. I am so hoping we get a chance to see something like this:

I'm with JDECK and D.M in the sense that I don't like anime. As I said before to me it looks cheap and unimaginative. Plus I've always viewed it as a lazy ass way to not have to include spectacular special effects.
Is George heavily involved as has been reported? Who really knows. I'll be skeptical until I hear the master tell me it's true. I hope it's true because even though the animation will suck for me the story line could be fantastic.
Will I watch Visions, at least the first 2 or 3. If it looks promising a few more but I don't have high hopes that Visions will live up to anything close to my standards for Star Wars.
With the exceptions of Solo, The Mandalorian and Rogue 1 disney has failed miserably to enhance the Star Wars experience and I expect to add Visions to their long list of disappointments.


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