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First Black Series HasLab Project

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So, were are getting the next HasLab in the Black Series and its not going to be a vehicle so we are left with playsets and or beasties. What do you think it is gonna be? Keep in mind the anniversary of ROTJ is soon too.

I keep hearing rumors of the Rancor and they could do some cool things with that and maybe even do a palace playset on top of it so you could drop some poor unfortunate Gammys down. Not to mention if the book of Boba is used as inspiration. Man, could you see Boba on the Throne with his gal and her booze?

If I am thinking over the top I would love to see the Imperial Platform on Endor as that would mean we might be able to get a Walker and Shuttle down the road. I just keep thinking why in the heck would you not make the first 6" HasLab a vehicle? I mean there are so many needed in this scale and lets face it would Hasbro ever make a Walker without it being a HasLab Project too?

Im thinking rancor myself. Remember a couple of years ago at one of the cons or fairs, hasbro built that jabbas palace dio? The thing had more custom figures than actual produced figures. So now we're getting bib fortuna and we had rotj boba fett come out recently. I think it was a foreshadowing without revealing anything specific. But i mean it could be anything. AT-ST would make the most practical sense, being it's tall rather than wide. I think that would be a good, but expensive main line vehicle 

Darth More:
@JDeck: I thought of the same thing! SDCC 2017 was a huge inspiration and Hasbro was not sparing with any expenses on their massive diorama setup for The Back Series. This showed how much passion they actually have for the 6 inch line. Sky is the limit is what they kept saying and their booth was proof for that!

Anyway...I'm excited!

SDCC 2017 Hasbro SW Black Reveals by Daniel Pickett

Yeah, I think one day the AT-ST will probably get built (probably the next anniversary of TESB or something along those lines). Its not too huge to be out of the range like a Walker (man that has got to be a HasLab top tenner).

For this time out still thinking ROTJ and you make some good points about figures being released that would definitely work with it. I can gaurantee you if it is a Rancor they will release a special figure or three as campaign goal unlocks.

What would be really cool is a Rancor Pit to go with and then have the dias somehow fit on top of it all. I don't know that I have ever seen those two environments put together (the Pit and the Dias). Man it would be huge in the six inch scale. Surely it would just be more than a Rancor though.

And does anyone think they would do some type of dio or set piece?

Very glad its TBS this time. Just hope it isn't like $200-$300 or w/e I'm not trying to sound cheap just tired of Hasbro making customers over pay for stuff that should be regular release products. Just look at the barge it was/is soo overwhelmingly received that it could have easily been a mass release product (maybe not brick an mortar). The whole game of scarcity is killing the IP it's been past a point that only the  die-hard-disposable-income-nerd or  flipper/resaler can get any of the stuff. The only caveat with haslab is its preorder availability.


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