General Collecting > GI Joe

GI JOE Classified Series Wave 1 2020

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Seen news of this and found the set of five six inch figures up for preorder at BBTS
might want to dr that link, been a while

There are multiple shots there of the first 3 figures revealed, Duke,Scarlett, and Roadblock, with two more in the wave to still be revealed before the projected release date of this summer.
  Look cool to me thanks to BBTS for the shot

I was clamoring for 6" GI Joes like five years ago, now I'm like meh. I know I can be fickle sometimes. I'm sure the first secret figure is Snake Eyes, but the second I have no idea, hopefully Storm Shadow, I always liked him. The bad guys will be cool, definitely  Firefly Cobra commander and Destro. Maybe I'll get more excited for the less popular characters that I like, like Gung Ho, Bazooka, shipwreck, Spirit ironknife, lady Jaye. Those would be Awesome.

Indeed, too large to see many of the over abundance of cool joe vehicles that we have seen produced in this larger scale.
I think they were pushing a six inch snake already for the snake eyes movie line but I’m not sure
Got this shot of a con packed exclusive, I think over at hisstank

Cool. I didn't realize they were making more Joe movies. I think they can make better movies than the last two. Rise of Cobra was not good, and retaliation was cool, but the killed almost all the Joe's in the beginning of the movie. Wtf?!.

The thing I like about GI JOEs are the accessories. The snake eyes is awesome but it's an sdcc exclusive. I'm afraid we might not get a lot of accessories in the main line. 50th anniversary Snowjob, Storm Shadow and croc master had awesome accessories. I hope that trend continues into the 6" line.

Saw these new Joes revealed during the JOE Panel this weekend. Frankly, I was a little underwhelmed. I had hoped the new movie would see them release some 3.75" figures. I am sure they will. Still it was nice to see new JOES period. A few of em like Roadblock and Scarlett seem like they would make ideal Mando customs.


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