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The Grievous bust looks quite cool.

Darth Aussie:
I have about 12 or so of the mini Sabres, 4 Mini Helmets and a Luke Green FX sabre

I just ordered a MR scaled stormtrooper helmet, I paid $35 for it, is it worth it? I hope so, it looks good and the youytube videos of it look good...


--- Quote from: Spookymufu on February 26, 2011, 08:06:22 PM ---I just ordered a MR scaled stormtrooper helmet, I paid $35 for it, is it worth it? I hope so, it looks good and the youytube videos of it look good...

--- End quote ---

It is a great helmet. It is not wonky but idealized which is not a problem in this case and the details are superb. Just look at the interior details present there, no 1:1 helmet has those. You should try getting others as well, like Boba, some clones and of course Darth Vader. When talking about Vader mini-helmet you should preferably get the Riddell version in this case since MR had the whole thing glued up - and Riddell Vader can be opened exactly like the Vader helmet you see at the end of ROTJ

I have both pieces to the Darth Maul saber and it looks awesome put together and lit up ... DVP

So glad I'm single and can afford stuff like this lol


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