General Collecting > GI Joe

GI JOE Retro Line 2020


I had just heard about this today. Reported by hisstank, a twitter feed was found in the night showing a Walmart’s computer listings of a GI JOE Retro line to be released and even had a listing with a pic of a very non-retro looking HISS tank.
   It looks like we may get a 3 3/4 JOE line after all.
Why is there a listing for both a hiss, and a hiss tank? Are they two different classes of vehicle? I also noticed listings for both a retro scorpion/mosquito and a ninja scorpion/mv “modern version” mosquito. Could this be two versions of both snake eyes and storm shadow?
Images thanks to hisstank

Interesting. I had hoped they would some some 3.75" figures and vehicles.

It is about time for a revamped line. Hopefully with some new sculpture and color schemes.
I miss this line of figures.


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