Author Topic: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!  (Read 33749 times)

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2014, 08:14:39 PM »
Awesome figures Laojax!
My favorite is the Weequay with the fertility idol! That's AWESOME! Ewoks would totally bow.
Some great figures in this thread!

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2014, 03:34:49 AM »
sounds like y'all are truly blessed to have wives who are willing to tolerate your "eccentricities" with such a positive attitude! Awesome!

Somedays mine is a little less positive than others, but yes she is pretty supportive of my hobby.

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2014, 11:41:03 PM »
Joe Wars

The Snow Madin
Parts: Head- Dragonfly Pilot
        Body- Lady Jane

Marc Rakken
Parts: Head-Joe Trooper
        Body- Cobra Trooper

Nathan Vats
Parts: Head- Alley Viper
        Body- Cobra Trooper
« Last Edit: January 17, 2014, 11:57:10 PM by remus »

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #18 on: January 19, 2014, 09:12:31 AM »
Here's a Twi'lek Jedi.  His Name is Pa'tciis.  Back story later.

Head - Saga Collection Bib Fortuna
Torso - Saga Collection Sora Bulq
Hands - Saga Collection Bib Fortuna
Bottom Robes - POTJ Eeth Koth
Legs - ROTS Saesee Tiin
Robe and Lightsaber - Random from parts bin

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #19 on: January 19, 2014, 11:05:59 AM »
Hey, new entries. Very cool!

I must say the Twi'Lek Jedi is very cool to my eyes JM. I need to do a front page update now that I think on it.

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #20 on: January 19, 2014, 04:41:59 PM »
Thanks for the FP Tamer.  I totally agree, too many Anakin and Obi Wan figures out there. 

Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2014, 06:13:09 PM »
Very nice figures guys! It is great seeing these cool figures rolling in. I had a great time last weekend looking through my bins to see what I might want to put together.

First up I grabbed a TFU General Kota's Militia figure that was missing a shoulder pad. This guy totes a big cannon so I thought I might find him a paltron of some type and give him some armor on his arms and legs. I gave him a new head from the Hoth Rebel then looked through my armor bits and decided to use a 5 inch BMX figure's knee pad for the shoulder guard. Then I boiled and popped on some Clone Trooper lower arms and Mygeto Trooper lower legs. I was really happy with his final look and he meshes in with the other troops nicely.

DSC_0027 by Luke Sprywalker, on Flickr

DSC_0028 by Luke Sprywalker, on Flickr

Next I grabbed a figure from the Hellboy line that I recently acquired in a trade. All of the bits on his suit had been cut off and he was missing the right hand. He has an old school sci-fi look with a touch of Steampunk thrown in so I wanted to build on that while keeping him Star Wars. I used a helmet from a Chap Mei figure with a Snake Eyes head shoved in there after dremeling out the helmet. Then I cut up random bits from various guns and diving masks/tanks and glued them on the suit in all the holes. As I looked at the figure it was screaming "I need a backpack!"  so I gave him one from the Fire Speeder Pilot after drilling a hole in his back. I found a hand in the bin that matched really well and gave him 2 GI Joe accessories to call him done. Sorry his photos did not turn out so good.

DSC_0029 by Luke Sprywalker, on Flickr

DSC_0030 by Luke Sprywalker, on Flickr

DSC_0031 by Luke Sprywalker, on Flickr

Then I wanted to do something with this Marvel Ninja figure I have had for years! I thought of the Samurai with the chain gun in Sucker Punch and it was on. I boiled the Hasbro Budo figure and removed all his robes. I used the chest armor only as I used a head from the Airbender figure and the rice hat from a Red Ninja. The neck looked a bit long so I added a GI Joe neck wrap thing and things were much better. I made a soft goods skirt but it looked like crap so I covered it with the old Arc Trooper kama that I was going to use in the first place. His Katana is from the Budo figure and the chane gun is from the Rock.

DSC_0033 by Luke Sprywalker, on Flickr

This next Samurai is the leftover Budo figure. His head is from the POTC line and the Chest Armor is from the old comic pack Snake Eyes.

DSC_0032 by Luke Sprywalker, on Flickr

While looking in the Joe bins I started thinking I had several figures that would be easy to make modernized new Dreadnock characters. This first one is a body and arms I got from one trade and the head from another.The legs are from the new Zartan and his hands are from Captain Rex. I got a gun from the Joe bin and added a soft goods strap. His hips needed something so I made a gun belt by cutting up a ammo vest from another goe figure. His photos came out terrible so I hope to replace this pic, sorry for the quality.

DSC_0034 by Luke Sprywalker, on Flickr

Now we have one I was really happy with. I have had these legs for a long time and really no use for them. So I thought Asian Dreadnock, odd, I know. I added the legs to a $ Joe Shipwreck torso. Pulled a chopped up Joe Paratrooper vest from the fodder bin and add a belt from a Wraith I believe. I glued several pouches to the belt for his ammo and other weaponry then tucked 3 throwing knives in the belt. His head is the Asian from the Thor line and his katana and gun are from the fodder bin. I dacided to drill a hole in the backpack so he could have a companion katana.

DSC_0036 by Luke Sprywalker, on Flickr

DSC_0037 by Luke Sprywalker, on Flickr

DSC_0038 by Luke Sprywalker, on Flickr

This next one is my favorite from my weekend build. The body is all the Shadow Tracker figure, the purple harness is from the fodder bin and I love this color combo! The head is from SW EP 2 the figure from the bar Obi Wan and Anakin go into, the guy that plays Jar Jar. I had to cut the neck off, dremel everything down, drill out the head and sand. The jacket is from Mutt Williams and the bandana around his neck is from Tunnel Rat. I glued a Chap Mei holster to his leg and gave him a side arm. His hat is from the Rebel Fleet Trooper and his bow, arrow, cycle and knife are all from my fodder bins. I really love this guy now I am wanting to add some string to his bow!

DSC_0040 by Luke Sprywalker, on Flickr

DSC_0042 by Luke Sprywalker, on Flickr

DSC_0043 by Luke Sprywalker, on Flickr

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #22 on: January 20, 2014, 07:27:29 AM »
Wow Spry, talk about some great parts combinations here. I am gonna have to take some time and go through each of these.

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #23 on: January 20, 2014, 12:35:24 PM »

Dad already entered a figure the night the contest started.  He made a quick generic Clone Wars Weequay pirate for Hondo's gang to get things rolling.

This is my first entry.  I saw this picture of a Clone Trooper in Jedi disguise hunting the Force sensitive after Order 66 and wanted to add the Jedi Hunter to my collection.  I used a Clone Trooper head I had in fodder, cut off the neck and Dad drilled the head out so it would fit on a peg.  I used the head on a Vintage Obi-Wan Kenobi so the figure had maximum pose-ability.   He took me less than 10 minutes to make.

created by ELIAS

Check the blog for more info:
« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 06:35:22 AM by Elias »

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #24 on: January 20, 2014, 01:58:51 PM »
Nice one Elias, looks fairly spot on to me. I gotta figure out which of these I am gonna use for the fp update today. Wow.

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #25 on: January 21, 2014, 04:41:25 AM »
Spry, I am really liking that Sucker Punch Samurai you have created too. Just a ton of great combinations you have posted up. Time for another front page update. I ought to start a facebook album too.

Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #26 on: January 21, 2014, 07:18:35 AM »
Thanks Shawn, glad you like my creations! Awesome Entry Elias! Love the idea behind it and he will look great roaming around on your shelves.

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #27 on: January 21, 2014, 10:16:01 AM »
I love these contests. With my time constraints this type of thing is right up my alley. There's some great stuff everyone is posting, great combinations.

 ServO has a fantastic Cyborg Savage. Those Crysis stalker legs are perfect for him.

Love Princess Tamer's Bounty Hunter Secura, my little Princess helped me with my kit bashes this past weekend!

Spry that's a fine collection you got going there. Especially like the Ninja guy. P.S. I haven't forgotten about the heads, I'll PM you later.

So I finally got a chance to tear away and do some of my own, nothing super complicated just some greebles and head swaps for the most part. As I said before, my little Princess helped Dad get em' together this weekend past. We got them finished on Saturday and I quickly built a background from all sorts of things I had laying around to enhance my pictures.

The idea was to fill out some background characters for my last contest entry, Borga the Hutt. He was in desperate need of a menagerie so we went to work and set our goal for ten thugs. This entry will be titled "Scum and Villainy".

Vroota Din
(Bounty Hunter) Employed by Borga the Hutt.

Greedo head attached with U-Glu Dashes for a non-permanent alteration
Fire Fly Jacket
Mandalorian Police body
El-Les hands
VC Boba Fett Jet Pack

(Smuggler) Spice Runner

Wioslea head
Momaw Nadon neck dressing
Hem Dazon body
Farmboy Luke cape
Shoulder Strap ????

Al' Trenni
(Thug) Employed by Borga the Hutt.

M'llyoom Onith head
Prince of Persia belt (for head gear)
Pre Cyborg Grievous cape
Prince Xizor hands (comic pack)
VC Woof Body

Hez Bol
(Gambler) down on his luck gambler.

Hem Dazon head
Embo chest plate
Pirates of the Caribbean OST zombie jacket
Clegg Holdfast body

Ace Longshot
(Swoop Bike Racer)

Mando Police head
Goggles Anakin cold weather gear
A'shard Hett neck wrapings
Vest ????
Talon Karrde Torso
Bom Vimdin legs

(Brute) Hired as a personal guard by Borga the Hutt

Myo head
Woof helmet and ammo belt
Vintage Bib Fortuna body armor
Kithaba hands
Jango Fett shin guards for gauntlets
Hobbit Fimbul body

Jimma Rasslyn
(Assassin) Employed by Borga the Hutt

Leesub Sirln head
GI Joe Night Creeper head gear
Lumiya cape
Hem Dazon ammo belt
Agent Helix body

Death Stick Dealer

Garindan Head
Embo helmet
VC Darth Vader cape
Assassin's Creed The Doctor body

#9 & 10
Zit Danzig & Gog
Informant and his pet

Utapaun Warriors head
Space suit Obi-Wan helmet
Narnia Dwarf body

Concept Chewbacca head
Slave Leia Chain
Pre-Cyborg Grievous body
Comic Pack Amanin skulls

Well there you have it. Hope you all likey!

Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #28 on: January 21, 2014, 04:05:57 PM »
Alright! Our first member to take it to 10 figures! 10 great looking figures, I bet you and the youngling had a great time putting these together. So many it is hard to pick a favorite, but I really like that first Rodian. The second one's strap is from the comic pack Amanaman figure. Alswo wanted to say what a great figure and photograph of the Garindan guy. Love that first pic, it really makes you wonder what is going on in that scene.

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Re: No Paint Kit Bash 2014!
« Reply #29 on: January 22, 2014, 07:35:05 AM »
Wow DS that is some serous kit-bashing. I need to take a new picture of the cup as with all the latest it is really filling up.

I must say that Garindan was pretty cool followed really closely by Jimmy for me. She has that drop dead gorgeous  I will kill you look down nice. That agent helix figure is just a good overall figure to use for a custom for a variety of lines. Looks like I have my front page update for the day. Wow!