Imperial Creative Engineering > Models, Scratch Builds, and Miscellaneous

Spudafett: Custom 3 String Slide Guitars


I mentioned in my figure thread that a new hobby of mine is building cigar box guitars.  What started out as a prototype for a project my science olympiad students were working on (they had to build their own instrument and compete with it in a science/academic program) has turned into over 40+ custom one-of-a-kind guitars. 

Never in a million years would I have thought I'd be building guitars, but here we are...

Anyway.  #42 brings me back to my roots.  I've had this old beat up ERTL Millennium Falcon model setting around collecting dust and begging to be finished.  It's a POS model kit, and the fit of the parts was always bad... so I never went back and finished it.  Until I picked it up one day and realized the necks of my guitars fit perfect in between the mandibles! 

So, here she is.  Three strings, tuned GDG.  Fret-less, so it's played with a slide.  Flat humbucker pickup hidden under the shell of the model.  Volume knob attached to the radar dish.  And, my favorite part, when you plug in the amp jack the lights come on!

If yall are interested in guitars, or would like to see my other works as well as a short video demonstrating this one, hop over to my facebook page @Dontfretguitars.

Shameless plug: I am running that page as a business, so a few likes and shares would be awesome!  And, if you see anything you like (except this guitar, she's mine) let me know, MOST of the guitars I make are available for purchase! (I can do custom orders too!)

Wow, I lost some time here this morning. So cool Devin! Awesome!

Off to the front pages.

That is bloody awesome mate.


What a madman! The falcon does seem to be the perfect guitar body shape. I’m surprised to not see one till now. Awesome dude.


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