Imperial Entertainment TV and Movies > Star Wars Movies

Solo: a Star Wars Story

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I almost wonder if these stand alone movies will have tie in characters from these single movies going forward if that makes any sense.

Yeah. If they continue to make movies set between 3&4 they can interweave the stories, to paint a larger picture. There are some connections between SOLO REBELS and ROGUE ONE. I noticed 2 tubes was a part of Enfys Nest crew. One could argue Han was responsible for funding the early stages of the rebellion, with the Coaxium deal. Maul is also tied to REBELS. I imagine SOLO ended about the same time Jyn was adopted by Saw Garrara, and not long before the beginning of Rebels. So they could do just a couple more movies to tie it all together. In my opinion LFL is doing a good job of making connections between movies.

Darth More:
Still haven't seen SOLO, yet. I might go today at 4:30 pm or on Tuesday at 8 pm. It's been quite busy lately, but I really want to watch it on big screen. Hope some friends of mine got time. Most of them haven't watched it, either. If they're all busy I'm going to see SOLO solo...

My expectation: none
I still have a little hope to be entertained and that I can leave the movies with a good feeling, not totally confused and/or frustrated like I was after TFA...

It was quite hard not to be spoilered by now, but it doesn't really matter to me. SOLO is in its 5th week here in Germany now and I cannot expect to not hear anything. The reception of SOLO was positive from what I heard. I still wonder what Maul out of all has to do with it...and most theaters show SOLO only once or twice a day...not a good sign.

I'll post my review of it here later.


- Philipp 

It really is a good film. I am ranking it here:

1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. A New Hope
3. Return of the Jedi
4. Rogue One
5. Solo

I like this movie it's not the originals but I good for the background of Han and Chewy and Lando. Other characters not so much. I hope they pull another with Han and Chewy doing some running with Jabba. I'm still wanting the final battle with Boba and Han they need to go back to the Original story line I think it would have been epic. for 7 ,8 and of course 9. Let's see Jana Solo Please.


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