Imperial Review > Marvel Universe

Marvel Univers Comparison to Star Wars Figures

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eh clonetrooper, I've got them marked down to 5.00 at walmart, they are the x-men origins figs and not the universe figs but they are about the same.  You wanna work out a deal for some of them?

As far as this line of figs goes I realy like them so far.  They are more in scale with the new gi-joes at almost 4 inches... but they are still almost the size of s.w. figs and make a pretty close match.  great for customs.

It should be pointed out that version of Wolvie is way oversized, i really like the fig but he is taller than Captain America in this line.  They are a bit taller but not as much as wolvie is. 

Mr. Black:
There's quite a few good deals on MU figures to be found on ebay, as well as in the community.


--- Quote from: Phatty on February 12, 2009, 04:28:27 PM ---There is a difference in size, with the new Marvel Universe figures being bigger by about half to three quarters of an inch bigger.  Still, there are possibilities for Star Wars customs...

--- End quote ---

The thing about that photo, the clone is much smaller than the normal #41 clone. MU are still a bit bigger, especially Cable, Warpath, etc. But I've seen the new Vader to be tall and the VC45 Clone sculpt

The female MU figures are a good size for SW customs, and the new X-23 sculpt has a really good have the female TCW body habitus.  Unfortunately, they're really tall.  I've found if you pop off the thigh and cut about a half centimeter off, you get them to the size of Ventress or Aurra Sing. 

I grabbed a couple of the MU Comic packs at $10 with the recent Target clearance.  Juggernaut and Collossus are too big for anything but SW creatures like the Wampa, a Gundark or something from the Tartakovsky CW Arena, when we were introduced to Ventress.  They were just too cheap to pass up.


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