Imperial Archive > Revenge of the Sith

Revenge of the Sith basic figure Checklist

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1: Obi-Wan Kenobi
2: Anakin Skywalker
3: Yoda
4: Super Battle Droid
5: Chewbacca
6: Clone Trooper
7: R2-D2
8: Grievous's Bodyguard
9: General Grievous
10: Mace Windu
11: Darth Vader
12: Emperor Palpatine
13: Count Dooku
14: Chancellor Palpatine
15: Bail Organa
16: Plo Koon
17: Battle Droid
18: C-3PO
19: Padmé
20: Agen Kolar
21: Shaak Ti
22: Kit Fisto
23: Royal Guard
24: Mon Mothma
25: Tarfful
26: Yoda
27: Obi-Wan Kenobi
28: Anakin Skywalker
29: Ki-Adi-Mundi
30: Saesee Tiin
31: Luminara Unduli
32: Aayla Secura
33: Clone Commander
34: Clone Pilot
35: Palpatine
36: General Grievous
37: Vader's Medical Droid
38: AT-TE Tank Gunner
39: Polis Massan
40: Mas Amedda
41: Clone Trooper
42: Neimoidian Warrior
43: Wookiee Warrior
44: Destroyer Droid
45: Govenor Tarkin
46: Ask Aak
47: Meena Tills
48: R2-D2
49: Commander Bacara
50: Anakin Skywalker
51: Captain Antilles
52: Zett Jukassa
53: Utapauan Warrior
54: AT-RT Driver
55: Obi-Wan Kenobi
56: Mustafar Sentry
57: Commander Bly
58: Wookiee Commando
59: Commander Gree
60: Grievous' Bodyguard
61: Passel Argente 
62: Cat Miin
63: Neimoidian Commander 
64: R4-P17
65: Tactical Ops Trooper
66: Plo Koon
67: Aayla Secura Hologram
68: Wookiee Heavy Gunner

Variations not listed

I hope I can find an AT-TE Tank Gunner figure some day


--- Quote from: FialaFernbrugg on December 01, 2009, 04:00:48 AM ---I hope I can find an AT-TE Tank Gunner figure some day

--- End quote ---

i hate to say it FF thats one of the worst clones in that whole line

yeah, I heard that he is not the best.

I hope Hasbro will make a new version of him, like the new Commander Cody or Bacara.

clones are awesome:

--- Quote from: FialaFernbrugg on December 01, 2009, 04:00:48 AM ---I hope I can find an AT-TE Tank Gunner figure some day

--- End quote ---
Last week thea had that at my local comic shop f f.
I realy need the Tactical Ops Trooper alot :-\


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