Kenner / Hasbro Collecting > Black, Mission, and Saga Legends Series

Black Series BOSS


Anyone up for a 6" Republic Commando!

I pre-ordered one yesterday.

Darth More:
So good too see that Hasbro is aware of how popular Republic Commandos are. I suppose they're going to release Delta Team separately and then put all four in a multipack with some additional weathering or something. A Gaming Greats Battlefront 2 Commando would be nice, Gregor for the P4 Clone Wars sub-line and why not for The Bad Batch line-up as well? Not so happy with the knee-protectors, but fingers crossed they will re-use the hell out of this mold. Such great news and a nice dedication to start with "BOSS"!

As discussed before, TVC deserves at least one new Commando figure as well. Now I see chances are there for a Gaming Greats one or a Gregor figure...good times ahead after a decade of waiting...

Phillip I thought the exact same thing. I think we are gonna get the whole team as follows:

1. Single packed for the black series as shown for BOSS
2. Vintage carded (not sure about chits)
3. A whole pack as an exclusive of some sort

And then like you said don't forget out Omega and Gregor and of course the ones we have seen in Bad Batch.


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