The Imperial Shipyards

Imperial Creative Engineering => Custom Figures => Topic started by: Starchaser on July 16, 2014, 12:21:42 AM

Title: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 16, 2014, 12:21:42 AM
I've a few customs in the works, and I've built a few over the past couple of years. I like to provide backstories for my customs, unless they are based on an already identified character. Here is my first installation of customs. Hope you enjoy :)

I always thought that Keenser would be a great a addition to the Star Wars universe, so when K-reo came out with Star Trek heads I put this custom together:

He was a simple head swap with a blue Legacy Ugnaught torso and arms and a Vintage Nien Nunb bottom half.

I stumbled across this Wookie character, Yubookoo, on Wookiepedia. He was developed just briefly for a Star Wars role-playing scenario. A slave on Geonosis, he fought in the gladiator rings. I thought that fleshing out his story to include being rescued by Republic Commandos during a raid in the Clone Wars, and making him a "private investigator" type character particularly fond of finding and rescuing slaves would be interesting.


     Snoova head
     Sandstorm Chewie body and bandolier/pouch
     Chancellor Valorum cloak
     Weapons by Marauders Gunrunners
     Clone Wars (2003) Annakin Skywalker belt and gauntlets

And some fresh pictures of Uriss Holn


The last entry for now is a Zabrak rebel commando. The EU has a character called Covet Bahn who inspired this custom.



He's built using a Vintage Collection Rebel Commando, a Han Solo belt and holster (don't remember which specific Han figure), a Marauders Gunrunner's rifle, a re-painted Darth Maul head, and a Pursuit of Cobra Zartan vest.

That's it for now, more to come.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Mando Assasin on July 16, 2014, 06:46:01 AM
These customs look nice. Cant wait for more.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on July 16, 2014, 10:38:55 AM
Very nice. Let me take one of these to the front page. Glad to see you started up a custom figure thread here!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 16, 2014, 04:21:51 PM
A simple head and hand swap (and a little paint on the neck) and I have another Rebel technician.


A Selkath low level bureaucrat named Forso:




Head = custom cast from I-Am-Boba-Fett
Torso = Vintage Ackbar
Arms = Comic Pack Xizor
Legs = Hoth Han Solo
Hands and Feet = Marvel Universe Nightcrawler

Vandavor Carganin – a Clixith (invented species), small time criminal on Coruscant, underground contact for Yubookoo in his investigations


Gastropod bottom - MiB3 Mr. Wu
Torso - Xizor
Arms - Mustafar Sentry
Head - MiB3 Stalk Eyes

Another pretty simple head swap (with the help of some hot glue). Master Tracin, an Abyssin Jedi battle master and hunter of dark Jedi and suspected Sith (I put him in the Legacy era).

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Mando Assasin on July 16, 2014, 07:09:18 PM
I love that selkath. Good job.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on July 17, 2014, 06:08:09 AM
Wow, great work all the way around. Time for the front page again!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: koth on July 17, 2014, 01:39:22 PM
Nice customs. There should be a Keenser appreciation thread!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 17, 2014, 11:26:19 PM
I agree. I've seen several really good customs of him. K-reo as a hidden blessing for those of  us intrigued with the character.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 17, 2014, 11:58:33 PM
Tamer, thanks for the kind words and the front page. I'm both delighted and humbled. Thanks.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: kelcken on July 18, 2014, 11:02:19 PM
I really like the Selkath and Abyssin Jedi!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 18, 2014, 11:08:49 PM
Here's a few more:

  This is a Lutrillian named Hesserel. He is an attache for non-senatorial ambassadors to the Galactic Republic.



The head is a custom (I don't remember who from, maybe stocos28 or I-Am-Boba-Fett).
The body is a Legacy collection Bail Organa.

For any that have read Dark Horse's "The Star Wars" here's a Sith Knight like the one featured in the first issue.



Body and lightsaber = Vintage Darth Maul
Head = repainted Hasbro Wolverine Moive Silver Samurai

And last for today: A Ryn, named Canto. Ryn are a gypsy-like race from the EU, one named Droma functions as Han Solo's co-pilot for a time after the loss of Chewie.





Head = Balin
Body = Dwalin
Tail = DC Universe Classics Dex-Starr
Backpack = random vintage G.I. Joe backpack
I'm still looking for the right gun and walking stick, but that's pretty minor

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 18, 2014, 11:26:34 PM
Thanks kelcken, they were fun to make. I'd been wanting to do a Abyssin Jedi for a while, but thought that Myo was just to whimpy (based on the EU materials), so I beefed him up with Savage Opress' armored body and decided to let him keep some of his species' natural aggressiveness.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Barmic_Rin on July 19, 2014, 12:42:12 AM
Oh wow!!!
 Fantastic use of parts!!
I really love the sith knight, so simple, but it works so well!!!
What hands and feet did you use for the Selkath? With the most recent journal entry from the SWTOR developers, I can see there suddenly being a huge demand for parts to make that species, but I've always loved them anyway.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 19, 2014, 12:52:55 AM
Thanks for the compliments Barmic. I do think that the Selkath could be an in-demand species, especially with their appearances in The Clone Wars. For the hands and feet I used  are from the Marvel Universe Nightcrawler. I think they work perfectly.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Barmic_Rin on July 19, 2014, 04:56:44 AM
Thanks for the compliments Barmic. I do think that the Selkath could be an in-demand species, especially with their appearances in The Clone Wars. For the hands and feet I used  are from the Marvel Universe Nightcrawler. I think they work perfectly.

They really do work well for it. It sucks how limited we are with figure selection in the UK, I've started resorting to Hong Kong sellers on eBay now for some of my parts as there are no decent prices stores over here for gi Joe's, marvel, etc to use as fodder.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on July 19, 2014, 06:33:38 AM
I am really enjoying your updates. I really like that Sith Knight. I need to get The Star Wars and read that too. I am so behind in my EU Comics. Off to the front page.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: DarthSinister on July 20, 2014, 10:24:51 AM
Great new group of customs and Congratulations on your contest win!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 20, 2014, 06:00:40 PM
Tamer - Thanks, I like the Sith knight too, and he was a pretty straight-forward custom. I may do a little more work to the Ryn, but I think he's my personal favorite of the three (I really enjoy the "alien" races of Star Wars).

DarthSinister - Thanks for the congrats and the compliment.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: halnarthax87 on July 20, 2014, 08:10:53 PM
That Sith Knight is pretty awesome, as are the other eclectic bunch of customs you've created there. Great work!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on July 21, 2014, 06:19:32 AM
Starchaser don't forget you won the random drawing for the EU Challenge Prize. I am gonna need you to message me your name and address so I can send you those action figures. Once they come in that is!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 21, 2014, 03:48:58 PM
Tamer, I sent you an e-mail (to the address) last night. Let me know if it didn't come through. Thanks.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on July 22, 2014, 06:09:22 AM
Tamer, I sent you an e-mail (to the address) last night. Let me know if it didn't come through. Thanks.

I just checked twice, spam folder and all that, and didn't see it. Can you send it again please? Sometimes I wonder about my email provider. You can also use the pm system here to send it too just to be safe.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: smeagol92055 on July 22, 2014, 09:50:05 AM
That selkath head sculpt NEVER ceases to amaze me. I might just have to order a couple from I-Am-Boba-Fett myself!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: bdc41866 on July 22, 2014, 12:55:45 PM
That Sith Knight is pretty awesome indeed. Ive been reading the series...beautifully drawn and well written. A shame it wont see the big screen but who knows?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 22, 2014, 08:58:22 PM
Couldn't agree more bdc41866.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 22, 2014, 09:08:26 PM
Okay, so today I was doing a bit of organizing of the 'ol customs and remembered my very first. So I dug it out and thought I would share. We all have to start someplace. I will certainly date myself with this one, but I did it when I was 11, before "customizing" was what it is today. I just couldn't believe that Kenner didn't make the cool troopers from the opening scene of Star Wars, so I had to make one myself:


He's just an original Kenner Death Squad Commander, with a homemade felt vest and Testor's white paint on the helmet.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: CloneSniper78 on July 22, 2014, 09:20:26 PM
Canto looks like Papa Smurf! Cool customs though, great job!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on July 23, 2014, 04:39:35 AM
Very nice. Pretty good for an 11 year old. I like the vest. Off to the front page.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 23, 2014, 10:41:34 PM
Here's a couple of more original figures. The first is a "Rebels" era character. His name is Fallvaroo and he's a street kid (well street Wookie) on Coruscant. His mother was brought to Coruscant as a slave, basically a scullery maid, to an Imperial official while pregnant. She managed to hide him for a few years while he was quite young, but couldn't keep it up so he escaped into the "streets" of Coruscant. He's about sixteen (and consequently not as tall as a full grown Wookie).



For size comparison



Fallvaroo's recipe:
Head = Rorworr (plus some paint)
Body = Clone Wars Chewie with the middle torso section removed
Vest = the jacket from a MiB3 Stalk Eyes figure

The next is Yib Garnach, a Tifrin (original species) pawn broker/money lender with a reputation for honesty. He has taken a liking to Fallvaroo, but tries not to show it.



Head = Lt. Sprog (Hasbro Kreo)
Torso and arms = Puko Naga (Toys R Us exclusive)
Legs = Clone Wars Anakin

And Lady Neira, a noble woman from Arkania.



Head = Marvel Universe Storm
Body = Revenge of the Sith Luminara Unduli
Arms = Vintage Zam Wessell (thought about painting the arms, but then decided the figure needed a bit of color)
Staff = Comic Pack Xizor

Last for tonight: Darshim Arondon, a Kebar Taan ambassador to the Senate from the Larkheen Federation (an alliance of races on far side of the Corporate Sector, but not a part of the Republic/Empire), who bring both military and diplomatic experience to the table.





Head = Angelforge custom head
Body = Retaliation Zartan
Cape = Retaliation Joe Trooper
Guns = Marauders Gunrunners original casts

Darshim and the Larkheen are fanfiction for me. Who knows, but I may put a full story together sometime.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on July 24, 2014, 05:20:28 AM
That wookie teen is great. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: I-am-Boba-Fett on July 24, 2014, 01:11:11 PM
Nice looking custom figures! Your Yib Garnach figure looks a lot like this one I made last year using almost the same parts. Great minds think alike ;)

( (
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: darthdaddy on July 25, 2014, 03:20:20 PM
I love your figure choices.  Very cool customs.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 26, 2014, 10:23:49 PM
I-am-Boba-Fett - You're right! They are similar, I guess sometimes creativity runs in parallel tracks. Thanks for the compliment (and for the custom heads!).

DarthDaddy - I appreciate the kinds words.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 26, 2014, 11:07:54 PM
Thought I would post a couple of quick "head swap" customs I did this last week:

Demosius Faralanquay: A Sephi hybrid Jedi.



Head = Hobbit Legolas
Body = Vintage Qui-Gon
     (the head and post needed a bit of Dremel work on this one)

The second is a as-of-yet unnamed Gran padawan.


Head = Vintage Mawhonic
Body = Vintage Anakin as padawan

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on July 27, 2014, 05:08:22 AM
Looks good to me, off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: My kind of scum on July 27, 2014, 09:30:01 PM
I've enjoyed looking through your thread.  I particularly like your Ryn (first one I've seen and really well done) and your Selkath (the use of the nightcrawler hands and feet is just ingenious and looks fantastic!)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 31, 2014, 12:10:34 AM
Thanks so much for the kind words My kind of scum. It's really encouraging.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 01, 2014, 07:20:55 PM
Here's a group of Jedi customs I have done over the past 18 months.

A Bothan Jedi



A Falleen Jedi


A Gotal Jedi


A  Kadas'sa'Nikto Jedi


A Chagrian Jedi (his name is Tamm Rusk)


A Duros Jedi (Felanil Baaks, a Wizards creation and lightsaber artisan)



And, a Jedi from Alderaan (Tishamene Argrave - a padawan survivor of Order 66 - original concept)


     and the legs under the robes:


recipes to come later this evening
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: DarthSinister on August 01, 2014, 07:42:22 PM
Nice group of Jedi. I love the Gotal! Gotta have those OT aliens.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: ActionFigEmpire on August 01, 2014, 09:27:44 PM
Awesome work! Loving the alien Jedi you've made, head-swaps or not! I've got to get my hands on that female Alderaan Jedi's head! Can't wait for your recipes. Keep up the great work!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 01, 2014, 11:28:46 PM
Okay, I'm back to share recipes. Most are simple enough.

Bothan = Comic pack Borsk Fey'lya head and hands; Geonosis Arena showdown Kit Fisto body

Falleen = Comic pack Prince Xizor head and hands; Vintage Qui-Gon body

Gotal = Feltipern Trevagg head and hands; Vintage FI-Ek Sirch body; Realistic Clone Wars Mace Windu upper arms; Vintage Ackbar forearms

Nikto = Vintage Wooof head and hands; Roth Del-Masona body

Chagrian = Return of the Sith Mas Amedda head, arms, torso and skirt (cut short and slit); Comic Pack Wedge Antilles legs

Felanil Baaks (Duro) = Vintage Quinlan Vos body; Ellors Madak head (dremeled to fit)

Tishamene Argrave (female) = Harry Potter Cho head; Wioslea torso, upper arms, and soft goods; Hobbit Legolas forarms and hands; Clone Wars Anakin legs
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 02, 2014, 12:08:58 AM
One more for tonight. I started working on this for the EU competition, but wasn't able to finish in time. I always hoped that Boba Fett was a near human alien rather than just a human [alas for me :(]. So naturally I was ecstatic when I saw the 1994 Star Wars Galaxy Series Two trading cards which included an "artist's" rendition of Boba Fett unmasked by Dan Brereton (there's an image of it in the Wookieepedia article on Boba Fett). I've been thinking about doing a custom of this figure for a long time, but hesitated because I'm not a sculptor. Anyway with Marvel Universe figures, things became a bit easier. Using a MU Nightcrawler head, and fairly rudimentary sculpting with "green stuff" I finally took a stab at it.





I think I need to find away to bring out some of the contours of the face, especially the mouth (though they are more visible in person than in the photos), but haven't yet figured out how to do this effectively.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on August 02, 2014, 04:30:17 AM
That Bothan Jedi looks good on the front page. I like you version of that Boba too. I too would have probably preferred a more alien species for him.

Oh, your prize should be getting to you any day now.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Barmic_Rin on August 03, 2014, 02:20:32 PM
I love that Boba!! Some of the earlier EU concept art was amazing, and you've done a great job on the head sculpt.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: halnarthax87 on August 03, 2014, 08:44:40 PM
Those are some rockin' jedi customs.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 22, 2014, 05:31:41 PM

Its been a bit, but here's a couple of simple head swaps I did earlier this summer.

A Sullustan Jedi called Bauu Duhan.



Head = Dllr Nep (from comic pack)
Body = Vintage collection ep. 1 Obi-Wan

Sanna Gadrian, chief aide to the Senator from Alsakan.



Head = Rise of Cobra Scarlett
Body = Senator Padme (Legacy Evolutions)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 22, 2014, 11:22:01 PM
ActionFigEmpire - Thanks for the kind words, hope you got to see the recipes

Tamer - Thanks again for the encouragement

Barmic_Rin - Thanks for the affirmation. Sculpting is a new venture for me and I still have a long way to go

Halnarthax86 - Thanks!

I really appreciate the encouraging environment that this community nurtures.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on August 23, 2014, 06:08:30 AM
My comments are on the front page.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 01, 2014, 12:47:00 AM
Here's just a fun "mash-up." I just put an Endor Rebel helmet and bandolier on Beta Ray Bill. He works for Star Wars as a random mercenary.


And OryZen Fallo, a freighter pilot. Originally he was going to be my attempt at a more realistic Lepi (Jaxxons species) but someone else suggested he looked like a Squib (squirrel type species). So I decided he would have had a Squib father and a Lepi mother.



Head = Green Lantern Classics Ch'p
Body = GI Joe 25th Sgt. Airborne
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 01, 2014, 08:20:44 AM
Pretty cool alien species. Man you really ought to finish that beta ray bill. He makes an excellent rebel soldier. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: krash_override on September 01, 2014, 08:44:23 AM
Great stuff!  Love the hybrids
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 15, 2014, 11:01:13 PM
Here's a couple of more involved customs:

Krysa “Jack” Besalt – late teens; slicer; her dad and brother are in prison in the Corporate Sector for their slicing work; mother is dead, so effectively she's an orphan; she's quite vengeful toward CorSec. She gets liberated from a Corporate Sector Security detail by Yubookoo (the Wookie) and becomes a part of his team.



     Head = Kaiyodo-Takara Dead or Alive figure - Ayane
     Upper Torso = Animated Aayla Secura
     Arms = Cato Parasitti
     Lower Torse = Cato Parasitti
     Legs = Animated Aayla Secura
     Accesories: Vest=Angelica Teach (Pirates: On Stranger Tides); Computer=OTC Lobot

Raan, a Tinnell. He works as a scout for hire in the Outer Rim territories.


     Head = Green Lantern Classics Dex-Starr (repainted)
     Body = Voolvif Monn

Here a simple head swap (this just worked too well to pass up - maybe we could call it a clone officer's dress uniform, or "Clones of the Confederacy"):


      Head = Animated Clone Trooper
      Body = 30th Anniversary Cobra Commander

A Rebel intelligence operative named Neema Brinn, a natural empath/telepath (possibly with Umbaran blood in her family line):



     Head = Juno Ecilpse
     Upper Torso = ROTS Luminara Unduli
     Upper Arms = Breha Organa
     Forearms = Comic Pack Bultar Swan
     Lower Torso and Legs = Animated Clone Wars Anakin
     (Gun = POTF2 Lobot)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Wardog on September 15, 2014, 11:03:52 PM
You sir are awesome.   ;D

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 15, 2014, 11:08:06 PM
Thanks Wardog (blush, blush). I really do appreciate the encouragement.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 16, 2014, 02:45:50 AM
Oh yes, very nice. Off to share the latest update.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Sjefke on September 16, 2014, 06:50:19 PM
Krysa is so Elf-like.  Nice kit-bashing.   Everything is nicely proportionate.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 29, 2014, 05:30:58 PM
Been away from the threads for a bit (busy schedule adapting to a new school year). Thanks for the feedback Tamer. I appreciate your faithfulness in checking the threads and posting new work, thanks for being such an active administrator. Sjefke, thanks for the compliments. Hadn't thought about the elfin quality of the dead-or-alive head, but you're right.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 05, 2014, 09:34:59 PM
Fall is a crazy busy season in the "Starchaser" household, so I don't have a lot of time for customs. I did manage to finish some older projects in the last week or so:

First, at Tamer's suggestion, I did some camo work on Beta Ray the Rebel Commando (and I took the sleeves off the Vintage Rebel Commando cloak):




I decided to keep the "shirt" dark just for contrast with the other rebel commandos. It's a bit hard to see the different shades of green for camo in the picture. First time painting camo, but I'm pretty happy with it.

Second, I wasn't happy with the Tinian likeness from the bounty hunter contest, so I looked around and found a G.I. Joe Valor vs. Venom Scarlett that looked a lot more like the illustrations of Tinian from sources like Wookieepedia.

First version:


Second version:


Third, I put together a Twi'lek rebel operative:


This is a re-paint of a ROTS Aayla head and the body from a comic pack Commando Deena Shan.

Finally, Treis Sinde, and Imperial Knight from the Legacy comics:


Body (and lightsaber) = Comic Pack Ganner Krieg
Head = Custom (I think from

That's it for now (and maybe until after Christmas!).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on October 06, 2014, 02:44:21 AM
Oh yeah, that camo work kicks this up a notch or two. That Twi Lek operative looks fantastic too!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 06, 2014, 09:29:06 AM
Hey Tamer, thanks for the feedback and encouragement. Glad you approve of the new Beta Ray. I would have settled for just adding the accessories, but I think you're right, the camo does help "finish" the figure.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 28, 2014, 12:37:42 AM
Here's a couple of customs that I finally had a bit of time to put together. Nothing too complicated:

Desta Bucerind, co-owner of Celestial Stars and Gems. She is slowly taking over the business from her father, a moderately well known jewel cutter.


The figure is a simple:
     Body = Clone Wars Luminara Unduli (with paint touch ups on hands and neck)
     Head = Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter)

Desta travels widely, carries valuable merchandise, and has serious (and sometimes unscrupulous) competition. She needs security and her father has hired former Iktotchi commando Wenway Stam as a bodyguard for his daughter.


Head = Saga Legends Saesee Tiin
Body = GI Joe 25th Anniversary Zartan
Blaster = Marauder Gunrunners Sci-Fi rifle
     (I still have a few paint apps for this figure)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 28, 2014, 12:51:26 AM
One other figure, inspired by the Yakfinities poll for Order 66 survivors:
Karaa’lini Tamdarru, recently advanced from Padawan to Knight, was studying to be a Jedi librarian and had been sent By Jocasta Nu to a remote archaeological site to record the findings for the Jedi Temple library when the Clone Wars broke out. Far away on the Outer Rim, she was cut off from the Republic by Separatist forces, but with the help of the archaeological team (who had no use for senseless violence) she went underground. She stayed in the Outer Rim acting as a free-lance scout, guide and explorer. She kept her lightsaber, but usually had it hidden.


Head = McQuarrie Starkiller
Body = GI Joe Agent Helix
Vest = Yavin Ceremony Luke (30th Anniversary collection)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Commander_Kurgan on December 28, 2014, 02:14:26 AM
Very cool figure.
I dig that composition of parts.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on December 28, 2014, 05:57:27 AM
Update on the front page!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: hemble on December 28, 2014, 06:06:29 AM
Great looking figures mate and great use of different parts.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 27, 2015, 01:20:58 AM
This is Loj Cenari, a Chagrian militia officer, part of the Chagrian resistance movement. He eventually joins the Alliance to Restore the Republic.



Loj's recipe:
Head = Mas Amedda (ROTS)
Torso and arms = Captain Typho (TLC)
Legs = Savage Opress
Sword = Mini-mates Battle Beast sword
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 27, 2015, 01:38:57 AM
Here are a character duo:

Rig Sarkia, the last of a line of nobles from a planet overrun by the Empire. He has turned his back on his former life and pilots a freighter ("Little Boy") on the Outer Rim.




Head = Movie Thor
Torso and upper arms = McQuarrie concept Han Solo
Vest = Terminator salvation character
Lower arms = Cad Bane (version 2)
Holsters = McQuarrie Han Solo and Yavin Luke (TAC)
Legs = Feltipern Trevagg
Mask = Clone Wars Anakin w/ Desert Skiff

Next is Abo Pahr, a Kel Dor bounty hunter and frequent navigator for Rig:


Head = Plo Koon (ROTS)
Additional mask pieces = Star Wars miniatures game gonk droid split in half and painted
Body = Cobra Commander (Retaliation - from HISS set)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on January 27, 2015, 04:40:02 AM
Nice update. Let me go share it. Thanks for including the recipes.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 27, 2015, 09:55:31 AM
Tamer, thanks for the kind words and the front page post.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: My kind of scum on January 28, 2015, 05:03:57 PM
Nice work!  I particularly like Rig Sarkia - really great parts combination.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on January 29, 2015, 07:05:22 AM
 I always like your figures they look great.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 29, 2015, 11:22:10 AM
Gentlemen, thanks for the encouragement, it's appreciated.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 07, 2015, 11:57:24 PM
Here's a stray that I had in my photobucket account. I don't have a name or species yet, but he functions as security for some outlaw mechanics and shipwrights. He's built from a Cobra trooper body and the head from the Grasia Star Trek Kreon.



It was a simple head-swap and I'll probably paint over the Cobra insignia at some point in the near future.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: TheIRISH Rogue on February 08, 2015, 04:57:12 PM
I really enjoyed checking out the Chagrian!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on February 09, 2015, 07:53:41 AM
Looks good on the front page.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: My kind of scum on February 10, 2015, 12:40:02 PM
I love this newest guy - I have to admit that I stole the recipe.  I hope you don't mind...  I've enjoyed looking through the rest of your photos as well.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 11, 2015, 11:34:29 PM
Not only do I not mind, I'm quite tickled that the recipe worked for you. I was just checking out the yakface competition and saw what you did. I smiled a big smile and shared the post wih my wife. Then I thought I would pop over here and leave you a note - and saw you had posted. Thanks for the shout out, I really like the upgrades and additions you made to the figure, really pumped it up a notch.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: My kind of scum on February 13, 2015, 03:33:06 PM
So glad that you liked it!  It really was a great combination that you came up with.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: hemble on February 18, 2015, 02:56:41 AM
More nicely done figures.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 26, 2015, 01:42:56 PM
A new part swaps:



I was looking through the old Tales of the Jedi and the Egyptian look caught my attention. I had this "Merk" figure from the Mini-mates Battle Beasts series with the "hieroglyphics" on the hood. Good base for an avian species Jedi I thought. Then I saw a Clone Wars Ki-Adi-Mundi hanging in a vintage toy shop and thought, "that body is thin enough to be a bird." And voila, Assipter Pernin was born.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Bronxstalker on February 26, 2015, 01:55:47 PM
Love that look, as it's unique.  It never ceases to amaze me how creative some people get with their creations.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 26, 2015, 02:33:43 PM
Thanks so much.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 26, 2015, 02:53:18 PM
Another parts-swap custom:

Noirah Na - a character from the Dark Horse comics Republic: Into the Unknown; a Jedi padawan who survives order 66 and is counseled to go underground by Bothan Jedi Kai Huddora. My addition to the story: All grown up, she now goes by the name Ronna De’Ald and is a free-lance scout in the Outer Rim.



Head = Valor and Venom Jinx
Body = 25th Anniversary Scarlett
Cloak = Pursuit of Cobra Cobra Commander
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Mandalore25 on February 26, 2015, 04:59:13 PM
Interesting, I love the avian species, reminds me of the Talortai. Just came across that species today while looking for interesting species to make. Nice job, and love the "Tails" Egyptian mix too.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: My kind of scum on February 26, 2015, 07:42:43 PM
I like both of the new ones, but the bird species is really cool.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 26, 2015, 10:42:00 PM
Thanks guys! I was looking at the Talortai today as a possible species, but it didn't quite feel right; I thought about Calibop and Tasari also, but for now he's just going to be an unnamed species. Really glad you enjoyed them
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on February 27, 2015, 03:54:39 AM
I like that Avian Jedi. Off to the front page.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 02, 2015, 10:59:03 PM
A couple more customs:

Since they made the S.A. Naboo royal guard, I've wanted to put the original (5POA) head on the new body. Well I finally got around to it. A little paint and liberal use of the dremmel and I've got two distinctly different Naboo royal guards:


I was inspired by the yakface bounty hunter custom challenge. I know Mandos are popular (and I like them too), but I love the many other bounty hunters especially from the early EU like Star Wars Galaxies. One hunter I've always been intrigued with is called Andov Syn, whose real name is Nariss Siv Loqesh. He's a Kerestian bounty hunter who declined to join the famous six on the Executor. His back-story is recorded on Wookieepedia (I included a reference image below):



Head = Fimbul, Warg rider (The Hobbit) with paint and Kneadatite applications
Torso and arms = random clone trooper
Legs and belt = Clone Wars Cad Bane (version 2)
Patch = construction paper and embroidering floss

Reference image:

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 04, 2015, 03:38:07 AM
Nice update. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: hemble on March 04, 2015, 03:49:14 AM
Another great update well done.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Sjefke on March 05, 2015, 05:20:30 PM
I like tjat bounty hunter.   Nice kit-bashing and alterations to the head.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 05, 2015, 10:05:50 PM
Thanks Tamer, hemble and Sjefke for the positive comments, I really appreciate the encouragement.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: My kind of scum on March 06, 2015, 11:04:16 AM
I may have to dremel out that old Naboo guard as well - it looks great.

Like the bounty hunter, too.  nice work!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: AjuntaPall on April 20, 2015, 08:56:32 PM
Just looked through your custys and I must say you have a good imagination and variation of characters you use to make your figures. BRAVO  8)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 24, 2015, 11:39:26 AM
Thanks for the encouraging words My Kind of scum and AjuntaPall. Its appreciated.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 24, 2015, 12:08:44 PM
A couple of new customs:

A simple way to build Dass Jennir from Dark Times:
Ganner Krieg's head (with some paint applications)
Bespin Han Solo body


I have always liked the head sculpt on the Leia figure from the Leia/Xizor comic pack. I just don't think it looks anything like Leia. Well, found a solution. Let me introduce Trin Espar.



Trin Espar is a freighter pilot who hails from Corulag. She inherited her ship, the Starlight class freighter Quick Profit from her father. She runs a legitimate business and has a reputation for efficiency and reasonableness. Trin is not a fan of the Empire or Imperial policy, but she has a stronger dislike for organized crime.

Head = Leia from Leia/Xizor comic pack
Body = MU Black Widow (which I bought for the head to "fix" Mara Jade)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: AjuntaPall on April 24, 2015, 07:20:24 PM
Man i dig your customs. Especially the *Kerestian bounty hunter, naboo royal guard & trin espar. There's other i really like as well.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 24, 2015, 09:43:33 PM
 Thanks so much! Glad you like them. Andov Syn was my first real attempt at modifying a head - I think it turned out okay.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on April 25, 2015, 07:24:06 AM
Some good parts swapping here.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 25, 2015, 05:31:44 PM
I've thought about doing a Col Serra figure for awhile, but it took seeing JDeck's custom to actually get me to bite the bullet. So a big shout out to JDeck, thanks for inspiring me.



Head = Obi-wan, Attack of the Clones (suggested by JDeck) hair painted black and dry brushed with gray (I'm still learning this technique)
Body = Bespin Han Solo (jacket painted dark brown)
Eye patch = cut off the Captain Typho figure

The Bespin Han is proving to be very useful as a base for figures.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on April 25, 2015, 07:16:52 PM
That turned out great! Good idea on the typho  eyepatch, and the salt and pepper hair looks great.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 25, 2015, 07:19:48 PM
Okay, one more set of customs; three different Rebel troopers. These were just finished:

Jervo Alquin – As a teen Jervo was captured by a rival clan during one of Rodia's many clan wars. He was sold as a slave to an unscrupulous cage fighting investor. When the Empire started cracking down on trades that were difficult to control or which didn't provide it with some benefit, it became difficult to make a living with a large scale illegal cage fighting operation. Jervo was a moderately well-known and quite successful fighter, but even that couldn't prevent his owner from selling him. Before a new buyer was arranged Col Serra approached Jervo's owner with the strong suggestion that Jervo be turned over to him in exchange for the illicit cage fighting not being reported. Col Serra offered Jervo the opportunity to become a member of the newly formed Renegade Squadron. Proud of his skills as a fighter and grateful for his freedom, Jervo jumped at the opportunity to do something significant. While he is a skilled marksman, his true expertise lies with - obviously - hand-to-hand combat.


Head and hands = Power of the Force 2 Greedo (re-painted hands as they were too dark and dremmeled everything to fit)
Torso and arms = VC rebel commando (Endor)
Vest = Power of the Jedi Rebel Trooper
Belt and legs = TSC Endor rebel soldier
Guns = from fodder bin

Gage Has’tilya – Even as a youngster Gage didn't fit in with mainstream Bothan culture. He was much more comfortable with the direct approach than with the usual Bothan political maneuverings and surreptitious activities. As a result, Gage didn't have a very promising future in the Bothan spy networks. When Borsk Fey'lya brought his resources to the Rebel Alliance, however, Gage saw the opportunity to chart his own course. He applied for the Alliance Special Operations commando school. With his blend of not so brilliant spy skills (which were still light years beyond the skills of many non-Bothans) and direct approach to solving problems it wasn't long before Gage was on the front-line (or behind enemy lines) as a commando. Gage served directly under Judder Page as a member of the Katarn Commandos for a time.



The first picture is blurry because my camera (well the camera operator) was struggling to get the focus right. The Bothan snout is long enough, and I was close enough that it threw the picture off. I'll try to re-post later. I really wanted to give my Bothan a darker base fur coat, so I darkened his face and then painted his hair tan and dry-brushed some more golden "highlights." I don't think it translates in the picture, but I'm pretty happy with it.

Ermedd Symcankar - not much of a backstory yet. He's a Rebel heavy trooper.



Helmet = Rebel Vanguard Trooper (painted)
Head = Dark Nebula Power Soldier (Power Lords)
Visor = 3M reflective tape
Kerchief = courtesy of Ragin' Spoon casting (painted)
Body = GI Joe Ripcord Delta-6 Accelerator Suit (painted)
Gun = Halo Storm Jackal weapon

Whew...that's it for now. Hope you enjoy.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 25, 2015, 07:22:08 PM
Thanks JDeck! Glad you liked it, and again thanks for providing the inspiration to finish him.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on April 26, 2015, 04:48:00 AM
I like that Bothan. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: My kind of scum on April 27, 2015, 07:22:26 AM
Really liking all of your recent customs.  Great stuff!  Your paint job on Col Serra is really well done, love your take on Dass Jennir, too.  (I Wish Hasbro had gotten to him in the comic pack days...)  You are absolutely right about that comic pack Leia head, too.  It's a great sculpt that just doesn't have much of a Carrie likeness - pretty sure I used it for a different character as well.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 30, 2015, 01:10:45 PM
Really liking all of your recent customs.  Great stuff!  Your paint job on Col Serra is really well done, love your take on Dass Jennir, too.  (I Wish Hasbro had gotten to him in the comic pack days...)  You are absolutely right about that comic pack Leia head, too.  It's a great sculpt that just doesn't have much of a Carrie likeness - pretty sure I used it for a different character as well.
Thanks! I'm feeling a bit more comfortable with painting.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: I-am-Boba-Fett on April 30, 2015, 09:48:54 PM
Really liking that Rebel Heavy trooper!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 08, 2015, 04:32:25 PM
It's been awhile. Life has been more than a little busy with not a lot of time for customizing. I have managed a couple in recent days so I thought I would post them.

First, a fun little custom using the head off the comic pack Yuuzhan Vong (with some modifications) and the body of a Mawhonic (and a little purple and gray paint).



I've named the species Apukachan and the character "Whorllu." Ever since I saw the Yuuzhan Vong I thought that I should make an imp-like character. Now I have.

I am also working on a female pro-Alliance bounty hunter from the EU: Ravallian Dast. I have yet to paint her, so technically she's still a WIP. I think I'll use a primarily blue color scheme on her.


     Head = Angelica (POTC)
     Torso = VC Zam Wesell
     Upper arms = clone wars Anakin
     Lower arms and hands = McQuarrie concept Han Solo
     Legs = CW Commander Cody
         can't remember where the belt came from
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 08, 2015, 04:41:48 PM
Two more figures:

Inspired by the gun-fighter look of Nico Okarr (the smuggler from the SWTOR trailer), I thought the new DC Hush body might make a good base for a "gun-fighter" figure. Don't have a back-story yet:

Backstory added: Colonel Madren Harker - Founder of the Harker’s Irregulars, a pro-Republic mercenary unit during the Clone Wars. He and his troops fought alongside the Clone Army in many battles. However, at the time of Order 66, orders were also sent to eliminate the Irregulars due to their commitment to the ideals of the Republic and “all species equal” policy. Most of the Irregulars were slain, but Harker himself managed to survive, taken captive by Separatist forces. He eventually escaped and re-emerged on the outer rim going by the name Tolos Fringe and selling his guns to unfortunates in need of protection.



It was really quite simple:
     Hat = CW Cad Bane (V2)
     Head = GI Joe Firefly (latest version)
     Body = DC Hush (DC multiverse figure)
     Kerchief = thanks to Ragin' Spoon Customs

Here's a second simple head swap for a female character (also no backstory yet):


     Head = Avengers Assemble Scarlet Witch
     Body = comic pack Mara Jade
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on July 08, 2015, 05:01:17 PM
These are some really nice customs. You have an awesome  style, theyre all great the gunfighter stands out as my fave. Keep 'um coming.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: mr.Jedi1977 on July 08, 2015, 07:57:19 PM
great job ! I to like that gunfighter !
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on July 11, 2015, 05:12:00 AM
These all look great. Let me get one on the front pages. Great to see you back.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 02, 2015, 10:24:48 PM
Hey JDeck and mr.Jedi1977 thanks for the comments, I appreciate the encouragement.

Tamer, thanks for the kind words and the front page.

Its been a busy summer and since I posted the contest "me," I've been pretty well out of the loop.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 19, 2015, 10:31:44 PM
So summer is over and I've got a few simple customs in the works, but not a lot of time. I did put this character together.

Nole Kironix - a Snivvian poet whose political satire earned him a bounty from the Empire, so he joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic (and Freedom of Speech). Being a cold weather species, the Alliance quickly put his natural hardiness to use as a scout on cold weather planets. Nole scouted Toola, Ordo Plutonia, Rhen Var and Hoth (among others).


The recipe is simple:
     Head = Target Exclusive Villians set Snaggletooth (I painted the hair much darker)
     Body = Black Series Wampa Damage Luke (I had to cut down the neck peg and build a thicker and shorter neck peg to mount the head).

Hope you enjoy.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 20, 2015, 05:52:36 AM
Great figure. now all he needs is a hat so he can go outside.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: I-am-Boba-Fett on September 20, 2015, 07:44:19 AM
Cool Snivvian in cold gear custom figure!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 20, 2015, 09:51:24 PM
Great figure. now all he needs is a hat so he can go outside.

Thanks Tamer! And thanks for the FP. I'm still thinking about a hat, not sure what direction to go with it.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 20, 2015, 09:52:52 PM
Cool Snivvian in cold gear custom figure!

Thanks so much IABF - really appreciate the response.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 21, 2015, 05:58:56 PM
I have finally been able to add the finishing touches to my Jenn Starchaser figure (as originally seen below):


I added a concept stormtrooper shield and a senate commando helmet (I've always been partial to the Corinthian style helmet). Painting the helmet was a bear because the plastic is so soft and slick. Anyway, while the colors don't show up perfectly, the blue on the helmet basically matches the tunic and there is a gray stripe as well. I think it ties the figure together well and looks more complete to me:



(I also added a backstory to my gunslinger figure above.)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on September 21, 2015, 06:13:39 PM
Great looking figures! I like the Hoth snaggletooth character, and this Jenn Starchaser is really cool too. The helmet and shield are a nice touch.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 21, 2015, 06:35:03 PM
Thanks JDeck!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 22, 2015, 02:42:49 AM
I really like the true Knight look. Makes a lot of sense for a "Jedi Knight".
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 24, 2015, 03:09:51 AM
Found the time to get this one on the front pages with better comments. I do like the final look.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 24, 2015, 10:01:12 AM
Thanks Tamer  ;D I really appreciate your dedication to this site and encouraging the hobby generally.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 28, 2015, 04:26:34 PM
I always thought that Hasbro should have done Satine. I also thought she might look good in realistic style and after having seen a photoshop image of Ewan Mcgregor and Nicole Kidman in the roles, I thought, "use a Mrs. Coulter head from the Golden Compass movie figures." So I put a Mrs. Coulter together with a Black Series Luminara figure (and a lot of paint) and this is what I came up with:


and together with Obi-Wan:


Sorry the natural light washes out the colors a bit (I'm not a great photographer). The tunic is dusty rose, the undershirt is a bisque/cream and pants are actually a fawn gray (not light blue). I tried to use colors from the animated series for her palette.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 29, 2015, 02:34:41 AM
Oh yeah! What a great rendition of her. So cool in realistic style. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: koth on September 29, 2015, 10:20:17 AM
Great work. Like her
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 29, 2015, 03:12:22 PM
Thanks Tamer and koth. Appreciate the look-see and comments.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: I-am-Boba-Fett on October 03, 2015, 11:52:40 PM
Excellent job on Satine!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: ghostskull18 on October 04, 2015, 05:36:06 AM
Amazing work!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: AjuntaPall on October 04, 2015, 06:31:01 PM
Satine is lovely and very well done.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 04, 2015, 10:02:16 PM
IABF, ghostskull and Ajunta Pall, thanks so much for taking the time to look and post comments. I appreciate your kinds words. Working with pastels and other "feminine" colors is more challenging than blacks and grays ;)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: halnarthax87 on October 25, 2015, 06:02:52 PM
Satine looks great! I've used that same head on stuff. Tis a good one.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 26, 2015, 11:14:05 PM
Satine looks great! I've used that same head on stuff. Tis a good one.
Thanks so much halnarthax87 - I appreciate the comments.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 29, 2015, 06:15:51 PM
Here is an attempt at a Squib from the EU (first from the West End Game and then in the comics). His name is Spiceefelius-mifram, but he goes by Spic. Spic does not work for Squib Merchandising Consortium like most of his species, he is an independent. But he is still in the salvage business.



     Head = Mojo Thompson's Gazelle Fawn
     Body = Legacy Utai

While the head isn't a perfect match to most of the illustrations of the Squib, I'm satisfied with the likeness.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on October 30, 2015, 02:28:02 AM
I like him, off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on October 30, 2015, 11:10:29 AM
He looks cool! I was wondering what a fawn, goat or some kind of animal head would look like, for a Bothan or something.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 01, 2015, 07:51:05 PM
I like him, off to share.

Thanks so much Tamer, and thanks for the FP as well.

He looks cool! I was wondering what a fawn, goat or some kind of animal head would look like, for a Bothan or something.

JDeck, glad you like him. I'm experimenting with Schleich, Mojo, Papo and Safari Ltd. creature heads to create alien species, especially since I am not a gifted sculptor like some of our friends on this site.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: ghostskull18 on November 01, 2015, 08:42:05 PM
Awesome work!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 02, 2015, 12:07:23 AM
Thanks so much ghostskull18!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: ghostskull18 on November 02, 2015, 01:36:25 PM
Thanks so much ghostskull18!

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Jaeger45 on November 03, 2015, 07:07:34 AM
I love the squib--always great to see a new species!  I like the choice of body, too.  Nice job!

Come to think of it, I have a squirrel that might work....
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Stan on November 04, 2015, 06:06:36 PM
Very talented work, love how use different body part assembly them together, great imagination!!!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 09, 2015, 10:05:05 PM
I love the squib--always great to see a new species!  I like the choice of body, too.  Nice job!

Come to think of it, I have a squirrel that might work....

Thanks for the compliment. A squirrel head might work, I looked at one as an option :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 09, 2015, 10:05:56 PM
Very talented work, love how use different body part assembly them together, great imagination!!!

Thanks! I appreciate the feedback.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 24, 2015, 04:54:47 PM
A couple of customs:


Deydan L'ok is a Bith Jedi Master who took Arco Frayus as a Padawan. Frayus comes from House Frayus, a minor noble house of Alderaan.

Head and hands = Figrin D'an
Body = Obi-wan from fodder bin (not sure which one off hand)

Head = ROTS "Jedi vs. Sith" battle damaged Anakin
Body = Obi-wan padawan figure
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 24, 2015, 05:53:50 PM
Here are the salvage droids that work for Spic the independent Squib - 4SP-KR0P6 (Scrapix) and 4SP-KT3R8 (Cutter):



  Each is a modified 2005 BAT from the BAT attack multi-pack, weathered and with minor paint applications, and with two Marvel Universe Doc Ock arms attached to their backpacks.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 24, 2015, 05:57:50 PM
Here's Squib with his crew:


I've added Taver Bo to the mix. He's just a Fangboat pack-in Swamp Viper with some weathering and a Coruscant firefighter backpack and spray gun. I still have one crew member to go.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on November 26, 2015, 06:25:36 AM
Awesome figures Starchaser! I like the salvage droids especially. Keep up the good work!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 27, 2015, 07:28:39 PM
Thanks JDeck. They were fun to make.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Jedi Minstrel on November 27, 2015, 09:44:45 PM
Very cool customs.  I'm not familiar with BAT.  At first I was thinking Cobra B.A.T.'s but I must be mistaken.  Please enlighten.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 28, 2015, 10:35:47 AM
 No, you are right, I just didn't bother putting the periods in ;)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Jedi Minstrel on November 29, 2015, 01:17:29 AM
Which year are those B.A.T.'s from?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 29, 2015, 01:47:07 AM
They are from the 2005 Direct-to-consumer B.A.T. Attack multipack.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on November 29, 2015, 03:56:46 AM
You can find my comments with your updates on our front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 13, 2015, 05:28:50 PM
Tamer, thanks so much for the FP and compliments.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 31, 2015, 03:40:37 PM
Finally got a bit of time and finished off Spic the Squib's salvage team. The final addition is Vrees Parnondora. Born on Farstine, a planet with a methane atmosphere, Vrees was in an accident as a child that caused serious lung damage. As a result Vrees is very seldom seen without an "encounter suit." Vrees doubles as the team pilot.


Vrees is a GI Joe Heavy Water with four hoses clipped and some gray dry brushing.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 31, 2015, 03:42:43 PM
Here's Gim Kalor, a scavenger from Nar Shaada:


Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 31, 2015, 03:47:39 PM
A quick head-swap and we've got another Jedi:


Thinking about painting him to get Jolee Bindo from The Old Republic. Just an Endor Trooper head and an Obi-Wan body.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on December 31, 2015, 05:56:22 PM
Great characters! I always enjoy your customs. They're minimal paint, but so well thought out the parts work perfectly together. Like the Scavenger, the soft goods, the hood, tattoo arm ect. come together seamlessly. Of course the back stories make them even better.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Mandalore25 on January 01, 2016, 08:11:33 AM
Nice, he would make an excellent Jolee Bindo, will have to remember that head if I make him.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on January 03, 2016, 06:58:34 AM
Nice, time to get some of this on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 09, 2016, 04:48:30 PM
Thanks for the positive feedback guys - appreciate it!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Stan on January 09, 2016, 05:04:38 PM
Like the new addition, really nice!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 09, 2016, 07:10:04 PM
Hey thanks Stan.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 15, 2016, 06:02:58 PM
I got an Major Panno figure from a "supplier" earlier this week to build a figure inspired by Bigpadawan - an Advozse rebel. But I was also familiar with a Dresselian Jedi (a contemporary of Obi-Wan's) from "Legends" named Reeft. With Panno, I was able to accomplish both.

Reeft (from "Jedi Apprentice" series):


Dinu Vardren, a Advozse mineral scout back on his home planet of Riflor, became increasingly frustrated with the Empire's control of the planet's mining rights. The final straw was broken, though, when his father was injured (leading to his being incapacitated) while simply trying to get home from the market by the harsh and indiscriminate practices of Imperial riot control troops. Dinu quit his job and found a rebel cell, bringing his considerable scouting skill to the Rebellion:

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on January 17, 2016, 06:14:51 AM
Both look great. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Jodo on January 18, 2016, 07:05:23 AM
Nice! I really like that rebel! He would fit in the Home One ready room perfectly!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 19, 2016, 04:58:24 PM
Thanks Tamer!

Jodo - thanks for the feedback - the real kudos goes to Bigpadawan, the figure is his design just with different accessories.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 19, 2016, 05:18:45 PM
A couple of customs:

Darth Malignus, a Sith whose focus is on Sith lore and exploring the mystical side of the Force.


     Head = custom from ebay vendor (I can look it up if anyone's interested)
     Body = Legacy Emperor

Justice Hunter - a Jedi knight who has taken this name as a pseudonym. After his master and family were killed by dark siders, he began a campaign to seek and "deal with" dark Force users. He walks very close to the dark-side but keeps focused on justice rather than vengeance. Justice functions virtually independent of the Jedi order, though he never formally left it. While his activities are not officially condoned, some members of the order support and aid Justice in his mission "off the books."


     Head = custom from ebay vendor (I can look it up if anyone's interested)
     Body = CW Anakin

Justice Hunter vs. Darth Malignus:



I'll have to try and get some better lighting for the Malignus pictures to show the paint apps on his head (he's got graying skin, red irises and a black and red "tattoo" on his forehead).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Mandalore25 on January 19, 2016, 05:40:21 PM
Sweet! They look awesome, the yellow saber is perfect as he seems a jedi sentinel, or more specifically a jedi shadow, and the backstories are really cool too.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 19, 2016, 05:47:07 PM
Sweet! They look awesome, the yellow saber is perfect as he seems a jedi sentinel, or more specifically a jedi shadow, and the backstories are really cool too.

Thanks Mandalore25, I did choose the yellow saber for precisely that reason:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on January 20, 2016, 03:12:59 AM
Nice, off to share. Really like the look of that Justice Hunter.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 20, 2016, 08:56:11 PM
Nice, off to share. Really like the look of that Justice Hunter.

Thanks, Tamer. I've been sitting on this character for a long time and finally got around to painting the helmet/mask. There's more to his backstory, perhaps I'll share more another day.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 05, 2016, 03:23:23 PM
Here's a non-combatant addition to the 'verse:

Velstigg Sarramsell:



Velstigg was formerly a competitive wrestler (Galactic Games champion twice) nick-named “Pillar,” and perhaps the only human to go up against a Wookie and not only survive but win. He now owns a small upscale private port on the Inner-Rim planet Nubia, called, not coincidentally, The Pillar. Services at The Pillar are top-notch, but they are also pricey, unless you happen to be a recipient of the “family discount” that Velstigg offers certain "close friends and associates." He is an affable person and a generous host, but don't cross him or he'll break you in two.

Recipe: Dwalin head; MU Doc Ock body; MU Thunderstrike vest; MU Beta Ray Bill legs
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 05, 2016, 03:38:57 PM
A couple of pirates that might fit into Maz Kanata's environment:

Roca Nave is a pirate who was formerly a crewmate with Sidon Ithano and currently works under the patronage of Maz Kanata; and his crewmate Jarkanneth Obinoa, an Em'liy (from the EU comics) pirate who harbors a deep hatred against anything associated with the old Empire for its devastating treatment of his people

Roca Nave -


Recipe: Vizam body, Imperial Gunner armor; GI Joe Firefly head; GI Joe Swamp Rat helmet

Jarkanneth Obinoa -


Recipe: Head and legs from the Shadows of the Empire swoop biker (I had to build a peg to attach the torso which was a bit complicated); Torso from VC Wooof; Hands from CW Nikto Guard.



I've got a couple more ambitious customs in the works that I will hopefully be able to share soon. Thanks.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on February 06, 2016, 06:48:04 AM
Great update, you gotta love space pirates. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: AjuntaPall on February 06, 2016, 12:48:48 PM
Really diggin Velstigg, keep up the good work
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 29, 2016, 06:30:04 PM
Tamer, thanks for the FP (its been awhile, but I do appreciate it).

Ajunta Pall - thanks for the look-see and comment (there's no way I could keep up with your pace!).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 25, 2016, 10:40:24 PM
This one sat for a long time before getting finished, but I finally managed to make the time:

Lee Bucerind - owner of Celestial Stars and Gems, a modest jeweler shop in a very upscale Coruscent neighborhood. Lee is not a rock star gem cutter, but he's reliable and inventive. People say if you want it done right go to Lee Bucerind, he's not flashy, but he's good.



And with his daughter Desta (and their bodyguards):



     Head = Henry Jones, Sr.
     Torso = Phantom Menace Senator Palpatine
     Arms = Comic Pack Wedge Antilles
     Legs = Comic Pack Xizor
     Cravat = hand sculpted
     Head gear = Zam Wessell sight/Clone wars Anakin head band
     Artificial arms = Snowtrooper backpack/Grievous arms
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 26, 2016, 04:13:46 AM
Great character. Love the use of the Grevious' arms. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on March 26, 2016, 04:53:17 AM
Great looking customs!  Your back stories always great too. Keep em coming.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 26, 2016, 11:07:34 AM
Great character. Love the use of the Grevious' arms. Off to share.

Thanks for the front page and comments Tamer. I thought the Greivous arms as additional "crafting tools" would be fun (I sometimes think that I would like a pair).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 26, 2016, 11:08:24 AM
Great looking customs!  Your back stories always great too. Keep em coming.

Thanks JDeck! I appreciate the feedback.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 30, 2016, 05:12:41 PM
So just finished a Jashco Phurus. He was a lot of work. Many parts, paint, soft goods, even a bit of metal work. He's not a perfect replication of the images online, but I'm fairly happy with him:




     Head = custom from StarWarsGeek (painted by me)
     Upper torso = Comic Pack Quinlan Vos
     Upper arms = Mosep Binneed
     Lower arms = Quarren warrior
     Hands = One of the Mace Windu figures
     Legs/lower torso = The Hobbit Legolas
     Gun and ammo boxes = Marauder Gunrunner customs (I modified the rifle with greeblies)
     Shoulder armor = 20 gauge craft aluminum
     Skirt and waist wrap = added by me
     Neck bandolier = modified from a GI Joe heavy machine gun
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 31, 2016, 02:37:49 AM
Looks good to me. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Jedi Minstrel on March 31, 2016, 08:41:13 AM
Very Cool!  I'm diggin' the bandolier collar!  May have to steal that idea.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: AjuntaPall on March 31, 2016, 10:59:08 AM
Hahaha you beat me to it :) he's definetly on my list of Tokadana denizens. Great work my friend.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 01, 2016, 07:27:33 PM
Looks good to me. Off to share.
Thanks Tamer! You are so good about acknowledging people's work. Kudos!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 01, 2016, 07:29:04 PM
Very Cool!  I'm diggin' the bandolier collar!  May have to steal that idea.
Thanks Jedi Minstrel! Thanks for looking and by all means, if you want to use the bandolier collar idea, go for it:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 01, 2016, 07:29:56 PM
Hahaha you beat me to it :) he's definetly on my list of Tokadana denizens. Great work my friend.
Thanks AjuntaPall - this might be the first time I've beat you to something:) Thanks for looking and commenting.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: bdc41866 on April 01, 2016, 09:06:32 PM
Totally rocks Starchaser. Great use of parts. I may turn my eye to doing some of the Tokodana denizens. Still have some RPG characters I want to finish. Awesome custom!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 04, 2016, 07:13:31 PM
Totally rocks Starchaser. Great use of parts. I may turn my eye to doing some of the Tokodana denizens. Still have some RPG characters I want to finish. Awesome custom!

Thanks bdc41866! I appreciate your feedback. Nice to get a "parts" compliment from a master of combinations!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 04, 2016, 07:34:26 PM
AjuntaPall just finished a Rebels style Thrawn. In an interesting coincidence, I just finished a Noghri project I've been planning for a long time (its been a hope of mine ever since I saw that Hasbro would not be producing the mock up figure that was part of a comic pack several years ago).

This is Kharnubackh, a Noghri warrior spared being part of the Death Commandos by the simple fact that he was part of a small clan captured by slavers and relocated to Dathomir after the Clone Wars for slave labor. Their fierce nature didn't lend itself to slavery and in an uprising they slew their masters and established a colony on a remote continent. Kharnubackh's clan was eventually discovered by New Republic surveyors and he entered society as a warrior like many of his distant cousins from Honoghr.



     Head = Jempla (jawline beefed up and brow ridge added with "green stuff")
     Torso, arms and legs = Hobbit Dwalin figure
     Hands = comic pack Xizor
     Feet = I cut the lower calves off a Bossk and covered the scales with "green stuff" and then I cut the boots off Dwalin and joined the Bossk lower legs to Dwalin's legs to get the "reptile" like feet.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on April 05, 2016, 02:41:17 AM
Awesome. Cool coincidence. So wish they had made this be the new movie. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 05, 2016, 09:08:34 AM
Awesome. Cool coincidence. So wish they had made this be the new movie. Off to share.
Thanks Tamer! I too was hoping JJ would throw us old timers a bone and include a Noghri or two in the film (can we say Leia's bodyguard?)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Forceflow on April 05, 2016, 04:16:04 PM
Inspired choice to use a Hobbit dwarf figure... I think the Noghri are supposed to be kinda squat, right?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 05, 2016, 05:22:14 PM
Inspired choice to use a Hobbit dwarf figure... I think the Noghri are supposed to be kinda squat, right?
Thanks for the feedback Forceflow! Yes, Noghri are supposed to be squat "compact killing machines." Wookieepedia's article says they range in size from 1.4 to 1.7 meters (about 4'7" to 5'5"). Obviously using Dwalin puts Kharnubackh toward the top end of that height, but I'm okay with that. I'm thinking about building a second one using a Kili body, but we'll see if I ever get to it.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 28, 2016, 09:54:10 PM
Decided to add a photo of Kharnubackh with everyone's favorite Grand Admiral:

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 28, 2016, 10:01:47 PM
A background character:

Deski "Ripper" Soeing - an up-and-coming swoop racer.


     Head = Generator Rex figure
     Torso/belt = clone wars Cody
     Lower arms = Breha Organa
     Hands = Zam Wessell
     Legs = Luke Skywalker

I am planning to do a custom swoop for him at some point.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 28, 2016, 10:51:08 PM
And another background character:

Skarim, a Bandalog traveler: the Bandalog are a little known (and rarely encountered) species that inhabit one of the small moons, Magin, that orbit the giant barren world of Zenis-D right at the edge of the Unknown Region. Bandalog are a long-lived and slow-paced species that generally practice a philosophy of intentional simplicity. This has led to most who encounter the Bandalog seeing them as no threat and has allowed the Bandalog to live at peace for eons. In truth, the Bandalog have very advanced technology (like Skarim's vibronic utilitool), but are non-violent. Bandalog are deliberate and thoughtful and most view themselves as philosopher-poets, not leaving their home planet. Skarim was chosen, because he is young (three hundred years old) and more adventurous than most, to travel to Bimmisaari and other university worlds to explore the philosophical ideas of the rest of the galaxy and report back to his home world what he has discovered.



     Head = Dollar Tree Randall Boggs plastic statue
     Torso and arms = Mas Amedda
     Tunic = mail away Bith musician
     Legs = fodder bin (an early Plo Koon, I think)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on April 29, 2016, 02:56:19 AM
Looks good to me. More comments on the front page.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 29, 2016, 09:43:12 AM
Thanks Tamer! Always looking for ways to expand the alien pool for Star Wars. Saw this R. Boggs and thought "okay, that would be a bit too funny." I'm pretty happy with the final product though.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 30, 2016, 02:30:02 PM
Here's a Wookiee Jedi from the EU named Kirlocca:


I've only seen a couple of reference images, the links which I included here:

     Head = sneak peak Wookiee warrior figure with some braids removed
     Torso/upper legs/upper arms/hands = Merumeru figure
     Lower arms/feet/pouch = Chewie
     Lower legs = Sandstorm Chewie (2xs)
I did the soft goods, one image showed just the vest, the other showed a tunic and vest, I opted for the later.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 30, 2016, 04:24:27 PM
One more today. I saw this Wilykit figure on clearance and bought it thinking I could make a Padawan out of her. I finally got around to it.


     Head and arms = Wilykit figure
     Body = VC Padawan Anakin

Let's call the character Shanda and say she is a Jazbinan youngling (Jazbinan are an EU feline species from the 1999 "Vader's Quest" comics, they have more human facial features than the Triani or Cathar).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on May 02, 2016, 08:17:40 AM
I have been offline for a few days and wanted to make sure I got this on the front page. I like the looks of both!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 16, 2016, 07:13:53 PM
I add to the Star Wars universe - Bochuffu, a Wookiee mercenary. "Bo" survived a slave uprising on Mygeeto, but lost an arm in the process. Having been a Separatist industrial planet during the Clone Wars, there were plenty of droid parts laying around, which became a prosthetic for him (complete with weapons). He now plies the space lanes selling his strength, rage and guns to the highest bidder (or whoever he happens to like at the moment).



     Head = Tarfful
     Body = Wookiee Warrior
     Prosthetic = Clone Wars Super Battle Droid
     Lower legs = Comic pack Yuuzhan Vong
     Gun = random Chap Mei pack-in weapon//Satchel = Yarua
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on May 17, 2016, 04:17:50 AM
Awesome Wookiee! The mechanical arm works great.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on May 17, 2016, 04:53:05 AM
Nice, that sbd arm looks great on him. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: SteezyCollector on May 17, 2016, 04:57:09 AM
Great use of the vong legs, I dig it!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: mr.Jedi1977 on May 17, 2016, 04:18:01 PM
I agree that arm works very well ...Well done !
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 17, 2016, 05:54:28 PM
Awesome Wookiee! The mechanical arm works great.

Thanks JDeck. I like the way it turned out (and with the two peg holes he can add accessories!). :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 17, 2016, 05:55:04 PM
Nice, that sbd arm looks great on him. Off to share.

Thanks Tamer. And thanks for the FP and encouraging words.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 17, 2016, 05:55:49 PM
Great use of the vong legs, I dig it!

Glad you liked 'em, they were a last minute design addition. Thanks for the feedback!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 17, 2016, 05:56:29 PM
I agree that arm works very well ...Well done !

Thanks mr.Jedi!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 17, 2016, 06:13:52 PM
Finished another project that's been sitting in my queue for a long time. This is Teshugan, a Wookiee Jedi that survived the Clone Wars. Slightly smaller than the average Wookiee and having an relatively rare black pelt, Teshugan would have faced an up-hill battle as a child, but the Jedi found he was force sensitive and took him off-world to be trained as a Jedi. Teshugan has an affinity for flora and fauna and served the Jedi Order as an excellent explorer, but was not well known to most Jedi because he rarely returned to the Temple or any other Jedi enclave. He preferred to meet up with other traveling Jedi to pass along his notes and discoveries so as not to loose time in  the meetings and other inevitable formalities that accompanied a return to established Jedi centers - it was this pattern and contributed to his survival of the Clone Wars.




     Head = VC Chewbacca
     Torso = Realistic Clone Wars Seasee Tiin
     Arms = VC Chewbacca
     Legs = Merumeru

Hope you enjoy
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Jedi Minstrel on May 17, 2016, 07:45:21 PM
Cool stuff!  How are you separating the torsos to swap arms?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on May 18, 2016, 02:28:35 AM
Nice, a new Wookie. I enjoyed the back story too. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 18, 2016, 01:44:21 PM
Hey Jedi Minstrel, thanks for the comment. Good question on the torso. I use one of two methods (I think I have seen these both described on this site before, but I hit on them on my own):

Method 1) I carefully separate the torso at the seam using a very sharp craft (X-acto) knife. I go slow and try not to use too much pressure. When I've cut through the torso I use a jewelers flat blade screwdriver to separate the torso just enough to pop in whatever part I need to (I usually heat the arms or legs so they are more malleable as well). Then I glue the part back together (usually I use Citadel glue) and a mini-clamp. I find this works well, if I'm willing to be patient. But it's a lot of work. Oh, and I don't usually break the whole torso apart, I cut as little as I can get away with.

Method 2) I don't bother cutting the torso apart if the arms or legs are the softer plastic and I can "boil and pop." In this case I will often dremmel the limbs I want to attach so that they will fit into the unaltered torso and then fill the body cavity with hot glue. Once the hot glue is in there are two options: 1. let the glue dry and dremmel it - but be careful the heat from the dremmel might soften the glue making it hard to work with, and hard to clean the dremmel; 2. before the glue sets, stick the limb in and wait a moment then start turning the limb so it has mobility after the glue is completely set. I've had moderate success with both strategies. The nice thing about the hot glue method is that if you goof up just reheat the glue and try again.

Hope that helps. Feel free to follow up with other questions.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 18, 2016, 01:48:39 PM
Tamer, thanks for the FP again and the comments!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 18, 2016, 04:45:46 PM
One more quick head swap:
Den Banso, a Nautolan aqua-commando.



     Head = VC Kit Fisto
     Body = GI Joe 50th Anniversary Torpedo
     Rifle = Red Faction Marauder Officer
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on May 19, 2016, 02:20:29 AM
Looks good to me, off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: bdc41866 on May 20, 2016, 07:08:44 PM
Digging that Wookiee Jedi....Teshugan cool name by the way. And your Nautolan....let me just say, Starchaser we may be kindred spirits when it comes to customizing.....awesome work.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 20, 2016, 11:05:59 PM
Tamer, thanks again!

bdc41866 - Thanks for the compliment on the name. Kindred spirits works for me:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Stronox on May 21, 2016, 07:45:11 AM
Lots of great builds here...I especially like the Noghri!!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 21, 2016, 12:18:59 PM
Lots of great builds here...I especially like the Noghri!!

Stronox, Thanks so much for looking and for the feedback. I was pretty happy with how the Noghri turned out as well.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: I-am-Boba-Fett on May 22, 2016, 11:47:55 PM
Great recent custom figures! Really liking that Nautolan.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 24, 2016, 10:49:20 PM
Great recent custom figures! Really liking that Nautolan.

Thanks so much IABF - I appreciate the feedback.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Blizzard Force on May 25, 2016, 02:12:36 AM
Wow...hadn't looked in here for a while - lots of cool updates! :D Especially the Jashco Phurus and the Noghri (I love the Thrawn trilogy) look awesome...great work!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 27, 2016, 10:35:23 PM
Wow...hadn't looked in here for a while - lots of cool updates! :D Especially the Jashco Phurus and the Noghri (I love the Thrawn trilogy) look awesome...great work!

Thanks Blizzard Force! I really like the Thrawn trilogy as well and I'm disappointed that we didn't get Noghri in the new movie. I just got the parts for a second Noghri, so we'll how he turns out.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 15, 2016, 01:59:21 PM
Females are certainly under-represented in the figure lines, so when I was assembling the Rex/Nick figure (based on darthdaddy's recipe and inspiration) and came across a reference image for a named female Rebel commando, I thought, "That's a custom I haven't seen and could probably pull off." So I made an attempt:

Dansra Beezer:


     Head/torso and arms = Barriss Offee (Vintage Collection)
     Jacket/belt/legs and helmet = Endor Rebel Trooper (Saga Collection)
     Hands = cut and dremmeled from the TFA Rey that came with her speeder bike
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Blizzard Force on June 15, 2016, 11:11:00 PM
Great job on her, wouldn't have recognized Barris underneath that helmet if you hadn't stated it. Also, females are definitely under-represented, so it's a cool addition...
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 16, 2016, 12:20:54 AM
Great job on her, wouldn't have recognized Barris underneath that helmet if you hadn't stated it. Also, females are definitely under-represented, so it's a cool addition...

Thanks so much Blizzard Force - appreciate the comment.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on June 16, 2016, 05:45:21 AM
Keep fighting the good fight. As a father of a daughter who likes action figures it appalls me at the lack of good articulated female action figures. Bravo. She looks good on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: bdc41866 on June 16, 2016, 11:01:12 AM
Dude I am so stealing that recipe......She rocks!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 16, 2016, 02:33:51 PM
Keep fighting the good fight. As a father of a daughter who likes action figures it appalls me at the lack of good articulated female action figures. Bravo. She looks good on the front pages.

Thanks Tamer - I'm a father of a daughter who likes action figures as well.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on June 16, 2016, 02:35:20 PM
Awesome rebel commando! Its cool to see differnt variations of rebels.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 16, 2016, 02:37:08 PM
Dude I am so stealing that recipe......She rocks!

Thanks! ...And...go for it, happy to share:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 16, 2016, 02:37:52 PM
Awesome rebel commando! Its cool to see differnt variations of rebels.

Thanks JDeck, glad you liked it.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 16, 2016, 02:56:54 PM
Another for today:

Banethos Al'Tri - a Caamasi. As a young child, his Force sensitivity was recognized and he began training at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. As with most Caamasi, Banethos was pacificstic in orientation (though he could fight well with a lightsaber, if it came to it). As a result when the Clone Wars began, he was sent on diplomatic missions to Separatist leaning planets and organizations. He didn't have command over any Clone Troops and so was able to survive order 66 and disappear into the crowds on Rosha. He later found his way to Alderaan and served as secretary to another Caamasi Jedi, the famous Ylenic It'Kla. When Alderaan was destroyed, Banethos was off planet overseeing the foundation of another Caamasi Remnant colony with settlers from Alderaan. Some might say he was lucky, Banethos, though would just say, "It was the will of the Force."


     Body = VC Kit Fisto
     Hands = Hem Dazon
     Head = the base is a Schleich fox, with the snout, ears and other details sculpted by me.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on June 17, 2016, 05:29:22 AM
Looks good on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 17, 2016, 10:57:39 AM
Thanks so much for the FP, Tamer.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 17, 2016, 11:10:49 AM
I'm finding that occasionally Schliech animal heads are helpful for customizing. So here's another custom for today:

Paatune - a Trianii Ranger. Working on (and within) the border with the CSA, Paatune has encountered various infamous personalities such as Lando Calrissian, Han Solo, Bossk and Zuckuss.



      Head = Schliech cat
      Body = GI Joe  movie Scarlett
      Tail = Green Lantern B'dg painted to match head
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Sjefke on June 17, 2016, 06:48:25 PM
Love the female rebel.
I've always wanted to make one too.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on June 18, 2016, 03:55:18 AM
I like the cat! Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: mr.Jedi1977 on June 19, 2016, 08:26:57 AM
Still playing catch up . Great work on all especially the female rebel commando !
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 21, 2016, 11:53:49 PM
Love the female rebel.
I've always wanted to make one too.

Thanks Sjefke - feel free to borrow the recipe if it helps.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 21, 2016, 11:54:32 PM
I like the cat! Off to share.

Thanks Tamer and thanks for the FP. Got to fill out the alien roster:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 21, 2016, 11:55:15 PM
Still playing catch up . Great work on all especially the female rebel commando !

Thanks mr.Jedi1977, I appreciate the look-see and compliments.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Blizzard Force on June 22, 2016, 04:22:29 AM
Meow! ;) Cool idea to use the Schleich heads, it's fitting for the slim body... :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 22, 2016, 01:41:12 PM
Meow! ;) Cool idea to use the Schleich heads, it's fitting for the slim body... :)

Thanks Blizzard Force - I'm not a great sculptor, so I'm always looking for ways to add to the alien species list, and Schliech provides one workable option.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Foxtrot Delta on June 30, 2016, 04:28:46 PM
Nice work on the Sniper/Commando Kitty, Very cool idea
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 30, 2016, 04:32:19 PM
Nice work on the Sniper/Commando Kitty, Very cool idea

Thanks Foxtrot Delta. Thanks for looking and commenting!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 07, 2016, 12:10:34 AM
A stava from the Noghri homeworld of Honoghr:

The Stava - a predator with great endurance hailing from Honoghr (home of the Noghri from the Thrawn series). The stava is mentioned in the Essential Guide to Planets and Moons. This is the only source for a reference image, which is a black and white line drawing. The image makes the stava look essentially like a dog. I took some liberties with the image in creating this creature as a result. I chose the color based on the premise that as a predator it would have camouflage for the tall grasses of pre-contaminated Honoghr. I also thought the dog look was a bit uninspired, so building on the more reptilian nature of the Noghri, I made the stava more of a repto-mammal, while trying to keep the same basic idea as the drawing.

This particular stava is named Nhukhu and is part of a stava pack that was domesticated by the Noghri and consequently survived the catastrophe on Honoghr.



   Target (I think the brand is "Terra") tiger body
   Schleich velociraptor head
   (and some sculpting)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on August 07, 2016, 07:11:07 AM
I like it it. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 07, 2016, 11:17:32 PM
I like it it. Off to share.
Thanks Tamer!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: I-am-Boba-Fett on August 08, 2016, 01:46:09 AM
Always cool to see custom Star Wars creatures like that Stava. Nice work on it.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 08, 2016, 10:18:37 PM
Always cool to see custom Star Wars creatures like that Stava. Nice work on it.

Thanks IABF (I hope you don't mind the acronym). I appreciate that you checked it out and commented.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 09, 2016, 04:03:43 PM
Another EU creature - the mishalope from Firrerre.


Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on August 09, 2016, 08:10:20 PM
Awesome beasts! They are nicely done and the paint apps look great. Also I always like the natural environment outdoors diorama photographs.  However I miss the backstories.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 09, 2016, 10:30:02 PM
Thanks for the feedback JDeck, it means a lot. I'm not great photographer, but it is nice to take advantage of the wonderful outdoors. Just for you, I will add the back-stories for these creatures tomorrow when I have a bit more time. ;)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 09, 2016, 10:53:46 PM
I lied - I'll provide the back-stories now:)

Nhukhu (the stava):
The slavers who captured Kharnubackh's clan were as careless as they were unscrupulous and paid no attention to the fact that they didn't merely round up sentients, but non-sentient life as well. Creatures domesticated by the Noghri were transported to Dathomir along with their masters. Among these creatures were the sire of Nhukhu and his mate - animals belonging to Kharnubackh's parents. As a kit, Nhukhu was raised by the young Kharnubackh and bonded to him as companion and protector. When New Republic agents discovered the Noghri population and their domesticated creatures on Dathomir, they were excited as this increased the gene pool for nearly extinct animals. Nhukhu's DNA has been mixed into the gene pool of other stava domesticated back on Honoghr to strengthen the species' chances of survival.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 09, 2016, 11:33:25 PM
Niisi - a mishalope from Firrerre. Most of these creatures were exterminated when the Starcrash Brigade released a hive virus that destroyed virtually all life on the planet (taken from Wookieepedia). Niisi was found at an exotic pet store by Jedi Jenn Starchaser. She had been raised in captivity as her mother was part of a zoo exhibit. One of the zoo keepers, in an effort to pay off some gambling debts, smuggled Niisi and a couple of her litter mates out of the zoo and sold them to pet store owners in the habit of moving creatures that may not have been entirely legal. On a totally unrelated matter Starchaser stumbled upon the store and "liberated" Niisi, thinking that she would bring some happiness to Sammoru, a Firrerreo he had befriended.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on August 09, 2016, 11:54:35 PM
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on August 10, 2016, 02:06:24 AM
Time for another front page update. like the backstories too.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 12, 2016, 09:53:48 PM
Time for another front page update. like the backstories too.

Thanks so much Tamer. Glad you like the back-stories:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 16, 2016, 03:17:19 PM
Sometime ago (back on page 8) I started a pro-Alliance female bounty hunter from the EU named Ravallian Dast. I finally had some space to finish painting her:


Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 16, 2016, 03:38:03 PM
Darthdaddy did that amazingly brilliant project a short time ago celebrating the Marvel Star-Hoppers of Aduba-3 storyline. It reminded me of how much I liked some of those characters when they first appeared. I was particularly fond of Hedji (though more of the concept than the actual character design). The image references for "Spiners" is a mixed bag and I didn't care for the first version even as a kid. I certainly don't have Darthdaddy's skill as a scupltor, so I developed my own take and I'm actually pretty happy with it.

This particular Worxerite ("Spiner") is called Iksandri. Unlike many of his fellow Spiners, he is not fatalistic about his species fate and he travels the star ways looking for systems that share elements in common with his former home system of Worxer (destroyed in a supernova). He reasons that if he can find a similar eco-system, the necessary nutrients to reverse his species sterility might be avaliable. Those who know Iksandri call him a grim optimist as he is very serious and sometimes quite gruff. But this is because he has taken the fate of the species on his own shoulders. Usually happy to protect himself with a small hold-out blaster, Iksandri will resort to his quills if necessary (not wishing to draw attention to his species). He has a very positive relationship with the New Republic intelligence community, exchanging information from his exploration and scouting travels with them to broaden the scope of his search for "salvation."




     Head = minimates Kuma (modified and painted)
     Cape = CW animated style Dooku
     Torso = Bridges Direct Hobbit Fimbul figure (modified with green stuff and painted)
     Belt and legs =  a Plo Koon figure - I can't remember which
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on August 16, 2016, 05:47:40 PM
  The female Bounty hunter looks great! Also, the sculpting on the spiner is very nice. I may have to use the hobbit torso for some dudes I'm working on. its hard to find outfits that accomidate large necks.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on August 17, 2016, 03:45:58 AM
Nice update, off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 29, 2016, 12:39:07 PM
  The female Bounty hunter looks great! Also, the sculpting on the spiner is very nice. I may have to use the hobbit torso for some dudes I'm working on. its hard to find outfits that accomidate large necks.
Thanks JDeck. Those orc torsos have a lot of potential for sure.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 29, 2016, 12:39:33 PM
Nice update, off to share.
Thanks Tamer.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: mr.Jedi1977 on August 29, 2016, 08:42:04 PM
i am just getting around to your next update and i like both customs  ! great sculpting on spiner .
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 30, 2016, 12:07:38 AM
i am just getting around to your next update and i like both customs  ! great sculpting on spiner .
Thanks so much. I appreciate the encouragement:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 13, 2016, 10:59:45 PM
Okay, so its not a custom, but I really couldn't resist putting these two together :



After an incredibly challenging season, first discovering the beachhead of an alien species from outside the known galaxy and then guiding the fledging New Republic forces on an assault to prevent this brutal and unusual species and their bio-weapons from spreading terror throughout the galaxy, the Kyuzo scout Chiro is granted a much needed breather at home on Phatrong. He looks forward to a long ride on his loyal stiltacat, Jimsen. 
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 14, 2016, 02:33:25 AM
That Dark Crystal Stryder looks fantastic to me too. I could easily see a Stormtrooper or Mando on its back too. Great backstory.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 15, 2016, 11:55:05 PM
Thanks Tamer. I just couldn't help taking a picture of one of my favorite characters on one of my favorite creatures :) I do agree that these Landstriders have great potential for mounts for assorted Star Wars characters/figures. If Funko releases these as individual pieces, I could totally see them being bought in large quantities for things like photo-novels.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 17, 2016, 03:35:07 AM
Yes, I could too. It is well known that the Empire would regularly tame the local beasties and use them in garrison for patrols.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: mr.Jedi1977 on September 17, 2016, 10:34:50 AM
What a great idea ! It certainly fits in to the Star wars world ! I like it
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on September 17, 2016, 05:31:04 PM
 Yeah man that totally fits in the star wars universe. A lot of times in star wars they use that lone rider western archetype. Thats what it reminds me of.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 18, 2016, 12:14:15 AM
You're right. Hadn't thought of the iconic lone cowboy imagery, but it does kinda evoke that. I do think that I might have to customize Embo into Chiro now. Just got to find me a spare Embo:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 18, 2016, 12:27:56 AM
While I'm at it: I'm looking for the lower legs (knees down) and lower arms and hands of a Hrchek Kal Fas if anyone has the parts and is willing to negotiate "pm" me. Thanks. (I don't want to pay the crazy after market price for this figure when I only really want a portion of him).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 05, 2016, 06:08:42 PM
So I've taken the opportunity to play with the idea I started when I took a photo of the Landstrider.

I present: Khiro - a New Republic scout (and his trusted stiltacat mount Jimsen):



Khiro was responsible for discovering the beachhead of a extra-galactic species preparing an assault on the shattered Empire. Calling in support from the fledgling New Republic fleet and army and help coordinate the attack that crushed the front edge of the alien expeditionary force, driving these it out of the galaxy and saving the galactic community from the destruction of this hateful species of warriors and bio-engineers:)

After the exhausting challenge, he looks forward to time spent riding the countryside of his home Phatrong. Hope you enjoy!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: hemble on October 05, 2016, 06:57:35 PM
Great work the creature from the Dark Crystal really works well in the SW universe.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on October 06, 2016, 03:01:31 AM
I agree, that Landstrider is perfect in any sci fi verse. Off to share the update.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on October 06, 2016, 02:19:14 PM
Awesome rider for the beast.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 06, 2016, 11:28:17 PM
Great work the creature from the Dark Crystal really works well in the SW universe.


Thanks Ron, I couldn't really resist the chance to the Landstrider out. I'm really happy with how it fits into the 'verse.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 06, 2016, 11:29:33 PM
I agree, that Landstrider is perfect in any sci fi verse. Off to share the update.

Thanks Tamer! Maybe others will do some creative dioramas using Landstriders.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 06, 2016, 11:30:13 PM
Awesome rider for the beast.

Thanks JDeck. Glad you like him:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Foxtrot Delta on October 19, 2016, 05:42:03 AM
What a cool idea Starchaser, and the story behind it, maybe a saddle and some reigns to be added like the Dewback and TaunTaun
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 19, 2016, 04:14:23 PM
What a cool idea Starchaser, and the story behind it, maybe a saddle and some reigns to be added like the Dewback and TaunTaun

Thanks Foxtrot Delta! I actually hadn't thought about saddle and reins, but now I guess I will.  :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 22, 2016, 03:21:04 PM
Inspired by both I-Am-Boba-Fett and Mandalore 25, I thought I would try my hand at Tyvokka - Plo Koon's master:



Vintage Qui-Gon torso and belt/plastic skirt
SA Chewie legs (don't know which exact version)
Saga Chewie (Boussh prisoner) head
Plo Koon lightsaber

I made the soft goods skirt and lengthened the upper arms of the Qui-Gon body and added the mid-torso wrap (both out of green stuff) to bring the figure into scale with a Wookiee. The custom now stands about the same height as the Tarfful figure. I'm not the greatest scultpor, but I think I'm satisfied with how he turned out (especially if I leave his robe on).

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: hemble on October 23, 2016, 02:25:16 AM
The jedi wookie looks great and I actually like the way the clothes hand very natural.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on October 24, 2016, 03:02:55 AM
I agree, looks great. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 24, 2016, 09:57:49 PM
The jedi wookie looks great and I actually like the way the clothes hand very natural.


Thanks so much Ron, I appreciate the kind comments.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 24, 2016, 10:00:48 PM
I agree, looks great. Off to share.

Thanks Tamer.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Mandalore25 on October 25, 2016, 12:10:12 AM
Great Job! I'm honored to be part of your inspiration, and I even thought it was mine for a second, but like your head choice better, I'll have to keep that in mind if I make another.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on October 25, 2016, 06:35:35 PM
Thats awesome how you were able to make a  Qui-Gon proportionate to a wookiee. Very good, and the soft goods look great too.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 25, 2016, 11:13:34 PM
Great Job! I'm honored to be part of your inspiration, and I even thought it was mine for a second, but like your head choice better, I'll have to keep that in mind if I make another.

Thanks (both for the comment and for your excellent work as a customizer)!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 25, 2016, 11:15:46 PM
Thats awesome how you were able to make a  Qui-Gon proportionate to a wookiee. Very good, and the soft goods look great too.
Thanks JDeck, it was a bit of a hassle, but I'm much happier with the scale.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Alliance nerd on October 27, 2016, 11:33:03 AM
Wookiees are always nice to see customs of.  And I have a weakness for Jedi Wookiees (because of Gungi ( 

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 31, 2016, 09:19:26 PM
Wookiees are always nice to see customs of.  And I have a weakness for Jedi Wookiees (because of Gungi ( 


Thanks Alliance Nerd! I thought Gungi was a fun character too, and I have a soft spot for Wookiees generally (I've done more Wookiee customs than anything else).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Foxtrot Delta on November 02, 2016, 08:02:06 AM
Another good one Starchaser, love the Jedi Wookie
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 02, 2016, 09:29:20 PM
Another good one Starchaser, love the Jedi Wookie

Thanks so much Foxtrot Delta:-)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 03, 2017, 10:42:54 PM
I had a few hours of downtime during the holidays and was able to finish up a couple of customs after not having time to work on anything for weeks. First up is a Neimoidian remote gunner. Neimoidians have a reputation for cowardice, but not all members of the species are afraid of war. Hailing from Enarc, Gane Trebb showed an unusual interest in military history and the heroic stories of other cultures. He put his natural aptitude for electronics and mechanics and what he learned about combat together and joined a mercenary group, first as a mechanic and eventually as a technician and operator for a variety of remote control weapons and vehicles.



Head - Daulty Dofine
Helmet - Zam Wessell (plus add ons - twist-ties, green stuff and model sprue bit)
Body - 25th anniversary Zartan

Oh, I just realized I left his backpack off. I gave him a Evo Trooper backpack - it seems to fit the whole "tech" vibe.

PS - The "mobile gun drone" is from a "The Corps" pack from Walmart.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 03, 2017, 11:05:05 PM
The second custom is Odan Urr from the Dark Horse "Tales of the Jedi" comic series (a personal favorite of mine).



Head - original scuplt (by me)
Headpiece - part of the wait armor from a Geonosian warrior and a wire strap
Body/legs/feet/hands - Elis Helrot
Arms - random Marvel Universe figure (I don't remember which one).
Cape - Senate Guard outerwear

I sculpted the shoulder armor, the elbow and ankle spikes, knee pads, the top of the battery pack, and the wrist wraps out of "Green Stuff." The light-saber is a strut from a P-38 model with some wire attached. I think that's about it.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on January 04, 2017, 03:20:39 AM
Wow, these turned out fantastic. Time to go share both before I have a morning like yesterday. I really like that Jedi. I need to find out more about the character. I need to go try to find an Omnibus of that series if I can.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: hemble on January 04, 2017, 03:45:47 AM
they look great and great use of different parts.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 04, 2017, 08:26:29 PM
Wow, these turned out fantastic. Time to go share both before I have a morning like yesterday. I really like that Jedi. I need to find out more about the character. I need to go try to find an Omnibus of that series if I can.

Thanks so much for the front pages! Uh-oh it sounds like yesterday was a bad morning:( Hope today went better. Yeah, check out the tales of the Jedi. Odan Urr is a key character in the earliest stories and also shows up (as a very old Jedi) in the Ulic Qel-Droma/Exar Kun story line.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 04, 2017, 08:27:06 PM
they look great and great use of different parts.


Thanks Ron, that means a lot coming from you:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: AjuntaPall on January 06, 2017, 12:08:45 AM
Im really diggin what you did with odan urr. Great job
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Stan on January 07, 2017, 08:23:53 AM
Like every has share,  great use of different parts. You have a very creative mind, keep them coming!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 17, 2017, 11:48:31 PM
Im really diggin what you did with odan urr. Great job

Hey thanks Ajunta Pall. Thanks for the compliment!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 17, 2017, 11:49:56 PM
Like every has share,  great use of different parts. You have a very creative mind, keep them coming!

Thanks Stan. I work at a much slower pace than some people, but I have a few ideas still in the works.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Foxtrot Delta on January 23, 2017, 04:38:31 PM
Fantastic work on Odan Urr, very nice Starchaser
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 24, 2017, 12:30:12 AM
Fantastic work on Odan Urr, very nice Starchaser
Thanks for the compliment Foxtrot Delta, sorry for the delay in replying.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 26, 2017, 07:32:24 PM
It has been a while since I posted anything. The Starchaser household is in a season where life is just very full. I had an idea for a quick headswap to beef up the ranks of the female Rebels.

Zal Dinnes: a member of the Tierfon Yellow Aces reassigned to Red Squadron as Red Eight:


Body = Plourr Ilo
Head = Marvel Inifinite Emma Frost (peg dremmeled down)

BTW - if anyone lives near a Five Below and finds an FO Stormtrooper Squad Leader, I'd be happy to pay cost, tax, shipping and a bit extra for your trouble to get one - never saw them in the wild here and we have no Five Below or Dollar General.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 27, 2017, 02:25:37 AM
Looks good to me. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 09, 2017, 11:08:15 PM
Thanks for the front page Tamer.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 22, 2017, 05:44:07 PM
Its been since March that I posted a picture of a new figure. And... it's been since March that I've had the time to build anything at all (that's eight months!). I finally had time to put together a figure that should have been made back in the EU days by Hasbro.

Winter (a.k.a. Targeter):


Head - from Marauders Valkyries
Body - Jyn Erso (Black Series)

I had to build up the neck peg and match the skin tone paint color, but other than that a pretty straightforward build.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on November 22, 2017, 05:51:17 PM
I like her. Nice to see you back, off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 30, 2017, 12:38:55 AM
Thanks Tamer!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Stan on November 30, 2017, 06:45:31 PM
Good looking custom my friend
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 01, 2017, 09:25:40 PM
Good looking custom my friend
Thanks Stan!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on December 02, 2017, 03:05:37 AM
Wow, 22 pages of awesomeness and very unique characters!! I especially like the mishalope and your female characters are beautiful as well! Great work!

- Philipp
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on December 03, 2017, 07:20:56 AM
Good to see you back with a new figure.

Excellent work!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 09, 2017, 02:40:12 AM
Wow, 22 pages of awesomeness and very unique characters!! I especially like the mishalope and your female characters are beautiful as well! Great work!

- Philipp

Thanks so much! I'm happy that you enjoyed my submissions, and thanks for commenting.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 09, 2017, 02:41:19 AM
Good to see you back with a new figure.

Excellent work!

Thanks! I appreciate you're taking time to comment.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 22, 2017, 11:48:01 PM
Here's one I recently built and posted for a contest at



Along the border of the Unknown Region, across many planets, parents of a variety of species use a similar little ditty to encourage the children to behave. It goes something like this:

It has no eyes, but clearly sees;
it has no lips but always smiles;
It craves the flesh of those who live,
and feasts by force or guile.

Take care young ones, do as your told
lest 'tween the dusk and dawn
the vampire Yarhib steals you away
and your life is gone.

The rhyme comes from a faint memory of extremely unusual sightings of the 'Ibh. The 'Ibh are solitary and nocturnal. They must eat blood in order to survive (like vampire bats). They are not particularly prone to violence, but will defend themselves fiercely if threatened. They do not see, but create "visual" images of the world around them through echo-location and thermal imaging. They cannot speak Basic because of the structure of their mouths and throats, but have a sophisticated language of their own. Because their home-world is deep in the Unknown Region, encounters are rare (and viewed as fictions by the citizens closer to the Core worlds). These factors have led to there being tremendous misunderstanding of the 'Ibh. This particular 'Ibh goes by the name Koradera Borotorok (core-ah-dare-ah bore-ah-tore-auk) - or an approximation thereof, and travels the galaxy in star-faring shuttle cataloging minerals, crystal formations and geological wonders.

body = Mawhonic
head = a custom from jokabofe/starwarsgeek
arms/legs = POTF Momaw Nadon.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 22, 2017, 11:52:20 PM
I really enjoyed the figures that Hasbro produced from the Dark Horse Legacy series and wish they had done more - there were so many excellent characters to do. Sadly lacking were Jariah Syn, Rasi Tuum and Marasiah Fel. I have tried to rectify that for my own collection, at least where Sia Fel is concerned:


Head = custom cast from jokabofe/starwarsgeek painted by myself and with some additional sculpting to the hair
Body = Sigel Dare comic two-pack figure
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on December 23, 2017, 08:20:00 AM
Nice additions both. Off to share in all the right places.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 23, 2017, 09:18:49 PM
Nice additions both. Off to share in all the right places.

Thanks Tamer, and Merry Christmas!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on December 24, 2017, 08:59:56 AM
Great to see a new Dark Horse Legacy figure.
Excellent work!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 25, 2017, 12:45:10 AM
Great to see a new Dark Horse Legacy figure.
Excellent work!

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on December 30, 2017, 07:19:23 PM
Awesome figures! The alien is unique and Sia Fel looks fantastic! Great job, and great to see you back in action... figure.. building. :D
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 30, 2017, 10:51:21 PM
Awesome figures! The alien is unique and Sia Fel looks fantastic! Great job, and great to see you back in action... figure.. building. :D

Thanks so much JDeck! Its been quite a year, but I'm not giving up on the builds. :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 30, 2017, 11:07:39 PM
Here's a cross-over idea I've had for awhile (the image didn't turn out great, so I'll probably take another shot when its not so cold and rainy).

Amada Lorne:


Lorne was Captain of a Planetary Defense Force ship on his home planet of Acapric in the Outer Rim. Because of his military discipline his ship (an Acapric Galactic A-class cruiser) and crew were prepared when the C.I.S. launched a surprise invasion of Acapric. Lorne survived the initial space battle and then managed to pull together the "rag-tag" fleet of refugee ships that fled the planet, leading them safely to the galactic core. His courage and leadership earned him a spot as a captain in the Republic Navy and after solid leadership and many victories during the Clone Wars, Lorne retired from the Navy as a Squadron Commander. In retirement, he is afforded the dignity of being able to wear an officer's uniform, and he often does so in honor of the friends and crewmen he lost in battle. Lorne does not trust the Empire and spends much of his time checking in with and watching over the expatriates from Acapric; planning for a time when they can return and rebuild their world.

The recipe for this one is pretty transparent :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 30, 2017, 11:22:53 PM
Another "crossover":

Lessa Geshenin:


Lessa is an exceptional assassin. Few know anything about her, simply her moniker "Whisperkill" (which she earned using high velocity projectiles rather than beam weapons). Lessa belongs to a species called the Rilusian, a secretive race from near the Unknown Regions. Most people mistake them for Trandoshans, Tiss'shar, or one of the other more well known reptilian species (after all, a lizard is a lizard, right?) - a tendency that the Rilusian don't discourage. Whisperkill is highly selective of her targets and is often one of those contracted to kill another assassin.

Head = Silurian warrior 4 inch resin figure
Torso = Rogue One Imperial Ground Crew figure (cut at the belt)
Arms = Clone Wars El-Les
Legs = McQuarrie concept Han Solo

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on December 31, 2017, 02:12:03 AM
Wow, Lessa Geshenin looks amazing! All parts look perfect together, especially the head looks stunning! Thanks for also sharing the recipe!

- Philipp
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on December 31, 2017, 08:48:13 AM
I like Lessa too. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on December 31, 2017, 09:41:39 AM
Lessa Geshenin is a very good combination of different figure parts.
Thx for the parts list.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 01, 2018, 12:11:18 AM
Wow, Lessa Geshenin looks amazing! All parts look perfect together, especially the head looks stunning! Thanks for also sharing the recipe!

- Philipp

Philipp - Thanks so much. I'm glad you liked her. The head was a great find, I'll be checking out more of the Dr. Who resins to see if something else might work too.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 01, 2018, 12:12:17 AM
I like Lessa too. Off to share.

Thanks again Tamer - I appreciate your comments and the FP posting. :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 01, 2018, 12:13:36 AM
Lessa Geshenin is a very good combination of different figure parts.
Thx for the parts list.

Thanks FF - I appreciate the comments, and I'm happy to share the "recipe"
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 01, 2018, 12:17:06 AM
Last custom of 2017 for me:

Empatojayos Brand:


Head = POTF Imperial Death Star Trooper
Upper torso = Marvel Iron Man 2 Deep Dive figure (with shoulder armor from the Marvel Iron Man 2 Arctic figure)
Lower torso = plastic Christmas ornament
Rocket pack = random classic GI Joe backpack from the fodder bin
+ black floral wire (14 gauge) for the arms; a fair amount of Kneadatite ("green stuff") and paint
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 01, 2018, 12:17:59 AM
HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!!!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on January 01, 2018, 08:38:49 AM
HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!!!

Same to you. Great custom. I need to research this character. So many cool things in the EU I am not even aware of. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: hemble on January 01, 2018, 05:51:41 PM
Happy New Year mate and love Empatojayos Brand you did an excellent job.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Stan on January 02, 2018, 10:33:05 PM
New year my friend! Customs look excellent!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 03, 2018, 12:08:26 AM
HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!!!

Same to you. Great custom. I need to research this character. So many cool things in the EU I am not even aware of. Off to share.

Thanks, Tamer - there are a lot of cool concepts in the EU, look especially to Dark Horse Comics early runs.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 03, 2018, 12:08:58 AM
Happy New Year mate and love Empatojayos Brand you did an excellent job.


Thanks Ron  - that means a lot!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 03, 2018, 12:09:41 AM
New year my friend! Customs look excellent!

Thanks Stan! I appreciate the encouragement.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on January 07, 2018, 05:44:57 PM
Awesome figures! I especially like the Lessa, but they all look fantastic, with great execution.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 08, 2018, 09:46:50 PM
Awesome figures! I especially like the Lessa, but they all look fantastic, with great execution.

Thanks JDeck - great to hear from you :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Foxtrot Delta on February 03, 2018, 07:13:16 PM
Don't know how I missed your last three customs but the Adama head swap is a really cool crossover, where's his cape?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 08, 2018, 12:11:18 AM
Don't know how I missed your last three customs but the Adama head swap is a really cool crossover, where's his cape?

Thanks! I've yet to get to retaking the photo and I'll get to a cape sometime this year (didn't have one from the original figure to use, but feel like he kind of needs it).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on February 09, 2018, 08:43:51 AM
Your latest figure is awesome.
I think a cape would look really nice.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 16, 2018, 11:31:13 PM
Your latest figure is awesome.
I think a cape would look really nice.
Thank you so much!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 09, 2018, 12:21:00 AM
For the latest Yakfinities contest:
May I introduce Frate the Seeker, a Geelan from the planet Needan. Created for the West End Star Wars game and introduced in the Star Wars Adventure Journals, this species once lived on a temperate world, but their planet was knocked out of orbit by a comet and is now a ball of ice. Those Geelan who have not migrated off-world live in domed cities to avoid the harsh cold climate. You can find more on Wookieepeia (

Frate, like many of his species is an intrepid entrepreneur and financial negotiator. Unlike many of his species, he is interested in the pre-cataclysm history of his people. Frate spends a lot of time exploring the ruins of the cities vacated after the cataclysm. Trusting to his body fat, fur coat and fleece lined flight suit, Frate is able to withstand the frigid climates for long enough to gather artifacts that represent his people's history. Due to this odd passion, most Geelan leave Frate alone and even look down on him, allowing him to corner the market on Geelan artifacts (and amass a fair amount of wealth).

and with a stylish muffler:


Head = Schleich werewolf (eyes painted yellow)
Body = World of Nintendo Peppy Hare figure
Stylish muffler - courtesy of my lovely wife, who happened to be sewing while I assembled Frate - its good to have a supportive wife:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 09, 2018, 03:45:44 AM
I really like this little guy. Off to share in all the right places.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 09, 2018, 11:47:53 PM
I really like this little guy. Off to share in all the right places.

Thanks Tamer! He was fun to figure out. Always trying to find ways to add aliens to the galaxy. :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on March 10, 2018, 02:55:33 AM
Frate the Seeker looks great.
The backstory is very interesting.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on March 10, 2018, 04:33:51 AM
Whoa! He's pretty gnarly. I like it :D
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 11, 2018, 07:04:52 PM
Frate the Seeker looks great.
The backstory is very interesting.
Thanks! I can't help trying to give an original character some kind of context.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 11, 2018, 07:05:48 PM
Whoa! He's pretty gnarly. I like it :D

Thanks JDeck!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 28, 2018, 10:15:43 PM
Among the ranks of Mandalorian warriors are a select group of specialists most are unaware of. These warriors undergo special training in the harshest of cold weather climates, climates that paralyze most military operations, to function independently for long periods without support. With a grim and sarcastic sense of humor these troopers call themselves the F.L.A.M.E. unit (they say it stands for Frigid Climate, Long-range, Ascent and Mountaineering Expeditionaries). Due to the extreme climates, these troopers use rail guns and wrist rockets and grapplers powered by gas with an incredibly low freezing point. One of these troopers is Sellin Itera, from the ancient and storied Itera clan. When he was chosen to train as a cold weather specialist, he was honored and has excelled in this challenging context.


Head - POTF Boba Fett
Base Body - Lanard "The Corps" Ogre
Additional elements - POTF Boba Fett (arm weapons, leg pouches, chest armor)
Backpack - POTF Obi-Wan cold weather gear (concept)
Gun - GI Joe fodder
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 29, 2018, 02:09:26 AM
Now, this is nice. I like it and the great description. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 29, 2018, 11:27:56 PM
Now, this is nice. I like it and the great description. Off to share.
Thanks so much Tamer! :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on March 30, 2018, 01:37:53 AM
The cold weather gear Mando looks phenomenal.
I hope you'll make some other specialised Mando versions. For example: underwater, jungle, mountain or something like that.
Excellent work.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on March 30, 2018, 01:41:37 AM
I agree, that's a very nice looking Mando specialist!

@FialaFernbrugg: These are great ideas! They remind me of LEGO's bionicle series I played with as a kid.

- Philipp
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 30, 2018, 10:24:02 PM
The cold weather gear Mando looks phenomenal.
I hope you'll make some other specialised Mando versions. For example: underwater, jungle, mountain or something like that.
Excellent work.

Thanks FF! Your ideas are great. I don't know if I'll do any more specialists. I loved Boba Fett when I was a kid (and still do), but as a rule I'm not a Mando guy. So many others do such great work with them and I'm more driven by specific characters - canon, EU, or my own "fan fiction" still waiting to be written that I'm sure I'll get around to more unless there's a contest or something. Maybe you should take a shot at it?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 30, 2018, 10:24:48 PM
I agree, that's a very nice looking Mando specialist!

@FialaFernbrugg: These are great ideas! They remind me of LEGO's bionicle series I played with as a kid.

- Philipp

Thanks so much Philipp!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 01, 2018, 12:54:43 AM
I'm always trying to expanded the Star Wars universe in terms of sentient species. So I've come up with a new race - the Kearawees. Kearawees live on a planet with a variety of climates, but the largest sections are made up of forests and savannas. The foliage is green, so Kearawees are naturally green. This particular Kearawees is named Terpiklo Eru and is an expert game tracker. He often travels the galaxy with his business partner - a Cathar named Khin'ju Alu'tharen - in the service of wealthy patrons hunting, trapping or photographing exotic animals in the wild.


Head - Safari Ltd (or Schleich) Meerkat with green stuff and thread for ponytail
Neck - Mars Guo
Body - Pau'an warrior
Arms - CW Aurra Sing
Legs - CW El-Les

Happy Resurrection Sunday!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on April 01, 2018, 04:44:32 AM
Very nice. I like it. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on April 01, 2018, 06:35:12 AM
Very cool Mando, no pun intended. I really like your new alien, you make great species. I've been trying to reply, but my internet is spotty.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Stan on April 01, 2018, 07:34:27 AM
The last two custom are off the charts, love them both bro,
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: (SID) on April 02, 2018, 07:24:30 AM
Great stuff here.

I love that CORPS body. Been collecting that single figure for years... It's probably the single best easiest to acquire KO body. It looks exactly like soo many of the background costumes in EP1-2

The alien is cool too. You should make atleast another one. Love the long neck and the height. Reminds me how much of a waste most SW aliens are... I wish they would just let fans design them (submissions). Yours would be a perfect example.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 03, 2018, 05:52:20 PM
Very nice. I like it. Off to share.

Thanks Tamer :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 03, 2018, 05:54:06 PM
Very cool Mando, no pun intended. I really like your new alien, you make great species. I've been trying to reply, but my internet is spotty.

Oh...but my kids so liked the pun:) Thanks for responding. Sorry about the spotty internet, hope you get that resolved.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 03, 2018, 05:54:53 PM
The last two custom are off the charts, love them both bro,

Thanks so much Stan
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 03, 2018, 06:00:36 PM
Great stuff here.

I love that CORPS body. Been collecting that single figure for years... It's probably the single best easiest to acquire KO body. It looks exactly like soo many of the background costumes in EP1-2

The alien is cool too. You should make atleast another one. Love the long neck and the height. Reminds me how much of a waste most SW aliens are... I wish they would just let fans design them (submissions). Yours would be a perfect example.

I appreciate the feedback SID, glad you like Terpiklo. I have a lot of fun designing new aliens for the Star Wars universe - partly because its very creative, partly because I get disappointed at how few alien figures get made. I like your idea of fan submissions - it reminds me of the old design-an-alien competition in the Star Wars Galaxy magazine.

I may get around to another Kearawees, but I've got to do Khin'ju (and several other planned customs) first.

I agree with your perspective on the usefulness of "The Corps" Ogre body - it has a lot of potential applications.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on April 05, 2018, 05:33:05 AM
It's quite bizarre to see a green meerkat, but I don't want to imply this is the most bizarre thing we can find in the Star Wars universe. Not even talking about the fact it's dressed and most SW aliens are humanoid...
This is a cool looking custom! Great job on the sculpted parts!

- Philipp
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on April 07, 2018, 01:20:57 AM
Another interesting and great looking custom figure.
The Kearawees fit perfectly in the Star Wars universe.
Excellent work.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 13, 2018, 10:12:18 PM
It's quite bizarre to see a green meerkat, but I don't want to imply this is the most bizarre thing we can find in the Star Wars universe. Not even talking about the fact it's dressed and most SW aliens are humanoid...
This is a cool looking custom! Great job on the sculpted parts!

- Philipp

Got to keep things interesting! Thanks for the comments.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 13, 2018, 10:12:53 PM
Another interesting and great looking custom figure.
The Kearawees fit perfectly in the Star Wars universe.
Excellent work.

Thanks so much FF - appreciate the feedback.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 17, 2018, 03:35:28 PM
Khin'ju Alu'tharen:
 I've got to do a bit of clean up on him, so I won't call him "done" - but he's close enough to post. The story on this figure starts as a challenge from an employee at a vintage toy store called BobaKhan (shout out to my friends at BobaKhan - they sell on ebay and Amazon, but have a store front in the city of Everett, Washington). I buy fodder (and figures) from them. One day I was in and they had this Chap Mei hunter with a lion vest. One of the guys challenged me to make a Star Wars appropriate figure using the lion vest. Didn't take long to figure this out.

Vest and belt - Chap Mei hunter figure.
Head and Feet - Papo lion warrior
Torso - Beta Ray Bill
Legs - Eric Masterson/Thunderstrike figure

The hunters together:
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Stan on April 18, 2018, 02:23:59 AM
I would to see some of your crest in Star Wars movie, maybe JJ get inspiration
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on April 18, 2018, 02:54:40 AM
I like him. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 18, 2018, 10:51:18 AM
I would to see some of your crest in Star Wars movie, maybe JJ get inspiration

Thanks Stan! Sometimes I enjoy the creativity of building an entirely new species. Sometimes (as with this one) I just get frustrated that Hasbro hasn't given us some generic aliens of species common to the Star Wars Universe. There are plenty from the movies, but also a few key races that show in many different media types. The two I'm most frustrated about are the Noghri (Rukh, now canon in Rebels) and the Cathar - lion people are cool! So I have to try and create my own. I would love it for JJ to put cameos of these species in the new movie!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 18, 2018, 10:53:15 AM
I like him. Off to share.

Thanks Tamer, I will eventually get back to the finishing touches - repainting the eyes, painting the gloves (white is not a good color for a tracker/hunter) and cleaning up the joints and will probably post a new picture then.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 21, 2018, 08:38:17 PM
In light of all Dan's reviews of Jurassic World toys, I thought this simple re-purposing might be in order. The Star Wars EU has a species called the Tiss'shar that are basically sentient sauroid raptors. So, using "Blue" (the green Velociraptor would be more accurate) and a Darth Vader cape I can add another EU alien species to my universe:


And it is the appropriate scale to boot.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on April 22, 2018, 01:09:26 AM
Again, very interesting EU characters.
The quality of your outdoor pics is always great.
Excellent work.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on April 22, 2018, 04:52:58 AM
Oh yeah, looks awesome to me. I am wondering if that awesome new articulated Raptor (the bad guy in the movie) would really make an excellent version of this. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on April 22, 2018, 05:35:26 AM
Well, this is interesting...I've never heard of the Tiss'shar looks a little weird to me, though, seeing a dinosaur carrying a weapon as if a Velociraptor wasn't lethal enough  ;)
Great idea anyway - thanks for sharing!

- Philipp

Add: Oh, and I agree! There's Jurassic World stuff all over the place on the web at the moment!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 26, 2018, 10:50:05 PM
Again, very interesting EU characters.
The quality of your outdoor pics is always great.
Excellent work.

Thanks FF - it was too easy to pass up :) Thanks for the compliment.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 26, 2018, 10:52:33 PM
Oh yeah, looks awesome to me. I am wondering if that awesome new articulated Raptor (the bad guy in the movie) would really make an excellent version of this. Off to share.

Thanks Tamer. I looked at the Indoraptor, but it is too big for the height mentioned in Wookiepedia. Might work for the 6 inch scale quite well though.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 26, 2018, 10:59:40 PM
Well, this is interesting...I've never heard of the Tiss'shar looks a little weird to me, though, seeing a dinosaur carrying a weapon as if a Velociraptor wasn't lethal enough  ;)
Great idea anyway - thanks for sharing!

- Philipp

Add: Oh, and I agree! There's Jurassic World stuff all over the place on the web at the moment!

Thanks for commenting Philipp. You can check the Tiss'shar out on Wookiepedia (or look up Si-Di-Ri - he's from a comic series, cape and all). I ran across the species trying to figure out a species for my original character Lessa Geshenin (before deciding to create my own species). Anyway, the raptor idea is a bit derivative, but it's Star Wars, right?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 28, 2018, 06:06:07 PM
I don't know how many people got in on the Spero Studios/Jason Bienvenu "Animal Warriors of the Kingdom" Kickstarter, but they are great figures. I took a couple of really fast pictures (I apologize for the quality; a little blurry as it was raining) just to show that they can also fit into the Star Wars Universe. Just gave Toxious a blaster and outfitted Pale as a Jedi. Ponda Baba is in for size reference, though I realized after the fact, he is about three inches behind the other figures. They are totally in scale:



You can see clear images of the figures and their accessories over at: (where I believe they are still for sale).

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on April 29, 2018, 05:34:34 AM
Wow, they do work great. Nice review too. I shared this on our front pages along with a link to the kickstarter.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 29, 2018, 02:43:08 PM
Wow, they do work great. Nice review too. I shared this on our front pages along with a link to the kickstarter.
Thanks Tamer, I didn't really think of it as a review, more a Public Service Announcement. I suppose I could do a real review and talk about articulation, paint apps and accessories. If I have some time maybe I'll do that and post a couple better pics - though I might not hold my breath if I were you:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on April 30, 2018, 02:49:20 AM
LOL. I know what you mean. There are so many things I would like to do her too, reviewing being one of them. Thanks for sharing what you have.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 03, 2018, 10:38:05 PM
In honor of May the Fourth be with you...a couple of customs:

1. Widlow Kordi - a Pamarthen, who like many of her people, is an adept pilot. Widlow functions as a courier or smuggler as it suits her needs. She's self-assured, quick with a blaster pistol and plays a mean hand of sabaac.
Head = movie Scarlett Witch
Torso = concept Starkiller
Arms = comic two-pack Mara Jade
Legs = VC Aayla Secura

2. Paige Tico:
I thought Paige had potential as a character, and certainly there is a backstory before "The Last Jedi", so I made her without the flight suit. I would like to have seen her survive in one last bomber (I really like the design of the StarFortress) - I mean, its tradition to have at least one surviving rebel ship right?
Head = Resistance Gunner Paige - flight cap removed, and hair sculpted on
Body = Black Series Jyn Erso
Vest = The Force Awakens 5POA Resistance Rey
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on May 04, 2018, 02:24:53 AM
Very nice. And a happy May the 4th to you too! Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 09, 2018, 05:00:21 PM
So I thought Paige needed her sister Rose as a companion, and not in technician garb, so:

Rose Tico (adventurer)

and the sisters together

Head = Black Series Rose (resistance technician)
Torso = Comic Pack Mara Jade
Upper arms = CW Cad Bane
Forearms = Black Series Princess Leia
Legs = Concept Starkiller (by the way, the Vallejo "Oxford Blue" is a pretty good match for the color of the Mara Jade body)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on May 10, 2018, 02:28:00 AM
She looks good to me. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 11, 2018, 11:35:30 PM
Thanks Tamer! I appreciate that you take the time comment.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on May 19, 2018, 01:11:58 AM
You have created a whole bunch of very interesting SW characters.
Paige Tico looks really cool. A character who would have deserved more sreen time.
Excellent work.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 19, 2018, 05:13:23 PM
You have created a whole bunch of very interesting SW characters.
Paige Tico looks really cool. A character who would have deserved more sreen time.
Excellent work.

Thanks so much, FF. I think that Paige and Rose could be really developed outside the movies, and I still contend there should have been a surviving StarFortress with Paige at the helm.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: nickeltcd on May 19, 2018, 08:23:57 PM
just SWEET work, i might have missed it but i really love the head you used for Ulsin, it works great.
Where did it come from?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 19, 2018, 10:24:31 PM
just SWEET work, i might have missed it but i really love the head you used for Ulsin, it works great.
Where did it come from?

Thanks so much! When you say Ulsin, did you mean Uriss (the walrus guy)? If so you didn't miss the info. on this thread, the recipe was included in the contest thread he was part of. The head is a Minimates Battle Beasts Gruntos.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on May 20, 2018, 02:09:49 AM
These are some nice female kit-bashes! My favourite of them is Paige Tico, but one can tell that you put even more work into Widlow Kordi, who looks great, too!
And to your previous post: Pale looks so interesting! I really like him as a Jedi! His big ears are so cool!

Third, I love the outdoor pictures of your customs! Please, keep up the great work! Your custroms are always fascinating and inspiring!

Best regards from Germany and have a great weekend!

- Philipp
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 20, 2018, 05:35:59 PM
These are some nice female kit-bashes! My favourite of them is Paige Tico, but one can tell that you put even more work into Widlow Kordi, who looks great, too!
And to your previous post: Pale looks so interesting! I really like him as a Jedi! His big ears are so cool!

Third, I love the outdoor pictures of your customs! Please, keep up the great work! Your custroms are always fascinating and inspiring!

Best regards from Germany and have a great weekend!

- Philipp

Thanks so much Philipp! Glad you like the customs. I'm glad you like Paige, I thought she turned out well, and I may have to make Pale part of Widlow's crew:) I'm not a great photographer, so thanks for the nice words about the outdoor pics.
Kind Regards from Washington State
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 08, 2018, 11:08:57 PM
An update and a head-swap:

A couple of images tonight. One is an update of a previously posted "cross-over" - Amada Lorne. I had put him together without a cape and was thinking about making one that replicated the Commander Adama cape that originally came with the figure, but then I tried the General Calrissian cape and thought it worked just fine and connected the figure to the established universe better:


The second is a simple head-swap from the 5POA Praetorian Guard to the Walmart SA Preatorian body. You can't really tell in the picture, but the reds are not precisely the same. The difference isn't enough to bother me (and I don't think I have the patience to try and mix a closer color match), but figured I would share that observation with folks who haven't looked at the two figures together yet. The ball socket is also not sized for a direct switch, so I had to augment the post with a little hot glue to get the helmet to sit where I wanted it. All-in-all a pretty simply fix to get a second SA Praetorian:


That's it from me right now - been really busy - but I have a few figures in the pipeline.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on June 09, 2018, 12:50:58 AM
The Calrissian cape looks great on the figure and I like the Praetorian Guard.
Excellent work.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on June 09, 2018, 04:53:28 AM
I think that guard looks fantastic. I don't see a problem with the reds at all. Off to share the update.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on June 10, 2018, 01:12:06 PM
Nice work Starchaser! I agree with FialaFernbrugg, too! The cape looks great. I'm a huge fan of capes since Lando's appearance in SOLO.

The Praetorian Guard looks great, too! Thank you making us aware of the color difference! I wonder when Hasbro includes them in TVC...until then we make the figures we want ourselves.
Keep up the nice work!

- Philipp
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 10, 2018, 11:39:40 PM
The Calrissian cape looks great on the figure and I like the Praetorian Guard.
Excellent work.
Thanks! I'm glad you like the Calrissian cape.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 10, 2018, 11:42:54 PM
I think that guard looks fantastic. I don't see a problem with the reds at all. Off to share the update.
Thanks, Tamer. Yeah, if you look at the two figures side-by-side, their colors are not the same, it doesn't show up in the picture though.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 10, 2018, 11:45:31 PM
Nice work Starchaser! I agree with FialaFernbrugg, too! The cape looks great. I'm a huge fan of capes since Lando's appearance in SOLO.

The Praetorian Guard looks great, too! Thank you making us aware of the color difference! I wonder when Hasbro includes them in TVC...until then we make the figures we want ourselves.
Keep up the nice work!

- Philipp
Thanks Philipp, Glad you liked them. Thanks for commenting.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 29, 2018, 03:35:03 PM
Had a bit of time off and was able to finish a couple of customs for a yakfinities contest:

Realistic version of Hera:

Head = Cesi "Doc" Eirriss figure
Goggles = fodder bin (I think a Panno figure, but I'm not sure)
Torso and arms = Comic Pack Bultar Swan
Flight Harness = white wired ribbon
Legs = Cesi figure
     I cut the leg holster of an Ellorrs Madak figure and glued it
     in place

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 29, 2018, 03:42:10 PM
The second:
Cham Syndulla (Rebels appearances):


Head = Three pack Twi'lek Jedi
Torso = Mas Amedda
Arms = CW Mandalorian Police Officer (shoulder pauldrons
     from a quick draw ROTS clone trooper)
Belt = Imperial EVO trooper (I'll probably replace this with a
     different belt when I have full access to my fodder)
Legs = Plo Koon (ROTS)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on June 30, 2018, 01:02:20 AM
Both  Twi'lek custom figures are phenomenal.
Thank you for the detailed parts lists.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on June 30, 2018, 07:43:46 AM
I really like that Hera. Off to share this to the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 30, 2018, 09:50:14 PM
Both  Twi'lek custom figures are phenomenal.
Thank you for the detailed parts lists.
Thanks so much, FF. I'm happy to provide the parts lists/recipes. It always helps me when someone else does it.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 30, 2018, 09:51:32 PM
I really like that Hera. Off to share this to the front pages.
Thanks, Tamer. I really like how she turned out as well. I think she's a keeper :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Stan on July 12, 2018, 03:16:37 PM
Ditto on the Hera, dig it!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 16, 2018, 03:15:13 PM
Ditto on the Hera, dig it!
Thanks Stan, that means a lot.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 18, 2018, 07:14:14 PM
In case anyone is interested:
I bought two of the url=]C'ai Threnalli figures from Entertainment Earth[/url]. They're excellent for "5POA" (they actually have swivel gloves and boots as well). I thought I would do a side-by-side of one "original" and one C'ai head on a Black Series Poe body just to see if it was close enough to work without much modification. You can see the results for yourselves:
and back-to-back:
There is a tiny height difference - the C'ai figure (left) being just slightly taller. There are, of course, differences in the paint apps - though they are minor. The pants legs are tucked into the boots on the C'ai figure and the collar of the flight suit is slightly different. But for my purposes, no change necessary. I'll happily swap the head for a SA figure to put into action poses. Anyway, just thought folks might be interested.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: ghostskull18 on July 18, 2018, 08:26:49 PM
Awesome i did the same thing with my cai figure
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on July 19, 2018, 05:02:02 AM
Wow, talk about super arty for not much work. I think it looks better with the super arty body.

By the way here is the link for those who want to buy C'ai Threnalli:

EE Link for C'ai Threnalli 3.75 (

Off to the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on July 19, 2018, 10:37:57 AM
That's a very clever head-swap. But C'ai Threnalli is not Ello Asty, is he? I'm a big fan of this alien design and your now super-articulated version of him looks great!
Thank you for sharing the recipe!

- Philipp
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 19, 2018, 12:44:25 PM
Awesome i did the same thing with my cai figure
Thanks. I figured I wasn't the only one :) but thought maybe images would be good for some folks.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 19, 2018, 12:45:37 PM
Wow, talk about super arty for not much work. I think it looks better with the super arty body.

By the way here is the link for those who want to buy C'ai Threnalli:

EE Link for C'ai Threnalli 3.75 (

Off to the front pages.

Thanks Tamer - yeah, it seemed like a simple recipe folks should know about.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 19, 2018, 12:47:56 PM
That's a very clever head-swap. But C'ai Threnalli is not Ello Asty, is he? I'm a big fan of this alien design and your now super-articulated version of him looks great!
Thank you for sharing the recipe!

- Philipp

No Philipp, C'ai is a second character. Ello Asty dies in Force Awakens, C'ai is one of the survivors at the end of Last Jedi - but basically the same none-the-less. I like the head, and plan on using it in other figures as well.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on July 21, 2018, 08:28:57 AM
Great idea.
This is really an easy way to get a super articulated figure.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 26, 2018, 11:25:35 PM
Great idea.
This is really an easy way to get a super articulated figure.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 19, 2018, 08:33:07 PM
A couple of new characters:


Nurox - A cyborg created by the Arkanian Renegades during their conflict with the Arkanian Dominion. Like his much more notorious comrade in arms, Gorm the Dissolver, Nurox survived the conflict. Late in the conflict, fearing cruel reprisals from the Dominion, several Renegade scientists put their children in hiding. They took one of their most devastating creations – Nurox – off the battlefield to function as the bodyguard for their families. This was the avenue for his survival. After the Dominion offered amnesty to the children of the Renegades, they were retrieved from hiding, but Nurox was left behind because the scientists knew he would be destroyed. Nurox found the role of bodyguard much more enjoyable than frontline soldier, so he traveled the galaxy selling his services. After several jobs, he found a long-term “home” employed by the Black Sun Underlord as bodyguard to various Vigos and, when necessary, as an Enforcer.

Head = Kre-o Klingon
Arms = Comic 2 pack Yuuzhan Vong
Torso and Legs = Iron Man Weapon Assault Drone

Li'l Klee - The youngest of fourteen children in his Gigoran family, Klee was often called “Little One” or “Little Klee” because of his place in the birth order. So familiar with the sobriquet was he, that Klee adopted the “Little” as part of his name and always introduces himself as “Li’l Klee.” As with many of his species, he was taken captive by slavers and sold into a life of hard labor. Unsatisfied with life as a slave, Li’l Klee managed to escape and, in the process, kill a representative of the Mytaranor Slaver Council, leading to a substantial price being put on his head. Li’l Klee has moved about consistently since, not wanting to be captured as a murderer or an escaped slave. Recently, he has found a quiet place as a “deck hand” aboard Rig Sarkia’s Little Boy.



and with Rig and Abo Pahr

Head = Rogue One Moroff (repainted)
Body = Thi-Sen
Vest and Belt = 6 inch Maz Kanata
Tools = Star Trek fodder
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: I-am-Boba-Fett on August 19, 2018, 11:29:28 PM
Really liking Li'l Klee, nice parts combo!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on August 20, 2018, 02:38:07 AM
Very nice on both! Off to share in all the right places.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: hemble on August 20, 2018, 03:36:14 AM
They both look excellent mate.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 22, 2018, 10:47:51 PM
Really liking Li'l Klee, nice parts combo!
Thanks! He was a pretty straightforward build, but I like him a lot.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 22, 2018, 10:48:32 PM
Very nice on both! Off to share in all the right places.

Thanks Tamer - and thanks for putting both up, that was nice.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 22, 2018, 10:50:39 PM
They both look excellent mate.


Thanks Ron, I hope your surgery went well!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on August 25, 2018, 01:34:54 AM
Li'l Klee looks really cool.
Nice mix of parts.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 28, 2018, 10:52:45 PM
Li'l Klee looks really cool.
Nice mix of parts.

Thanks FF - I'm really happy with how this one turned out.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: ghostskull18 on August 29, 2018, 11:11:41 AM
Amazing work!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 13, 2018, 12:31:15 PM
Amazing work!

Thanks so much!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on September 14, 2018, 03:28:02 AM
These customs look nice, too! I was at my local Comic Shop, yesterday and bought the first of six parts of Doctor Aphra, there. Seeing your Li'l Klee made me smile not only because of his sad, yet creative background story, but also because two Gigorans appear in this Aphra Comic (Issue #1 English/#98 German) and have a short but intense fight with Wookie Bountyhunter Krrsantan.
The Doctor Aphra comics are very good. I enjoy them mucho and can recommend them to everyone.

Rig and Abo Pahr also look awesome, of which Abo Pahr is my personal favourite of the four.
Thanks for also sharing the recipes!

- Philipp
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 17, 2018, 10:34:28 AM
Thanks Philipp. I appreciate the feedback. Abo is an older custom of mine with a 5 POA GI Joe body. One of these days I will get around to adding some articulation, but I thought the body was just too good to pass up for some kind of bounty hunter or mercenary.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 07, 2018, 07:14:38 PM
Been cleaning up the garage and found my fodder, unfinished custom projects and now have some space to work, so hopefully there will be some more original characters coming soon...

In the meantime, I've been enjoying some other 3 3/4" lines and fitting them into the Star Wars 'verse (namely Animal Warriors of the Kingdom and Boss Fight Studios Vitruvian H.A.C.K.S. - I'm still waiting for the Chicken Fried Dime Store Novel Western figures to get finished). I might provide a few pictures in the upcoming days.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 07, 2018, 07:21:06 PM
I've already posted a couple images of the Animal Warriors of the Kingdom line, but I am really enjoying its cross compatibility with Star Wars. My favorite (right now) is the character "Scraps." I have added a Solo vest and Chewie's rifle from "Solo" to bring him into the Star Wars universe.

I call the character Talu Ooran:

Once head of the security detail assigned to the Crown Princess Lelit of Sen Argasi, Talu went into self-imposed exile rather than put Her Highness at risk when the Vizier took control of the court after the premature death of Lelit’s parents. Talu travels the galaxy building friendships and alliances he hopes he can rely on to support Lelit’s claim to the throne when she comes of age.




Obviously, I like the look of him riding on Boga :). I thought about changing the legs for booted ones off another figure or changing out the shin armor for a more muted color, but the green just brightens him up a bit - so I'll keep it.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: hemble on October 07, 2018, 07:53:38 PM
They both look excellent mate.


Thanks Ron, I hope your surgery went well!

My pleasure mate and it went well thank. I and love Talu Ooran, he turned out great.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 07, 2018, 11:24:47 PM
Thanks Ron, I'm so glad surgery went well.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: hemble on October 08, 2018, 12:45:57 AM
Thanks Ron, I'm so glad surgery went well.

Cheers buddy and my pleasure.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on October 08, 2018, 03:37:45 AM
Yepper he does work well in SW. I like him. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: customjedi on October 08, 2018, 05:15:37 AM
Very cool. He reminds me of the cat like characters which appeared in Clone Wars. He fits in well!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 08, 2018, 12:20:26 PM
A couple of underworld characters that might inhabit the Star Wars universe (these were designed for the last Yakfinities contest):

Madame Hunari:

Madame Hunari plies her trade as a psychic in the upper levels of the Uscru District of Galactic City, Coruscant. Many wealthy and powerful beings come to her small shop seeking guidance and comfort. What most don't know is that Hunari is really the head of a small but well-placed network of infochants - using their trade to gather the secrets of the rich, famous and influential. One of her most effective tools to offer her "readings" to the servants of her clients in exchange for information, rather than credits. Hunari is well-known and has been connecting people with the spiritual world for longer than anyone can remember - which only adds to her reputation as a psychic. In truth, this Hunari is the fifth to don the mantle, as instead of retiring, the first "Hunari" created a costume for her daughter to continue in the role, creating the illusion of a single very, very old Gotal.

Head = Trevagg Feltipern (repainted)
Body = Maz Kanata
Stole = fur lining from 5POA Range Trooper
     Part of a cheap bracelet for the horn decoration

Zennan Kar'datonio:

Balosar. Almost nobody would suspect that Zennan was anything other than a pretentious, vain, weak-minded small-time deathstick dealer, so typical of Balosars in the galaxy. That’s the way he wants it. Behind the façade, Zennan is actually the leader and coordinator of a vast network of slicers, burglars, smugglers, fences and financiers collectively called the Combine. Zennan happily provides the services of the Combine to anyone willing to pay his prices, and has, as a result, become something of a respected neutral party in discussions between the various criminal syndicates. He is known to the Empire simply as Centerpoint – a highly wanted criminal mastermind. He is occasionally seen in the company of one Gotal psychic called Madame Hunari.

Head = MiB3 Mr. Wu (repainted)
Body = Ask Aak
Boots = Snowtrooper (I think TSC)
Lower arms = Yavin Ceremony Luke (TAC)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 08, 2018, 12:29:27 PM
Yepper he does work well in SW. I like him. Off to share.

Thanks Tamer, these are great figures with loads of articulation and great potential for customization as well.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 08, 2018, 12:32:53 PM
Very cool. He reminds me of the cat like characters which appeared in Clone Wars. He fits in well!

I hadn't thought of him as a Zygerrian, but that could work in a pinch. I like that he doesn't look quite like a cat or quite like a dog, so his species can be unique. I've posted a picture of another figure with the same design, just a different paint scheme (black and white like a skunk) and the paint totally changes the figure's feel.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on October 09, 2018, 02:29:17 AM
Very nice. They would sure work well in any dio you needed general population folks in.

Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Jodo on October 10, 2018, 01:46:27 PM

I LOVE this!!!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on October 12, 2018, 03:15:24 AM
I agree and really like your exotic character customs! The horn deco reminds me a lot of a key-chain! Were you inspired by one or does she really wear this deco?
Your customs never fail to impress and give a new impression of how big the diversity of the Star Wars universe actually is.

Thanks for sharing & have a great weekend!

- Philipp
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 15, 2018, 09:37:02 PM
Philipp - Hunari is an original character and I thought that using a Feltipern head would require something to "feminize it" (female Gotals aren't supposed to have the facial hair). So I used the idea of age to justify the facial hair but thought that I could still have Hunari delight in make-up and bangles. I thought that the "horn chain" would be fitting - hadn't actually thought about a key-chain.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 15, 2018, 09:39:24 PM
Jodo - I glad you like the dude. I'm pretty happy with him myself - if I ever do a photo-novel (which is highly unlikely), I think Talu would have to be a key character. Jason Bienvenu did a great job conceiving of all his figures/characters, but I particularly enjoy "Scraps"
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: I-am-Boba-Fett on October 17, 2018, 09:34:08 PM
Your last three custom figures are cool, can't have enough aliens :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 20, 2018, 06:03:57 PM
Thanks IABF - I agree, always looking to fill out the ranks of alien characters. I am always left wondering if Hasbro and Disney aren't part of the Empire - a little prejudice against the non-humans:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 27, 2018, 11:14:16 PM
I managed to find a Maisie figure from Jurassic World and thought she would provide a good head for a Padawan. So I popped the head on an Anakin body and voila:


I was thinking about a backstory when I realized I have already created a character: Karaa'lini Tamdarru, an Order 66 survivor. I've taken a shot of her side-by-side with her adult incarnation as Kerraly Mesa (her post-Purge persona):

The original pics of Karaa'lini are found on page 5 of this thread:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on November 28, 2018, 03:05:07 AM
Nice. Looks like a perfect connection.

Off to share the latest.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: ghostskull18 on November 28, 2018, 07:09:07 AM
Awesome, that is a brilliant idea
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 29, 2018, 11:30:12 PM
Nice. Looks like a perfect connection.

Off to share the latest.

Thanks Tamer! I have to keep them simple - lack of time and great talent:) No really, life is overwhelmingly busy, so while I've got about eight builds partially complete, I don't anticipate getting but one or two finished before the new year.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 29, 2018, 11:32:47 PM
Awesome, that is a brilliant idea

Thanks so much ghostskull18. I'm always looking for other heads as my sculpting skills just aren't where I want them.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: ImperialOfficer on December 01, 2018, 02:24:09 PM
What head did you use for Kerraly Mesa? It looks perfect for a custom I'm planning.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on December 01, 2018, 05:16:50 PM
You've made some really awesome figures during my absence. I always like how you can take almost any figure and make it into a Star Wars guy. Really good use of parts and it adds a ton of diversity. Keep em coming.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 01, 2018, 06:40:19 PM
What head did you use for Kerraly Mesa? It looks perfect for a custom I'm planning.

The head is a McQuarrie concept Starkiller head. I have found it and excellent head for customizing (I believe that some of the folks out there that cast parts have this in their inventory).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 01, 2018, 06:41:43 PM
You've made some really awesome figures during my absence. I always like how you can take almost any figure and make it into a Star Wars guy. Really good use of parts and it adds a ton of diversity. Keep em coming.

Thanks so much JDeck. Got to do something to make the universe bigger, right? Plus some other figures are just pretty cool.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on December 08, 2018, 07:57:18 AM
Good idea to use the Maisie figure for a padawan custom.
The figure looks nice.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 11, 2018, 12:47:38 AM
Good idea to use the Maisie figure for a padawan custom.
The figure looks nice.

Thanks, FF. I'm pretty happy with how she turned out, and with how well she works as a younger version of a previously created character.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 31, 2018, 01:56:58 AM
My last custom for 2018. I was intrigued by a character on the cardboard backdrop for the Target exclusive Vandor playset, so I decided to try and build him and give him a backstory:

TewVee – Is he an organic with a bit of droid as a mask, or is he a rogue Magnadroid? Few, if any, know. He rarely speaks, and his voice always sounds as if it is coming through a vox scrambler. None of his colleagues remember him stopping to eat, drink or sleep. Most suspect he’s a Magnadroid, but he will never tell. TewVee is happy to hire his guns out to anyone who will pay, as long as they aren’t the Empire.



Head = Magnadroid figure
Torso and legs = Jango Fett (30th Annivesary)
Arms = Sandstorm Han Solo
custom hat (manila folder paper)
custom soft goods cloak and neck covering
Bandolier = Hem Dazon
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on December 31, 2018, 08:00:32 AM
Looks great to me. Nice backstory too. Happy New Year.

Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Moronarama on January 01, 2019, 08:32:41 AM
Very nice looking figure.  I’m impressed by the use of soft goods. Well made, sir!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: I-am-Boba-Fett on January 02, 2019, 02:28:25 AM
Very cool looking figure indeed!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 02, 2019, 08:49:04 PM
Looks great to me. Nice backstory too. Happy New Year.

Off to share.

Thanks Tamer! Happy New Year to you too.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 02, 2019, 08:51:18 PM
Very nice looking figure.  I’m impressed by the use of soft goods. Well made, sir!

Thanks. I'm not a great seamster (seam-master?), but the soft goods were really important to get the look of the character. I may yet come back and use some fabric paint to give the poncho a second color like in the reference pics, but we'll see.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 02, 2019, 08:52:27 PM
Very cool looking figure indeed!

Thanks so much IABF - the card art was neat enough I thought I would make a stab at building him in 3D.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on January 03, 2019, 04:26:39 AM
I really enjoy your custom figures! It's always amazing how you create new and interesting characters for the Star Wars universe. I wish Disney would've had your talent for the Sequels, too...

- Philipp
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on January 05, 2019, 02:52:05 AM
The figure looks awesome.
Great mix of parts.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 05, 2019, 10:31:34 PM
I really enjoy your custom figures! It's always amazing how you create new and interesting characters for the Star Wars universe. I wish Disney would've had your talent for the Sequels, too...

- Philipp

Thanks so much! Yeah, I wish the Sequels had taken a different tack, but they're just movies. The joy of our hobby is that we can re-vision things in plastic form!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 05, 2019, 10:32:32 PM
The figure looks awesome.
Great mix of parts.

Thanks - he was a fun build. I'm happy with how he turned out and he hasn't lost any "playability."
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on January 07, 2019, 08:06:59 PM
I like it, spot on with the guy on the Vendor playset. The scratch built hat looks great.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 08, 2019, 02:55:05 PM
I like it, spot on with the guy on the Vendor playset. The scratch built hat looks great.

Thanks JDeck! Took a while to figure out what medium to use for the hat.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 18, 2019, 12:14:36 AM
Hey, for anyone who's interested. I was doing some digging around for concept art from Solo and found out that the Vandor playset art character that I built (Tewvee) is actually in the movie - I hardly could see him/it, but its the dealer in the first sabaac game on Vandor. It also turns out that the character design was originally one of the concepts for Enfys Nest. I found that all pretty interesting.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on January 18, 2019, 03:20:06 AM
Wow, you are doing some great research into this character. Thanks for the good custom and the good information on him.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on January 19, 2019, 11:59:20 AM
Hey that's very interesting, indeed! Thanks a lot for the update Starchaser! I'm looking forward to being surprised by your upcoming projects!

- Philipp
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 19, 2019, 07:38:27 PM
Wow, you are doing some great research into this character. Thanks for the good custom and the good information on him.

I actually just happened on the info - but though it was interesting enough to share:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 19, 2019, 07:39:21 PM
Hey that's very interesting, indeed! Thanks a lot for the update Starchaser! I'm looking forward to being surprised by your upcoming projects!

- Philipp

Thanks Philipp - we'll see what the new year has in store.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: customjedi on January 20, 2019, 02:38:25 PM
I love the idea of a biological impersonating a Magnadroid. The figure looks great!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 21, 2019, 05:36:05 PM
I love the idea of a biological impersonating a Magnadroid. The figure looks great!

Thanks! Thought it was a fun idea.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 28, 2019, 04:02:59 PM
I frankly don't understand the Vice Admiral of the Resistance flying around in a wartime scenario wearing an evening gown. I saw a version of her that looked a bit more like something Padme would have worn and that had a more military feel to it. So I used that image as a basis for this (my) version of Amilyn Holdo:


Head = Ellie Sattler (Jurassic Park)
Body = Thunderbirds Are Go Kayo Kyrano figure
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on January 29, 2019, 03:03:57 AM
Yeah, I have to admit she didn't pull off that military feel to me in the film. This would have helped immensely. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 29, 2019, 12:05:23 PM
I've wanted to build this guy for a long while...finally got around to it:

Kapp Dendo, rebel operative from Michael Stackpole's "X-wing Squadron"


here's the reference picture:


Helmet = Biker Scout - Black series (dremeled out)
Head = Assassin's Creed Altair
Body = Biker Scout - Black series
additions: Endor Rebel coat (sleeves removed); VC Lando Calrissian holster and belt; shoulder armor (heavy craft paper); horns (Green Stuff); bandolier from a GI Joe Steel Brigade figure
I think that's it
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 29, 2019, 12:09:00 PM
Yeah, I have to admit she didn't pull off that military feel to me in the film. This would have helped immensely. Off to share.

Thanks, Tamer. I feel like this design gives her a little more "playability" too (which is always a big deal for me) :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on January 30, 2019, 04:05:14 AM
Looks spot on with your reference image to me.

Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Clonehead on January 30, 2019, 05:49:38 AM
That is one heck of a likeness. Nicely exicuted.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 30, 2019, 07:48:37 PM
Looks spot on with your reference image to me.

Off to share.

Thanks Tamer.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 30, 2019, 07:49:17 PM
That is one heck of a likeness. Nicely exicuted.

Thanks Clonehead, I appreciate the comment.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 31, 2019, 11:54:13 PM
Clakxis Gan - built by the Sharu before they hid themself under the plastic pyramids. Clakxis is one of several "sentient" droids built by the Sharu for the purpose of exploring and diplomacy. Hidden within the great pyramids, Clakxis has again become active in the galaxy since the transformation of Rafa V by the Mindharp. The Sharu no longer care to expand and look down on most galactic species, but Clakxis is still curious to learn and explore, so it wanders the galaxy satisfying its thirst for new experience and knowledge.

( vadsab

     Head = from a random robot toy I found at the Thrift Store
     Body = 2017 movie version Alpha 5 from the Power Rangers

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on February 01, 2019, 03:08:04 AM
Now that is one cool creation.

Off to share to the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 02, 2019, 09:17:10 PM
Now that is one cool creation.

Off to share to the front pages.

Thanks so much Tamer.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: hemble on February 03, 2019, 02:10:34 AM
I like this figure you could actually see it in the SW universe.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: customjedi on February 03, 2019, 06:49:51 AM
Clakxis is an interesting little guy! I really like your take on Holdo, too.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 03, 2019, 07:46:27 PM
I like this figure you could actually see it in the SW universe.


Thanks so much Ron. I thought he fit:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 03, 2019, 07:47:10 PM
Clakxis is an interesting little guy! I really like your take on Holdo, too.

Thank! I appreciate the comments.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 04, 2019, 02:28:25 PM
While the rest of America has been in a deep freeze for days, we finally got our first snow of the winter yesterday and today where I live. So in honor of the snow I had to take a shot of the Arctic Mando I posted some months ago in the snow.

The first shot is Sellen Itera with his pet snow-wolf of Kabaira, Aran:


And a couple of shots of him drawing a bead on interloping Range Troopers just for fun:


Finally, a new Jedi to add to the fold. Tanthor Sol, a Hiitian Jedi (I always liked the idea of the Hiitians, the first being Kar Yang a bounty hunter from the Guri comics, but I thought the character design too top heavy, so I adapted it a bit - let's call it a sub-species):


He's just a repainted GL movie Tomar Re with homemade tunic and belt and robe from the fodder bin. I think I'll work on articulating him next.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: hemble on February 04, 2019, 04:48:17 PM
Great pics mate.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 04, 2019, 11:18:59 PM
Great pics mate.


Thanks so much Ron. Had to enjoy the snow.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on February 05, 2019, 03:04:47 AM
Very nice. Looks like more winter fun next week if forecasts are to be believed. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on February 06, 2019, 04:10:40 AM
Sellen Itera looks awesome! I really like the footage in the snow! At the moment we also have 6 inches of snow here in the East of Germany. Itera's wolf looks perfectly next to this Arctic Mando!

Tanthor Sol is a very interesting design! The soft goods and the belt look excellent! What did you use for the soft goods?
He must have some extra Jedi power - for me this snow would be too cold to go out like that!  ;)

Thanks for sharing these!

- Philipp
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 06, 2019, 01:03:32 PM
Very nice. Looks like more winter fun next week if forecasts are to be believed. Off to share.

Thanks Tamer. Yes, more snow in my neighborhood this weekend, but it sure makes normal obligations hard to keep up on.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 06, 2019, 01:14:45 PM
Sellen Itera looks awesome! I really like the footage in the snow! At the moment we also have 6 inches of snow here in the East of Germany. Itera's wolf looks perfectly next to this Arctic Mando!

Tanthor Sol is a very interesting design! The soft goods and the belt look excellent! What did you use for the soft goods?
He must have some extra Jedi power - for me this snow would be too cold to go out like that!  ;)

Thanks for sharing these!

- Philipp

Thanks Philipp. We had 11 1/2 inches in my yard on Monday, which is really unusual for where I live. We often get one or two snows a year totalling one to three inches, so this was a lot and our community infrastructure has a hard time dealing with it - so, snow day. I built Itera for a contest awhile ago and posted him here, but found a Funko Game of Thrones Ghost figure on clearance and thought he would make a great companion. I couldn't really resist taking some snow shots - an Arctic Mando shoudl be seen in his native environment.

As for Tanthor - the belt is from a Hem Dazon, I'm pretty sure. The robe is just one I had in the fodder box from one of the many Jedi I've taken apart over the years. The tunic is homemade. In retrospect I would have made it a bit longer. I was thinking about sewing short pants for him, but still have not decided whether I want to do that or not. I'm thinking about a second build including additional articulation (as this figure is just 6 POA) and might include pants on that one. We'll see.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: I-am-Boba-Fett on February 07, 2019, 02:18:08 AM
Very cool snow gear Mandalorian and Hitian Jedi figures!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on February 07, 2019, 05:09:22 AM
Thank you for your reply, Starchaser! That surprises me - I thought there was more snow in WA, but it probably depends in which region you live. From what I've seen online it's so beautiful there! Also being right south of Canada and at the Pacific is great! I like the word Alki, too!

What was the result of that contest - I'm curious...

Again, your crafting skills are amazing! The tunic looks awesome - and more articulation is always welcome! I'm gonna post some pics of my Jedi collection, soon. I like how they look on display in different poses.

- Philipp
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 07, 2019, 04:32:48 PM
Very cool snow gear Mandalorian and Hitian Jedi figures!

Thanks IABF - appreciate the comment!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 07, 2019, 04:40:00 PM
Thank you for your reply, Starchaser! That surprises me - I thought there was more snow in WA, but it probably depends in which region you live. From what I've seen online it's so beautiful there! Also being right south of Canada and at the Pacific is great! I like the word Alki, too!

What was the result of that contest - I'm curious...

Again, your crafting skills are amazing! The tunic looks awesome - and more articulation is always welcome! I'm gonna post some pics of my Jedi collection, soon. I like how they look on display in different poses.

- Philipp

You're welcome! I live on the west side of Cascades (that's the Puget Sound) and it is beautiful here and generally temperate. Thanks for your compliments. I hope to see your Jedi collection soon. As for the was a random draw for the victors and I honestly don't remember the outcome - its more an opportunity to build a figure to a theme and see what other customizers come up with.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 07, 2019, 04:52:25 PM
The Lanard Primal Clash figures were shared a month or so ago on the Facebook page. I picked up the Woolly Mammoth yesterday and thought a snow picture might be most appropriate. I put a tank trooper on him (a mammoth could count as a tank - right?) so you can get a sense of scale. The figure that came with it was on par with the usual "The Corps" figures, full of articulation and decently sculpted. The head on the mammoth moves up and down, but other than that there is no articulation (oh, and the double blasters rotate). It's a hefty piece, you can feel the amount of plastic in it - won't break easily:) The sculpt is good, the colors make sense and the accessories are removable (I haven't taken them off yet). The scale is small which makes him affordable, and that's fine with me, but maybe we can all call him a "minimmoth." Long and short of it for me, happy to add a creature into the Star Wars universe. Not sure as to this beastie's customize-ability beyond paint at this point, though I think the set of two double blasters on the saddle has potential.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: I-am-Boba-Fett on February 07, 2019, 10:01:12 PM
The Lanard Primal Clash figures were shared a month or so ago on the Facebook page. I picked up the Woolly Mammoth yesterday and thought a snow picture might be most appropriate. I put a tank trooper on him (a mammoth could count as a tank - right?) so you can get a sense of scale. The figure that came with it was on par with the usual "The Corps" figures, full of articulation and decently sculpted. The head on the mammoth moves up and down, but other than that there is no articulation (oh, and the double blasters rotate). It's a hefty piece, you can feel the amount of plastic in it - won't break easily:) The sculpt is good, the colors make sense and the accessories are removable (I haven't taken them off yet). The scale is small which makes him affordable, and that's fine with me, but maybe we can all call him a "minimmoth." Long and short of it for me, happy to add a creature into the Star Wars universe. Not sure as to this beastie's customize-ability beyond paint at this point, though I think the set of two double blasters on the saddle has potential.


I've been looking at picking a few of that Jurassic Clash line up myself. Kicking ideas around for that mammoth figure. That's great seeing action figures in the snow, reminds me of ages ago playing outside with my Kenner Star Wars figures recreating the Battle of Hoth.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 07, 2019, 11:13:10 PM
Totally. I still have my original Empire Strikes Back imperial Attack Base playset. When the kids were younger we'd take it out when it snowed and augment it with real snow to create Hoth battles. Now I'm waxing sentimental and if it snows this weekend as predicted, I might just have to take outside for old time sake.

On another note. I also picked up the Sabertooth and Titanis  sets. I really like the Titanis (and am generally a fan of the  prehistoric mammal megafauna generally). I just wish they had slightly more articulation.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on February 08, 2019, 05:58:12 AM
Now that looks great. I am partial to putting on OT Troopers, but man that Mammoth works great.

Off to share on the front pages.

Hasbro has to make us some new beasties for our troops.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 08, 2019, 01:40:11 PM
Now that looks great. I am partial to putting on OT Troopers, but man that Mammoth works great.

Off to share on the front pages.

Hasbro has to make us some new beasties for our troops.

I agree Tamer, I would love to see more creatures in the line. I was originally going to try a Snowtrooper (ESB), but the kama got in the way, so I had to adjust to a non - kama wearing trooper. In the fading daylight, the tank trooper was my fastest grab:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on February 09, 2019, 08:08:55 AM
Great outdoor pics.
The Woolly Mammoth fits very good into the Star Wars universe.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 09, 2019, 05:22:55 PM
Great outdoor pics.
The Woolly Mammoth fits very good into the Star Wars universe.

Thanks FF - I thought it worked.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 15, 2019, 05:27:33 PM
Tolkien's orcs have their Wargs, but these orcs (from Boss Fight Studios ) have their Ferracors (the Smilodon from the new Primal Clash line).
A "just for fun" picture for the beginning of Presidents Day Weekend.



I provided the second picture to get a better sense of the actual colors (of both the Orc and the Smilodon). For those interested, the machete does actually come out of the saddle sheath.
Have a safe and enjoyable weekend everyone.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on February 16, 2019, 05:21:10 AM
Wow, looks like a perfect way for the Orc to saddle up. Proportions looks perfect. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 17, 2019, 08:53:38 PM
Wow, looks like a perfect way for the Orc to saddle up. Proportions looks perfect. Off to share.

Thanks Tamer. I do like the scale for the Smilodon, so it's a keeper (and maybe I'll buy a couple more at $7.00).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on February 18, 2019, 04:50:09 AM
For seven bucks I can see why. You could have an entire Orc Calvary of sorts. Reminds me a bit of Battle Cat. I could see making some head armor for this kitty.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Moronarama on February 18, 2019, 09:37:00 AM
Gorgeous work!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 19, 2019, 04:29:15 PM
For seven bucks I can see why. You could have an entire Orc Calvary of sorts. Reminds me a bit of Battle Cat. I could see making some head armor for this kitty.

Yes, the price is what got me to bite in the first place (well, and my love for prehistoric mammals). I could see a 3 3/4" conversion for Battle Cat, that's a great idea - for someone else:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on February 20, 2019, 03:19:42 AM
I agree, another very cool idea! Didn't know Boss Fight had such good-looking figures, too!
Thanks for sharing Starchaser!

- Philipp
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 20, 2019, 01:13:00 PM
Thanks Philipp - Yes, Boss Fight figures are really outstanding. Admittedly they cost a lot - twice what a Vintage Collection figure does (I'm pretty cautious about how much I'll spend on toys), but the figures themselves and their accessories are most excellently done.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Stan on February 20, 2019, 09:08:55 PM
I like the anti sphere , love pre historic animals too,  nice set up Starchaser
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 21, 2019, 11:47:14 PM
I like the anti sphere , love pre historic animals too,  nice set up Starchaser

Thanks, Stan. I'm trying to figure out if I can customize a woolly rhinoceros or brontotherium, because there are no remotely to scale toys/models I can find.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on March 07, 2019, 08:31:18 PM
Sweet! I like these beasts especially the war elephant with the armor. It seems like something the Empire would use. Very cool. I might have to look for one of those.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: L-Jarvis customs on March 08, 2019, 08:51:56 AM
Amazing work!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 09, 2019, 08:33:43 PM
Sweet! I like these beasts especially the war elephant with the armor. It seems like something the Empire would use. Very cool. I might have to look for one of those.

Thanks JDeck - I thought they were too fun to pass up. Not sure how I am going to modify them (if at all), or what context I would place them in, but thought everyone should see them in scale.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 09, 2019, 08:35:41 PM
Amazing work!

Thanks L-Jarvis - its pretty nice when the work in done for you (those primal clash prehistoric mammals are pretty nice, too bad there's not some articulation).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on March 13, 2019, 09:18:01 AM
Thanks for the hint! I looked up these boss fight figures on google and eBay - it's great to see the quality of 3.75" figures made by other companies than Hasbro. It let's me hope for other ways to expand the Star Wars universe. Thanks also to larifari for making me aware of The Hobbit figures.

- Philipp
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 14, 2019, 10:30:24 PM
Thanks for the hint! I looked up these boss fight figures on google and eBay - it's great to see the quality of 3.75" figures made by other companies than Hasbro. It let's me hope for other ways to expand the Star Wars universe. Thanks also to larifari for making me aware of The Hobbit figures.

- Philipp

Sorry I haven't responded sooner - I've haven't had time to finish any customizing projects lately, so was busy looking at everyone else's submission, and didn't check my own thread :0 Yes, the BossFight figures are absolutely excellent! So are Animal Warriors of the Kingdom (a couple of which I've shown here as well).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on April 15, 2019, 12:28:05 AM
Yes, indeed! You commented almost every new entry on here! - which is much appreciated! The quality of BossFight figures in 1/18 scale is outstanding! I keep my eyes open for those and will also work with kit-bashes (from Hasbro/G.I. Joe) more in the future.
Thanks again for your strong support, Starchaser!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 09, 2019, 05:01:09 PM
It's been awhile since I've completed anything, but I've got a couple of updates and a couple of "ideas" to share for character/diorama fillers.
Let's start with the "ideas":

Ran into this on accident a XCOM 2 Loot figure called a Chryssalid - would be a great diorama filler (or character for a photo-novel). The plastic is rigid and somewhat brittle, so the joints can break easily and there is no articulation, but its colorful and detailed and looks pretty great standing around. I've included a picture alongside a Mimban Stormtrooper to show scale.



Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 09, 2019, 05:05:05 PM
Next one of the newest Fortnite figures, The Visitor. While I think there is custom potential for some of these figures, I'm not sold on them (Dark Bomber might work for a Pantoran criminal or guerrilla). But...the Visitor fits pretty seamlessly into the Star Wars universe:


He totally works as a bounty hunter or mercenary.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 09, 2019, 05:12:03 PM
A while ago I did a custom of Paige Tico and an "adventure" Rose. While I like the body design, it didn't fit Rose right (seen below):


So I thought about it a bit and then redesigned "adventurer" Rose. I'm much happier with this version:


The recipe is pretty straightforward:
Head = Rose (Black series - Resistance technician)
Torso and arms = Breha Organa
Vest = Jyn Erso (Black Series)
Skirt = CW Mandalorian Police Officer
Legs = Toryn Farr

I may paint the legs a darker color, but I'm not sure yet. And, I will certainly use the former body for a different character.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 09, 2019, 05:52:53 PM
A Jakku look super-articulated Sarco Plank:




When I first started to design this figure I had about four different figures dismantled trying to figure out how to rebuild Mr. Plank (BTW - CHEWIE has done a really nice version of Plank). Then I thought, do I have a red figure that works pretty well as a base and realized that the Black Series Emperor's Guard might just do the trick.  So that's what I did. The "buck" is the Emperor's Guard, with the head and connected chest panel from the 5POA Plank figure. The outer robe is just the cloth coat from a Naboo pilot (VC). I cut the breathing tanks off the 5POA figure and glued them to the harness that comes on the McQuarrie concept Starkiller Hero (and shaved the binoculars off the front). This way, the tanks hang perfectly on the back of the figure (and are removable, if I should want to change something). Finally, I cut the forearms and hands of the Plank figure and trimmed them so that they could be inserted into the hand holes on the Guard figure and then painted the hair on the hands a little bit darker. And there you have it. I'm pretty happy with how he turned out. I may do a bit of work on the soft goods, but he's totally "good enough" for now.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Moronarama on May 10, 2019, 10:30:42 AM
I like the second Rose, I think the first one doesn't really match her body type ... too thin.  But both Roses are great work.  The super articulated Sarco Plank is excellent.  Great use of parts.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 10, 2019, 06:37:57 PM
I like the second Rose, I think the first one doesn't really match her body type ... too thin.  But both Roses are great work.  The super articulated Sarco Plank is excellent.  Great use of parts.

That's exactly what thought after the first build and I popped the head on. The body is a good design for a smuggler or something, I'll just have to figure out what head I think I would like to use and design a backstory for the character. Thanks for the feedback.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on May 11, 2019, 01:31:13 AM
Beautiful outdoor pics.
The Fortnite Visitor figure fits great into the SW universe.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on May 11, 2019, 06:06:08 AM
Great update. Love that weird alien looking creature. Fits well. Could see adding some awesome arty to that one.

That Rose looks way better. New body fits her facial frame so much better. Off to share some of your update.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 12, 2019, 10:09:21 PM
Beautiful outdoor pics.
The Fortnite Visitor figure fits great into the SW universe.

Thanks FialaFernbrugg. I thought a heads up on Visitor might be helpful for folks.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 12, 2019, 10:11:38 PM
Great update. Love that weird alien looking creature. Fits well. Could see adding some awesome arty to that one.

That Rose looks way better. New body fits her facial frame so much better. Off to share some of your update.

Thanks so much Tamer. I thought the Chryssalid was pretty cool and worth sharing.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on May 13, 2019, 01:21:51 AM
Wow, that Chryssalid looks awesome! What an interesting creature! This would fit perfctly on a Felucia diorama and reminds me a lot of the Knights of the Old Republic videogames...
Stunning. Do you think I can get one of those online?

The Fortnite Figures look fun, too! I also like your Rose Tico customs in alternate costumes - especially the adventurer Rose!
Sarco Plank looks amazing, too! What a great combination of parts! Did you use one of the Royal Guards of The Black Series or even one from tunghori?

Thanks for sharing so much imagination!

- Philipp
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 13, 2019, 11:23:17 PM
Wow, that Chryssalid looks awesome! What an interesting creature! This would fit perfctly on a Felucia diorama and reminds me a lot of the Knights of the Old Republic videogames...
Stunning. Do you think I can get one of those online?

The Fortnite Figures look fun, too! I also like your Rose Tico customs in alternate costumes - especially the adventurer Rose!
Sarco Plank looks amazing, too! What a great combination of parts! Did you use one of the Royal Guards of The Black Series or even one from tunghori?

Thanks for sharing so much imagination!

- Philipp

Thanks so much Philipp, I really appreciate your consistent contribution to our little hobby. To answer your questions:
1. Yes, I'm sure you can find the Chryssalid online ( U.S. ebay has several currently - some for a reasonable price). I agree with you completely about it fitting in with the environment on Felucia.
2. For Sarco, I used the Walmart Black series version (I either ordered it from Entertainment Earth in a sale or found it on clearance at a Walmart - I can't remember which).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on May 13, 2019, 11:45:29 PM
Thank you so much for your support! I didn’t know XCOM before, but it looks like a very interesting and high-quality strategy game. I did find some offers for Chryssalids on starting from $13, which is great! Shipping to German would be over 20 bucks though. Did you find yours on ebay, too?
Unfortunately there are no offers here in Germany at the moment, but I’ll keep my eyes open.
Thank you also for your great advice on the Hobbit figures! I found them easily  used and cheap on ebay - awesome material for customs!

That’s what I hoped! The ERGs were quite cheap at the end - $5 each if I remember correctly...

Keep up the great work and thanks for the heads up!

- Philipp
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 14, 2019, 08:34:21 PM
Yes I did find my Chryssalid on ebay. I've sent you a pm (at least I think I did :P).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on May 14, 2019, 10:44:24 PM
Thank you so much for your support, Starchaser! Yes, it worked  ;)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 28, 2019, 05:45:10 PM
Here's a new one:
Kariste Nesirra, a Twi'lek scavenger in the deserts of Ryloth



Head = custom cast from vortiouscustomaccessories
Scarf = Legacy sandstorm Han (flipped the opposite way 'round)
Body = most of the body (torso, arms, upper legs) Black series/Vintage Collection Rey
Lower legs = Black series Dagobah training Luke
Backpack and rifle = fodder bin

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on May 29, 2019, 02:33:07 AM
Very nice. I could see her having a set of goggles too. Might be fun to figure out how to get those to fit though.

Off to share the update.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 29, 2019, 12:19:24 PM
D'oh - I should have thought of that. Let me see what's in the old fodder box and I might have to make a wee little update:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 29, 2019, 10:18:52 PM
Parvu Tenaket - a Guardian of the Whills, he was off planet at the destruction of Jedha City, tracking a small group of thieves who had absconded with a shipment of Kyber crystals. After recovering the crystals, Parvu made his way back to the moon of Jedha to find the temple and pilgrim city destroyed and his brethren dead or missing. In the face of the horror, Parvu decided that he needed to stay on Jedha to carry on the work of his order, such as it was, and learn to deal with the overwhelming grief through meditation on the Force. Parvu had a little more aggressive nature than some of his fellow Guardians (such as Chirrut Imwe) and so carried a vibroknife and vibrostaff along with his lightbow.



Head = GI Joe Retaliation Firefly
Cloak = Chirrut Imwe
Body = Indiana Jone Thuggee warrior (I turned the skirt 180 degrees)
Arms = Legacy sandstorm Han (with the armband from Imwe cut off and glued to the right arm
Cap/Hat = scuplted from Kneadatite (Green Stuff) and modelled on a Medieval pilgrim/traveller hat
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on May 30, 2019, 02:34:06 AM
Great recipe and description.

Off to share again.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 30, 2019, 11:52:39 PM
Great recipe and description.

Off to share again.

Thanks again, Tamer -  you really are a good sport about this!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on May 31, 2019, 02:23:49 AM
Just promoting what I really like. Guys like you don't make it hard!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Stan on May 31, 2019, 09:04:15 PM
You alway know how to put together a great figures.  So creative ,I  am taking notes. That for the inspiration Starchaser.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 31, 2019, 09:41:02 PM
You alway know how to put together a great figures.  So creative ,I  am taking notes. That for the inspiration Starchaser.

Thanks Stan, I really appreciate the kind words. Coming from someone with your talent for sculpting and painting that really means something.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on June 01, 2019, 12:59:14 AM
Another awesome character with a great backstory.
Excellent work.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 01, 2019, 10:13:14 PM
Another awesome character with a great backstory.
Excellent work.

Thanks FialaFernbrugg! I do have a bit of fun with the backstories, I'm not much of a "diorama filler" builder.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 29, 2019, 08:31:58 PM
Vacation's over - so I have some time to build (I know its supposed to be the other way round - but not in our house). Working on several things, but finished this one up and thought I would share it:


After escaping a harrowing near-death experience in the Core Worlds, Caji Medduwn made his way to the planet Lehon in the Unknown Regions. He said it was to learn the lessons of history there. With a prosthetic right forearm, purple honor stripes on his helmet, and surprising knowledge of the history of Lehon (a planet which is virtually unknown in the broader galaxy) there is a story behind the identity of this mysterious figure. Over time, he has developed a reputation in his sector of the Unknown Regions. Along with a small band of comrades, whom he calls “Equitors,” Caji shows up, often unexpectedly, to aid those in need, especially those being oppressed. He is a fierce warrior and has been reported to accomplish super-human feats. Official dossiers, such as those belonging to the Chiss Ascendancy and Vagaari Empire, record these stories as improbable, but eyewitnesses are consistent in their testimony and convictions. Caji and his Equitors remain a mystery. [ I hope no one has trouble guessing the "other" backstory and identity of this character - clues are all in the narrative. :) ]

And with one of his Equitors:


This other figure is a Ggripptogg figure from Four Horseman Studios (a remake of the old 5 or 6 inch Revell Power Lords character from Wayne Barlowe). Four Horsemen name Ggripptogg's species as "Ferrikonian" and I don't see any reason why they shouldn't live in the Unknown Regions of the Star Wars Universe - they make a great species addition with their cool design. So I will include a Ferrikonian as one of Caji's Equitors and call him Gorvoloki.

Head/helmet = Scarif Trooper
Torso and upper left arm = Bom Vimdin
Lower left arm, upper right arm and legs = Concept Snowtrooper (Johnston)
Lower right arm = Clone Wars Anakin Skywalker
Skirt and holster = Comic 2-pack Quinlan Vos (the one with Villie in it)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on July 30, 2019, 04:43:14 AM
That’s a very expansive kit-bash! I’ve seen your entry on YakFace and wish you good luck for the contest! I really like the theme of “unknown regions”! Did you use the 5POA Scarif Trooper helmet? I really like how this custom turned out and also like the story behind it!

- Philipp
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on July 30, 2019, 07:09:46 AM
I agree, a lot of great parts make a great custom and this one fits the bill. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Dogbite on July 30, 2019, 07:59:45 AM
Good to see Mace back in action ;)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 30, 2019, 01:25:31 PM
That’s a very expansive kit-bash! I’ve seen your entry on YakFace and wish you good luck for the contest! I really like the theme of “unknown regions”! Did you use the 5POA Scarif Trooper helmet? I really like how this custom turned out and also like the story behind it!

- Philipp

Thanks Philipp! As to the helmet: No, I had a helmet from the SA version left over from a custom I did using the body (see image below), so I used it for this thinking it was both appropriate (to the time and circumstances) and cool.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 30, 2019, 01:29:03 PM
I agree, a lot of great parts make a great custom and this one fits the bill. Off to share.

Thanks, Tamer!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 30, 2019, 01:31:58 PM
Good to see Mace back in action ;)

Thanks! I've seen a couple of Mace customs lately in which he still sports a very "Jedi" look and got to thinking that he would be too clever to be so obvious. That's when I started toying with the idea of a bounty hunter or something. I landed on "or something" but liked the helmeted look...and voila.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on July 30, 2019, 04:50:06 PM
Very cool figure. To me, he has a cool outlander look. The bom vindin shirt has always been one of my favorites. It has like a pirate/Western look. At any rate, great job.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 30, 2019, 06:43:50 PM
Very cool figure. To me, he has a cool outlander look. The bom vindin shirt has always been one of my favorites. It has like a pirate/Western look. At any rate, great job.

Thanks JDeck, I really like the Bom V torso also. I was going for a "mismatched but complimentary" look that read a little Western, so I'm glad that came through for you:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Moronarama on July 31, 2019, 05:56:59 AM
Man, that is a nice figure.  I like the whole story too.  You should expand on the Equitors, I think its a fun concept.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: nickeltcd on July 31, 2019, 11:08:48 AM
Great figure and even better concepts. i love your back story. Hope to see more of Caji and his Equitors.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 01, 2019, 11:25:57 PM
Man, that is a nice figure.  I like the whole story too.  You should expand on the Equitors, I think its a fun concept.

Thanks! I have some further ideas, we'll see how quickly I get to them.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 01, 2019, 11:27:08 PM
Great figure and even better concepts. i love your back story. Hope to see more of Caji and his Equitors.

Thanks! I've got some planned (and maybe an enemy or two). We'll see when I can get to them.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 22, 2019, 10:04:26 PM
New Equitors:





Vuragh - Medduwn's Equitors, Vuragh, belongs to the Stromma species from Oristrom. A strong-willed and honor-bound race, Vuragh chose exile over allowing his family to be dishonored for opposing the alliance with the Quesoth. In exile he met and was impressed by Caji Medduwn's integrity and commitment to justice and so transferred his staunch loyalty to the Equitors. (The Stromma are a non-described race from Timothy Zahn's "Crisis of Faith" - I was wondering about the species of the gray-skinned Fifth and Sixth Brothers and decided to ascribe them to the Stromma).

Head = Funko Ready Player One IROC (cowl removed)
Hat = Resistance Synara San with the face-mask cut off
Body = Comic Pack Koffi Arana
Arms = Savage Opress
Backpack and Kama/holster = Johnston Concept Snowtrooper

In the final picture Vuragh is joined by fellow Equitor Telsi-Amaad, a Demirian (seen in the Captain Phasma comics). He's a simple addition, just an Iron Man 2 War Machine figure, but he works.

Hopefully a couple more to come.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on August 23, 2019, 02:41:38 AM
I like the new Equitor, fits right in. Off to share on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on August 23, 2019, 04:12:31 AM
Very cool. I've been curious about the fifth brother species. I always like your backstories.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Moronarama on August 23, 2019, 06:41:09 AM
Great figure!  That helmet and the Iroc head go so well together.  And the color scheme is spot on.  Very cool.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 24, 2019, 02:11:57 PM
I like the new Equitor, fits right in. Off to share on the front pages.

Thanks! Hopefully I can fill out the ranks a bit more.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 24, 2019, 02:17:02 PM
Very cool. I've been curious about the fifth brother species. I always like your backstories.

Me too on Fifth Brother - so I just made an executive leap. Thanks, I don't do dioramas (too little space and time) - maybe one day - so I've got to have a reason to build a character. Hence, the backstory. :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 24, 2019, 02:19:14 PM
Great figure!  That helmet and the Iroc head go so well together.  And the color scheme is spot on.  Very cool.

Thanks. I tried a lot of different headgear and wasn't satisfied with any of it (from berets to cowboy hats to military helmets) finally I thought I would risk Synara's helmet and I'm really happy with the result.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on August 24, 2019, 02:44:19 PM
Good job with the Koffi Arana part. That's a seldom used part that looks good combined with the right parts.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 26, 2019, 11:50:31 PM
Good job with the Koffi Arana part. That's a seldom used part that looks good combined with the right parts.

Thanks! I really like the look of the Koffi Arana body, I just wish the arms were ball jointed too.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 11, 2019, 03:55:54 PM
A couple of more Equitors:

Rayam’are’tranolo - going by the Basic name "Maret." A member of the CEDF as an advanced recon specialist, Maret came across the Equitors in the course of one of her missions. Intrigued, she contact her commanding officer, who authorized her to attach herself to the group as a member and so track their activities to make sure they pose no threat to the Chiss Ascendancy. She has developed a deep respect for the Equitors and genuine friendships with them over her two year assignment, and is considered an integral part of the team, even though a member of the Chiss military.


Kara - an Iridonian Zabrak that Caji rescued from a shuttle crash site when she was about 10 years old. She kept calling herself "Number Four" and talking about the Master and his training. Clearly trained in the dark side of the Force and full of anger, fear and confusion, Caji renamed "Number Four" Kara and slowly over the last several years has helped her heal emotionally and redirect her talent for good. Little does Caji know that Kara is a survivor of the Inquisitorius "Project Harvester" (and the daughter of his old friend Eeth Koth).


Head = Force link Rey   
Torso/upper arms = VC Boussh
Lower arms = ROTS Luminara Unduli
Skirt = CW Embo
Legs = VC Barriss Offee

Head = Comic Two-pack Sigel Dare                                     Torso = Avengers movie Scarlet Witch
Arms = Juno Ecilpse                                                       Legs = Comic Two-pack Mara Jade
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on September 11, 2019, 04:55:09 PM
Very cool characters. I like that your second character is the daughter of Koth. Also, who deny how awesome a chiss is? Great work!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on September 11, 2019, 05:00:45 PM
Very cool indeed. The sculpting on the Kara head is well done, as is the paint apps. Great choice of parts for both.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 11, 2019, 06:14:51 PM
Very cool characters. I like that your second character is the daughter of Koth. Also, who deny how awesome a chiss is? Great work!

Thanks! I ran across the Eeth Koth angle reading while researching the Inquisitorius and thought it could be fun.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 11, 2019, 06:16:08 PM
Very cool indeed. The sculpting on the Kara head is well done, as is the paint apps. Great choice of parts for both.

Thanks JDeck. Kara was fun to do. 'preciate the compliments.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: L-Jarvis customs on September 11, 2019, 08:11:54 PM
Very cool! Love your work!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 11, 2019, 09:55:28 PM
Very cool! Love your work!

Thanks so much, L-Jarvis.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on September 11, 2019, 11:46:30 PM
I agree with all previous commentators! Those two new characters look great! Very impressive kit-bashes here! Before reading the recipe I looked at Eeth Koth’s daughter for a while. Then I recognized how little Rey actually looks like Daisy Ridley. I didn’t even identify the head before reading the recipe. The Chiss looks very good, too! I like the head a lot and the red vest.

Thanks for sharing Starchaser! Your customs never fail to impress and inspire!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 12, 2019, 12:02:58 AM
I agree with all previous commentators! Those two new characters look great! Very impressive kit-bashes here! Before reading the recipe I looked at Eeth Koth’s daughter for a while. Then I recognized how little Rey actually looks like Daisy Ridley. I didn’t even identify the head before reading the recipe. The Chiss looks very good, too! I like the head a lot and the red vest.

Thanks for sharing Starchaser! Your customs never fail to impress and inspire!

Thanks so much Philipp! I don't think they did too bad on Rey, but its not a "photo-real" likeness for sure. I just thought some paint would give me a really different look.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 12, 2019, 02:40:40 AM
I really like that new Zabrak. She looks great. As does the Chiss. Off to share on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 12, 2019, 10:18:06 AM
I really like that new Zabrak. She looks great. As does the Chiss. Off to share on the front pages.

Thanks Tamer! Thought I should a few more females to the ranks.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 13, 2019, 02:34:55 AM
I so agree. I wonder what the actual ratio is of male to female action figures released? I bet it would astound us.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on September 13, 2019, 11:47:29 PM
Really cool figures with very interesting backstories.
Excellent work as always.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 13, 2019, 11:49:17 PM
Really cool figures with very interesting backstories.
Excellent work as always.

Thanks FF! I really appreciate the feedback.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 18, 2019, 11:23:37 PM
A couple of pretty straightforward figures that have been sitting on my list for a awhile, and I finally figured out all the bits (or paint colors, a the case may be). Neither is particularly complicated, but they are character concepts that I've had rolling around in my head for months (I even mentioned one in an earlier post, so thought I should actually design a character).

1. Inspired by a character design from CHEWIE. Ced Ulmu is a Neti. Like all members of his species, he is Force sensitive. He trained as a Jedi, reaching the rank of Master, but at the outbreak of the Clone Wars left the Order. Ced was philosophically opposed to the Jedi being soldiers in the war, believing it violated their true purpose and he felt it would compromise his convictions to try and resolve the situation by remaining in the Order but in a non-combatant role. Instead, he found a job as a botanist for one of the many pharma companies in the Corporate Sector.


Head, lower arms and lower legs = Marvel (non-movie) Groot figure
Torso, upper arms and upper legs = Ree Yees

2. Crown Princess Lelit Irayonwe of Sen Argasi. Lelit was too young to rule when her parents met an untimely death - her mother Rochal dying from a rare form of cancer, and her father Siron killed by an assassin hired by his political rivals. She is quickly learning how to navigate the politically charged and precarious environment of her home world, as she tries to determine whether the Vizier (who assumed the role of regent) is just using her or is actually her ally. At the same time, she is hopeful that her dear friend and protector, Talu Ooran, will come out of his self-imposed exile to help her ascend the throne and bring peace to her planet.


Head = a custom from jokabofe/starwarsgeek
Torso = peasant disguise Padme
Legs = VC Boushh
Skirt = CW Embo
Belt/Loincloth = VC Aayla Secura
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 19, 2019, 03:07:41 AM
Wow I really like that Groot Crossover. I like them both, but wow he looks good. Off to share both to the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on September 19, 2019, 04:43:14 AM
Two more very nice customs! Your customs are always inspiring and nice to look at with all the details and modifications! I'm glad you could use several parts of CW Embo after your Kara figure. The skirt looks excellent on Crown Princess Lelit Irayonwe. I like the general look of her she looks very mystical.
That's also a nice use of TBS Ree-Yees now that we got him on Vintage card, too.

Again, I'm happy about that Chryssalid every single day - so thank you for your great hints, Starchaser!

- Philipp
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Stan on September 19, 2019, 05:51:28 AM
Those are
Mighty fine customs and use of good parts.  I love how you mind thinks ... I could acutally see this in movie ......
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on September 19, 2019, 07:29:24 AM
I like em, I like em a lot. Especially Ced, he's pretty rad.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on September 19, 2019, 08:07:19 AM
Awesome customs! Can't ever go wrong with tree people. :-)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 19, 2019, 09:47:08 PM
Wow I really like that Groot Crossover. I like them both, but wow he looks good. Off to share both to the front pages.

Thanks, Tamer I'm glad you liked him:) I'm pretty happy with him too, and I'm quite indebted to CHEWIE for the character design.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 19, 2019, 09:55:24 PM
Two more very nice customs! Your customs are always inspiring and nice to look at with all the details and modifications! I'm glad you could use several parts of CW Embo after your Kara figure. The skirt looks excellent on Crown Princess Lelit Irayonwe. I like the general look of her she looks very mystical.
That's also a nice use of TBS Ree-Yees now that we got him on Vintage card, too.

Again, I'm happy about that Chryssalid every single day - so thank you for your great hints, Starchaser!

- Philipp

I'm so happy that you are enjoying the Chyssalid! Mine is still sitting on my desk while I figure out it's  back story :)

Thanks for your support and the feedback. If I'm going to take apart a figure, I always feel compelled to make sure I use all the parts one way or another (unless it's an old 5POA figure).

I'm pretty happy with Lelit. The silver hair worked better than I thought . I'm thinking I have to create more characters around this "storyline."
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 19, 2019, 09:57:38 PM
Those are
Mighty fine customs and use of good parts.  I love how you mind thinks ... I could acutally see this in movie ......

Thanks Stan. I really appreciate your support.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 19, 2019, 09:59:25 PM
I like em, I like em a lot. Especially Ced, he's pretty rad.

Thanks JDeck. I'm really happy with how Ced turned out. I'm happy with the design ( kudos again to CHEWIE) and I'm happy with the paint color. So it's a win all the way around:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 19, 2019, 10:04:35 PM
Awesome customs! Can't ever go wrong with tree people. :-)

Yeah, I've been intrigued with the Neti ever since the old "Tales if the Jedi" comics, am a Groot fan and Treebeard has been a favorite character of mine since I first read Tolkien in junior high. I guess in the right context I would be a "tree-hugger" :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Moronarama on October 03, 2019, 07:14:52 AM
Both the new figs are great, I especially like the Princess.  You always kill it with the colors.  I just dig how vibrant your figures always are.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 04, 2019, 11:54:51 PM
Both the new figs are great, I especially like the Princess.  You always kill it with the colors.  I just dig how vibrant your figures always are.

Thanks Moronarama! I appreciate that you like the color choice:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: L-Jarvis customs on October 07, 2019, 11:49:33 PM
The Tree build is awesome! Thanks the inspiring work!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 08, 2019, 02:36:22 PM
The Tree build is awesome! Thanks the inspiring work!

Thanks L-J!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 12, 2019, 07:11:16 PM
Don't have a lot of time right now - Autumn is always an exceedingly busy season in my world. I did manage to build a figure using a resin cast head of Kabe that got sent to me in a custom head lot. When I first saw the Funko Dark Crystal Age of Resistance figure Hup, I knew that the body would be a good buck for shorter figures, so I simply did a head swap (and painted the head) and viola - Kriki, the female Chadra Fan tech from Galaxy's Edge: Black Spire:
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: ghostskull18 on October 12, 2019, 08:43:52 PM
Very cool character ! I like the tree dude as well, amazing work!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 12, 2019, 11:20:22 PM
Very cool character ! I like the tree dude as well, amazing work!

Thanks so much, ghostskull18!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on October 13, 2019, 06:24:29 AM
I agree, great character. I like this. Off to the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Moronarama on October 13, 2019, 06:29:04 AM
Nice Chadra Fan!  Good choice with the Dark Crystal body.  I though the same thing as you when I saw them, perfect for short figures.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: DarthSinister on October 13, 2019, 08:49:50 AM
Great use of that Dark Crystal figure. She came out very nice! I've had my eyes on a particular artist drawing of a Chadra, could be from a comic, that I'm itching to do in 1:12th scale.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 13, 2019, 06:52:28 PM
I agree, great character. I like this. Off to the front pages.

Thank you Tamer. I so appreciate your supporting our hobby the way you do.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 13, 2019, 06:54:10 PM
Nice Chadra Fan!  Good choice with the Dark Crystal body.  I though the same thing as you when I saw them, perfect for short figures.

Monorama, thank you so much. I'll be interested to see what you might do with a Hup body.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 13, 2019, 06:55:50 PM
Great use of that Dark Crystal figure. She came out very nice! I've had my eyes on a particular artist drawing of a Chadra, could be from a comic, that I'm itching to do in 1:12th scale.

Thanks, DarthSinister. I look forward to seeing you tackle a 1:12th Chadra Fan.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 04, 2019, 01:00:28 AM
Couple of new customs:
One, a simple head swap:
Bae Geer: A Gran from the colony world of Hok (the home of another small and highly dexterous Gran - Mawhonic) , Bae is a brilliant electrician and technician. Under the Imperial regime, there was little opportunity for her so she found challenging work a Shug Ninx's Spacebarn on Nar Shaada. She quickly earned respect from Shug and the various smugglers that used the services of the Spacebarn. Bae has even worked alongside Chewbacca on the Millennium Falcon. She is wanted by the Empire for her part in illegally fitting smuggler's freighters with military grade shields, ship-board computers, engines and weapons systems:


Mawhonic head
Rose Tico (Black Series) body (I shaved the hood off the back)
Vest from Jyn Erso (Black series)

and Judder Page (there is a great write up on him on Wookieepedia): I opted to make him in recon mode (dressed as a technician), but will probably add a commando body as well.


head = modified Qui-Gon (don't remember which version) In the image of him from the ROTJ briefing room, the actor looks a bit like a younger Liam Neeson, so I went with Qui-Gon
hat = Bespin wing guard
torso and arms  = General Calrissian (VC)
hands = fodder box
legs/belt = Imperial engineer
vest = Greedo (the Saga Collection)

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on November 04, 2019, 04:19:31 AM
I like the look of both. You always come up with great combinations. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on November 04, 2019, 05:51:19 PM
Great job as always. I like the Rose Tico body, it makes for great technicians, or even pilots. It doesn't look feminine, so you can use it for either genders. Is it noticeably shorter? I haven't bought the rose figure yet.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on November 04, 2019, 09:28:12 PM
I really like Bae. That's a cool use of parts from unpopular figures. Which means making customs with those will be cheaper lol. Are these both 3.75"? I wasn't aware they made an articulated Rose in that scale if so.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 05, 2019, 12:22:18 AM
I like the look of both. You always come up with great combinations. Off to share.

Thanks Tamer. Glad you like the combos. Got to keep it simple most of the time.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 05, 2019, 12:25:43 AM
Great job as always. I like the Rose Tico body, it makes for great technicians, or even pilots. It doesn't look feminine, so you can use it for either genders. Is it noticeably shorter? I haven't bought the rose figure yet.

Thanks JDeck! Yes, the tech Rose is a great "buck" for figures in coveralls. It feels female to me, though your right, it's not obvious. And yes, it is smaller than other figures - in scale with Rose's height compared to Finn and Co.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 05, 2019, 12:33:42 AM
I really like Bae. That's a cool use of parts from unpopular figures. Which means making customs with those will be cheaper lol. Are these both 3.75"? I wasn't aware they made an articulated Rose in that scale if so.

Thanks RC. Yeah, I try to keep costs down so using easy to find or clearance fodder is a plus:) I only work in 3.75, so yes that's a 3.75 inch Rose. She was part of the Walmart 3.75 inch Black Series.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on November 05, 2019, 03:19:24 AM
These are very smart kit-bashes! This might actually be a reason to get a 3.75" TBS Rose Tico...your ideas are always so inspriring. I thank you Starchaser! Very nice customs here - also with quite some rare parts! Qui-Gon looks great with short hair! Liam Neeson is also one of my favorite actors. He's a great guy for sure! Thanks for sharing!

- Philipp
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 05, 2019, 11:54:32 PM
These are very smart kit-bashes! This might actually be a reason to get a 3.75" TBS Rose Tico...your ideas are always so inspriring. I thank you Starchaser! Very nice customs here - also with quite some rare parts! Qui-Gon looks great with short hair! Liam Neeson is also one of my favorite actors. He's a great guy for sure! Thanks for sharing!

- Philipp

Thanks so much Philipp. The Rose figures went on clearance here, so I bought a couple figuring they would make good "bucks" for female or smaller characters. Plus, all those pilots, soldiers and smugglers have got to have technicians, right?  Thanks so much for your kind words.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on November 14, 2019, 12:24:01 PM
Given what you have done with aliens, I'd love to see you tackle some of the aliens from The Mandalorian. I think you could do a good job of it.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 16, 2019, 12:42:09 PM
Given what you have done with aliens, I'd love to see you tackle some of the aliens from The Mandalorian. I think you could do a good job of it.

Thanks RC - we'll see (though I am assembling parts for Kuiil - in the unfortunate case that Hasbro doesn't make him - and the Quarren thug currently)  :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 18, 2019, 03:19:26 PM
 May I present: Li Mundi Sohfu - nephew of the famous Jedi, Ki Adi Mundi (and now his spitting image). Li was off-world during the Battle of Cerea that killed his mother, Droe, and his extended family. Li, just a young boy, was traveling with his father, a merchant. Growing up as a space-faring merchant, Li built a vast network of contacts and became an accomplished pilot. A fantastic marksman, no one is sure whether Li inherited his uncle's connection to the Force, but it is highly likely. Despising despotism in any form, when the First Order armada emerged, Li sought out the Resistance and has become an important Intelligence agent. Highly sought after and wanted by the First Order under the code name "Trader," Li and his highly modified camera droid "Bot" seek to thwart the plans of the Supreme Leader at every turn.


This is a pretty simple recipe: (one could totally use this basic recipe with different heads for random filler characters)
Head = Ki Adi Mundi (don't remember which line, but ball socket)
Body = Cassian Andor (Walmart Black Series)
Arms = Carbonite Han

and "Yes" its raining in the picture - welcome to Washington:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on November 18, 2019, 03:34:54 PM
I like it, I like it a lot. Good use of parts, with the rolled sleeves. The backstory is awesome! I think the rain makes the setting look cool.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 18, 2019, 04:21:55 PM
I like it, I like it a lot. Good use of parts, with the rolled sleeves. The backstory is awesome! I think the rain makes the setting look cool.

Thanks! I was a bit worried about the picture quality and then thought, "Whatever" its got to rain in Star Wars, too. :) I did like how the rolled up sleeves worked, too. I was really pleased with how closely the tones of cream matched between Solo and Cassian.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on November 19, 2019, 04:06:22 AM
I like him. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on November 19, 2019, 04:13:10 AM
Love the background story and how Han's arms fit perfectly to Cassian's torso! Great job, Starchaser!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Don on November 19, 2019, 06:15:48 AM
Nice one!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 20, 2019, 05:25:28 PM
I like him. Off to share.

Thanks, Tamer.

Love the background story and how Han's arms fit perfectly to Cassian's torso! Great job, Starchaser!

Yeah, I was pleased to see it was a simple boil and pop to complete the arm transition - no hot glue, no dremel, no paint - I like it easy:) The socket on the head, however, is too big, so its just resting there for now. Some hot glue will allow me to set it up a bit higher on the neck, but I'll get to that some other time.

Nice one!

Thanks, Chuckles.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 25, 2019, 05:20:05 PM
Erris Raeke – As an Arkanian Offshoot (Sephi-Arkanian hybrid), Erris was already looked down upon, but when his parents were killed in a mining accident Erris became a pariah on Arkania. Offshoot orphans were doomed to become child miners and were considered “dispensable.” Erris’ life would have been miserable and short had not a travelling Jedi sensed his connection with the Force and brought the six-year old to Coruscant. Shortly after he attained Knighthood, the abortive revolution on Arkania broke out. Erris petitioned the Council to send him to Arkania to seek a diplomatic solution. The Jedi Council insisted that they wait until invited and Erris was denied his petition. He made the decision to defy the Council’s orders and left for Arkania to find the revolutionary Renegades. He quickly learned they were just as corrupt, prejudice and selfish as the Arkanian Dominion. Deeply discouraged, Erris left Arkania, branded a traitor by the government and sought after by the Jedi Order to give account for his willful defiance. Taking his Jedi starfighter and two Arkanian Dragon eggs he rescued from the battlefield, Erris headed for the Unknown Regions where he found an unnamed habitable planet. He decided to remain in isolation meditating on the Force and adopting the attitude of Jedi Watchman over the planet. Unbeknownst to him, he is a thrice wanted man also declared an outlaw by the Republic’s successor state, the Galactic Empire.



and with his two hatched Arkanian Dragons (Daz and Gem):


Head = Boss fight elf (with hair sculpted on)
Arms = Jango Fett (30th anniversary I think)
Torso and legs = Prince of Persia Dastan figure
Accoutrements = boba fett blaster; Rey backpack and staff
Dragons = two of the three new MegaContrux Game of Thrones dragons
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Don on November 26, 2019, 08:20:33 AM
I like this one! Nice job with the hair!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 26, 2019, 09:58:28 AM
I like this one! Nice job with the hair!

Thanks, Chuckles! I think I've gotten to where I can sculpt hair pretty well, just not everything else :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Moronarama on November 26, 2019, 10:03:47 AM
I agree with Chuckles, the hair is well done.  I like the Prince of Persia parts, they fit into the Star Wars look well.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 26, 2019, 10:26:22 PM
I agree with Chuckles, the hair is well done.  I like the Prince of Persia parts, they fit into the Star Wars look well.

Thanks Moronarama - I've seen several really good customs using the Prince of Persia figures and I'm sitting on a few of the figures myself that may find their way into my custom line-up at some point.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on November 29, 2019, 10:27:20 AM
Very nice. I am running out of internet time, but had to get this one on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on November 30, 2019, 12:11:38 PM
Great use of parts on Erris Raeke! The sculpted hair looks amazing, I can really appreciate that because I've learned how hard it is to sculpt hair.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 03, 2019, 08:36:27 PM
Great use of parts on Erris Raeke! The sculpted hair looks amazing, I can really appreciate that because I've learned how hard it is to sculpt hair.

Thanks, RC. It was fun to put together. I wish the colors and details showed up better in the pictures, but I'm not a photographer and I like the outdoor setting for shots. Anyway, I'm pretty happy with him as a concept. Plus, he's got good play value:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on December 22, 2019, 10:16:01 AM
Another outstanding figure.
The background stories are always very interesting and worth reading.
Excellent work
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 28, 2019, 01:26:17 AM
Another outstanding figure.
The background stories are always very interesting and worth reading.
Excellent work

Thanks Fiala. I really appreciate the feedback. I enjoy creating the backstories for these characters.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 01, 2020, 06:49:25 PM
First post of 2020, though technically last custom of 2019 (finished it last night).

Vi Moradi (from Galaxy's Edge):


Head (hands and gun belt) = Marvel Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson version) - I might lighten the skin tone
Torso = Rose "Battle on Crait" 4-pack (cut up - its a brittle plastic body, which doesn't work well for boil-and-pop)
Legs = from the fodder bin (one of the secondary characters, but can't remember which - originally blue in color)
Arms/Jacket = Cassian Andor (Walmart Black Series)
Blaster pistol from the fodder bin; stun baton built from a light-saber handle and the barrel from the break-apart rifle that came with the Walmart Black Series Cassian and Jyn.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on January 01, 2020, 11:52:50 PM
I like the bits of blue in the hair! Looks pretty cool (and different). Can't wait to see what you bring to the table for 2020.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 02, 2020, 12:35:22 AM
I like the bits of blue in the hair! Looks pretty cool (and different). Can't wait to see what you bring to the table for 2020.

Thanks, RC. The character has blue, so it was fun to add in. I hope to finish a few old projects, some EU characters and some original characters. So it'll be interesting to see what I manage to get to.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on January 02, 2020, 06:37:51 AM
I agree, that hair work is fantastic. Off to the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 02, 2020, 11:59:10 PM
I agree, that hair work is fantastic. Off to the front pages.

Thanks, Tamer. I'm not hopeful that we will get Galaxy's Edge figures, and I think Disney is missing out on an opportunity with these (just like with The Mandalorian and the new movies) - but I thought I could  pull this one off.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Moronarama on January 03, 2020, 03:48:20 AM
Nice.  I think you did a good job on the two toned hair.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 18, 2020, 04:13:43 PM
Nice.  I think you did a good job on the two toned hair.

Thanks Moronarama!

For your enjoyment:


There are several things going on here:
1) Dan posted on the Facebook page about the Lanard "The Corps" Aliens figures. Well I found them at Walmart and bought the set with the vehicle. Its in the picture so that people can get a sense of its true (much smaller than accurate) scale. For purists the APC will simply be too small, but it totally works as a two person armed vehicle for Star Wars.

 2) The Fortnite figures continue to offer some great options for us in the face of Hasbro doing so poorly in producing 3 3/4" figures. I have included a Vertex figure from the "Turbo builder" set to show how well he fits in as an armored mercenary or something. I really like this figure's design and articulation. It currently only comes in the "Turbo builder" two-pack along with weapons and lots of connectable squares for buildings and the like. Ordinarily I wouldn't buy such a set for one figure, but Amazon currently has the set listed for $15.99 (, which is just a bit above a Star Wars figure and it comes with accessories and another figure that will probably by the base for a custom (its a rabbit suit, which I find silly, but the body looks useful for sculpting on). I've added a First Order Stormtrooper for size comparison.

3) I have included a WIP of an Abednedo head on the Vertex body and will eventually have a back story as I create a mecenary (or Resistance commando) unit out of the Vertex armor. Well, there you have it for now.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on January 19, 2020, 06:50:59 AM
Interesting to see the size comparison and that new figure too. Thanks to Starchaser for the amazon link.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: ghostskull18 on January 21, 2020, 03:18:06 PM
Amazing work!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on January 21, 2020, 03:24:04 PM
Agreed! Those figures do look great for Star Wars! The Fortinte figures have never been appealing to me so far, but these are! Man, 16 bucks instead of 40? That's quite a drop. Thinking of Hasbro charging that amount for a single Vintage figure here in Germany now...18,99€ - that's 20 bucks for a 3.75" figure!?
I think I'll get this set. Thanks for the info, gentlemen!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Moronarama on January 23, 2020, 08:02:07 AM
Great figures, I think the Abednado looks great.  I've picked up some clearanced Fortnite figures and been trying to figure out how to work them into my customs.  I think the Visitor figure has a lot of potential.  I also snagged one of the new Lanard Alien sets.  I was a little disappointed that weren't screwbacks, only because that makes them easier to use.  I do think that APC fits well with Star Wars figures.  And of course the great thing about Lanard is the figures are inexpensive.  I hope Hasbro starts listening to the fans and gets their act together with the 3.75 lines.  I'd much rather see some aliens than another version of the main human cast.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 29, 2020, 06:11:10 PM
Interesting to see the size comparison and that new figure too. Thanks to Starchaser for the amazon link.

Thanks Tamer.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 29, 2020, 06:11:56 PM
Amazing work!

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 29, 2020, 06:19:44 PM
Agreed! Those figures do look great for Star Wars! The Fortinte figures have never been appealing to me so far, but these are! Man, 16 bucks instead of 40? That's quite a drop. Thinking of Hasbro charging that amount for a single Vintage figure here in Germany now...18,99€ - that's 20 bucks for a 3.75" figure!?
I think I'll get this set. Thanks for the info, gentlemen!

Thanks Philipp. I haven't been too interested in the Fortnite figures, except as fodder. There are several that might work in this way - The Visitor figure and this Vertex figure in particular. Eventually I'll have some spare time to figure out how I'm using the other figure in the pack, but in the meantime, I've got Vertex, Vertex two and Abednedo Vertex (maybe I'll just call this mercenary team "Vertices").
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 29, 2020, 06:28:32 PM
Great figures, I think the Abednado looks great.  I've picked up some clearanced Fortnite figures and been trying to figure out how to work them into my customs.  I think the Visitor figure has a lot of potential.  I also snagged one of the new Lanard Alien sets.  I was a little disappointed that weren't screwbacks, only because that makes them easier to use.  I do think that APC fits well with Star Wars figures.  And of course the great thing about Lanard is the figures are inexpensive.  I hope Hasbro starts listening to the fans and gets their act together with the 3.75 lines.  I'd much rather see some aliens than another version of the main human cast.

Thanks for the feedback. I do agree with you. I'm disappointed that Hasbro has shown such poor stewardship of the 3.75" line lately. I'm not a package collector, so I don't need repacks of figures I already own, which means its hard to justify coughing up the money to "support" the line. I'm afraid that Hasbro (or their licensor) is only looking at the number of sales instead of the factors that contribute to a lines success. I would love more secondary characters, especially aliens. I'm honestly not sure why Hasbro doesn't just offer several (six to eight) new figure concepts a quarter on Hasbro Pulse as pre-orders and see how they do. There's a part of me that would love to see them do this with older figures who were part way or the whole through the development process but just didn't get produced for market (there was a white pilot Luke in a comic pack as well as a Noghri - though not Rukh specifically - and others). Oh well, as much as I enjoy the line and collecting, they are simply toys (I hope that's not going to draw any vitriole).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Moronarama on February 07, 2020, 07:57:06 AM
No vitriol from me, they are just toys and this is just a hobby.  Still, I think the hope out there is Haslab will be used to save the 3.75 lines.  And whether Hasbro thinks so or not, there is a market, so if they don't fill it someone will.  Maybe Jazwares will get a hold of some other sci-fi license and get us some good aliens :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Clonehead on February 07, 2020, 08:19:40 AM
I think whatever new joe line that is launched whenever they make another joe movie should, hopefully, show us some quality 3 3/4 figures again. I don’t think hasbro wishes to do a six inch line of joes anymore.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 24, 2020, 12:20:12 AM
I've got to say that I'm looking to Jazwares with a certain amount of hope after recent announcements. While I'm not "into" the Fortnite line (except as potential fodder), the thought that Jazwares might be doing Joe's and Halo is pretty exciting to me.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Clonehead on February 24, 2020, 05:39:42 AM
I suppose that when I think about it, that was a silly thing to say, considering how Hasbro has said their six inch sw line is a success.
     So it is to be a new six inch line for the joes. Apparently there are two movie titles in the works to pull from, the first being a stand alone snake eyes movie. The figures revealed so far are Snake Eyes, Scarlett, roadblock, and Duke, who’s image popped up on Walmart’s site i guess.
      The sculpts and accessories look pretty good. Roadblock is version 2 based with clothing and equipment reminding me of the 50th anniversary stuff that came out exclusive to toys r us a few years
Back. A bit flashy with sporadic gold colors used on the odd kneepad or set of boots.
   They do look cool, this shot of a snake eyes sure looks cool. I think this is  a shot of a dojo packed snake exclusive figure available at sdcc. I’ll have to read up on that one. Thanks to hisstank for the shot
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 25, 2020, 12:45:48 AM
Those images look great! I think Hasbro is pretty much going with 6 inch figures (the demise of Marvel Universe, the end of Joe and now the poor treatment of The Vintage Collection). I'm happy for the new figures with the amazing sculpts and details for those who are interested in collecting 6 inch figures. I'm just not going to start down that rabbit hole. I have a lot invested in 3.75", limited room and a budget that I work with. So, I'm happy that Hasbro is still producing some lovely figures (I really like how Jannah turned out), but I'm jealous and more than a little disappointed that we haven't seen those 6 inch figures in TVC, and have the growing feeling that I will have to turn my attention toward other things (I'm waaaay excited about the Boss Fight Studios license with King Syndicate - especially Flash Gordon. Now if only they would negotiate a deal with the Edgar Rice Burroughs estate for John Carter, Warlord of Mars so I can get a really good super-articulated Tars Tarkas, I'd be "over the moon.").
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 16, 2020, 10:01:33 PM
Its been a bit since I posted anything, but here's what I've been working on. I've made a few modifications to previously posted figures and built a couple of new ones, so on to the images:

1. Based on one of the background Guild hunters from episode one of The Mandalorian. I've named him Tono Raciline from Naboo.


Recipe is simple:
Head and helmet = POTJ Rebel fleet trooper (antenna added)
Breather = cut from Synara San helmet
Body = movie Starlord (from Starlord/Yondu two-pack)

2. Khin'ju Alu'tharen. I did a different version of this character (seen earlier in this thread, page 26) that I was never satisfied with, so I changed the design up completely. Khin'ju is a former member of the Cathar militia who now works with his partner, the Kearawees, Terpiklo Eru as a big game guide for hunters, trappers and photo-safari enthusiasts. There is no game this pair won't track anywhere in the galaxy (assuming, of course, its non-sentient, they are not bounty hunters):


Head = Safari limited Lynx (I think)
Body = Jazwares Fortnite Longshot

3. Kapp Dendo updated. I previously posted this figure with paper should armor. I finally dremeled out the shoulder armor from a 5POA Stromtrooper and attached to Dendo's trenchcoat and now, I feel, he's truly finished.


4. Vi Moradi updated. I thought the skin tone was too dark when I originally painted her, so I've lightened it to more in keeping with the original actress and illustrated images:


5. Solo movie era Chewie. This has been done by numerous customizers, but I finally got around to painting the Vandor playset Chewie head to match the SA Chewie body more closely:


That's it for this post, but I've got one more for tonight.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 16, 2020, 10:51:55 PM
I showed the Fortnite Vertex figure a few weeks back suggesting it might have applications for customizing (and even added a C'ai Threnalli head to one). Well, I took the plunge with the idea and present:

The Jedha Phantoms:
A growing mercenary operation, the Jedha Phantoms are decisively anti-Empire. They do not work exclusively for the rebel Alliance but do have an ongoing relationship with both Alliance Intelligence and Special Ops. Because of their unique make-up and surgical precision, the Phantoms are often called in for very special assignments involving apprehension of Imperial double-agents or “dealing with” rogue rebel cells or personnel whose behavior (like Saw Guerrera’s) threatens to damage the Alliance’s reputation. Below are the members of the "Aurek" squad:

Kaydo Romalez – former Stormtrooper squad commander, stationed in Jedha city. His squad was away from the city hunting for the Partisans when the Empire decided to test their super weapon, so his squad survived the blast, but the rest of their detachment was destroyed as the imperial commanders failed to evacuate the resident garrison. Angered over the callous disregard of the lives of his fellow soldiers Kaydo finally turned his back on the Empire. Concerned over reprisals from angry and frightened survivors, the stormtroopers set aside their armor and went their separate ways. Kaydo was injured in the seismic upheaval following the Death Star experiment, and was found and treated by:

Indo Hebar – Abednedo former Partisan and field medic who grew weary of Saw Guerrera’s increasing recklessness and indiscriminate violence. He abandoned the group during one of its many raids, making his home in the desert wilds of the planet while trying to figure out “his place in the galaxy.” After discovering and treating Kaydo, the two created the Jedha Phantoms, tracking down Kaydo’s former squad mates to fill out their ranks.

Isakk Andrus – Isakk’s father was an Imperial explosives engineer, while located on Mimban, his father was executed for treason because he objected to the forced subjugation of the Mimbanese, arguing instead that proper mining practices could benefit the Mimbanese and Empire alike. These events turned Isakk against the Empire and he has brought his substantial explosives expertise (learned from his father) to the Jedha Phantoms.

 Ebrid Korlona - (Jedha Phantom) Taking an exchange course at the University of Rudrig in the Tion Hegemony, Ebrid was off world when her home planet Alderaan was destroyed, killing her entire family. Her father was an avid hunter and took her on expeditions as soon as she was able to keep quiet. As a result, she excels at stealth and is an expert tracker. She fights with the Phantoms in memory of her home planet.




All four figures use Vertex elements (two are just the Vertex figure). Indo uses the C'ai Threnalli head and a comm. set built from elements of a Chap Mei walkie talkie and plastic cord. Ebrid uses the Vertex head and the new Cara Dune body.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on April 17, 2020, 06:41:46 AM
Wow, I have been wondering what you have been up too. It is a customs bonanza in here this morning. Man, just great work. I like it all. Off to share some of it.

Really like how you redid your Khin'ju Alu'tharen!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on April 17, 2020, 11:14:04 AM
Very cool figures! The Phantoms are really awesome. If I had to pick a favorite it would be the Khin'ju that's pretty cool. The headsculpt and paint make it look almost real in the photo, especially with the natural background. Great job on the Chewie too, they're all great.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 17, 2020, 06:00:05 PM
Wow, I have been wondering what you have been up too. It is a customs bonanza in here this morning. Man, just great work. I like it all. Off to share some of it.

Really like how you redid your Khin'ju Alu'tharen!

Very cool figures! The Phantoms are really awesome. If I had to pick a favorite it would be the Khin'ju that's pretty cool. The headsculpt and paint make it look almost real in the photo, especially with the natural background. Great job on the Chewie too, they're all great.

Thanks guys! Glad you like the update. I'm really happy with how the new Khin'ju turned out as well. I might switch his boot feet out for cat feet if I can find I pair that will work the way I want - in the meantime I like him a lot. I'm happy with the Phantoms, too. That whole concept came together pretty fast and wasn't overwhelming to execute. Thanks again for the feedback.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Aude on April 17, 2020, 07:21:30 PM
Nice update, Starchaser! I like the way the guild hunter turned out. I wasn't familiar with Vi Moradi until looking her up after seeing your custom, and you've done a nice job updating her as well. Love the colors. If you dremeled in the arm sockets a bit to narrow the shoulders, I think you'd be pleased with the outcome. My favorite of your Jedha Phantoms has to Ebrid: the Cara body looks great in red & black!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 17, 2020, 09:46:46 PM
Nice update, Starchaser! I like the way the guild hunter turned out. I wasn't familiar with Vi Moradi until looking her up after seeing your custom, and you've done a nice job updating her as well. Love the colors. If you dremeled in the arm sockets a bit to narrow the shoulders, I think you'd be pleased with the outcome. My favorite of your Jedha Phantoms has to Ebrid: the Cara body looks great in red & black!

Thanks Aude. I was really happy with Ebrid. Thanks for the thought on Vi. The torso is the 5POA Rose "Battle for Crait" figure, which is the hard and brittle plastic. Dremeling that particular plastic is more "touchy" than the usual SA figures. I may go back later and try to trim the sockets out, but for now I'm going to let it go.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Moronarama on April 21, 2020, 12:59:55 AM
I got nothing to add that they other's haven't already said.  The Phantoms are an awesome looking batch.  I love the colors on your stuff, as always.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 21, 2020, 06:06:49 PM
I got nothing to add that they other's haven't already said.  The Phantoms are an awesome looking batch.  I love the colors on your stuff, as always.

Thanks M - I am really happy that I was able to virtually match the Vertex colors on the Cara Dun body - I was worried. I'm satisfied with the Phantoms, though I may add one more member. Decided today to "store" them in the Rogue One Imperial Assault Tank, I think I'll keep it that way :) (somehow seems fitting)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: LUCHUK666 on April 21, 2020, 10:22:32 PM
Man all of these are sick!!  >:D wish i could see that chewie on a vintage collection card  ^-^
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 22, 2020, 10:21:37 PM
Man all of these are sick!!  >:D wish i could see that chewie on a vintage collection card  ^-^

Thanks! He's not a hard custom (well matching paint color is a pain), but I'm still sorry that Hasbro didn't give us a bunch more figures from "Solo" there is so much good material there. One day I'll have to do a shot of all the Wookiee customs I've done. I pulled out a figure storage box yesterday and realized there is a lot of them.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 22, 2020, 10:53:42 PM
I often turn out to be a fan of secondary characters in books or movies. One of the characters I was intrigued with from Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy was a smuggler called Clyngunn. Clyngunn comes from a race called the ZeHethbra. I thought it would be great to add a ZeHethbra to my collection of aliens. So, I have created Madduyn. Madduyn hails from the same clan as Clyngunn (his uncle's wife's cousin) and he looked up to his famous relative. Madduyn didn't choose the professional athlete route (and all the fortune and fame that can come from that), instead he was selected to be a Clanwarden - an officer in his clan's militia. Over time, watching the exploits of his famous clansman, he set his sights on the stars and when Palpatine declare the Galactic Empire as the successor state to the Republic and disbanded the Senate, Madduyn left home to find Clyngunn. He flew with him as a smuggler for long enough to learn the ropes, build a network and generate enough money to buy his own ship. Now Madduyn is building a smuggler's reputation to rival that of Clyngunn.



The visual source material on the ZeHethbra (an invention of Zahn's) is inconsistent at best with horse-like heads, bear-like heads, beaver-like heads or weasel-like heads with a static electricity styled mane. The only close to "canon" appearance is from the Dark Horse comic rendition of the Thrawn trilogy, which notoriously had the wrong drawings for aliens. The "lore" around the ZeHethbra paints them as something like a cross between an humanoid skunk and a humanoid wolverine - so I went with badger which kind of bridges the many gaps. I'm quite happy with the choice.

Anyway, the recipe is simple:
Head = CollectA Eurasian Badger
Body = Movie Yondu (from the Starlord Yondu two-pack)
Hands = Clone Wars Chewie
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on April 22, 2020, 11:40:30 PM
Sorry for my late reply, mate. I really like the development of your customs - plus the creative work you always do on their background stories - such as the story of Jedha phantoms! Really like this crew!
Let's see - Maybe I'll come across some of those some day, too...Your stories are so creative! Reading through them is always good fun! How they're related to each other is too much brainwork for me so early in the morning though... lol
It's great that you're inspired by the Thrawn Trilogy! Looking back at some of your many customs, I think you add most variety to your custom collection and the Star Wars universe. It's great to see Chewie's hands painted in black. And like Madduyn's coat! That pillar is also a really nice piece! I've seen similar ones in stores for aquaristic supplies. But they were much smaller…

You've done real great work here, Starchaser! It's always worth to come back and check out your latest creations! Thanks for sharing and inspiring so much!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on April 23, 2020, 12:41:05 PM
Nice, we can't get enough SW Aliens imo.

Off to the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on April 23, 2020, 03:04:47 PM
    I agree with Tamer, you can't have enough Aliens, and the Badger is awesome! I like the outfit he has, that looks good too. Great backstory as well.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Moronarama on April 24, 2020, 10:02:50 AM
Very cool.  Its giving me a souped up Wind in the Willows vibe.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 24, 2020, 10:58:55 PM
Sorry for my late reply, mate. I really like the development of your customs - plus the creative work you always do on their background stories - such as the story of Jedha phantoms! Really like this crew!
Let's see - Maybe I'll come across some of those some day, too...Your stories are so creative! Reading through them is always good fun! How they're related to each other is too much brainwork for me so early in the morning though... lol
It's great that you're inspired by the Thrawn Trilogy! Looking back at some of your many customs, I think you add most variety to your custom collection and the Star Wars universe. It's great to see Chewie's hands painted in black. And like Madduyn's coat! That pillar is also a really nice piece! I've seen similar ones in stores for aquaristic supplies. But they were much smaller…

You've done real great work here, Starchaser! It's always worth to come back and check out your latest creations! Thanks for sharing and inspiring so much!

Thanks Philipp. Glad you enjoy the stories. I like the creativity of developing them. I guess you could my customizing is character driven. From the first time I saw the Starlord two-pack, I knew I wanted to use Yondu's body somehow, I really like the duster look. I figured it would need to be a smuggler or something like that. When I finally had badger head I like, it all clicked. The pillar is actually a plinth for a gazing ball that is in my front yard. I looked at it and said - that could be a peice of scenery and there you have it. Thanks for your kind words!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 24, 2020, 11:00:29 PM
Nice, we can't get enough SW Aliens imo.

Off to the front pages.

Thanks Tamer - yeah I feel like the alien population of Star Wars is totally under-served. There are some many great options and Hasbro just keeps missing the ball. So...we have to build our own:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 24, 2020, 11:01:57 PM
    I agree with Tamer, you can't have enough Aliens, and the Badger is awesome! I like the outfit he has, that looks good too. Great backstory as well.

Thanks JDeck. I was really happy with how he turned out. Originally I was a bit worried about the head size, but it works on the current body. So...a win all around. Thanks for the comment.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 24, 2020, 11:03:09 PM
Very cool.  Its giving me a souped up Wind in the Willows vibe.

Ha - wouldn't have thought of Wind in the Willows - let's call it Wind in the Willows meet Bladerunner  ;)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 03, 2020, 05:31:41 PM
I finished the fifth member of the Jedha Phantoms "Team Aurek" - Wegit Yot, and Ugnuaght from Cloud City. He didn't want to fight his best friend to the death in a blood duel for a job. So, he found a spacer who would take him off planet in exchange for working as a technician and mechanic. The arrangement worked reasonably well. On one transport job, Wegit encountered the Jedha Phantoms, and immediately joined. His technical and mechanical skills make him an valuable asset to Team Aurek:


Head = Legacy Ugnaught
Torso/upper arms/upper legs = Clegg Holdfast (I had to trim the armor so the joints worked)
Lower arms and lower legs = Utai
He's wearing a Zuvio backpack (though you really can't see it in the shot).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 03, 2020, 05:44:10 PM
Also a couple of Rebel spooks:


Findar Leemas was a member of the Sembla Resistance whose father had fought alongside the Grand Army of Republic during the Clone Wars. On a scouting mission, Rebel intelligence agents encountered Leemas and immediately saw his potential. They recruited him to Alliance Special Operations. During a recon mission Findar "liberated" the enslaved Nosaurian, Bera Fire-eye from an Imperial installation. Bera has remained a constant companion to his Vurk hero ever since.

Head, torso and hands = ROTS Coleman Trebor
Armor = Evolutions Mandalore
Arms = Fornite Skull Trooper
Legs = Fortnite Jonesy
Holster is from the fodder box, so I don't know which Han Solo figure it came off.

Head, lower arms, and lower legs = Clegg Holdfast
Torso, upper arms and upper legs = Utai
Backpack is the one from the Phantom Menace Anakin
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on July 03, 2020, 06:28:49 PM
These are awesome! Findar is really great looking. I like the Clegg holdfast head. It reminds me of Chinese/Japanese masks, I like that you used it.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 03, 2020, 07:07:57 PM
These are awesome! Findar is really great looking. I like the Clegg holdfast head. It reminds me of Chinese/Japanese masks, I like that you used it.

Hadn't thought of the mask thing - but now you mention it, I can't unsee it:) Thanks. I was pretty happy with Findar too.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on July 04, 2020, 05:05:27 AM
Three great new customs. I like them all.

Back to the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 09, 2020, 11:11:09 PM
Three great new customs. I like them all.

Back to the front pages.

Thanks, Tamer.  I may have time to snap a couple of pictures of the whole Auresh squad here pretty soon - if the weather cooperates.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: DarthSinister on July 10, 2020, 09:00:15 AM
Those look great! I love the Clegg Holdfast body. I like to use the body with the Arcona head. I think it looks better than the original action figure body. For some reason, when I watched Star Wars in the theater in 77', I got the impression that the Arcona was a smaller creature. 
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on July 10, 2020, 08:18:51 PM
I like how Findar Leemas looks like an absolute tank. Betcha he could toss some stormies around. Great work!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 10, 2020, 09:49:37 PM
Those look great! I love the Clegg Holdfast body. I like to use the body with the Arcona head. I think it looks better than the original action figure body. For some reason, when I watched Star Wars in the theater in 77', I got the impression that the Arcona was a smaller creature.

Thanks! I hadn't thought about the Holdfast body and an Arcona head - that would work great! (I guess I've got another custom to build). I had the same feeling about him as you did. I thought maybe the size of the Saurians or Snaggletooth.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 10, 2020, 09:57:16 PM
I like how Findar Leemas looks like an absolute tank. Betcha he could toss some stormies around. Great work!

Yeah, I've liked the design of the Vurks from the first time I saw Coleman Trebor. I thought a Vurk would make a great soldier, then I saw a drawing of one fighting alongside Clone Troopers on Wookieepedia and said, "Got to do a rebel one!"
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: DarthSinister on July 11, 2020, 12:06:41 AM
An old kit-bash I did years ago to give you an idea what it would look like...

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Lance Quazar on July 16, 2020, 09:49:44 PM
Starchaser, your customs are nothing short of terrific!  Really like the animal-headed ones, they look extremely cool.  Very, very creative.

And, as a fellow member of the Moradi Fan Club, I love your Vi custom, of course.  I based my Vi Moradi not on the "official" actress from the videos, but on the actual actress who interacted with us at GE last year.  She was a delight!

Anyway, truly great work here all around! 
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 16, 2020, 10:42:29 PM
An old kit-bash I did years ago to give you an idea what it would look like...


Thanks for sharing the image, that's quite helpful. And yep...that fits what I was thinking too. I can totally see how you got there.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 16, 2020, 10:46:34 PM
Starchaser, your customs are nothing short of terrific!  Really like the animal-headed ones, they look extremely cool.  Very, very creative.

And, as a fellow member of the Moradi Fan Club, I love your Vi custom, of course.  I based my Vi Moradi not on the "official" actress from the videos, but on the actual actress who interacted with us at GE last year.  She was a delight!

Anyway, truly great work here all around!

Thanks Lance Q - I appreciate the feedback. I've enjoyed using animal heads to design aliens - whether my own or attempts to give us characters/species I don't think Hasbro will ever get to. I'm not nearly the accomplished artist (especially sculptor) that so many of our members on this thread are, so I have to find other ways to create the characters I want. So far, its working for me :)

I was pleased to see that you finshed your Vi figure. I think she turned out well, so good job.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 04, 2020, 10:55:54 PM
Hi All, I've got a few customs in the works that I hope to share before the month is out. In the meantime I picked up the Spinmaster Bronze Tiger figure and thought he's a dead ringer for the Togorian species (from the young Solo novels, I think a Togorian Jedi shows up in a Dooku story as well). Ten points of articulation (if you include the tail), the sculpt is good, the scale is close for a Togorian (which are taller than humans). The paint job is pretty vibrant, making him feel a bit "cartoony" but that can be fixed with a paint job if someone feels its necessary. Basically, its a good figure for a customizing another EU feline species. I've included an image of him next to the new Commander Wolffe for a sense of scale:

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Mos-Eisley-Customz on September 04, 2020, 11:46:53 PM
Nice find  8) ..i look forward to seeing the finished Togorian Jedi
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on September 05, 2020, 12:09:41 AM
Looking forward to seeing what you do with this Tiger figure, love your outdoor pictures and Commander Wolffe is just an amazing figure, isn't it?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 05, 2020, 07:57:06 AM
Yeah, that figure will work great. Thanks for showing us what it looks like for a scale reference.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 05, 2020, 12:12:27 PM
Looking forward to seeing what you do with this Tiger figure, love your outdoor pictures and Commander Wolffe is just an amazing figure, isn't it?

I really like the new Wolffe. I'm happy to simply leave the Tiger as is for now. I may paint him and give him a backstory one of these days, but I have a long list of figures to finish that are before him in the queue. COVID-19 didn't slow things down in my world - it made things busier.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 05, 2020, 12:15:26 PM
Yeah, that figure will work great. Thanks for showing us what it looks like for a scale reference.

Thanks Tamer, I figure new, scale appropriate figures that add to the ranks of alien species is a good thing, right? Oh, and I forgot the Togorian Mezgraf from the Dark Times stories.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on September 05, 2020, 03:59:06 PM
That is a cool dude, he would look great repainted. It's always good to find compatible 3.75 lines. 
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Moronarama on September 08, 2020, 02:26:17 PM
I was really happy to see a company keeping the 3.75 lines alive.  I am working on a custom that uses that Man-Bat head and I think I'm going to try the Firefly head for an insect species.  I think the go especially well with the animated style SW figures.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 09, 2020, 12:52:15 PM
That is a cool dude, he would look great repainted. It's always good to find compatible 3.75 lines.

Yeah, I'm always looking for straightforward way to fills out the universe, so I was pretty pleased to see Spin Master do some of the more "obscure" villains (I just can't figure out a way to fit Joker or Penguin or Batman himself into Stars Wars without claiming "crossover").
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 09, 2020, 12:53:50 PM
I was really happy to see a company keeping the 3.75 lines alive.  I am working on a custom that uses that Man-Bat head and I think I'm going to try the Firefly head for an insect species.  I think the go especially well with the animated style SW figures.

The Firefly is a great character, I haven't figured out how I'm going to use him yet. I haven't seen Man-Bat in my area yet, so I'll keep you posted on that, but there's an EU bounty hunter that his head might work well for.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on September 10, 2020, 05:02:40 AM
The only thing that bugs me (and this is my OCD talking) is that his toe claws aren't painted a different color than his body/flesh/fur color. That and a few weathering washes would go a long way to bringing out the sculpted details. But still a cool concept! Looking forward to more. P.S. do you like the Wolffe? I find those plastic skirts way too limiting. I don't understand why they aren't soft goods.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 10, 2020, 11:36:01 PM
The only thing that bugs me (and this is my OCD talking) is that his toe claws aren't painted a different color than his body/flesh/fur color. That and a few weathering washes would go a long way to bringing out the sculpted details. But still a cool concept! Looking forward to more. P.S. do you like the Wolffe? I find those plastic skirts way too limiting. I don't understand why they aren't soft goods.

I do like the Wolffe a lot. I do agree that the plastic kama reduces mobility (but it does look good), soft goods would solve the problem.

Given the animated feel of the new Batman line, I'm not too critical about the paint job on Bronze Tiger. After all, we can fix it right? I'm comfortable making those kind of fixes, I am always happy to find a decently sculpted figure as that's not my strength. My bigger "I wish..." is that his mouth could close rather than be frozen in an open position.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 02, 2020, 02:44:40 PM
Public Service Announcement:
Jazwares 3.75 inch Halo figures are out. I missed most of them at my local Target, but was able to pick up the Brite Captain. This figure is massive (5.5 inches tall) and only cost $9.99 US. I've uploaded pictures of the figure. I'm going to call these "true to scale" as the Master Chief figure was taller than a Star Wars character. The first series includes a Jackal Sniper, a pilot, a Marine, the Brute shown below, MC and a Spartan (white armor):




 These can totally work as figures in the Star Wars universe and the pilot, in particular, has great potential for customizing  (can anyone say "SA Bodhi Rook"?). I've attached a link which shows all the figures below: (

I am hoping to post a few new customs by the end of the weekend.
PS - It looks like there are two-packs which include a soldier versus an alien and look to include Elites and Grunts, as there appears to be a scale version of the Mongoose and the Warthog coming.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on October 03, 2020, 01:04:50 AM
So many cool toy lines out there! Thanks for the link. I really like the shape of his armor parts. Somehow this figure reminds me of a troll from Lord of the Rings. If I had one of these I'd probably give him a LotR repaint. Thanks for sharing all this cool stuff! Always love your outdoor pics, too!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on October 03, 2020, 07:42:28 AM
Sweet figure! Thanks for the word, let me go share it on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 04, 2020, 08:31:44 PM
So many cool toy lines out there! Thanks for the link. I really like the shape of his armor parts. Somehow this figure reminds me of a troll from Lord of the Rings. If I had one of these I'd probably give him a LotR repaint. Thanks for sharing all this cool stuff! Always love your outdoor pics, too!

Hey thanks Philipp! Yeah, I thought about LotR trolls, too. Now I might have to order some Animal Warriors of the Kingdom deluxe figures (from Spero toys), just to have something to scale with this guy. I haven't seen the line pop up on Amazon yet, so I think I found these pretty early in their release. I bet if you are patient you'll be able to get them, too.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 04, 2020, 08:36:29 PM
Sweet figure! Thanks for the word, let me go share it on the front pages.

Thanks Tamer. I had heard about these possibly coming out a while ago and promptly forgot about it - old timer's memory :-\ or maybe just overload. Anyway, I was surprised when I saw them on the shelf at my local Target and had to go refresh my memory. I missed out on most of the figures and I didn't see a spot for the vehicles or two-packs (I really want one of the Elites). But I was able to grab the last Master Chief today as well as picking up the Brute on Friday. I'm pretty excited about the potential these have for customizing or just straight using alongside Star Wars figures.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on October 05, 2020, 02:25:02 AM
I agree, they seem like the would work well as is.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on October 05, 2020, 02:31:07 AM
And yes, after checking the link you provided and looking at the images of the new wave of HALO figures - I also saw The Pilot! Man, this SCREAMS for a custom of Bodhi Rook.
It can't be coincidence that they made the pilot look so similar and even named him The Pilot, can it? Thanks so much for your reply! I'll definitely keep my eyes open for those and might get a couple.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 05, 2020, 04:57:40 PM
Here's a couple more shots for a sense of scale:
Next to the original Dark Trooper figure

with Ben Solo (that's a Qui-Gon Jinn body) and Master Chief:


Master Chief is apparently 7 feet tall (the figure stands head to head with Chewie BTW)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 05, 2020, 05:05:38 PM
A few customs:

Ben Solo - as he should have appeared in the sequels - Ben senses a strange connection through the Force with a young woman he has never met. Sharing his visions with Grand Master Skywalker, Ben and his Jedi brother-in-arms are sent on a mission to find this person and learn what to make of this powerful Force connection :


His Jedi companion, Berliss Dusaynri, a Koorivar Jedi. Berliss was found to be force sensitive as a youngster and was brought to Luke's academy for training. Luke strongly believes in the strength of partnerships and so doesn't send individual knights out on missions, there are dyads, quadrads, or a master and quadrad. This has become especially important with the discovery of a large band of dark warriors, calling themselves the Knights of Ren, who seem bent of the destruction of the Jedi. Luke usually pairs partners based on capacity to complement skills or compensate for weakenesses. Berliss is a little headstrong and very calculating, whereas Ben struggles with feelings of inadequacy and can be quite impulsive  (usually manifesting as anger). Together, Luke hopes they will balance each other out:


Recipes are pretty simple: Ben is Force 2.0 Kylo unmasked with an SA Qui-Gon Jinn body and Berliss is Passel Argente with an SA Obi-Wan body.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 05, 2020, 05:17:42 PM
Here's a "dressed for action" Qi'ra (I finally found an appropriate head for the first adventurer Rose body):


Ryysallraa –While an adolescent, Ryysa was taken captive by Trandoshan slavers. She watched in horror as her village was burned to the ground by the Stormtroopers that accompanied the slavers, leaving every villager either dead or enslaved. She was delivered to an Imperial supply depot where her Wookiee strength was used in service to the Empire loading and unloading cargo from supply ships. One day a well-armed and organized group attacked the depot looking for supplies and Ryysa had a choice to make. Run and hide, like many of the slaves, hoping to survive the firefight, or take a stand. She unleashed her Wookiee rage and hatred of the Empire and killed three stormtroopers with her bare hands as they prepared to ambush some of the attackers. Little did she know that one of those she saved was the leader of the raid and a highly placed member of Crimson Dawn. Ryysa was offered her freedom and became a member of the criminal organization, often accompanying Qi’ra as back-up when missions look like they could get physical


Head = Mission to Vandor-1 four pack
Torso = Comic Pack Mara Jade
Upper arms = CW Cad Bane
Forearms = Black Series Princess Leia
Legs = Concept Starkiller (by the way, the Vallejo "Oxford Blue" is a pretty good match for the color of the Mara Jade body)

Head, upper arms and (most of) legs = CW Chewie
Torso, forearms and hands = Fortnite Calamity Jane (thanks Moronarama for the idea to use a Fortnite figure!)
The Fortnite figures have a swivel joint on the leg just below the crotch. I cut the Chewie legs to attach at that joint (not at the hips) and dremeled the appropriate holes and it is a pretty darn close fit (it also gave me a touch more added height to the figure, bonus!).


Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 05, 2020, 06:45:42 PM
Vancer Grey: the son of Cuy’val Dar member Donner Grey. The Grey family had a long-storied history providing honor guard for the House Kryze. Vancer lived with his father on Kamino during the training of the clones, naturally he built a friendship with one of the few non-Kaminoan children, a Jedi padawan called Jenn. When Duchess Satine was killed, a grief-stricken and angry Donner left Kamino to fight the Death Watch. Vancer learned to fight alongside his father in this conflict, but was unable to protect his father from an assassination attempt by the Imperial Super Commando Captain Hark. Though still a teen, Vancer considered it a point of honor to hunt down and kill Hark and every other Mandalorian that served as a Super Commando. Though highly successful in this pursuit, the course of vengeance threated to destroy any humanity that Vancer had. Until, that is, he encountered a Jedi in hiding, none other than his childhood friend Jenn (Starchaser). Jenn helped Vancer recapture a sense of justice rather than vengefulness and now the two work together to provide safety for refugees and justice for the oppressed.




S4-HND-1276 (“Sparky”) – Any galactic history buff is familiar with the Mandalorian Basilisk war droid, but very few know anything about the smaller and more nimble companion droid, the Strill class combat droid. Sparky is an ancient Strill that has belonged to the Grey family for generations. Vancer found it deactivated in a family underground bunker after the death of his father and calls it Sparky after his childhood pet strill. With the help of an outlaw tech, Sparky was reactivated (and tweaked with some modern technology). A levitating droid, Sparky is armed with four heavy blasters and two laser canons, he also has a chassis mounted grenade launcher and ion projector. He also contains a small shield generator and is able to keep pace with a Mando jet pack:



with "Sparky":


Head/helmet: Marauder head/Scorch helmet
Body = Marauders Task Force (including pouches, holster, knife)
Armor and jet pack = Jango Fett (removable armor)

Body = CW Super Battle Droid
Laser cannons = cut from a Batman flyer toy I found at the thrift store
Heavy blasters = tank turrets from Dollar Tree tank set (previously metioned set by Moronorama)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 05, 2020, 09:43:04 PM
One more for tonight - I apologize for the indoor pictures Philipp:) Soft goods are coming and I will re-shoot outdoors soon. On the sequel theme from earlier...

Ochi of Bestoon - a shadowy figure, tasked with tracking Ben Solo on behalf of the Supreme Leader of the First Order and head of the Cult of the Sith, Snoke (himself a bizarre experiment gone awry - a Kaminoan cloner spliced his DNA with that of a force sensitive human subject (Sheev Palpatine) in an attempt create a powerful force-using Kaminoan. Instead, Snoke was born. Fascinated with the Sith, but harboring a deep hatred for his human progenitor, Snoke set out to succeed where Darth Sidious had failed). Ochi is ruthless, obsessed with the Sith, and wholly dedicated to Snoke. In the field, he reports to the leader of the Knights of Ren, one Kylo Ren - unknown to almost everyone, a clone of Ben Solo twisted by the dark side teachings of Snoke.



Head = POTF Lobot (nose cut off and sculpted over with "Green Stuff")
Body = Sandstorm Luke
Hands = Fortnite Skull Trooper
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on October 06, 2020, 01:00:56 AM
Grey and Sparky are definitely my favorite!  ()rr

But the sequel figures you've made are a nice spin on something "we could have had."
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on October 06, 2020, 02:36:56 AM
Wow, now thats a customs update. I like that Wookie. She is fantastic. I like how she has a feminine look. Yeah, I like that RC Mando too.

Off to the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Lenny Quinn on October 06, 2020, 12:09:05 PM
These are great! Ochi reminds me of when they pull the mask off the android in the movie The Black Hole.  I haven't seen the movie in probably over 40 years, so I can't really say why he reminded me of that scene....
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 06, 2020, 01:08:42 PM
Grey and Sparky are definitely my favorite!  ()rr

But the sequel figures you've made are a nice spin on something "we could have had."

Thanks RC. Vancer is a character that has been rolling around in my head for a long time, but it took me awhile to figure out how to build him - enter Marauders Task Force - they are a great resource for us cusomtizers. And yeah...I can't say I'm a fan of everything about the sequels but I'm also not a "hater" I just wish they had tweaked a few things, so I'm going a slightly different direction (in my head).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 06, 2020, 01:23:27 PM
Wow, now thats a customs update. I like that Wookie. She is fantastic. I like how she has a feminine look. Yeah, I like that RC Mando too.

Off to the front pages.

Thanks Tamer - I had fun with the Wookiee. It was a concept that Moronarama had that got me thinking about her - I had all the parts, I just hadn't thought about putting them together. The body is female, so that worked, but I wanted the head to have something feminine, so I thought I would add braids - using embroidery floss. It was a bit of a puzzle, but I'm pretty happy with how she turned out. I should probably do a side picture so you can see the braid that goes down her back.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 06, 2020, 01:25:01 PM
These are great! Ochi reminds me of when they pull the mask off the android in the movie The Black Hole.  I haven't seen the movie in probably over 40 years, so I can't really say why he reminded me of that scene....

Sheesh...that's an old reference :) Now I'll have to go back and watch the movie - maybe its on Disney+? Thanks for commenting!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Lenny Quinn on October 06, 2020, 08:03:03 PM
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Lenny Quinn on October 06, 2020, 08:04:46 PM
A little bit I guess. Definitely a fuzzy memory from a long time ago....
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 06, 2020, 11:11:13 PM
A little bit I guess. Definitely a fuzzy memory from a long time ago....

Oh yeah - its those lobotomized people turned into human robots.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RCWCreations on October 07, 2020, 12:14:24 AM
These are awesome customs, well done pal!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on October 07, 2020, 01:55:27 AM
I agree - awesome composition of parts & colors! I like all of them. The blue on Berliss Dusaynri looks very nice. And Republic Commandos are always a fine addition to your custom collection.
Thanks for sharing the latest and also for the size-comparison!

Oh, and Lenny - protect me from Maximilian! Now I know where this IG-88 concept ( comes from...
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on October 07, 2020, 02:56:53 AM
I agree those braids just give you what you need to say Female Wookie. I sure wouldn't mind seeing more pictures of her.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 07, 2020, 10:59:44 PM
These are awesome customs, well done pal!

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 07, 2020, 11:00:55 PM
I agree - awesome composition of parts & colors! I like all of them. The blue on Berliss Dusaynri looks very nice. And Republic Commandos are always a fine addition to your custom collection.
Thanks for sharing the latest and also for the size-comparison!

Oh, and Lenny - protect me from Maximilian! Now I know where this IG-88 concept ( comes from...

Thank Philipp - I'll get an outdoor pic of Ochi with soft goods in the next few days.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 07, 2020, 11:01:25 PM
I agree those braids just give you what you need to say Female Wookie. I sure wouldn't mind seeing more pictures of her.

I'll try to take a back picture tomorrow.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 08, 2020, 09:25:32 PM
I agree those braids just give you what you need to say Female Wookie. I sure wouldn't mind seeing more pictures of her.

Just for you  :)



Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on October 09, 2020, 02:56:33 AM
Hey thanks! I think she looks fantastic. She feels truly female.

You ought to be pleased with how she turned out.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on October 09, 2020, 03:11:37 AM
Thank Philipp - I'll get an outdoor pic of Ochi with soft goods in the next few days.

That'll be great! I also like that you use playmobil walls and other parts for your dioramas!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 09, 2020, 09:21:11 PM
Hey thanks! I think she looks fantastic. She feels truly female.

You ought to be pleased with how she turned out.

Thanks! I was really happy with how she turned out, especially since she was a bit of an experiment. But she will stand proudly with my other Wookiee customs.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 09, 2020, 09:31:37 PM
Thank Philipp - I'll get an outdoor pic of Ochi with soft goods in the next few days.

That'll be great! I also like that you use playmobil walls and other parts for your dioramas!

Yep! We are a huge Playmobil family. It all started back in the 70's when a friend of mine with family in Germany brought back the original king and knights as party favors for each of the (three) kids at his birthday party. Now we've got castles and animals and dragons and pirates galore! There is one cardinal toy rule in our house: Star Wars, Lego and Playmobil can never leave :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on October 10, 2020, 02:00:53 AM
Hey, that's an awesome story! When I come to the U.S. the next time, I can bring you some sets from Germany, too! That'll make shipping a lot cheaper. I like your cardinal rule. Thanks for sharing your story - I used to have a playmobil city where I spent hours and entire weekends as a boy. Good times.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 10, 2020, 12:49:39 PM
Thanks, Philipp.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: darthdaddy on October 15, 2020, 02:23:10 PM
Digging the Wookiee. Nicely blended additions!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 15, 2020, 03:16:00 PM
Digging the Wookiee. Nicely blended additions!

Thanks - that means a lot!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Lenny Quinn on October 15, 2020, 03:23:21 PM
She is nicely done and a great concept!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Eyositer on October 15, 2020, 06:18:58 PM
Very cool female Wookiee.  The braids are a nice touch.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 15, 2020, 08:50:04 PM
She is nicely done and a great concept!

Thanks, Lenny - I'm happy with her. I was also pleased that I was able to figure out how to mix-and-match with some of the Fortnite figures (currently on major sale at my local Target).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 15, 2020, 08:50:44 PM
Very cool female Wookiee.  The braids are a nice touch.

Thanks - they were a suggestion from my wife :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 15, 2020, 08:53:09 PM
I've been showcasing a few elements from the Jazwares 3.75" Halo line, here's a couple more:


(sorry the picture is blurry - I was in a hurry - but it does show the similarity in height between the marine and Hondo quite nicely)

And Rex and Grey hunt "clankers" old-school:

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on October 16, 2020, 03:05:03 AM
Seems like they fit in well.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on October 16, 2020, 10:44:43 PM
The Halo stuff has always looked great. And at one time, I had considered collecting them. But now that I'm doing 1:18 military stuff, I'm probably gonna skip. I'd have to sell either my Neca collection or Star Wars stuff to house that...and let's face it. Over my dead

Keep up the great shots! P.S. how do you like your Hondo? I'm waiting on mine to ship.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on October 16, 2020, 11:22:17 PM
Thank you for spotlighting all these other toy lines here that I would not had heard of otherwise. I so need to keep my eyes open for the Pilot figure. This has to become a Bodhi Rook custom. Congrats for scoring the new stuff already! The Halo line makes a fine addition to your collection for sure!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Eyositer on October 20, 2020, 06:00:45 PM
I picked up a few of these last week.  I am going to incorporate the Pilot into a project I’m working on.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Moronarama on October 29, 2020, 11:19:35 AM
I snagged the Sniper figure.  The armor is a little too bright and clean for Star Wars, so I'm going to weather it up.  Can't decide if I'm going to kitbash it with anything else right now.  I was very excited about the price though, $9.84 US.  TVC are $13 which doesn't seem like much, but I'm much less like to grab one for experimenting that way.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 29, 2020, 11:40:15 PM
Seems like they fit in well.

Yeah, I'm thinking either Balmorra Defense Force (along with a custom Governor Beltane ) from the Dark Horse comics or perhaps off screen New Republic troopers from the sequels (in my world the Republic wouldn't have been so stupid as to keep its entire military in one system - how dumb is that).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 29, 2020, 11:43:21 PM
The Halo stuff has always looked great. And at one time, I had considered collecting them. But now that I'm doing 1:18 military stuff, I'm probably gonna skip. I'd have to sell either my Neca collection or Star Wars stuff to house that...and let's face it. Over my dead

Keep up the great shots! P.S. how do you like your Hondo? I'm waiting on mine to ship.

Its taken me so long to respond, you may already have your Hondo figure. I really like him a lot. I appreciate having such an interesting "chaotic neutral" character in realistic style. Since I'm only a Star Wars 3.75" collector, I will add pieces that I can fit into the 'verse otherwise I won't buy them. I was really excited about aliens to add to Star Wars, but the troopers fit in well too.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 29, 2020, 11:44:36 PM
Thank you for spotlighting all these other toy lines here that I would not had heard of otherwise. I so need to keep my eyes open for the Pilot figure. This has to become a Bodhi Rook custom. Congrats for scoring the new stuff already! The Halo line makes a fine addition to your collection for sure!

No problem. I haven't found the pilot or the single pack marine yet, but I'm pretty excited about the Elite and Ghost set that's due out.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 29, 2020, 11:45:16 PM
I picked up a few of these last week.  I am going to incorporate the Pilot into a project I’m working on.

Great! I look forward to seeing how that turns out!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 29, 2020, 11:48:17 PM
I snagged the Sniper figure.  The armor is a little too bright and clean for Star Wars, so I'm going to weather it up.  Can't decide if I'm going to kitbash it with anything else right now.  I was very excited about the price though, $9.84 US.  TVC are $13 which doesn't seem like much, but I'm much less like to grab one for experimenting that way.

I haven't found the Jackal yet, but will happily add it to the alien ranks when I do. I'm actually pretty happy with the Grunt/Marine two-pack. I'm also waiting to find the Brute Chieftan two-pack. But I can be very patient (I'm still waiting for a Rebel Soldier Echo Base VC68 :-\ - at a reasonable price - I think that's been about 9 years).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Lenny Quinn on October 30, 2020, 03:22:56 PM
Very cool! They definitely fit in!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Lance Quazar on November 03, 2020, 04:44:20 PM
Awesome new customs!  Ochi is creepy as hell and the wookiee is delightful!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 08, 2020, 08:37:38 PM
Very cool! They definitely fit in!

Thanks Lenny!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 08, 2020, 08:39:19 PM
Awesome new customs!  Ochi is creepy as hell and the wookiee is delightful!

Thanks Lance! Yeah, Ochi is freaky. I've still got to get to the soft goods - but I don't think that will happen until after Thanksgiving. Life has been beyond crazy in the Starchaser house. Anyway, Thanks for commenting.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 29, 2021, 06:56:29 PM
I finally had time to finish the "soft goods" for Ochi right after Christmas, and then had to wait for clear weather on a day I was home while it was still light. So here is an outdoor picture of Ochi of Bestoon (I included a dagger, but not a custom of the Sith dagger design from the film - cause the design made no sense to me):

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 29, 2021, 07:01:15 PM
Inspired by Don's design of the bar maid, I wondered if the slave Leia body might work for a slave Qi'ra. I think so:

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 29, 2021, 07:06:13 PM
Here's an Imperial trooper I built for Yakfinities:

Drest Chegram – Imperial Infantry Trooper
While the Stormtrooper Corps is celebrated and called the backbone of the Imperial military, the real workhorses of the Empire are the ordinary Army Troopers. Often overlooked, they serve across the galaxy in many capacities, doing thankless work and taking heavy casualties. After the death of Emperor and the collapse of the Galactic Empire, things have change and many troopers, like Drest Chegram, serve in squads lead by a single stormtrooper.


Head = POTF AT-ST Driver
Torso, Arms and Legs = Galactic Marine
Kama/skirt = Hoth Han Solo (I think Saga Collection)
Sorry the picture is a little blurry, I'll take another one when I finish a second trooper I'm working on.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 29, 2021, 07:10:47 PM
A couple of original characters:

Jego Kemboor (also goes by Jiigoh Wanderer) – a free spirit; adventurer, explorer, miner (but at this point pretty wealthy) and sometimes partner-in-crime to Thewyllin the ZeHethbra. Jego hails from Sen Argasi and knows Talu Ooran (top of page 31 in this thread) from youth.


Head = Animal Warriors of the Kingdom Or'vah
Body = Chicken Fried Dime Store Legends cowboy buck
Accessories = Magnadroid cape; googles from a 5POA Vandor Han; holster from TVC Cassian Andor; sensor from POTF Lobot; pistol - random fodder bin.

Semeristi Goff Illawan – one of three claimants to the office of High Councillor Prime of tewlaPelt (home planet of the Peltarn). Having seen the conflict between claimants to the throne in previous successions, his parents placed him under the protection of the Humble Order of Narrative Archaeology (HONA) – a quasi-religious order dedicated to seeking truth through learning the stories of many species. Far from the political maneuvering and conflict of his home planet, Goff (as he calls himself) is a mendicant Storyweaver highly sought after on many worlds for his storytelling and poetic ability.



Head = Jurassic World Sauropelta
Body = Black Series Maz Kanata
Staff = Boss Fight wizard staff

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Don on January 29, 2021, 09:52:40 PM
Inspired by Don's design of the bar maid, I wondered if the slave Leia body might work for a slave Qi'ra. I think so:


Dude, that really works! I love the Qi'ra head on there! Nice job.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 29, 2021, 11:07:55 PM
Inspired by Don's design of the bar maid, I wondered if the slave Leia body might work for a slave Qi'ra. I think so:


Dude, that really works! I love the Qi'ra head on there! Nice job.

Twice thanks Don. First for the idea, and second for the comment!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on January 30, 2021, 07:08:39 AM
As always you have created some very creative figures.
It is really nice to see a Imperial Infantry Trooper custom. The Galactic Marine body and the Hoth Solo skirt are the perfect choice.
I try to make one for my imperial collection if I can find the correct parts.

Excellent work.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on January 30, 2021, 07:55:00 AM
Wow, these are great! Like that AT-ST Custom.

Off to the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 30, 2021, 01:21:58 PM
As always you have created some very creative figures.
It is really nice to see a Imperial Infantry Trooper custom. The Galactic Marine body and the Hoth Solo skirt are the perfect choice.
I try to make one for my imperial collection if I can find the correct parts.

Excellent work.

Thanks FF. I'm working on a second trooper. Just need to do the painting but its raining heavilyhere in Washington and I don't have a priming booth indoors. To help you with parts, this second trooper is built with the upper torso  and arms of the Snowtrooper (Legacy version) and the lower torso and legs of the Scarif trooper. I like it as well, so which ever combination is easier to obtain works.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 30, 2021, 01:43:28 PM
Wow, these are great! Like that AT-ST Custom.

Off to the front pages.

Thanks so much Tamer. As I said, I'll try to provide a slightly more focused image when I finish trooper #2, which will has a different parts combination. I really wish Hasbro had made a TVC "Mudtrooper" because they are really just Imperial Army Infantry with some specialized gear. They would be briliant army builders.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on January 31, 2021, 06:48:34 AM
It would sure make perfect sense to me. Guess it will never happen then. ::)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 01, 2021, 11:33:13 PM
Yeah, right? Oh well, for now I can build my own.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on February 02, 2021, 09:03:31 PM
These guys are awesome. I especially like Goff, but they are all really great. I like the Imperial too, good use of parts there. I've been wanting to get one of those Dime Store cowboy figures, are they pretty good?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 03, 2021, 01:00:19 AM
I like them a lot - cool designs, the articulation seems good. I got in on the first Kickstarter. They just did another one with Cavalry (7th Cavalry to be exact). They looked great and I really wanted to jump in, but the price increased to $30 a figure for the Kickstarter. I love good toys, but $30.00 for a 3.75 inch figure is hard to swallow unless they come with a bunch of accessories. has some of the originals for sale at a decent price - but I find the line to be a little more expensive than others, like Animal Warriors of the Kingdom and Boss Fight.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 21, 2021, 12:11:48 AM
Had a few minutes today, and some sun. So I snapped a couple of quick pics for fun. I've talked about Fortnite figures before, but the newest wave includes a character called Scratch. For those who like the "evil is white" (or the Empire's elite is white), I thought he would work as an Imperial assassin:



Thought I would share. I hope to get a few more customs out before St. Patrick's Day, but we'll see. Cheers!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on February 21, 2021, 05:56:41 AM
looks great to me.

Off to share on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: L-Jarvis customs on February 26, 2021, 12:53:42 PM
I did this to mine.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 27, 2021, 12:30:33 AM
That's great! I like the look. So now you have a Mando assassin:) Out of curiosity, what's the background you used for that shot? It's got a great industrial look.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on February 27, 2021, 07:47:43 AM
The figure fits very well into the Star Wars universe.
Looks like a further development of the Clone Assassin.
The outdoor pics look great.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 01, 2021, 12:26:35 AM
The figure fits very well into the Star Wars universe.
Looks like a further development of the Clone Assassin.
The outdoor pics look great.

Thanks! I hadn't thought about the Clone assassin angle at all.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 05, 2021, 05:07:38 PM
Another useful Fortnite figure:


I like the armor design and so thought she might make a good base for another female Mandalorian:

Gadra Lorr:
Hailing from Concord Dawn, her grandfather fought alongside Jaster Mereel and her father alongside Fenn Rau. Understanding the deep division within Mandalorian culture and concerned for the safety of his family, he sent his wife and their three children to the Galactic Core to protect them. He died on Concord Dawn, but his family survived and were trained by their mother in the ways of Mandalore. Gadra is proud of her heritage but also bitter at the loss it has caused her and so many others and at the vanity of those cannot find their way to being part of the larger galactic community. When of age, Gadra donned her mother’s armor and made her way as a bounty hunter. Now she serves as head of security at The Pillar on Nubia.



The recipe is simple. The Singularity body with the helmet, guns and wrist armor from the old electronic jetpack Jango and a Mando. jetpack from the fodder bin.

And just for fun, both figures together (Singularity will get a Star Wars backstory and the spare helmet will work great for another female soldier/bounty hunter figure):

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on March 05, 2021, 05:43:48 PM
I like it. You know all the good compatible figures. Cool backstory too.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 06, 2021, 12:00:41 AM
I like it. You know all the good compatible figures. Cool backstory too.

Thanks JDeck! What can I say...I like toys :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 06, 2021, 07:54:53 AM
Wow, she does make a great Mando. Awesome figure. Love the paint scheme too.

Off to share this on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 06, 2021, 12:03:30 PM
Wow, she does make a great Mando. Awesome figure. Love the paint scheme too.

Off to share this on the front pages.

Thanks Tamer, I was going to leave her, but the green was just too much for me, so I had to paint. I wanted to think of something not already over-done (too much Mando blue) and not all "dark", so this is what I came up with without making it too complicated.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 07, 2021, 06:48:27 AM
Yeah they have the ole Boba Blue and Green used a lot.

I really liked that four pack of Mandos Hasbro put out over ten years ago now; especially the female ones. I still have that pack somewhere.

At least you guys are finding some ways to make some great female Mandos.

I could see you making one of these look good with some type of soft goods kama too.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 08, 2021, 12:14:23 AM
Yeah they have the ole Boba Blue and Green used a lot.

I really liked that four pack of Mandos Hasbro put out over ten years ago now; especially the female ones. I still have that pack somewhere.

At least you guys are finding some ways to make some great female Mandos.

I could see you making one of these look good with some type of soft goods kama too.

Yeah, I liked those packs too (there were 2 of them, each with 7 figures). Hadn't thought about a kama, but that's a really good idea. I guess I have to buy another Singularity and come up with another paint scheme.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 13, 2021, 08:23:04 PM
I was finally able to finish up my second Imperial Infantry trooper: Berrold Marsimek


and with Drest Chegram:


Head and Helmet = AT-ST driver Kmart exclusive
Arms and upper torso = Legacy Snowtrooper
Lower torso and legs = Scarif (shore) trooper
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 14, 2021, 05:41:07 AM
Looks good. He goes well with your other. Reminds me of the variation we saw in WW2 German theatre uniforms that optimized form foremost.

Off to the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Mos-Eisley-Customz on March 20, 2021, 06:10:21 AM
Really love this one, looks great 😎 ..nice combination of parts, works well 👌
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 20, 2021, 09:20:38 PM
Looks good. He goes well with your other. Reminds me of the variation we saw in WW2 German theatre uniforms that optimized form foremost.

Off to the front pages.

Thanks Tamer. Yeah, I figured that there would be some variation - got to use what you got.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 20, 2021, 09:23:59 PM
Really love this one, looks great 😎 ..nice combination of parts, works well 👌

Thanks! After looking at the two side-by-side I think that if ever I do a third, I would use the second recipe but swap out the Snowtrooper arms for the Galactic Marine arms. I think that's about as close as I'll get without creating joints for my mudtroopers (though, I'll probably try that too).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 24, 2021, 06:06:05 PM
May I introduce:

Mevin Prambos - known simply as Sparky to most beings, Prambos is a Givin welder and shipwright. As a youngster he was captivated by the idea of being a bounty hunter or smuggler so as early as he could, he joined the Yag'Dhul defense force. His aptitudes got him placed in the Combat Engineers. After his first deployment, Prambos realized he didn't enjoy the prospect of killing people, so as soon as he could be honorably discharged, he became a shipwright. Velstigg Sarramsell, always on the lookout for talent, especially that also came with military training, hired Mevin and he has become an integral part of the stellar reputation of "The Pillar."


Head = Minimates Cylon helmet over a modified Fornite figure head (Skull Trooper)
Armor = Minimates Cylon
Torso = Cad Bane (CW with Todo 360)
Arms = CW Anakin (don't remember which specifically)
Lower right arm = Johnston concept Snowtrooper
Waist and upper legs = Walmart BS General Lando
Lower legs = Ree Yees


Seibb Nubres - a Sullustan prospector. He is partner to Jego Kemboor.


and with Jego:


Head = VC Nien Nunb
Body = Zutton POTJ - FYI, had to build a neck post for this figure and fill the empty body cavity with hot glue to insert the arms.
Arms = Mawhonic
Coat = mission to Vandor Han Solo
Ray Projector = Mr. Freeze Gun from Funko classic Batman Mr. Freeze
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 25, 2021, 02:53:49 AM
Loving that cylon helmet and custom. I get a read Predator vibe from this guy for some reason. Your Sulustan is nice too.

Off to share them both on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 25, 2021, 06:33:49 PM
Loving that cylon helmet and custom. I get a read Predator vibe from this guy for some reason. Your Sulustan is nice too.

Off to share them both on the front pages.

I can see what you mean - it is a little "Predator-ish". Hadn't made that connection myself. I just didn't want to pass up using the helmet and armor, but wasn't interested in a "Cylon cross-over". I think I was feeling like I needed some more non-soldier characters.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Don on March 25, 2021, 08:27:15 PM
Nice! I really love the jacket on that Sullustan!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 26, 2021, 12:01:03 PM
Nice! I really love the jacket on that Sullustan!

Thanks Don, I just thought that fur coat was too good to sit unused :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on March 26, 2021, 12:17:02 PM
These are quite cool looking fellas! Very nice to see all these known parts are compatible. Great compositions, Starchaser!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 31, 2021, 11:00:35 PM
These are quite cool looking fellas! Very nice to see all these known parts are compatible. Great compositions, Starchaser!

Thanks Philipp.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: CloneTroopr on April 02, 2021, 11:41:13 AM
Figures look great! Nice backstory, and I love to see such a diverse mix of figure parts!  ;D
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: customjedi on April 04, 2021, 01:34:16 PM
Great use of parts and pieces.  I particularly love the welder with the Cylon helmet.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 05, 2021, 10:29:50 PM
Figures look great! Nice backstory, and I love to see such a diverse mix of figure parts!  ;D

Thanks so much!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 05, 2021, 10:30:47 PM
Great use of parts and pieces.  I particularly love the welder with the Cylon helmet.


Thanks - I was pretty happy with him too!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 15, 2021, 09:33:50 PM
Sometimes I need to watch something for kids (its an antidote to cynicism), and I get tired of "angsty" stuff - life has enough angst already. So I watched some of the LEGO "Adventures of the Freemakers." There was this reference to an Ugnaught bounty hunter (using a Boushh helmet), and I thought, that's not a bad idea. I had a Weazel body sitting around and presto:


Rowan Freemaker pretended to be "Grunt Boar" the fiercest Ugnaught in the Galaxy. What if that wasn't entirely random? What if a successful Ugnaught bounty hunter made "the Wheel" his home when not off on missions? What if Rowan Freemaker had this information rolling around in his subconscious? Well...the answer is Gruuner Boa, a bounty hunter of some repute who hails from the Ugnaught tribe that makes its home in the lower reaches of the "the Wheel." (I think the recipe on this one is transparent.)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on May 16, 2021, 12:47:43 AM
I got to admit that I really admire your imagination! And I agree with the "angsty" stuff. Had to look it up and it seems angst was directly adapted from the German language. I don't know this particular LEGO movie, yet, but the title speaks for itself. Really enjoy The LEGO Movie by the way!
I really like the custom character you created here and the story you invented for him put a big smile on my face this morning. Must be tough to be wanted in a galaxy far, far away!

By the way congrats on over a hundred thousand clicks on this thread!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on May 16, 2021, 06:22:40 AM
I like the idea of this Ugnaught Bounty Hunter. Love your solution to cynicism too. I think I need to take some of your advice.

Off to share on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 16, 2021, 09:46:40 PM
I got to admit that I really admire your imagination! And I agree with the "angsty" stuff. Had to look it up and it seems angst was directly adapted from the German language. I don't know this particular LEGO movie, yet, but the title speaks for itself. Really enjoy The LEGO Movie by the way!
I really like the custom character you created here and the story you invented for him put a big smile on my face this morning. Must be tough to be wanted in a galaxy far, far away!

By the way congrats on over a hundred thousand clicks on this thread!

Thanks Philipp! Yes "angst" is a loan word from German. In English we would say "brooding, dark,  despairing, full of dread and anxiety." I like angst. The Freemaker show is a two season TV series, it's on Disney+. It was okay, but it gave me custom ideas! That's always good - I've a couple more customs I will probably do from the show just for kicks.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 16, 2021, 09:50:19 PM
I like the idea of this Ugnaught Bounty Hunter. Love your solution to cynicism too. I think I need to take some of your advice.

Off to share on the front pages.

Thanks Tamer. Yeah, it was a piece of advice from a visiting lecturer when I was at University (waaaay back in the day). A brilliant thinker and accomplished author, he said that reading children's books helped him keep a sense of wonder and fight cynicism. I thought, if it worked for him, then it would probably work for me...and so it has, pretty effectively.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on May 18, 2021, 08:47:53 PM
I like him  8) the story is great too. He just looks badass. It works. I wish we had more little people figures, but the weazel body worked great.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 18, 2021, 10:46:22 PM
I like him  8) the story is great too. He just looks badass. It works. I wish we had more little people figures, but the weazel body worked great.

Thanks! Yeah, I'm actually really happy with him. I have several Funko Gelflings and the Hup figure that I think I will wind up using for smaller species. I agree, though, it would be nice to have other small bodies, but Weazel works, I don't even mind that its 5POA.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on May 19, 2021, 02:55:16 AM
I wish we had more little people figures

I so agree with this. I am surprised Hasbro doesn't do this. Maybe they think we wouldn't pay full price for one and that we would want them two to a cardback?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on May 19, 2021, 06:07:11 AM
I like him  8) the story is great too. He just looks badass. It works. I wish we had more little people figures, but the weazel body worked great.

Thanks! Yeah, I'm actually really happy with him. I have several Funko Gelflings and the Hup figure that I think I will wind up using for smaller species. I agree, though, it would be nice to have other small bodies, but Weazel works, I don't even mind that its 5POA.

I liked 5poa. I mean they were goid sculpts of figures we'll never see in a million years in tvc. They were basically statues but they were sculpted in a goid natural looking pose.

I wish we had more little people figures

I so agree with this. I am surprised Hasbro doesn't do this. Maybe they think we wouldn't pay full price for one and that we would want them two to a cardback?

That's what miffed me about the tvc Jawa. You pay more than the older tbs, but you only get one? They always included something whether its a second jawa or a droid. Thats why the Kenner platform kind of irritates me.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 19, 2021, 01:07:46 PM
I like him  8) the story is great too. He just looks badass. It works. I wish we had more little people figures, but the weazel body worked great.

Thanks! Yeah, I'm actually really happy with him. I have several Funko Gelflings and the Hup figure that I think I will wind up using for smaller species. I agree, though, it would be nice to have other small bodies, but Weazel works, I don't even mind that its 5POA.

I liked 5poa. I mean they were goid sculpts of figures we'll never see in a million years in tvc. They were basically statues but they were sculpted in a goid natural looking pose.

I wish we had more little people figures

I so agree with this. I am surprised Hasbro doesn't do this. Maybe they think we wouldn't pay full price for one and that we would want them two to a cardback?

That's what miffed me about the tvc Jawa. You pay more than the older tbs, but you only get one? They always included something whether its a second jawa or a droid. Thats why the Kenner platform kind of irritates me.

I don't mind 5POA, but I think Hasbro could just be smart about articulation, the small figures like Weazel are fine in 5POA (I mean the arms are short, so who needs to bend the elbows - really),  and I thought that they handled Moloch from Solo really well also. Other figures really need mutliple points of articulation, because they are, after all, toys. I don't understand why some people get all frustrated, though, when most figures don't have, like, 28 points of articulation or something. One of my challenges is that I don't consider myself a "collector" in that as toys, I open and dispose of the packaging. If I can't set the figures up and have them interact with each other and the environment, what's the point? So I like artciulated figures, but I don't care about the packaging, which makes me a fan of the TVC figures, but not the TVC line  (if that makes sense). I totally agree about the value of smaller figures though. Grogru could have come as a pack-in, there's certainly not the same amount of plastic in him as in the Gamorrean Guard:) And two Jawas or a pack-in of some substance would make the price more justifiable. Actually it would have/could be a great combination to give us the Scrapjaw Motito bounty hunter with Grogru from season two - that would be a two-pack worth the price.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on May 23, 2021, 01:32:57 AM
I had never expected to see a Ugnaught bounty hunter.
I like the interesting background history.
Excellent work.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 23, 2021, 03:01:49 PM
I had never expected to see a Ugnaught bounty hunter.
I like the interesting background history.
Excellent work.

Thanks! I wouldn't have thought of it either, but someone at Lego did. Since free time is in short supply, a quick custom was up my alley and I had the parts. So there you have Ugnaught bounty hunter  ;D
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 06, 2021, 11:04:00 PM
Its been a while since I posted anything new. So I have a few to post now with more to come. Let's start with this: Governor Hinch Beltane of Balmorra (from the Dark Horse Comics):



Head = Boss Fight blank (peach)
Body = Captain America the first Avenger comic Red Skull
The flanking figures are Bandai GFrame 13 Armor Frames
The Mech is the new Jazwares Halo Mantis
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 06, 2021, 11:20:43 PM
And...Temris Eldraban: known to most simply as Lady Shadowmark, and called Tema by her closest companions, a significant dealer in the Coruscant underworld. She supplies goods and services of all kinds - but especially information - and stays above most of the small time gang politics. Few would dare to cross her as she protects her independence and neutrality fiercely. Rarely does she need to defend herself as she has allies like the bounty hunter known as Baash (more on him later) that usually function as guards, but she is proficient in several hand-to-hand combat systems and is a crack-shot with the hold-out blaster she carries as well.


Head and sash = new marvel retro Elektra
Body = Pirates of the Caribbean Angelica

Head = ROTS Saesee Tiin
Body = VC Verdain
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 06, 2021, 11:23:39 PM
Leyalla Ilrangeru, a Mirialan smuggler who works primarily for Lady Shadowmark;


Head = Luminara Unduli
Body = one of the GI Joe Lady Jaye figures (I think 25th anniversary)

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 06, 2021, 11:28:22 PM
And finally for tonight - I got the inspiration for this from Moronarama - a female Devaronian Jedi named Sumorn Jagga:


Head = Roblox Bec the Fire God (horns cut off)
Arms = TVC Ahsoka
Torso = McQuarrie concept Starkiller
Legs = TVC Ahsoka
Skirt from the CW Luminara Unduli
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on August 07, 2021, 08:06:58 AM
Wow, I can see you have been busy. Nice work.

I love the Governor and Baash. All are great though.

Off to the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on August 07, 2021, 11:14:11 AM
Excellent work on the Boss Fight blank and I just love Leyalla Ilrangeru! She reminds me of Tomb Raider and the green colors go along fantastically!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 07, 2021, 10:10:53 PM
Thanks guys! I've got a bunch of figures I've started or assembled parts for (and I'm hoping to get to my first ship this fall), but life has been crazy so most of my time has gone into house projects and family events - mostly positive - that is finally settling down so I think I'll be able to get  some more customizing time. These were pretty simple, mostly head swaps, the challenge was trying to match paint colors but I'm happy with the final results. Somewhere along the line, in the midst of cleaning and packing for travel, I misplaced the camera I usually take pictures with so these were snapped on my ancient phone (a Galaxy 4), so I'm not entirely satisfied with the images. 
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Moronarama on August 08, 2021, 02:21:06 PM
Really nice stuff!  I like the  Governor Beltrane and Lady Shadowmark.  Good combinations on the parts.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 09, 2021, 11:10:43 PM
Thanks Moronarama. I thought your Bec to Devaronian female was inspired, so thanks for that.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on August 10, 2021, 06:44:25 PM
  Great batch! The devorian female is really awesome in particular. A really great combination of parts with these figures, thanks for the recipes. Those bandai robots would make great dark trooprs painted black. They're pretty daggone similar.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 10, 2021, 09:43:54 PM
  Great batch! The devorian female is really awesome in particular. A really great combination of parts with these figures, thanks for the recipes. Those bandai robots would make great dark trooprs painted black. They're pretty daggone similar.

Thanks, JDeck. Your right about the Gundam frames, but I'll just call them Beltane's answer to the dark trooper. They're available at some Targets (in the special toy section in electronics) for a reasonable price. I think I got them for about $10.00 a piece on sale.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 17, 2021, 11:10:37 PM
A couple for tonight. First up is a not very original, been done before, simple head swap - Sergeant Doallyn. I've had the parts sitting in my bin for a looooong time and finally cut down the neck peg to fit the Jabba's Guard helmet on the Bane Malar body. He's a little short when standing next to some other figures, but he sure looks good.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 17, 2021, 11:24:02 PM
And a bit more complicated: Vren'oh a Pho Ph'eahian (from the EU/legends) mechanic. When his family's mechanic shop was forced out of business on Corulag under xenophobic Imperial policies, Vren'oh joined the Rebel Alliance. Working as one part of an unusual duo (his fellow mechanic should come along a little later this fall), Vren'oh can repair almost anything, develops the most ingenious solutions to problems when resources are unavailable, and is constantly figuring out ways to maximize performance for Rebel starfighters. Admiral Ackbar has been quoted as saying, "If I could just clone those two, the Empire wouldn't stand a chance against our fleet."

A quickly staged image of Vren'oh salvaging parts off a Jedi Starfighter to use in repairing Rebel ships.

focused in on Vren'oh:


Recipe for Vren'oh:
Head = Beast from Disney Beauty and the Beast 2 pack (horns removed and ears sculpted with Kneadatite)
Body = Black Series Rio Durant (with mid section of the body removed)
Feet = Saga Coleman Trebor
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on August 18, 2021, 01:28:18 AM
I can see some heavy bottle recycling there. Love the scene you build with the Jedi Startfighter and all the different cargo containers. I think the bottles go really well for gas containers.
Love the blue metallic of Disney's exclusive R2-SHP, which I recently got from TungHori as well.

Vren'oh looks awesome! What a sweet kit-bash and story! I really dig the tools and devices you gave him. Bane Malar looks nice with that alternate head, too. Cool update!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on August 18, 2021, 03:01:10 AM
Man nice customs. Doallyn looks awesome as does Vren oh.

I gotta agree I love the dio set up too.

Off to the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Blizzard Force on August 18, 2021, 12:39:53 PM
Awesome job on those two. The Doallyn especially - I feel the suddenurge to search for a Bane Malar now… 😉
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 18, 2021, 06:54:04 PM
I can see some heavy bottle recycling there. Love the scene you build with the Jedi Startfighter and all the different cargo containers. I think the bottles go really well for gas containers.
Love the blue metallic of Disney's exclusive R2-SHP, which I recently got from TungHori as well.

Vren'oh looks awesome! What a sweet kit-bash and story! I really dig the tools and devices you gave him. Bane Malar looks nice with that alternate head, too. Cool update!

That's exactly the thought I had when I was getting ready to throw these bottles in the recycle bin. I have decals to add and maybe an electronic panel or something, plus a bit of weathering. Anyway, I'm pretty happy with the outcome. They are Sparkling Ice brand flavored water bottles. Thanks for the kind words...and glad you got the R2 droid.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 18, 2021, 06:54:54 PM
Man nice customs. Doallyn looks awesome as does Vren oh.

I gotta agree I love the dio set up too.

Off to the front pages.

Thanks Tamer. One day I'll get to an actual diorama which includes some of these elements.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 18, 2021, 06:55:33 PM
Awesome job on those two. The Doallyn especially - I feel the suddenurge to search for a Bane Malar now… 😉

:) Thanks!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 20, 2021, 05:26:25 PM
Pretty simple, but I like the way he turned out:
Tremander Brace – A former Rebel Pathfinder, Tremander is now a self-styled “adventurer” lending his skills to exploratory and scouting missions, hunting expeditions and assorted other activities. In truth Major Brace is a New Republic Marshal/Ranger, but he keeps that quiet unless absolutely necessary.


Head = McQuarrie concept Han Solo
Torso = Shoretrooper
Lower torso and legs = Cassian Andor
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on August 21, 2021, 04:43:22 AM
Very nice. Looks tough.

Off to share on the front page.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 21, 2021, 11:06:02 AM
Thanks Tamer. Sometimes simple is serendipitous.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on August 25, 2021, 04:34:43 PM
I remember you mentioned you were making a figure using the tbs Rio, and I've been really looking forward to it, and he looks awesome! It works really well, and the headsculpt looks incredible too.
Tremander brace looks cool. I like him.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 26, 2021, 12:50:43 PM
I remember you mentioned you were making a figure using the tbs Rio, and I've been really looking forward to it, and he looks awesome! It works really well, and the headsculpt looks incredible too.
Tremander brace looks cool. I like him.

Thanks JDeck! Yeah, I finally had a bit of breathing space. The parts have been sitting in a bin for a while now, I finally got to the sculpting bits, assembly and painting. He's a little beefier than the reference images for Pho Ph'eahians, but I'm okay with that. Pretty happy with how he turned out. As I said to Tamer, Brace was a little serendipity. I was going through the fodder and the parts were all just there. All he needed was a little extra material on the neck peg.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: BlackThorne on August 29, 2021, 02:35:51 PM
Nice! I liked this reused empire armors.

This head apart from the headpiece always reminds me of a blonde Kyle Katarn  ;D
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 30, 2021, 10:31:56 PM
Nice! I liked this reused empire armors.

This head apart from the headpiece always reminds me of a blonde Kyle Katarn  ;D

Many thanks! It made sense to me that old armor might get repurposed (plus I just really like the Shoretrooper). Yeah, I could totally see this head for Katarn, maybe its Kyle's blond twin Lyle.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 07, 2021, 10:28:47 PM
Braxissenno P'ol Darquinsis, an Elomin Jedi. Though brought to the Jedi Academy as a young child, Braxissenno (familiarly "Brax") was enculturated enough to have his species' focus on establishing order, which made him adept at finding patterns. He excelled at language acquisition and puzzles. Consequently, when war broke out, Brax became quickly became a respected code breaker. When Order 66 was broadcast, Brax was on a deep space listening station discovering and deciphering Separatist communication. As there were no clone personnel on board this lightly manned station, Brax avoided execution. Intercepting the Jedi signal planted by Obi-Wan Kenobi, Brax was able to steal aboard his Jedi fighter and disappear into the galaxy.


Head = Funko Night King figure (painted with nose trimmed, horns sculpted on)
Body = Clone Wars Obi-Wan
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 08, 2021, 03:01:38 AM
Nice. I like the backstory too.

Off to share on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on September 08, 2021, 09:49:29 AM
Great figure and backstory. I really like the head, it's similar to a zabrak in a way but even more menacing. Is an elomin species something from legends or did you come up with it?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 08, 2021, 06:44:47 PM
Nice. I like the backstory too.

Off to share on the front pages.

Thanks Tamer! As always I appreciate your dedication to our hobby.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 08, 2021, 06:50:22 PM
Great figure and backstory. I really like the head, it's similar to a zabrak in a way but even more menacing. Is an elomin species something from legends or did you come up with it?

The Elomin are an EU/Legends species from the same planet as the Elom (Tanus Spijek from Jabba's palace). They were included in the Essential Guide to Alien Species and one made an appearance as a New Republic Admiral (I think) in the original Thrawn trilogy - this was, I believe their first actual appearance as a species. Thanks for the feedback!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on September 08, 2021, 07:13:02 PM
Great figure and backstory. I really like the head, it's similar to a zabrak in a way but even more menacing. Is an elomin species something from legends or did you come up with it?

The Elomin are an EU/Legends species from the same planet as the Elom (Tanus Spijek from Jabba's palace). They were included in the Essential Guide to Alien Species and one made an appearance as a New Republic Admiral (I think) in the original Thrawn trilogy - this was, I believe their first actual appearance as a species. Thanks for the feedback!

I just looked it up, yeah that's right on.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 08, 2021, 11:05:09 PM
Great figure and backstory. I really like the head, it's similar to a zabrak in a way but even more menacing. Is an elomin species something from legends or did you come up with it?

The Elomin are an EU/Legends species from the same planet as the Elom (Tanus Spijek from Jabba's palace). They were included in the Essential Guide to Alien Species and one made an appearance as a New Republic Admiral (I think) in the original Thrawn trilogy - this was, I believe their first actual appearance as a species. Thanks for the feedback!

I just looked it up, yeah that's right on.

Thanks. The newer colored art has small cheek horns as well, but the original line drawing in the Essential Guide did not, nor did the character Te Corso. I prefer the design without the cheek horns, so that's what I did - though I went with the colors of the newer illustrations  (red tone skin with tan horns). They are really similar to the Zabrak - but the species pre-dated them in the creative timeline, so I thought I should make at least one for my assortment of figures.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Don on September 10, 2021, 06:58:30 AM
Loving that Braximo dude!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 10, 2021, 12:04:51 PM
Loving that Braximo dude!

Thanks, Don!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 10, 2021, 10:49:53 PM
A simple one for tonight. Had the parts from another custom I was building, so:

Beccan Smarko: Hailing from Fondor, his dream was always to be a starfighter technician. He enlisted in the Imperial Navy hoping to achieve his career goals. Beccan was more than a competent tech, but he had a problem, he was chronically playing pranks. While his fellow cadets found pleasure in the tricks he played, it didn't set well with his superiors and Beccan was drummed out of the Navy for "insubordination". To this day, he still wears his garrison cap and calls himself "cadet." Beccan found a place in the more free-flowing culture of the Alliance and quickly made many friends. He is now a Lieutenant training and overseeing young technicians, but he still delights in pranking his colleagues and getting his gloves dirty working on starfighters.


Head = Indiana Jones Russian soldier
Body = VC AT-ST driver
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 12, 2021, 06:33:23 AM
Looks good to me.

Great backstory.

Off to the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: ghostskull18 on September 12, 2021, 09:42:04 PM
Simple but effective , very cool custom!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 12, 2021, 11:02:48 PM
Simple but effective , very cool custom!

Thanks! I thought it was a quick way to get some variation and was pleased with the outcome.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 14, 2021, 08:52:06 PM
Lews Willet, a padawan whose Master died to provide him and escape during order 66. A young teen trying to sort out all the emotions of what had transpired in his universe in a short time, he is found by Sumorn Jagga, who takes him under her wing as she collects masterless padawans and younglings.


Head, arms, and legs = Funko Stranger Things Will figure
Torso = Zett Jukassa

and (inspired by JDeck's build of Chiana from Farscape):

Euleria Raun - Euleria is an Echani. The Echani have a culture that is built around combat, so they are highly trained warriors specializing in melee weapons. Euleria left Eshan to find a way to use her skills to make a living, eventually making her way to Coruscant where she connected with Lady Shadowmark and is now a trusted member of her team (and she gets to use her combat skills regularly!):



Head = GI Joe Helix
Torso = Aayla Secura
Arms and legs = Zorii Bliss
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 15, 2021, 02:51:43 AM
Nice builds both. I definitely thought Farscape on that gal. Great backstories too.

Off to share once again on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 15, 2021, 01:13:36 PM
Nice builds both. I definitely thought Farscape on that gal. Great backstories too.

Off to share once again on the front pages.

Thanks Tamer. When JDeck did his build (I think he called her Zima or something) I realized that I had all the parts sitting around, so decided to "borrow" from him - so the inspiration is really to his credit - but the backstory went a different direction.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on September 16, 2021, 04:55:20 PM
They look great man! Euleria's paint looks great,  I really need to repaint the one I made. Cool stories too.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 16, 2021, 11:06:52 PM
They look great man! Euleria's paint looks great,  I really need to repaint the one I made. Cool stories too.

Thanks JDeck! I was inspired to put her together after I saw yours. I liked your Arkanian hybrid idea, but didn't want to copy:) So I went Echani from the EU for my Star Wars version of Chiana. I hope you will show pics when you repaint.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 22, 2021, 11:01:12 PM
For tonight:
When Lady Shadowmark needs discrete, precise surgical work she sends Euleria, but sometimes the mission profile calls for more force than finesse. This is what Skardossk lives for. He never fails to make a statement, whether is it to intimidate or eliminate. Rumors abound regarding the cybernetic implants in Skardossk’s head. Some think it is the result of years of gladiatorial combat, some say its from a hand-to-hand encounter with the great Wookiee chieftain Tarfful. One popular tale has Skardossk saving Lady Shadowmark’s life when she turned down an “offer” from the shadowy head of the Crimson Dawn, but everyone’s favorite is that he survived a run-in with Darth Vader. He likes to keep the air of mystery, knowing that it adds to his reputation.



Head, arms and feet = POTF Bossk
Body = Force Link Baze Malbus
cybernetics cut from a cast of a GI Joe figure (I don't know which one)

Boy am I missing my camera - the phone just doesn't take clear enough images. Hopefully I'll find it and be able to update some of these shots.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 23, 2021, 02:37:07 AM
He looks great. I like him a lot. Nice work.

Off to share on the front pages.

I love the work around his eyes!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 24, 2021, 01:52:28 PM
He looks great. I like him a lot. Nice work.

Off to share on the front pages.

I love the work around his eyes!

Thanks! I thought it worked - and uses one of those Baze Malbus bodies pretty effectively:) There was a lot of fiddlely cutting to get those cybernetic parts - but my hands aren't steady enough to sculpt anything that small, so that's what I have to do.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on September 24, 2021, 11:29:49 PM
Cool trandoshan! Potf2 aien figures are actually pretty good even by today's standard. The Zuckuss i think looks better than the legacy one. Yeah the cybernetics on his eye is well done.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 25, 2021, 05:39:13 AM
I think you pulled it off great. I could so see a Trandoshan doing something like that.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 25, 2021, 05:52:05 PM
Cool trandoshan! Potf2 aien figures are actually pretty good even by today's standard. The Zuckuss i think looks better than the legacy one. Yeah the cybernetics on his eye is well done.

Thanks, JDeck. I agree that the alien sculpts hold up pretty well on many of the POTF2 figures. I haven't looked at Zuckuss in a while, but wouldn't be at all surprised (newer isn't always better).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 25, 2021, 05:53:02 PM
I think you pulled it off great. I could so see a Trandoshan doing something like that.

Thanks. I totally thought it would work (if the Wookiee bounty hunter Snoova has implants, why wouldn't a Trandoshan?).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 26, 2021, 06:22:39 AM
Good point about Snoova. I really like the Trandoshan Alien character. They make great everything.

Have you ever seen a Trandoshan Mando? I know I have a few Jedi and Sith Customs.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 26, 2021, 02:25:18 PM
No, I've not seen a Trandoshan Mando - but that could totally work. Now I guess I have to try and figure out how to build an appropriate helmet.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 27, 2021, 02:34:13 AM
LOL. Sorry, was just kind of thinking out loud.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 27, 2021, 04:40:36 PM
 ;D No, but really, I kind of think it would be cool and have some ideas about the base parts for the design, my only question really is the helmet.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 28, 2021, 02:26:32 AM
Yeah, you would have to have the Mando helmet to fit him I would think.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 28, 2021, 08:29:50 PM
Got an idea today. Let's see if I can assemble all the appropriate parts, shall we?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 29, 2021, 02:57:52 AM
Got an idea today. Let's see if I can assemble all the appropriate parts, shall we?

cool deal. Man, I can't wait to see what you pull off for this one.

Don't you have a 3D Printer? Man, you could design and print the first Trandoshan Mando helmet!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 29, 2021, 10:50:34 AM
My son has one, but I haven't touched it yet. I'm overloaded enough that finished all the figure projects takes up what spare time I have and I haven't yet looked into the programs for designing .stl files. Maybe I'll get around to it in the winter, but we'll see.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: BlackThorne on September 29, 2021, 05:56:59 PM
My son has one, but I haven't touched it yet. I'm overloaded enough that finished all the figure projects takes up what spare time I have and I haven't yet looked into the programs for designing .stl files. Maybe I'll get around to it in the winter, but we'll see.

I wanted to dive deep into 3D printing too, maybe design something original. The possibilities are unlimited.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 30, 2021, 08:01:02 PM
Raam and Baash:(characters from the LEGO Freemaker Adventures).
Most often seen publicly working as bounty hunters for Garballa the Hutt, they often seem quite inept and easily distracted. They are under contract to Lady Shadowmark, who “releases” them to Garballa at Jabba’s request (its his way of sabotaging Garballa’s attempts to become independent). In a yet another layer of deception, Raam and Baash are actually cousins Samsir and Mekmil Taruun, intelligence operatives for the Rebel Alliance. The cousins suspect that Lady Shadowmark knows, but are playing a “don’t ask, don’t tell” game.



Head and hands = ROTS Saesee Tiin
Torso = Boss Fight Blasted Lands Orc
Arms and legs = Indiana Jones Deluxe German Soldier
Belt = Jango Fett (TAC)

Baash: (I've shown him before)
Head and hands = ROTS Saesee Tiin
Body = VC Verdain
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 30, 2021, 08:11:07 PM
Tog Horog:
Much has been made of the near extinction of the Dashade species and there is an aura of mystery around them. Capitalizing on this mystique and their natural ability to dissipate heat so as to be very difficult to detect with scanners, they are in high demand as assassins. Tog’s presence in Lady Shadowmark’s council chambers tends to keep her visitors in line.



The source material on Dashade is a bit confused. They are described as "hulking" and shown with regular hands or large hands with three talons (one of which is opposable). But the original Dashade is Ket Maliss from the Holiday special and he is human sized and has two large clawed hands. So... I did one with "normal" hands and one with claws - though I might modify them as the Ket Maliss costume had smooth pinchers.

Head = customs cast from someone - I think Starwars Geek.
Head wrap = Force link Jyn Erso
Upper torso and arms = VC Klaatu
Lower torso and legs = Fortnite Battle Hound
Claws = Boss Fight mini-pack (crustacean)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 30, 2021, 08:12:43 PM
Nar Bevan:
Advozse, the senator appointed to represent Riflor loyalists when Silvu Donte tried to secede from the Republic. He ran afoul of the newly formed Empire, however, as an outspoken advocate of representation. His life was saved through the intervention of Lady Shadowmark and a distraction caused by his friend the Advozse Jedi Knight, Salu Nurn who lost his life battling the Inquistor and troops sent to “detain” Nar. Or did Salu and Nar change places, banking on the inability of many humans to notice the difference between Advozsec so that Salu could escape because Nar was fighting a terminal disease that no doctor in the Republic could find a treatment for? Now uses his insight and diplomatic skill as Lady Shadowmark’s Majordomo.


Recipe (pretty simple):
Head = Bom Vimdin
Body = Greef Karga
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 30, 2021, 08:16:53 PM
Here's a group shot of Shadowmark's "court". I am hoping to build a diorama of the receiving chamber in her residence, which she calls "Twilight Oasis."

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Don on September 30, 2021, 09:53:26 PM
Loving that group shot!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 30, 2021, 10:45:58 PM
Loving that group shot!

Thanks Don! As I said, I'm hoping to build out a diorama backdrop for this group (plus a few figures).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 30, 2021, 11:38:07 PM
Nudge, a Cthon:
Driven out of his pack when he challenged the Alpha and failed to defeat him, he was near death from starvation and blood loss when an urchin named Alia found him and slowly earned his trust and nursed him back to health. When weak, he would sometimes push his snout into Alia hand, so she took to calling him Nudge and the name stuck. Eventually, Alia was found and adopted by Lady Shadowmark, so now Nudge belongs to the "family" and is far more frightening and effective than any massif could be.


The reference material on Cthon is again varied. They are in a video game with read and yellowish skin and an exposed brain. But the comics have them looking very much like emaciated humans or monkeys either gray skinned or very pale. They are also called Troglodytes. I like the comic rendition better, so went with the Funko Demogorgon body and a head modified from the movie Kilowog and cast. Matching the color of the Funko figure was near impossible for me (it's still too pink), but I'm okay with what I got. Its late and I don't have good photo lighting, so I'll take a new picture outside in the daylight soonish.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on October 01, 2021, 02:57:48 AM
Wow, just updates all over the place. I like them all.

Let me go get some of this on the front pages. I too like that group shot. Can't wait to see what you do for the dio.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 01, 2021, 06:59:14 PM
Thanks, Tamer. I'm really trying to figure out what kind of decor/design the space will be. I don't want industrial, I want something nicer, maybe more refined than "space hallways."
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 10, 2022, 06:23:50 PM
Its been awhile, but here are some new customs for the new year.

Massuri Gitru – cousin to Talu Ooran and personal bodyguard to Crown Princess Lelit:


     Head = Animal Warriors of the Kingdom Tiberius
     Body = JoyToys Golden Saluk female warrior

Veoza Nepp - a member of Airen Cracken's Raiders battalion, partnered with Egrel Semot:


     Head = Nikto Skiff Guard (I think) w/ the Endor Trooper helmet
     Body = Walmart Black series Scarif trooper
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on January 10, 2022, 06:31:14 PM
Great figures! Massuri gitru is fantastic. I like the head, the warrior body is also pretty awesome.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 10, 2022, 07:15:35 PM
Great figures! Massuri gitru is fantastic. I like the head, the warrior body is also pretty awesome.

Thanks, JDeck! I was pretty excited with how well the parts combined on her. I got interrupted while posting so I've got a few more for tonight, actually.  :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 10, 2022, 07:24:56 PM
Nattas Japelour - an archeologist and geologist, sometimes partnered with and sometimes a congenial rival with Keraly Mesa



     Head and hands = Bespin Wing Guard
     Head wrap = Comic 2-pack Mara Jade
     Torso = carbonite Han
     Vest = Cassian Andor jacket
     Arms = Temple Guard, Indiana Jones
     Belt = from Animal Warriors of the Kingdom (purchased from Virtuvian Armory)
     Legs = Borsk Feylya
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 10, 2022, 07:38:37 PM
Gerrin Matenais - a smuggler. Gerrin (soft "g" like a "j") is friends with Rig Sarkia and sometimes works with him, but usually keeps to herself.


     Head = Ginny Weasly
     Body = GI Joe Jinx
     Holster = Bom Vimdin
     Coat = Pirates of the Caribbean Angelica

Vaari Esrin - Space pirate, sometimes rival to Hondo


     Head = Harry Potter Cho
     Body = TVC Mara Jade
     Coat = Loki
These two figures I built some time ago, but didn't ever post. I think it was because I borrowed the recipes for these figures, maybe from "my kind of scum" but I can't remember now. 
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 10, 2022, 07:45:53 PM
Sayawan Ventrobi - "what if" Obi Wan and Asajj Venrtress had a different relationship.


     Head = Pirates of the Caribbean Elizabeth Swann (the one in Asian dress)
     Torso = Walmart Black series Ahsoka Tano
     Arms = Walmart Black series sequel Leia
     Legs = comic 2-pack Mara Jade

Finn and Leia - "what if" Finn became the Jedi he should have and had the right romance - with Rey. That would make their children the "Knights of Renn."


Finn recipe:
     Head = 5 POA Finn
     Body = ROTS Kit Fisto
Leia recipe:
     Yaz from Camp Cretaceous with Aurra Sing belt and sift goods skirt from a Senate guard

Plo Koon - "what if" Plo Koon survived - which I still think he did :) and became a fringe wanderer on the Outer Rim:


     Head = Legacy Plo Koon
     Body = Bom Vimdin
     Vest = Fortnite Renegade Shadow
     Pack from a Stranger Things figure, Bala-Tik blaster, and Rey staff.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 10, 2022, 07:49:46 PM
And one last one for tonight:

Han Solo, as he was conceived for the "The Star Wars" an earlier script for Star Wars, which Dark Horse turned into a comic. He was to be a green alien from not Correlia but Ureallia:


I like the design so I brought him into the Star Wars universe this way:

Has Nollo –
The Ureallian, Has Nollo, through an unfortunate clerical error, found his picture associated with the name Han Solo and had to defend himself from more than a few eager bounty hunters. This situation produced three outcomes: 1. The professional shock-boxer and regional Teras Kasi champion took the Bounty Hunter Guild and Imperial records division to civil court on three separate occasions and became very wealthy as a result; 2. He developed a significant reputation within the Guild as a dangerous quarry, so much so that bounty hunters wishing to dispose of a rival would suggest they go after “Han Solo…the green one.” The Guild actively turns down bounties on Has, as he has proven bad for business. 3. Taking some of his new wealth, Has bought a long-range courier and outfitted it with upgraded weapons, sensors and shields, aptly named the “Mistaken Identity” and offered his services to the Alliance specifically to protect or rescue Alliance assets with bounties on their heads. He has become a valuable part of Bren Derlin’s Special Forces team.

     Head = Hiya Swamp Thing
     Upper Torso/arms = Marvel universe Sabertooth
     Hands = Fortnite Jonesy
     Lower torso/upper legs = Fortnite Skull Trooper
     Lower legs = some orange anime alien figure in my fodder box
     Feet = Legacy Quarren Soldier
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on January 11, 2022, 04:01:27 AM
Wow, I can see you have been busy. I really like your different takes on the regular SW storyline. Love the child from Obi and Ventress. Poor guy getting attacked for possibly being Han cracks me up too. Great stuff.

Off to the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 11, 2022, 01:16:08 PM
Wow, I can see you have been busy. I really like your different takes on the regular SW storyline. Love the child from Obi and Ventress. Poor guy getting attacked for possibly being Han cracks me up too. Great stuff.

Off to the front pages.

Thanks Tamer, I'm glad you got a kick out of it  ;D The truth is Fall was really challenging in terms of time and emotional commitments, so I really didn't work on anything until I had some time off at Christmas - hence the new "dump" as I was finishing things in the pipeline.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on January 11, 2022, 05:54:32 PM
Great figures! Massuri gitru is fantastic. I like the head, the warrior body is also pretty awesome.

Thanks, JDeck! I was pretty excited with how well the parts combined on her. I got interrupted while posting so I've got a few more for tonight, actually.  :)

Yeah I really jumped the gun. They're all really well done. The what if concepts are smart and imaginative. Has nollo has to be my favorite, really cool looking, i really like the swamp thing head.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 11, 2022, 07:09:15 PM
Great figures! Massuri gitru is fantastic. I like the head, the warrior body is also pretty awesome.

Thanks, JDeck! I was pretty excited with how well the parts combined on her. I got interrupted while posting so I've got a few more for tonight, actually.  :)

Yeah I really jumped the gun. They're all really well done. The what if concepts are smart and imaginative. Has nollo has to be my favorite, really cool looking, i really like the swamp thing head.

I'm really happy with how he turned out. I knew when I saw the Hiya toys Swamp Thing that I could use it for this figure - which I've wanted to do since the comic came out (which is like nine years ago). If I was ever to do a photonovel (which is unlikely) I'd probably use him as a central character. I loved the alien concept for Han and the Dark Horse folks did a good job turning the early version of George's script into a story.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 17, 2022, 04:09:53 PM
Tellery Hedrakim - a very successful gambler, but also quick with his hold-out blaster or vibro-sword cane if necessary. Known to many simply as "Teller," Tellery is very gregarious and social, with a vast network of friends and acquaintances. Though not technically an information broker, he does have a wealth of valuable information and contacts, which he might be willing to share for a favor in return.


     Head = Marvel universe Mr. Fantastic
     Body = TVC Peasant Anakin
     Jacket/Scarf = Force link Lando (from Solo)
     Cane = Jazwares Assassin's Creed Evie Frye
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on January 18, 2022, 06:47:55 AM
Very nice. Looks like my kind of scoundrel. Wonder if he owns a hunk of junk?

Off to the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Clonehead on January 18, 2022, 07:07:54 AM
Nice parts mix for this one
Looks like a high roller
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on January 18, 2022, 11:17:37 AM
He is dashing. I like the peasant anakin shirt, works great with the lando cape and scarf. Altogether looks great.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on January 18, 2022, 01:11:49 PM
Now he'll need an entourage to go places with him. 
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 18, 2022, 04:16:07 PM
Very nice. Looks like my kind of scoundrel. Wonder if he owns a hunk of junk?

Off to the front pages.

Thanks, Tamer. Don't know yet about the ship, but I don't think it will fit the "hunk of junk" category. Tellery has to much style for that:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 18, 2022, 04:16:42 PM
Nice parts mix for this one
Looks like a high roller

Thanks Clonehead, that was the intention.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 18, 2022, 04:18:31 PM
He is dashing. I like the peasant anakin shirt, works great with the lando cape and scarf. Altogether looks great.

Thanks, JDeck. I was hoping to do a character that looked a bit "upscale" and have always thought the peasant Anakin body worked well for that. You know, the string tie and fancy vest of the "gambler" trope of the 'Ole West.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 18, 2022, 04:19:33 PM
Now he'll need an entourage to go places with him.

Thanks, RC - consort? bodyguard? personal assistant? droid? or maybe he's just a loner...we'll see
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 14, 2022, 05:53:52 PM
Iglean Mud-Runners: so named because of their ability to run across the scalding wet mud flats of their native planet. For three decades Imperial zoologists insisted they were non-sentient so they suffered as "game" to various big game hunters. The hunting was stopped by interference of the Jedi-in-hiding Erris Raek (seen on page 44 of this thread). In fact, they were quite sentient and call themselves the Cha’Qua’Doc. They are not advanced in terms of electronic or military technology, having only developed to steam technology, but they are masters of minerals. They can “smell” different minerals like a bloodhound can follow an animal scent or a pig can smell truffles. They make beautiful jewelry, mineral gardens, and have the most advanced stone architecture in the galaxy. There are four “categories” of Cha, roughly translated (in an attempt to keep the original Cha alliteration): questors, cutters, carvers, and constructors (those who find, those who dress, those who decorate, and those who assemble). All are equal – no class of Cha is more esteemed or less – they are a very cooperative and collectivist culture, not a caste-based one. This particular Cha is called Sansy-dran and belongs to the "quester" discipline. He is the Cha with the closest relationship to Erris, and would like to go off-world with him some day.



Head/Tail = Jurassic World Ramphorhynchus
Body/Arms = Mustafar sentry
Upper legs = movie Alpha 5 arms
Lower legs/Feet = Some purple lizard figure I found at Walmart (I can't remember the line)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on February 15, 2022, 03:41:42 AM
Sure does look to me like they could run on some mud. Great body style and most excellent background as well.

Off to share on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on February 15, 2022, 11:49:56 AM
Interesting mix of parts on this custom. Definitely has a very unique vibe! 
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on February 15, 2022, 03:49:17 PM
Awesome! The parts you used worked out great. I like the reverse kneecap, i forgot to biological term, but you know what I mean. The head is really cool.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 15, 2022, 10:39:02 PM
Sure does look to me like they could run on some bud. Great body style and most excellent background as well.

Off to share on the front pages.

Thanks Tamer! I had fun thinking this one up. He's been in parts for about a year.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 15, 2022, 10:40:11 PM
Interesting mix of parts on this custom. Definitely has a very unique vibe!

Thanks RC - I was hoping for something unique:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 15, 2022, 10:45:46 PM
Awesome! The parts you used worked out great. I like the reverse kneecap, i forgot to biological term, but you know what I mean. The head is really cool.

Thanks JDeck - I really liked the head and thought it would make a great new species, thus began the journey that produced the Cha. He was fun, but I don't want to make a whole tribe of them, that's for sure :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 04, 2022, 05:23:01 PM
Here's the re-post of Xecros Raune:
I've always liked the EU/Legends material because of the alien species that it adds to the Star Wars Universe. One of the species I've liked since they first showed up in the old RPG game was the Tunroth. I've had a Ak-Rev torso sitting around for years that I thought would work great. I stumbled across the figures for the old Space Precinct TV show and realized I could probably modify a head appropriately, so work began.

Xecros Raune - a Tunroth orphaned during the Reslian Purge. Like most Tunroth, Xecros grew up trained to track and hunt. He poured his rage and sorrow into training and out-performed most of his "classmates." Harboring animosity toward the Empire for not stepping into the Reslian crisis sooner, Xecros chose not to join the bounty hunting tradition that many of his species did. Instead, he found that he could use his skills brilliantly as a pirate, striking out against the Empire in a small way and also generating tremendous profits he could send back to Reslia to help with the rebuilding effort. In time he was recruited by Vaari and serves as her Quartermaster, keeping the crew in line and well-disciplined.



Head = Space Precinct Officer Orrin (with modifcations)
Torso and belt = Av-Rev (Jabba's Klatooine drummer)
Arms = Fortnite Jonesy
Hands = POTF Bossk
Legs = Fortnite Battlehound
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 04, 2022, 05:34:32 PM
And to Vaari Esrin's crew I add her chief engineer/shipwright, the Quarren Hadee Klir. Hadee grew up building in the shipyards of Dac, she was captured in an Imperial raid and enslaved. When the Alliance attacked the shipyards where she worked, Hadee took the opportunity to escape by stowing away on an Imperial transport fleeing the attack. The transport was targeted by a small pirate crew led by Vaari. After finding the Quarren while ransacking the ship, Vaari gave Hadee the opportunity to join her crew.



Recipe (this one is pretty simple):
Head = custom cast by Starwarsgeek
Body = Jyn Erso
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 05, 2022, 08:03:58 AM
I would love to see a Quarren Gal in one of the lastest movies or TV shows. Great custom.

Off to share to the front pages.

Thanks for reposting your last custom. Sorry it got lost in our forums bermuda triangle.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 05, 2022, 06:06:09 PM
Thanks Tamer. No worries about the last post, weirdness happens. I'd actually love to see a few more female aliens - Devaronian is top of the list, but a Mon Cal and Kel Dor would be great too.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 06, 2022, 07:48:00 AM
I agree. I want to see some of these Aliens be good guys too. It seems whenever we see a SW Alien its always a villian or a bad guy. I hope if Rogue Squadron gets made we really get the cool alien rebel pilots in the books; if that movie gets made now.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 06, 2022, 01:49:59 PM
I agree. I want to see some of these Aliens be good guys too. It seems whenever we see a SW Alien its always a villian or a bad guy. I hope if Rogue Squadron gets made we really get the cool alien rebel pilots in the books; if that movie gets made now.

Yes. I would particularly like to see an alien main character. I get tired of them always being the sidekick.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 07, 2022, 03:22:22 AM
Now thats an even better idea.

And not a Twi Lek.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 07, 2022, 01:31:01 PM
Now thats an even better idea.

And not a Twi Lek.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 07, 2022, 01:45:46 PM
Another member of Vaari's command crew. Her navigator Iikar Bledit. The Givin have an interesting relationship with most in the Galaxy. Mathematically brilliant, they can seem cold, aloof, and rude to others. Their physiology doesn't help either, being associated with monsters or other creepy creatures from many species' nightmares. So when a Givin happens to be an extrovert with a penchant for academic disciplines associated with the Humanities - philosophy, history, language, the arts -  what's he to do? Iikar decided to find a crew of non-Givin that would appreciate his ability to make astro-navigational calculations while allowing him to explore his "artistic" side. Eventually he found himself part of the pirate crew Vaari has built and is "at home" acting as navigator.


Head = TAC Elis Helrot
Body = Walmart exclusive 3.75" BS Force Awakens Han Solo
     I had to build up the neck peg substantially in order to use the Helrot head. In the end I wound up cutting off the original neck peg adding the neck peg from the Legacy Sandstorm Solo and using hot glue. I think it worked pretty well.
Arms = Legacy Sandstorm Han Solo
Hands = Marauder Gun Runners
Duster (sans sleeves) = Force Link 2.0 DJ
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 08, 2022, 03:22:47 AM
Nice custom. Love the backstory too.

Off to the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 08, 2022, 11:06:12 AM
Nice custom. Love the backstory too.

Off to the front pages.

Thanks, Tamer!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 16, 2022, 04:13:27 PM
I've been waiting for Queen Solan from Boss Fight Studios to arrive. She did and I thought I'd have a little fun:

Before she was an Alliance shock trooper, she was Lady Cara Dune, Viscountess of House Dune, a minor noble house of Alderaan, owing fealty to House Teraan.



The recipe is a simple headswap :)

     Proud member of the CSOTC Society
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Lenny Quinn on March 16, 2022, 04:53:12 PM
Love this!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 16, 2022, 05:07:03 PM
Love this!

Thanks Lenny - just a little fun  ;D

     Proud member of the CSOTC Society.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on March 16, 2022, 05:35:38 PM
Ive been checking in regularly just got out of the habit of posting. Thse are all awesome! I've never heard of space precinct, the alien looks great. You always find the most obscure figures for parts, they always work out great.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 16, 2022, 09:08:38 PM
Ive been checking in regularly just got out of the habit of posting. These are all awesome! I've never heard of space precinct, the alien looks great. You always find the most obscure figures for parts, they always work out great.

Thanks JDeck! Space Precinct was a Gerry Anderson British TV show that aired on late night syndication here in the US while I was in grad school - hence I saw a few episodes (brain break during late night study sessions). I had forgotten that they made figures for the line, but found some in a garage sale. Anyway, I live not far from a vintage toy store, and am friends with the owner, so he's always showing me stuff - its great inspiration for fodder.

     Proud member of the CSOTC Society
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 17, 2022, 03:01:57 AM
Wow, look perfect to me. Great backstory too.

I did see that Disney hired Gina back right?

Am I wrong in wanting Boss Fight Studios to get the SW license?

Off to the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 17, 2022, 01:33:03 PM
Wow, look perfect to me. Great backstory too.

I did see that Disney hired Gina back right?

Am I wrong in wanting Boss Fight Studios to get the SW license?

Off to the front pages.

Thanks Tamer :) You are totally not wrong to want Boss Fight to take over. I love their figures and the quality of their sculpts is fantastic! But...they like their creative freedom and wouldn't take too kindly to Disney micromanaging things I would think. Plus, they don't manufacture on a Star Wars license scale and I would hate to see them lose their more personal corporate culture to satisfy the demanding and sometimes whiney Star Wars fans that I see comment on some sites. Also, I don't believe that they have ever produced any kind of vehicle.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 18, 2022, 03:09:06 AM
Also, I don't believe that they have ever produced any kind of vehicle.

Kind of like Hasbro now? LOL, couldn't resist.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 25, 2022, 02:04:09 PM
Have wanted to do a figure of this species for a while, was designing it off a Jazwares Halo Brute figure (which just felt too big) when Soundrel's Stock put the exact head sculpt up on their site. So back to the drawing board to produce a figure I'm really happy with:

Letarius Vasso – same species at Jastus Farr; a Jedi “Brute”  (from the ROTS video game) who was off-planet during the Purge, on mission to his home planet – a closely guarded secret – to recruit potential new Jedi Peacekeepers. He received the transmission put in place by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda and headed for the stars. He found work, and cover, as Tellery Hedrakim’s body-guard – a role served well by his imposing size and Jedi trained perception. Well-practiced from keeping his home planet’s name and location secret,  he keeps his status as a former Jedi secret as well.




Head = Scoundrel's Stock "Brute" head
Body = Jazwares League of Legends Darius
     The Darius body much beefier than the usual bodies in this scale - but not so large as the Halo bodies, so it worked perfectly. I removed the cape and should armor and added a soft goods kilt/skirt as a "head nod" to his Jedi uniform.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on March 25, 2022, 04:06:28 PM
He looks awesome! Wasn't familiar with the species but a quick google, and yeah he's spot on! Good size and I like the softgoods too. 
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 25, 2022, 04:31:53 PM
He looks awesome! Wasn't familiar with the species but a quick google, and yeah he's spot on! Good size and I like the softgoods too.

Thanks! I ran across the character Jastus Farr from the comic pack figure of Master Tsui Choi. Had to read the comics with him in it and that's where I encountered Farr and thought, how fun would he be as a figure. The 3.75" Wink from Hellboy is a close facsimile, but not quite big enough. So I was pleased when Scoundrels Stock did the head and the Darius body just worked right. Pretty serendipitous.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 25, 2022, 09:26:05 PM
Just for fun:

Palder Capeti – A Jedi scholar and scientist. Palder was absent-minded, socially “odd,” and more than ordinarily fascinated with the possibility of time travel. A brilliant, if erratic, scientist, Palder was ill-suited to command when war broke out and the Jedi were pressed into service as officers. Then one day, Palder was just gone. Members of his command are very tight-lipped about what happened, though occasionally someone will whisper about a blue box and shake his head in confusion. Also of note, almost all the clones present at Palder's disappearance were unaffected by the transmission of Order 66, as if their biochips had stopped working.


Head = 12th Doctor (Peter Capaldi)
Body = CW Mace Windu
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 26, 2022, 06:12:52 AM
Man, reminds me of Ichabod Crane for some reason. I could see a Droid or Sep Headless Horseman driving him insane.

Man, great story. I would sure love to read more about this blue box and what happened and where he ended up after Order 66. Man, now that I think on it, a series of surviving Jedis novels after order 66 would be fun.

Off to share this on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Don on March 26, 2022, 07:23:38 AM
Yes! You made a science-nerd Jedi!  ;D
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 26, 2022, 06:37:05 PM
Man, reminds me of Ichabod Crane for some reason. I could see a Droid or Sep Headless Horseman driving him insane.

Man, great story. I would sure love to read more about this blue box and what happened and where he ended up after Order 66. Man, now that I think on it, a series of surviving Jedis novels after order 66 would be fun.

Off to share this on the front pages.

Thanks Tamer, Jedi surviving Order 66 would be kind of cool. They've done a few bits in the comics. I got the Doctor Who figure at a second hand store and just couldn't resist making a TARDIS reference :) Not sure I would know how to write a story about it, though - could go odd.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 26, 2022, 06:38:04 PM
Yes! You made a science-nerd Jedi!  ;D

Thanks Don, the Jedi have got to have scientists right? And they can't all be Mace Windu or Yoda.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 26, 2022, 06:48:55 PM
Cossil Darda - A Sluissi technician and mechanic. Longtime collaborator with the Vren'oh.


With his teammate, Vren'oh:

The source material for Sluissi is a little mixed - there are three similar yet distinct designs for them (all of them pictured in the Wookieepedia article). I combined some elements and came up with what you see.
Head = Ellorrs Madak. The head "fins" are made from Jar Jar's ears.
Torso and Arms = Polis Massans with the bottom dremeled to receive the lower torso...
Lower torso = Boss Fight Gorgon (Green Mamba)
Vest from Bodhi Rook and apron from the Boss Fight chef blind bag mini-kit

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 26, 2022, 10:56:15 PM
Also, here's the link for Scoundrels Stock for the "Brute" head,
I used for the post yesterday:
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 27, 2022, 06:07:28 AM
Well I can see I missed your Jedi Brute. Dang that is a great figure too.

Love your Naga technician and mechanic too.

You do a great job with alien species. We so need more of these in our SW Verse.

Off to share these on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 27, 2022, 02:25:11 PM
Well I can see I missed your Jedi Brute. Dang that is a great figure too.

Love your Naga technician and mechanic too.

You do a great job with alien species. We so need more of these in our SW Verse.

Off to share these on the front pages.

Thanks so much, Tamer. I try with the aliens. As a kid what I loved most about Star Wars figures was the opportunity to tell my own stories, not simply replay the movie. So I loved the background characters. I used my Kenner Greedo as Sleedo, Greedo's more noble cousin who had adventures as a Rebel agent. I understand the need for Hasbro to make main characters, but I've always thought they missed an opportunity to encourage creative play by not expanding the range of "neutral" or "generic" figures. I've always thought they should include a smattering of "world builder" figures, e.g. a random Bothan, a random Trandoshan, a random Cathar, etc. Doing scene filler characters, like the Cantina denizens, was a step this direction. But, I mean, what kid in the 80s (or early 2000's) wouldn't want a humanoid lion - even if he had no name - to use with Star Wars, G I Joe or whatever. I would've bought a couple even as a little kid. So now I try to world build my own figures...and aliens are just so bleeding fun.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on March 27, 2022, 06:52:38 PM
Very cool! The duros with jar jar ears worked great! At first I was like it looks familiar but it's an all new look, didn't notice it until i read the recipe. Good job.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 27, 2022, 09:07:55 PM
Very cool! The duros with jar jar ears worked great! At first I was like it looks familiar but it's an all new look, didn't notice it until i read the recipe. Good job.

Thanks! Took me a while to figure it out, but I'd do it again if I make another Sluissi.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 29, 2022, 08:09:48 PM
A little fun for today:
Jenn Starchaser doesn't spend his days hiding out. He leaves his compound regularly, but he's wise enough not to draw attention to himself by wearing Jedi inspired clothing (even though his "robes" are a bit unusual):


His usual "traveling/adventuring" outfit:


with Plo Koon:

I'm working on a backpack and I need to find the right color to dye his duster to match his sleeves - that might be a while, so I thought I post him as is.

Head = TVC Obi-Wan
Torso and arms = Chicken Fried Dime Store Legends (the torso - Sharpshooter; the arms - Cowpuncher)
Duster = Yondu (Starlord two-pack)
Belts = one from Marauder Gun-runners (with clip pouches and Kukri kinfe); one from a Han Solo (don't know which)
Legs = TVC Klaatu
Kepi/field cap and rifle= Dime Store Legends
Sword = Boss Fight Studios
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on March 30, 2022, 03:21:39 PM
Cool! Is he a self portrait custom? I like his civil war/western look.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 30, 2022, 06:05:09 PM
Yes, Jenn was/is a "self portrait" figure. I'm a big civil war history buff and so this look was certainly inspired by those influences (the Klaatu pants are as close to Zouave baggy pants/pantaloons as I could find).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 31, 2022, 03:03:44 AM
Nice. Very nice.

Off to share on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 01, 2022, 01:03:32 AM
Nice. Very nice.

Off to share on the front pages.

Thanks, Tamer. I'm happy with it.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on April 01, 2022, 11:36:38 PM
Very unique set of customs this go around. Great work!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 03, 2022, 03:40:59 PM
Very unique set of customs this go around. Great work!

Thanks, RC. I keep trying to expand the alien pool:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on April 05, 2022, 12:36:15 PM
Very unique set of customs this go around. Great work!

Thanks, RC. I keep trying to expand the alien pool:)

That's something I need to work on here at some point; I definitely need to make background aliens.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 05, 2022, 09:37:57 PM
Very unique set of customs this go around. Great work!

Thanks, RC. I keep trying to expand the alien pool:)

That's something I need to work on here at some point; I definitely need to make background aliens.

Go for it! Its kind of fun to figure out how to build them (and making up your own is fun, too). I'm sure you'd come up with some excellent customs.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 10, 2022, 08:05:13 PM
So this is not custom, but a "whoa..." shot. I saw the new-ish Avatar the Last Air Bender Appa on sale at Walmart early this last Fall and thought it might work as a snow mount of some kind. I set Moroff on him and thought "That works." I was going to snap a quick shot in the snow this winter, but never got to it.  Then...low and snowed half and inch at my house north of Seattle today. In the whole history of my life I don't believe it has ever snowed this late in the spring in the Seattle metro area. So I grabbed Appa and Moroff and ran out and took a picture before it all turned to rain - its a bit blurry as I was hurrying and it was really wet, but it makes the point. Snow on Palm Sunday in Seattle, I'm just shaking my head in wonderment.


Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on April 11, 2022, 03:07:56 AM
I agree it works.

And yes, it snowed all this weekend at my house too. Crazy times. I can't ever remember getting snow this late.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on April 11, 2022, 05:06:53 AM
That is cool. Its like a cross between a bantha, a wampa and a caterpillar. I like it.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on April 11, 2022, 12:40:27 PM
Looks great! The only thing I could suggest to make it feel more "SW" is a repaint. Because I cannot get past seeing Appa from Avatar lol. I think if you did that it would be a great change. Not that you have to do so, but it's a great use of other toy lines to integrate into your collection.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Moronarama on April 11, 2022, 01:04:19 PM
It's a good fit, they seem like the go together.  I dig the Jenn Starchaser figure as well, especially his traveling gear.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 11, 2022, 07:45:22 PM
I agree it works.

And yes, it snowed all this weekend at my house too. Crazy times. I can't ever remember getting snow this late.

Thanks Tamer. Yep...crazy times!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 11, 2022, 07:46:00 PM
That is cool. Its like a cross between a bantha, a wampa and a caterpillar. I like it.

Thanks. I thought it would fit the Star Wars universe well enough.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 11, 2022, 07:50:51 PM
Looks great! The only thing I could suggest to make it feel more "SW" is a repaint. Because I cannot get past seeing Appa from Avatar lol. I think if you did that it would be a great change. Not that you have to do so, but it's a great use of other toy lines to integrate into your collection.

Thanks RC, and yeah, I want to get rid of the "arrow" on his back for sure. I like the yellow-white color for a snow creature, so I'll leave that, but may come up with some other ideas. I'm always looking to pirate from other lines to world-build.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 11, 2022, 07:52:03 PM
It's a good fit, they seem like the go together.  I dig the Jenn Starchaser figure as well, especially his traveling gear.

Thanks Moronarama! I'm a bit partial to Starchaser myself  ;)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 19, 2022, 11:01:58 PM
A few for tonight - working on "background" characters:

Aeved Da'allin - a bounty hunter. Aeved has an interesting approach to bounty hunting. He is actively interested in flying below the radar, knowing that the “big name” bounty hunters pay a cost for their notoriety. He handles many smaller jobs with efficiency and discretion, accepting jobs that do not put him into the line of sight of the Empire, the major corporations, criminal syndicates, or the Alliance. He is an expert combatant but prefers to use diplomacy and cleverness to accomplish his ends.


Head = Weazel (Solo multipack)
Torso = TVC Vizam
Arms = Concept Rebel Trooper
Legs = Saga Imperial Gunner

Chendrama Nok – Nikto businesswoman who developed and administrates a chain of outlets called "Winner's Edge" selling all kind of competitive games and sports equipment. Her inventory ranges from starter Sabacc decks to high end Holochess sets, from simple balls to rifles for big-game hunting. She is often seen in the company of her business droid, KRT-N04 whom she calls Kurt.


Head and hands = CW Nikto Jabba's Guard
Body = Walmart Black Series Leia
Droid = ebay vendor 3D print of Crichton from Season 2 of Buck Rogers

Kind of a goofy one :)
Cato Lampros -Shy-Phoo Sava specializing in archaeology and the history of Astro-navigation, seen with his assistant Gelone, an alien of undisclosed species:


Head = Dollar Tree Master Shifu mini
Torso = Marvel Groot (1/18 scale)
Lower arms and hands = TVC Ree Yees
Feet = Mustafar Sentry
Gelone = Reaction style alien from a 1978 B movie called Laserblast (which I've never seen) from an Ebay lot.

Jacqo Paulwi - a Jedi who managed to survive Order 66. The Jedi bust in Maz Kanata's castle was eventually given a name, Cherff Maota who has now become canon as the Master to one of the characters in the High Republic. Originally he was said to be human, but even though stylized, the bust doesn't look human, which many fans have pointed out. I have opted to make him near human, as the orc head sure fits an "un-stylized" version of Cherff. I've named the species Cobolin. My son said I should just have him be Cherff Maota, but for now I'd rather have him as a vagabond Jedi later in the timeline.


Head = LOTR Fimbul the Hunter
Body = Obi-Wan ( can't remember which line)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on April 20, 2022, 08:13:41 AM
I like em! Like em! The bounty hunter looks cool, with the combination head and shirt, they match.  I like the Cato Lampros, star wars has a lot of "goofy" aliens. I like the head on the jedi.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 20, 2022, 10:30:31 AM
I like em! Like em! The bounty hunter looks cool, with the combination head and shirt, they match.  I like the Cato Lampros, star wars has a lot of "goofy" aliens. I like the head on the jedi.

Thanks! I was really happy with the bounty hunter, too. He can help populate the Nevarro Cantina. I may switch the Cato head out for a Imaginext Finster (from the Power Rangers) that would be slightly goofy, too. I can see using the Shifu head for a smaller alien. We'll see. I'm trying to build a few more characters that can just populate a scene, but you know by now, I just can't do it without a little backstory.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on April 21, 2022, 06:53:59 AM
These are great. I am so out of interent time right now but had to get these on the front pages!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 21, 2022, 11:35:12 AM
These are great. I am so out of interent time right now but had to get these on the front pages!

Thanks Tamer!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 01, 2022, 05:46:53 PM
A few more backgrounders:

Burtu Joa - Rodian laborer, a moderate hunter at best, Burtu fled Rodia to avoid the stigma of lacking the skill and killer instinct his people applauded. He finds that he is much happier with a hammer or spanner in his hand than a blaster. He works as a freight handler and general worker at "the Pillar."

Base Figure = Saga Greedo (bar section version) - including the hands which I cut off the figure to remount
Arms/Jacket = Cassian Andor

Charr Lolomot - a small time bounty hunter. She works for the Guild tracking bail jumpers and other lower profile jobs.

Helmet = Imperial Ground Crew (Rogue One)
Body = Dr. Aphra
Poncho = Crait battle Rose poncho

Fless Rimber - an Arcona bounty hunter. Another lesser well known member of the Guild, Fless has a special affinity for tracking "the money" and is often sought out specifically to deal with embezzlers and corporate spies.


Head = Hem Dazon
Torso = Johnston Concept Snowtrooper
Arms = TVC Vizam
Hands = Boss Fight Studios mini-kit bat/vampire hands
Legs = Hem Dazon
Skirt = Comic Pack Borsk Fey'laa

Deak Urarias - a customs official, Deak is responsible for recording and assessing fees on the freight that comes through the Pillar spaceport. He tends to be a bit lax in his record keeping and so manages to stay on the good side of the locals and the spacers who use the Pillar.


Base Figure = McQuarrie Concept Rebel Trooper
Arms = Legacy Imperial Engineer
Gloves = Legacy Ugnaught
Vest = Saga Greedo (bar section)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on May 02, 2022, 02:59:32 AM
These are great. Man, what cool background characters. I like them all.

Off to the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 02, 2022, 10:59:36 PM
These are great. Man, what cool background characters. I like them all.

Off to the front pages.

Thanks Tamer. Figured I'd need background characters if ever I do any dioramas. Plus, I've got parts so why not see what I can build right?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on May 03, 2022, 02:57:02 AM
That is exactly correct. If you have the material may as well use it!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: FialaFernbrugg on May 07, 2022, 06:16:33 AM
Excellent work as always.
The backstories of your characters are always interesting and creative.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Moronarama on May 07, 2022, 08:17:00 AM
Another fun set.  I like the mythos you are creating a lot.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 07, 2022, 05:21:12 PM
Excellent work as always.
The backstories of your characters are always interesting and creative.

Thanks! I have a lot of fun with the stories and have a hard time building a figure without giving it some kind of story. Everyone has a story, right?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 07, 2022, 05:22:57 PM
Another fun set.  I like the mythos you are creating a lot.

Thanks! My joy as a kid with Star Wars was playing out my own stories, and that has carried over. If I had the time, I would probably write fanfic within the Universe. I'd like to think that my imagination has matured since I was 10 :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 14, 2022, 02:36:58 PM
Skrii Chet’ttc – Jenet aide. Tellery and Letarius rescued the Jenet, Skrii, from a beat down by a gang of unruly youth. Badly wounded, Tellery made the decision to nurse the Jenet back to health. When Skrii was healthy enough to return to his warren, he found they had moved on without him. In despair, he found Tellery and begged not to be left alone. Tellery knew about the eidetic memory of Jenet and saw a mutually beneficial opportunity. He took Skrii in as an aide but required that he learn to behave and groom himself in a way that would not offend the clients of the high-class establishments where Tellery made his living. This has proven to be a most beneficial partnership.


Head = Boss Fight mini-kit rat
Body = animated Rocket Raccoon of some kind
Jacket = Tobias Beckett
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 14, 2022, 02:40:37 PM
I wasn't totally happy with Cato (previous page of this thread), so I decided to put him on a Kuiil body:


Recipe is a simple head swap (though I gave the head some new paint). Much happier with this version, the body will await a new head.


Mizcka Onarric – a Lynna bounty hunter. While he’s a member of the Guild, the truth is Mizcka loves the hunt, not the capture. He can track with the “best of them” but will, if the quarry is particularly challenging, sometimes let his target escape just to enjoy the hunt again. His tastes are simple, “Good meat and a warm place to nap” so money is not a primary motivator for Mizcka. It also explains why he finds Nevarro a hospitable environment. He shares a genuine friendship with Aeved Da’allin and the two can often be seen together when not on hunts.


Head = cast of the Kelsey Grammer Beast
Armor = CW Embo
Torso and arms = Saga Imperial Gunner
Legs = Vizam
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on May 14, 2022, 06:42:32 PM
Awesome, yeah the kuill body looks alot better. I like Skrii too, the body works great and I like his red eyes. Im half watching an old Vincent Price movie, they had these rats with red eyes eating this guy, but anyway looks awesome.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on May 15, 2022, 05:53:20 AM
Very nice on all three. I really like your aide though as I am reading some sci fi right now with an alien race very similar to what you have created.

Off to share on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 15, 2022, 10:28:27 PM
Awesome, yeah the kuill body looks alot better. I like Skrii too, the body works great and I like his red eyes. Im half watching an old Vincent Price movie, they had these rats with red eyes eating this guy, but anyway looks awesome.

Thanks. Its amazing to me how some combinations just really work, while others are fine, but me'h.

Vincent Price did some really interesting stuff - he would have been fascinating to have a lunch with. Though, I'm not sure I'd want to know the interworking of his brain.

I think that Wookieepedia said the Jenet have red eyes, so that's what I went with.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 15, 2022, 10:31:11 PM
Very nice on all three. I really like your aide though as I am reading some sci fi right now with an alien race very similar to what you have created.

Off to share on the front pages.

Thanks Tamer. I was looking for a species that commonly had an exceptional memory, eidetic was particularly appealing. The Jenet are such a species and I had a head that worked  ;D
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 20, 2022, 07:42:49 PM
Building out Vaari Esrin's command crew a bit more:
Prizipencia (“Zip”) Droegan - Prizipencia's father was an aide to Danry Ledwellow, the disgraced Er’kit senator that allowed Thalassian slavers to operate on his planet. Thought unaware of his employer’s activities, he knew that the Er’kit people would look on him and his family with suspicion. He stole one Ledwellow’s shuttles and escaped off-planet with his family, hoping to find a more suitable home. Prizipencia grew up learning to pilot the shuttle as well as other craft (including podracers) on their adopted home of Cantonica. When she found that a bounty had been placed on her father’s head by an old rival, she took to the stars to find some way of protecting her family. She connected with Vaari Esrin, using her training and amazing reflexes as pilot, in return for a clear statement of severe retribution on any individual or organization that would harm her family. Vaari took to simply calling her "Zip."


Head, lower arms and lower legs = Ody Mandrell
Legs = CW Luminara Unduli
Torso = TCV Bespin escape Leia
Upper arms = CW Aayla Secura
     I cut the boots from the Luminara figure and glued the Ody Mandrell legs in place.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 20, 2022, 07:52:22 PM
Also this evening. This information could go in several different threads, but I just put it here. Mattel's Jurassic line has these "cinemas scenes" type packs, $20.00 at my local Target. There are are a couple from the upcoming movie. This is one. The dinosaur transport container is narrow, but could work for numerous applications and even has scratch marks in it. The dinosaur (I think its an Atrociraptor) is okay if you have a way to use it. The figure (Dichen Lachman) works as is for Star Wars or for customizing. I'm thinking it lends itself to a medical professional figure of some kind.




After looking at the images once uploaded, they seem far more blurry than they appeared on my camera. I might have to retake them.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on May 20, 2022, 08:56:23 PM
Great looking custom figure! The parts look good together, and good use of ody mandrel.

I was just looking at that jurassic park set. I just wanted the crate. Lol me and my crates right? It would work great as a crate or some kind of equipment. The figure is pretty decent. Like you said I wouldn't have much need for the dino. 
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 20, 2022, 11:37:54 PM
Great looking custom figure! The parts look good together, and good use of ody mandrel.

I was just looking at that jurassic park set. I just wanted the crate. Lol me and my crates right? It would work great as a crate or some kind of equipment. The figure is pretty decent. Like you said I wouldn't have much need for the dino.

Thanks! I am happy with "Zip." I thought doing a female version of Ody might work for a pilot of some kind (plus use a spare figure I already had). and crates:) Actually I really like all your crates. The set isn't worth it for the crate, but the crate and figure? I thought so - for what its worth.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on May 22, 2022, 04:55:50 AM
Two nice updates in here!

Really like the new customs.

That cage rocks too. I could see a Star Wars Beasty in there. Wonder how a Wampa would fit in it?

Off to share on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 22, 2022, 08:07:08 PM
Two nice updates in here!

Really like the new customs.

That cage rocks too. I could see a Star Wars Beasty in there. Wonder how a Wampa would fit in it?

Off to share on the front pages.

Thanks, Tamer! The cage is too narrow (and short) for the Wampa. I think its too narrow for a Nexu also - which I'm a bit bummed about. The Correlian hound and a Massif would fit in there just fine (even two of them). Also, humanoids will fit - at least some of them - so I think it could function as a prison/slave container.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on May 23, 2022, 03:01:37 AM
Those are some great ideas for what to put in it.

It would be awesome if they made a slightly bigger one than this too!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 23, 2022, 06:22:41 PM
Those are some great ideas for what to put in it.

It would be awesome if they made a slightly bigger one than this too!

I agree, I would love to be able to put a Wampa or a Reek into a larger dinosaur scale transport cage - but I'm also not sure I'd want to pay the price, even if they do one. I've attached a couple of pictures of the cage and figure with Lando inside to show what that looks like:



Also, I've figured out that the less than crisp images must be happening somewhere in the upload from my computer (much crisper images) and That's not a problem I'm going to try and solve, so sorry things aren't as clear I as wish they were.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 23, 2022, 06:24:17 PM
I've uploaded a new image of Zip because the lighting and background are a little better to see her clearly.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 23, 2022, 06:34:45 PM
And new for today:

Sefineth Kinawen – Bolbian (this is an original species with me) Sava specializing in ancient languages and philosophy. He is very quiet about his true specialty, the history of thought regarding the Force, not wanting to draw attention or run afoul of the Empire. His colleague, Cato Lampros, knows about this passion, but to the rest of the galaxy Sefineth is a well regarded expert on galactic philosophy.


This is a simple head swap with the original Cato figure (Marvel comic Groot, Ree Yees, Mustafar Sentry) with the head from a Fisher-Price Imaginext Finster figure (from the original Power Rangers).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on May 24, 2022, 03:03:05 AM
Hey great new Alien Custom. I like the species.

You are correct in that a bigger cage pack might be too much to stomach the purchase.

Hate to think imgur is not letting the full resolution in, but it sounds right. Hopefully they don't go that crazy route that photobucket did awhile back.

Off to share on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on May 24, 2022, 06:15:50 AM
I like him. The finster head is pretty awesome. I saw super7 just released him and his buddy for the reaction line.  Great backstory it matches his look.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 24, 2022, 12:07:40 PM
Hey great new Alien Custom. I like the species.

You are correct in that a bigger cage pack might be too much to stomach the purchase.

Hate to think imgur is not letting the full resolution in, but it sounds right. Hopefully they don't go that crazy route that photobucket did awhile back.

Off to share on the front pages.

Thanks Tamer. I hope imgur doesn't go that route either, but who knows? If they do, another solution will likely present itself.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 24, 2022, 12:13:49 PM
I like him. The finster head is pretty awesome. I saw super7 just released him and his buddy for the reaction line.  Great backstory it matches his look.

Thanks, JDeck! I'm really quite happy with how it worked out. There might be a couple of other heads I use as well - though I don't want to pay ReAction prices, so I'll stick to Fisher-Price  :)  I've never been a fan of the Power Rangers thing, and most of the monsters are beyond goofy. There are a couple, though, that sort of work for Star Wars. I picked up the Imaginext Baboo figure for the same reason. Other than that...nope.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 24, 2022, 03:12:37 PM
A little more fun with the Jurassic Park cage for today. I just got the new (ish) Hiya Predator Hounds in the mail today, so here you all are :)

Both inside the cage:



Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: hemble on May 25, 2022, 12:25:06 AM
Loving the aliens mate and that cage is awesome and is perfect for the hounds.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 25, 2022, 01:45:58 AM
Loving the aliens mate and that cage is awesome and is perfect for the hounds.


Thanks Ron. Gotta work through all the fodder :) I'm pretty happy with cage (and the hounds).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on May 25, 2022, 03:10:52 AM
That cage works perfect for those hounds.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 25, 2022, 03:47:10 PM
That cage works perfect for those hounds.

I was pretty happy that both hounds fit into one cage. Now that's just where they'll be getting stored :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on May 26, 2022, 08:07:17 AM
Those are fun additions to your collection! It's great to see which variety of cool stuff MATTEL provides us with. I wonder if the Hammond Collection will be available here in Germany and the rest of Europe...

If a Wampa or TaunTaun don't fit into that cage - let's build our own!  0//
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 26, 2022, 06:45:28 PM
Those are fun additions to your collection! It's great to see which variety of cool stuff MATTEL provides us with. I wonder if the Hammond Collection will be available here in Germany and the rest of Europe...

If a Wampa or TaunTaun don't fit into that cage - let's build our own!  0//

Hi Philipp. Thanks for commenting, its been awhile. I don't know about the Hammond collection for you all in Europe. That collection is "iffy" even here. The other movie related stuff seems easier to find. And...there's quite a lot of it. I'm glad I'm not into collecting all the dinosaurs - that would be really expensive. The giant Brachiosaurus they had a couple years ago was awesome but too much for me to spend and nowhere to put it. But a few dinosaurs here and there fit into Star Wars and some of the figures and equipment work well, too.

Yeah, I if I decide I want to cage a bigger creature, I guess I'm going to have to build one. But that's not on the trajectory right now. So I may let someone else tackle that.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on May 26, 2022, 07:39:15 PM
Theres an easy way to make a large cage. Amazon has these collapsible organizers, they come in different sizes. One is 9x6x4" so if you stack them top to top you'll have a cage 9×6×8" they make smaller dimensions. Just spray paint it black grey whatever, because they come in pink, and a pink wampa cage would be weird, but the design being collapsible, has a cool industrial look. 
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 26, 2022, 10:00:37 PM
I think I might dig a pink Wampa cage ;) Maybe my zoo keeper should be a Zeltron :) Who made the rule that everything needs to be gray and black, right? No really, thanks for the idea. I'll check it out.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on May 27, 2022, 03:12:01 AM
JDeck, if you get a chance could you message me a link to those containers? I think folks would be interested in those.

Sorry to jack your thread a bit Starchaser, but you can see you have folks thinking along custom lines with your recent updates!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 28, 2022, 01:13:26 PM
JDeck, if you get a chance could you message me a link to those containers? I think folks would be interested in those.

Sorry to jack your thread a bit Starchaser, but you can see you have folks thinking along custom lines with your recent updates!

Totally happy to have you "jack my thread" - you're the boss :) If the link helps folks out, I'm happy to provide a place for that.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 30, 2022, 11:41:28 PM
Here's a quick one for tonight and a pretty easy headswap - just a Ten Numb head and Kuiil body. The only challenge is the neck peg that's in Kuiil's head - I used a Boss Fight neck peg and hot glue (you could paint him a little - lighter tan and blue - to make him blend in more, but I'm happy as is):

Lo’laan Rise – Once executive director of strategic initiatives within SoroSuub. When the company aligned with the Empire, he defected to the Alliance. He brought exceptional organizational skills, technological knowledge, and strategic thinking to the Rebels, and quickly found himself a respected leading officer in the Alliance Command.


Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on May 31, 2022, 02:57:01 AM
Looks nice to me.

Off to share on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 31, 2022, 01:50:34 PM
Looks nice to me.

Off to share on the front pages.

Thanks, Tamer! I want to get some mileage out of that Kuiil figure that's hanging around :) Its a good design.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on June 01, 2022, 03:03:58 AM
I agree. I could see you making a cool Ugnaught with that body too.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 02, 2022, 10:00:34 PM
I agree. I could see you making a cool Ugnaught with that body too.

I dunno...I think its already a cool Ugnaught ;D Seriously, now I'll have to see if I can figure out a character to do.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 07, 2022, 04:15:43 PM
I'm slammed with end of quarter grading, but these showed up today (along with Fennec Shand), so I thought I'd share:

Boss Fight Flash:

and Ming with his dreaded Dark Guard ('cuz we all know that Ming was using Darth Sidious as a puppet, just like Sidious was using Snoke - he had carefully planned to use the fearsome Darth Vader to finally defeat his nemesis, Flash Gordon):


The Purge Troopers are really included for scale - as with all Boss Fight figures, these are true 4 inch figures, slightly taller than the "average" Hasbro figure.

Anyway, just thought I'd share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on June 08, 2022, 05:13:26 AM
Am I wrong in wanting Boss Fight to get the Star Wars license? Man, the colors are just popping on these figures. So awesome.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on June 10, 2022, 01:23:59 AM
I like that you bring so much color to the universe, Starchaser!
Yeah, that VC41 Clone Trooper is too tall for my taste, unlike the latest ARC Trooper mold, which I absolutely love. I don't buy Clones based on that tall body and sell all that I got with lots.
Let's keep our fingers crossed for a definitive Clone Trooper for the 3.75" line with rocker ankles and all the other good stuff...
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 11, 2022, 10:55:30 AM
Am I wrong in wanting Boss Fight to get the Star Wars license? Man, the colors are just popping on these figures. So awesome.

Not wrong! I'd love it even if Hasbro just gave them the freedom to make "generic" figures, based on role and/or species - a generic Cathar or Bothan, for example, and a generic Jedi or pilot, again, for example. Given their system and mini kits, you could build all kinds of variety. Hasbro could even keep the mainline with all the core heroes and villains.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 11, 2022, 11:02:46 AM
I like that you bring so much color to the universe, Starchaser!
Yeah, that VC41 Clone Trooper is too tall for my taste, unlike the latest ARC Trooper mold, which I absolutely love. I don't buy Clones based on that tall body and sell all that I got with lots.
Let's keep our fingers crossed for a definitive Clone Trooper for the 3.75" line with rocker ankles and all the other good stuff...

Thanks, Philipp! As a kid, I was never interested in "recreating" scenes from the movies, Star Wars was a world for creative play. So, 3 3/4 G.I. Joes became rebel soldiers and Cobra became a mercenary organization. The result of this is that I have always wanted to "expand" the world and anything I feel like "fits" gets incorporated. totally makes sense to me that in some Outer Rim system there would a system despot called Ming and freedom fighter who happened to be named Flash Gordon. Not everything has to be galaxy wide, nor does it all have to be dirty, gritty and grungy - let's have some color.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on June 11, 2022, 02:32:11 PM
I like that you bring so much color to the universe, Starchaser!
Yeah, that VC41 Clone Trooper is too tall for my taste, unlike the latest ARC Trooper mold, which I absolutely love. I don't buy Clones based on that tall body and sell all that I got with lots.
Let's keep our fingers crossed for a definitive Clone Trooper for the 3.75" line with rocker ankles and all the other good stuff...

The most off putting thing about them is the boots/feet. They look like clown shoes. I've swapped them out for older clone ones... and it seems to look much better.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 11, 2022, 10:55:24 PM
I wouldn't have called them clown shoes, but now I can't unsee that. Maybe I should paint a pair yellow? Seriously the feet do seem disproportionately large. But since I put them outside, the dirt often covers them.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on June 12, 2022, 03:35:10 AM
I wouldn't have called them clown shoes, but now I can't unsee that. Maybe I should paint a pair yellow? Seriously the feet do seem disproportionately large. But since I put them outside, the dirt often covers them.

They are kinda wonky. I'll do a comparison picture sometime.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 20, 2022, 01:38:33 PM
The last two members of Vaari's pirate command crew:

C.A.M.I. - (Communications Augmented for Military Intervention) is what the crew calls their droid Communications Officer. An effective translator and protocol droid, C.A.M.I. has been reassembled and modified with parts and programming from a Super Battle Droid and an experimental droid so that she is an able combatant and an excellent slicer as well. She is truly one of a kind.


Head and upper torso = Super7 ReAction Maria (from Metropolis)
Arms and lower torso = Super Battle Droid
Legs = one of the Grievous variations

Sarm Nid’Nessar – Sakiyan Chief Gunner. It’s said Sarm was responsible for the training of one Sidon Ithano and is one of few pirates that Ithano looks up to and possibly even fears. He’s a fierce pirate in hand-to-hand combat, taking full advantage of his species’ unique physiology. Unflappable as he commands the gun decks, he is a source of morale in challenging combat situations and is highly respected by his subordinates. 


Head and Hands = Djas Puhr (Saga)
Body = Comic 2-pack Baron Soontir Fel (pilot version) - courtesy of JDeck
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 20, 2022, 01:40:42 PM
With the crew done, I now need to design and build the bridge of their ship...hopefully that will be completed this summer.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on June 22, 2022, 05:46:55 AM
That CAMI is something. Wow, she could tear you up! Love the creation there.

Sarm is nice too.

Off to share on the front pages!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 22, 2022, 10:34:01 AM
That CAMI is something. Wow, she could tear you up! Love the creation there.

Sarm is nice too.

Off to share on the front pages!

Thanks Tamer - It took a while to figure out a droid with feminine attributes that also worked as a "pirate" droid. Just giving her guns didn't work for me. Making her human looking, like Guri from Shadows of the Empire, wasn't what I was going for. In the end I thought, "What about a C-3PO like droid that's been modified?". I came up with that idea that for a protocol droid, on a screen she would look unintimidating, but live she would make beings think twice about...well, anything.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Moronarama on June 28, 2022, 06:53:11 PM
Man, CAMI is both wonderful and terrifying.  I could see her stalking around some John Carpenter sci-fi epic offing the crew.  She's a very cool build.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 29, 2022, 08:42:16 PM
Man, CAMI is both wonderful and terrifying.  I could see her stalking around some John Carpenter sci-fi epic offing the crew.  She's a very cool build.

Thanks so much M...I appreciate it 😀
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 25, 2022, 09:03:31 PM
Vacation is coming, so I might get to finish up some projects (finally). I did, however, find the time to do a quick custom, basically just a head swap:

Known simply as Twelfth Sister, this Aqualish was a brand new Padawan when Order 66 was executed, she hadn't yet been transported to where her new Master was stationed. So when the Jedi Temple was attacked, she was isolated and alone. This provided an opportunity for a covert squad under Sidious' direct control to capture her for the Inquisitorius Project. As  an Aqualish, she already was prone to anger and belligerent physical responses, so she was easily "converted" to the cause.


Head = Aqualish head from Scoundrel's Stock
Body = Reva (Third Sister)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on July 26, 2022, 02:59:51 AM
That's a really nice use of the Reva body! Reva is a figure that doesn't appeal to me in the slightest way. But your custom Twelfth Sister is proof that it well serves for exciting custom variations! If I find her cheap somewhere, I might pull the trigger and make a KotOR custom with it. Thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on July 26, 2022, 03:59:38 AM
I agree, that Reva body is gonna make for some nice Sith Gal customs.

I wonder what type of custom you could make for Darth Talon based on this body.

This is definitely going on the front pages today.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on July 27, 2022, 10:15:15 AM
it's always interesting to see non-humans in Imperial service, given the take the Empire has on non-humans. Good work! Gives me hope that the Riva body can be used to make a Second Sister (Trilla Suduri). I might have to work on that in the future...   DH
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 27, 2022, 11:40:46 AM
That's a really nice use of the Reva body! Reva is a figure that doesn't appeal to me in the slightest way. But your custom Twelfth Sister is proof that it well serves for exciting custom variations! If I find her cheap somewhere, I might pull the trigger and make a KotOR custom with it. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks DM - I don't know if Reva will "peg warm" or not (I didn't mind the character that much and actually really enjoyed Obi-Wan as a show - in spite of what a "a lot of people" apparently think - I always watch Star Wars through the lens of a 12 year old boy from the 1970's  :) ), but there is great customizing potential here. Its a taller female body with armor that's not Mandalorian - what's not to like for female pirates, bounty hunters, mercenaries, Republic commandos, etc.?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 27, 2022, 11:42:01 AM
I agree, that Reva body is gonna make for some nice Sith Gal customs.

I wonder what type of custom you could make for Darth Talon based on this body.

This is definitely going on the front pages today.

Thanks Tamer! alternative Darth Talon, I'll have to think about that.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 27, 2022, 11:46:05 AM
it's always interesting to see non-humans in Imperial service, given the take the Empire has on non-humans. Good work! Gives me hope that the Riva body can be used to make a Second Sister (Trilla Suduri). I might have to work on that in the future...   DH

Thanks RC - I've always been of the opinion that Imperial prejudices and policies weren't an important thing for Vader, so he doesn't necessarily share the anti-everything-but-human prejudices of the Empire. Anyway, Second Sister, in the games, doesn't appear to have the armored breastplate of Reva...but that basic body would probably work pretty well. It would certainly be worth a shot.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 07, 2022, 07:48:18 PM
A few characters to add:
Raphi Galina - A Twi'lek doctor and healer. Raphi blends conventional medicine with traditional healer's remedies to great effect. She is a widely respected healer on the planet Chandrila.


Head = custom cast (I think from StarWarsGeek/jokebofe)
Body = Mattel Jurassic World Dominion Soyona Santos

Neenan Zagros - a human Padawan, called by her friends "Nee." She survived Order 66 when her master pushed her into a sewer during the conquest of Mygeeto. Wandering aimlessly in shock from seeing her beloved master gunned down by their own clones, Nee was found by Sumorn Jagga and brought to "Sanctuary" - Sumorn's home for masterless padawans.


Head = Leia, Boussh disguise TVC
Body = TVC padawan Anakin

Bern Frendice - a swoop racer. He often competes against "Ripper" Soeing as one of the galaxy's top swoop "aces."



Head = Zorii Bliss
Body = Roblox Imagination Collection "The Usagi"

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 07, 2022, 07:55:06 PM
I missed out on the Deluxe Walmart Ahsoka and Grogru pack, and I won't pay the exorbitant after market prices. As a result I decided to see if I could find or build a realistic style Morai. After looking about for a while, I found these Safari Ltd. Good Luck Minis (the barn owl). They looked about the right scale, so I ordered a couple (for $1.00 each) to see what I could do. A little paint and a Green stuff tail and I have a reasonable facsimile - at least one I'm happy with. These toys are made out of a rubber or very rubbery plastic, but the 'ole Dremel was still able to carve out a spot for sitting on Ahsoka's arm:



So, if you missed out on the set and want a Morai, or want to make another convor - this is an inexpensive way to do it!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 07, 2022, 08:10:19 PM
And finally:

Evett Lorr - younger brother to Gadra Lorr (seen on page 54 of this thread). He makes his living as a lawman on the backwater planet of Sevarcos in the Outer Rim. Because of the spice in the atmosphere of Sevarcos, Evett uses "cycler" weapons rather than blasters. He keeps very busy at the tasks of protecting the communities of former slaves that have been established with the elimination of slavery and driving off criminals seeking to mine spice or take advantage of the difficult circumstances. He shares his sister’s attitude about Mandalorian culture and is as likely to shoot another Mandalorian as talk with them.



Base figure = TVC Death Watch Mandalorian (Two Stripes)
Bandolier = fodder box (I think Ragin' Spoon)
Gunbelt and knife = Dime Store Legends
Rifle = TVC Tusken Raider
Poncho = TPM Tatooine Accessory Set

I was totally thinking a Clint Eastwood feel for this guy and I'm pretty happy with him.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on August 08, 2022, 10:34:01 PM
Very cool updates!  ()rr
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 08, 2022, 10:37:38 PM
Very cool updates!  ()rr

Thanks RC! Nice of you to "stop by."  :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on August 09, 2022, 03:01:39 AM
Man, what a great idea with the owl. Looks great to me.

I like the Twilek Doc too. Nice color contrast there.

I love the mix on your Mando too. He has an old Spaghetti western vibe with the cloak on.

Off to share on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 09, 2022, 11:30:20 AM
Man, what a great idea with the owl. Looks great to me.

I like the Twilek Doc too. Nice color contrast there.

I love the mix on your Mando too. He has an old Spaghetti western vibe with the cloak on.

Off to share on the front pages.

Thanks Tamer! Been watching Tate and The Rifleman and 26 the spaghetti Western homage was kind of running around my brain.  :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 12, 2022, 11:42:28 PM
PS-  for those who don't know "26 Men" is about the Arizona Rangers, modeled on the Texas Rangers, and the first formal law enforcement body in the State of Arizona. Founded in 1901 in their short history (only eight years) they were usually only 26 men strong. Just thought I would share ;D
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on August 13, 2022, 01:05:40 AM
PS-  for those who don't know "26 Men" is about the Arizona Rangers, modeled on the Texas Rangers, and the first formal law enforcement body in the State of Arizona. Founded in 1901 in their short history (only eight years) they were usually only 26 men strong. Just thought I would share ;D

Pretty cool backstory. LOL. That's more people than my current PD. We are 24 strong.  ;D DH
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 13, 2022, 03:54:28 PM

Pretty cool backstory. LOL. That's more people than my current PD. We are 24 strong.  ;D DH

RC - Are you an officer? If so, thanks for your service. My town has a police force of 37. I just thought it was interesting that they limited the Rangers to 26 for the whole state of Arizona.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on August 14, 2022, 04:56:41 AM

Pretty cool backstory. LOL. That's more people than my current PD. We are 24 strong.  ;D DH

RC - Are you an officer? If so, thanks for your service. My town has a police force of 37. I just thought it was interesting that they limited the Rangers to 26 for the whole state of Arizona.

Yessir. Unfortunately that's why I haven't been active on the forums lately. Duty often calls. I do post when I can! I can't imagine having so few men for a whole state tho. I know generally, most troopers here are usually two per county. And sometimes they'll have support from local PD or SO to help out. But sometimes that's also not the case.

I guess this problem is also felt in the New Republic era based on what we've seen in the sequel trilogy and The Mandalorian.

The mid and outer rim kinda became lawless like in the days of the Clone Wars.  ()rr
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 14, 2022, 11:48:13 PM
Well, stay safe and thanks again for your service. And, yeah, I kind of figure the transition between the Empire and New Republic would leave the outer reaches of the galaxy a little "understaffed" for infrastructure, so more than slightly chaotic.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 24, 2022, 08:07:44 PM
Reva, the wanderer:
After Obi-Wan's advice, Reva Sevander shed her Inquisitor garb and lightsabers. She traveled the fringes of the Outer Rim, constantly on the move.


Head = Reva/Third Sister
Torso = Corvus Ahsoka
Arms/Jacket = Boss Fight Zomie Survivor
Lower Torso/Legs = Fennic Shand
Cap = Marauders Japanese field cap with neck flap
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 24, 2022, 08:27:00 PM
Just for you Tamer :)
Darrtosk: a "heretic" among Trandoshans, Darrtosk was never convinced that the "Scorekeeper" was worthy of worship. He was especially disturbed by the persistent hostility toward the generally noble Wookiees. Darrtosk became fascinated with Mandalorian warrior culture. As soon as he could, Darrtosk left Trandosha to find the Mandalorians and, if possible, join them. Upon reaching Mandalore and learning that many Mandalorians had sworn off the warrior way, he found his way to Concord Dawn, where he was accepted into the Protectors and became a scout for many of their off-world missions.




Helmet = Jango Fett helmet (TAC) with a biker scout "nose," green stuff and the Rose Tico communicator
Body = Jango Fett (TAC)
Trandoshan arms and legs = Mission series Bossk
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on August 25, 2022, 02:49:12 AM
What a cool Mando. I love it! Man, that helmet is perfect. It almost looks removeable? that would be awesome.

I can definitely see the new Reva character too.

Off to share these on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 25, 2022, 10:24:47 AM
What a cool Mando. I love it! Man, that helmet is perfect. It almost looks removeable? that would be awesome.

Glad you liked it! The helmet is not removable, but it is scaled to be. I didn't want to go to all the work of cleaning it out. Instead, I have the Bossk head I just need to prep to sit on the neck peg and I can do interchangeable heads. It was a bit challenging because it would have easy to make the helmet too small to actually fit a Trando head. It would look less clunky, but it wouldn't scale right. This one does. Someday, if I ever start 3d designing, I'll sharpen up the lines for a bit "cleaner" look. But...I'm pretty happy with it.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on August 26, 2022, 04:27:03 AM
Oh I agree. Its not too large and sits on the next great. I like your idea of having a separate Trando head; just as easy to swap out.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 28, 2022, 06:28:15 PM
Thanks, Tamer. I wanted to get the scale close to correct...not too big (like some clone trooper helmets) and not too small so that it was a bit unrealistic. I realize that with The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett we have seen more variation, both in color and face shape (shorter snouts, in particular), but Bossk will always represent the "correct" proportions for me, I think.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on August 28, 2022, 07:12:44 PM
Fitting outfit for Reva post Obi-Wan series. I really wonder if more storytelling will revolve around her or not going forward.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 28, 2022, 07:44:10 PM
Fitting outfit for Reva post Obi-Wan series. I really wonder if more storytelling will revolve around her or not going forward.

Thanks RC. I think there are a lot of possibilities for more storytelling. I could see a video game developed around her character - I think this could be really brilliant as a resource gathering game with combat, rather than a primarily combat based game - or a book or limited comic series. The truth is, though, I don't imagine we will see anything. I still believe in creative play for children, so I think not telling her story allows kids (and some of us kids in grown up bodies) to tell their own stories with an established character. 
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 02, 2022, 06:03:07 PM
Here's a couple of straightforward (but a little fiddly) customs:
An Ithorian merchant (I haven't built a back story for him yet). I like this because it shows the basics for building a custom Mok Shaiz out of existing parts (though you might have to design a vocalizer) in case we never get one (oh...Scoundrel's Stock has a cast that works perfectly for the head also):


Head, hand and legs = POTJ Momaw Nadon (courtesy of JDeck)
Body = Meena Tils

And...SA Mudtroopers:


Heads = Han and Mudtrooper from the Target exclusive Solo Movie figure pack
Body = the "incorrect" Target exclusive Migs Mayfeld (Morak)
I guess this is a "Target Exclusive Custom"  :)
I had to clip the breathing tubes from the backpack of the 5POA figures and glue them on. I'm still debating the cloaks. I may use little magnets to attach the plastic ones from the 5POA figures, but I'm also thinking about trying to replicate the cloak with actual material. We'll see.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 03, 2022, 04:18:57 AM
Nice, you got your bad guy Ithorian before the rest of us. Love the Mud Troopers too.

Guess we will see more of those guys in Andor from the recent press images Hasbro sent for the Black Series.

Off to share on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 03, 2022, 10:41:14 AM
Thanks Tamer. I think I will build another one (I have the basic parts) and then modify it to be Mok Shaiz - vocalizer, green robes with gold shoulder pads and necklace - but that's not high on the priority list right now.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on September 04, 2022, 12:45:54 PM
Awesome customs. I've been lurking but haven't been posting. Great Ithorian, can never have enough of them. The clint Eastwood mando is awesome, im not even a big mando guy. The use of the bird to make ahsokas owl worked great. I didn't bother with that set either, I got 2 in a case, plus clone wars version it just seemed like an excessive amount of ahsokas to have. Anyway great work, glad you put some of those fodder figures i traded with you to good work.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 04, 2022, 02:13:48 PM
Thanks, JDeck! I'm working on plans for more uses. It was a great set of fodder :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on September 04, 2022, 02:53:40 PM
Haha that's some TARGET exclusive action, indeed! Love that Ithorian merchant! Thanks for the heads-up in case Hasbro will never make Mok Shaiz for TVC.
The Mud Troopers look super cool! I got high hopes that Hasbro will give us an Army-Builder 4-Pack of those.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 04, 2022, 09:55:21 PM
Thanks Phillip. I don't know if Mudtroopers are necessary, but regular Imperial Army Troopers on the same template - like we see in the Andor trailer - would be great!

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 21, 2022, 06:17:57 PM
Just for fun for tonight, I was working in the yard before the Autumn rains set in here and thought I would snap a picture:


Brace Tremander and the Raider duo exploring a forest. Let's call it: "New Republic Veterans"
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 22, 2022, 02:51:30 AM
Nice, guess Autumn is finally here. My favorite time of year.

Off to the front pages with this.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Lenny Quinn on October 06, 2022, 09:45:37 AM
Great picture!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 06, 2022, 02:45:15 PM
Great picture!

Thanks Lenny  :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 10, 2022, 06:17:00 PM
From this:

to this:

Just a color change, but we have Shom Kadozo an Ithorian living on Chandrila. A gifted botanist in keeping with his species' traditions, he owns and operates a boutique nursery. He specializes in smaller "house" plants that are known to have healing properties which emanate from the plants themselves, or can be derived from distilling part of the plant. Natural healers often come to Shom both for his product and his knowledge.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 10, 2022, 07:25:20 PM
Three more for tonight.
Recipe brazenly stolen from JDeck ;):
Langust Ecreviss - Nephran undercover security agent. It was hard for Langust to find work with claw hands and difficulty speaking Basic, but he found beings slightly put-off or intimidated by his appearance. He began to work security and was hired as private security by the Bank of the Core, a job at which he excels. His current assignment is to keep watch over Brecca Jh'amp (see on next page).

Sati Drenit - an adventurous Arcona in her younger years, Sati traveled widely and explored the galaxy. In her travels she kept extensive notes and mapped both the star lanes she traversed and the planets she visited. Now in her later years, she owns a cartography shop but actually spends most of her time running a recovery program for salt addicts among her own species and other beings fighting addictions.


Head = CW El-Les
Torso/Vest = Rey (Island Journey)
Arms = Harry Potter Cho
Hands = Boss Fight Mini-kit vampire
Legs = Wioslea
Skirt = Johnston concept Snowtrooper

And...Keveeri Bassill - a Tholothian model and stuntwoman for holovids. Sometimes, she just needs to get away from the camera and will "dress down" and slip away somewhere to just "be normal." She likes to get away from show business by taking expeditions to places to climb, hike and camp where people are few and far between.


Head = Stass Allie (maybe from JDeck, if not from my wife picking up "fodder" at a local thriftstore)
Torso/arms = Marauder female
Vest = Boss Fight Zombie survivor jacket
Legs = Ahsoka Corvus
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on October 11, 2022, 02:55:33 AM
Very nice! I really like the Crab Cthulu looking alien.

Off to share on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on October 11, 2022, 06:40:14 AM
These are three cool customs! What a nice recipe from JDeck!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 11, 2022, 10:42:22 AM
Very nice! I really like the Crab Cthulu looking alien.

Off to share on the front pages.

Thanks Shawn, I've seen several people use the Boss Fight Studios Crustacean mini-kit to build Nephran characters like Therm Scissorpunch without trying to sculpt them from scratch. It works pretty well. This particular design JDeck used for a character Brackeesh Na-Buzaru. I liked it, so I created my own.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 11, 2022, 10:43:44 AM
These are three cool customs! What a nice recipe from JDeck!

Thanks Philipp. Yeah, I have benefitted from the designs of several other customizers over the years. As we sometimes say, "Imitation is the sincerest form of compliment."
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on October 11, 2022, 12:08:27 PM
"Imitation is the sincerest form of compliment."

Very true. Took me a couple years at middle school to accept that while I almost lost a good friend over that. I'm glad I got over that and we're still buddies today. I'm also thankful for all the inspiration on here. Working together is what get us the farest, right? I got so many ideas left to realize on my list. Just need to start working on them and get them done right away I guess. lol
One thing I like about your projects the most is all the variety you bring to your universe. And the outdoor pictures in your beautiful backyard of course.  :D
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 11, 2022, 07:27:39 PM
Truth is, Philipp, I get bored with doing troopers  and humans. Part of what I have always loved about Star Wars is the range of possible species to interact with. I'm really disappointed that Hasbro is so "alien averse" - much like the Empire ;) - because there is a lot of fun variety out there. So...well...I've got to make my own.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on October 12, 2022, 02:54:43 AM
I have always thought that the B.A.D. concept should be applied to other characters in the SW Line Up, especially aliens. Wouldn't it be great to get a few kits where you could put pieces together to build different aliens.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 12, 2022, 03:18:09 PM
Yes Shawn! That would have been a great strategy. They're doing it with Marvel Legends, they could totally have done this with TVC
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on October 13, 2022, 02:51:00 AM
Yes Shawn! That would have been a great strategy. They're doing it with Marvel Legends, they could totally have done this with TVC

You would think the Big D wouldn't mind that now. I wonder how much pull Lucasfilm has with the SW Brand now?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 13, 2022, 11:35:54 PM
No idea who would "drive that bus" but the idea is solid. My one concern would be having to buy a bunch of repacks/repaints to complete a character. Hasbro is already overdoing the repaint thing and leaving all the interesting background characters out of the mix. Additionally, they are so enamored with the 6 inch line, they would probably put it there and not with TVC where the world building can really thrive. I guess I'm saying, "The idea is excellent, I don't trust Hasbro's execution."
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on October 14, 2022, 02:47:57 AM
Yeah, I can see your point.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 15, 2022, 10:32:30 PM
A single for tonight, will retake shot tomorrow in the sunlight:

Brecca Jh'amp - Brecca is a financial analyst for the Bank of the Core, one of the most influential and prestigious banks in the galaxy. Attuned to patterns, as was common to her species, Brecca was extraordinarily gifted at seeing trends in the market, and has done very well for her employer and as an independent broker on the Interstellar Stock Exchange. She loves the finer things in life and enjoys a spell in the Uscru District after work. Her employer wants to keep her safe, so has assigned Langust to shadow her on her outings. 


Head = POTF Figrin D'an (courtesy of JDeck)
Torso/Arms = Breha Organa (vest = Forcelink 2.0 Corellia Qira)
Lower torso/legs = Xyber 9 Anakonda
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on October 16, 2022, 06:11:57 AM
Interstellar Stock Broker. I like her.

Off to share on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 16, 2022, 09:28:07 AM
Interstellar Stock Broker. I like her.

Off to share on the front pages.

Thanks Shawn. The galaxy has got to have more than pilots, soldiers and criminals, right? I'm working on a trash collector next :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 16, 2022, 07:54:09 PM
As promised, outdoor pictures:

and with her security "detail":

So folks weigh in on this one. I switched the Breha hands out for Figrin D'an's hands, which do you like better?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 16, 2022, 08:12:27 PM
One more:
Poggu Narrs - Freighter pilot. Poggu always wanted to ply the star lanes. As a child he was more interested in flying than fighting, though he can hold his own. Unlike so many of his species, he didn’t become a bounty hunter or hired gun. Instead, he worked in shipyards and on starships until he could afford one of his own. An adept pilot, Poggu is known on Rodia as “the Ferryman” because many young bounty hunters hire him as transport to start their careers.


Head/Body/Hands = OTC Greedo (courtesy of JDeck)
Coat and Arms = Walmart Black Series TFA Han Solo
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on October 17, 2022, 03:12:38 AM
I think the larger hands give her more of an alien appearance. Still like that Crab Guy. Man, can you see that walkin up on you?

Off to share on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 17, 2022, 11:04:43 AM
Thanks Shawn. I'm leaning toward the Bith hands as well. But we'll see if anyone else chimes in  :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on October 22, 2022, 02:34:47 AM
That Bith is really cool. I like how he looks big time!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 23, 2022, 04:21:51 PM
For a long time, I've toyed with doing a Tusken bounty hunter. Then I found a Legends character from the Dark Horse comics named Sardu Sallowe. He worked with 4-LOM and Zuckuss and survived a run in with Boba Fett. So, here is an older, more seasoned Sardu Sallowe dressed in cast off Range Trooper armor (which serves to keep him warmer on temperate to cold planets):



Head/lower torso and legs = Black series 3.75" Tusken Raider
Torso and arms = TAC Range Trooper
I had to put some hot glue dabs between the "skirt" and Tusken lower torso, or the skirt would slip down leaving a sizeable gap that I didn't like. I will possibly add a Gaffi stick and hood at a later date.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 23, 2022, 11:21:04 PM
That Bith is really cool. I like how he looks big time!

Thanks, RC. Been working on non-military characters...maybe just "back grounders" but wanted to put some thought into them.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on October 24, 2022, 02:57:38 AM
Great recipe on this one. I like him a lot. Make sense for those cold weather worlds.

Off to share on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 24, 2022, 12:34:18 PM
Great recipe on this one. I like him a lot. Make sense for those cold weather worlds.

Off to share on the front pages.

Thanks Shawn! I thought it made sense, plus it looks cool :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on November 11, 2022, 01:49:29 PM
Huh. Never hears of a Tusken bounty hunter before. That's a pretty cool concept.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 12, 2022, 12:49:19 AM
Huh. Never hears of a Tusken bounty hunter before. That's a pretty cool concept.

Thanks, RC. I was just tossing around ideas and thought "what about a Tusken bounty hunter." Then I googled it and found one on Wookieepedia that was in the comics, so I just went with it.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on November 12, 2022, 02:51:04 AM
Huh. Never hears of a Tusken bounty hunter before. That's a pretty cool concept.

Thanks, RC. I was just tossing around ideas and thought "what about a Tusken bounty hunter." Then I googled it and found one on Wookieepedia that was in the comics, so I just went with it.

If you haven't, check out the Book of the Sith, Jedi Path Book, Imperial Handbook, and Bounty Hunter Code book. Lots of good info and plenty of stuff to draw inspiration from for customs.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 12, 2022, 02:54:13 PM
Thanks for the additional sources.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 10, 2023, 05:25:25 PM
I finally had some time to complete a few customs:

Caylendra Wyritu – “The Mirialans were known for their spirituality and strong connection with the world around them. They had a natural belief in and practiced a primitive understanding of the Force Because of this, members of the species on Mirial were taught to respect and listen to the Force.” (Wookieepedia). Caylendra, adapting to her species’ natural strengthens, became proficient at caving, foraging, climbing, and exploring various eco-systems. Being sociable, she quickly found leading adventure expeditions both profitable and enjoyable. She is highly sought after as a guide by wealthy adventurers.


Head and Coat = Sgt. Jyn Erso (Eadu)
Rest of the body = Walmart Black Series Jyn Erso
The leg pouch with the communicator (or whatever it is) is cut off the leg of the Solo movie Han Solo that comes with the speeder and glued on where the holster goes.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on January 10, 2023, 07:14:07 PM
Great custom! I was surprised reading your description the jyn erso head, amazing what paint can do. The paint apps look very nice, with the face tattoos. Verrry good man. The poncho is a great sculpt. Im getting nostalgic for Forcelink 5poa lol.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 10, 2023, 07:28:31 PM
Tibbs Ponzel - Due to his small stature, his Hutt master was happy to sell him off to a circus ringmaster. Tibbs wasn't cut out to be a performer. Instead, he had an excellent head for numbers and an aptitude for spotting a lie. The ringmaster had three options, bring Tibbs into the business side of things, continue using him as a performer (much to everyone's chagrin), or cut him loose. The ringmaster didn't want to lose out on his investment and he didn't want anyone looking over his financial shoulder, so he put Tibbs on the market. Velstigg Sarramsell was just just starting "The Pillar" - his private port - and was looking for sharp talent. He purchased Tibbs from the ringmaster, hired him as his freight controller and let him work/pay off the cost of his "purchase." Tibbs loves his work, saves Velstigg money, and is eternally grateful.


Head/Hands= Vizam
Body = Kuiil
Do-Rag = Marauder Gun-runners
Neckerchief = Vitruvian Armory (from Dime Store Legends figures)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 10, 2023, 07:37:30 PM
Coggin Shean and Weelis Pook – Vulptereen garbage collectors who collect and supply salvage to a Theelin Ferron Salmi the proprietor of the salvage yard in Safa Thewel on Farsolax (a planet of my invention - more on Farsolax later). These two have been best friends since toddler-hood and were always taking things apart and getting in trouble. Fed up with the treament they received from teachers, and later, employers, they set out for the stars together to find their own way. After several failed job experiences, they were hired by a galactic garbage processing company to "manage" the small outpost in Safa Thewel - its really hard to get in trouble there. The friends are happy with their work, happy with their new life, and delighted that people basically leave them alone. For his part, Ferron is happy to let the pair fiddle with salvage from his yard, given that they supply him with sellable stuff.


with their rig (a Fisher-Price Adventure People Moon Rover):


Simple = Dud Bolt with the Legacy Ugnaught apron (one has a Boss Fight Wrench) and their racing helmets turned backwards.

I will paint the Rover and build a trailer for it later this spring.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 10, 2023, 08:34:27 PM
Parsem Bok - A Dagoyan Master from Bardotta, while meditating on the Force, Parsem came to believe he could do more good for his people as a businessman, applying his sensitivity to the Force to his business dealings, rather than as a member of the council for his rather isolationist species. Parsem has become a significant financier within in the Colonies region of the galaxy and on the Outer Rim. He also likes to dabble at games of chance and, as a result, has struck up a friendship and genial rivalry with the professional gambler known as Teller.



Head = Mars Guo
Rest = Tion Medon
Medon's neck peg can be detached from the body without cutting and allows a place to attach a different neck if that becomes necessary.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 10, 2023, 08:48:53 PM
And finally for tonight:

Keel Hurjhan – A third-generation warrior, Keel found the subtle prejudice of elite Mon Cals against the Quarren disturbing. He was also deeply frustrated that his superiors would not develop an off-world strike force to help defend Mon Cal and Quarren colonies. As a result, he opted to turn his back on the Mon Cala military and take to the stars. He began training with mercenary companies and eventually founded his own outfit, the “Free Companies of Dac.” As the Republic and its successor state, the Galactic Empire became increasingly human-centric, Hurjhan recruited and trained out-of-work or struggling off world Quarren and Mon Cal, with a strict equal respect policy. The Free Companies became the thing of childhood fantasies for many youth on Dac due to their daring raids on slave guilds and markets to free Mon Cal and Quarren. While many Mon Cal and some Quarren joined the rebellion, others sought out the Free Companies and Hurjhan became a folk hero back home as “Commander Keelkana.” Learning the hard lessons of the Clone Wars, Hurjhan never affiliated his Free Companies with the Rebellion or the New Republic, though he would work in tandem with them if asked. He is often seen the company of his "hound" which Keel has named "Krak," a creature of unknown species with reptilian, lupine, and feline characteristics.


and with his "hound":


Head and forearms = TVC Admiral Ackbar
Body = Fortnite Triggerfish
(I had to design a new neck post for the Ackbar head to fit without sticking up far too much.)
Hound = the new McFarlane 2.5" scale Thanator
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 10, 2023, 08:52:56 PM
Great custom! I was surprised reading your description the jyn erso head, amazing what paint can do. The paint apps look very nice, with the face tattoos. Verrry good man. The poncho is a great sculpt. Im getting nostalgic for Forcelink 5poa lol.

Thanks JDeck! I was pretty happy she came together quickly, and used parts just sitting in my bin. I do like the poncho sculpt on this figure a lot as well. And...yeah, paint can really give us more flexibility with existing characters.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on January 11, 2023, 01:00:33 AM
Wow, these are some fantastic additions to your alien collection! I find it very refreshing to see Tion Medon's costume in a different design.

Coggin Shean and Weelis Pook remind me of mining workers and could be right off the Andor show. Fantastic ideas here! The hound from the Avatar line fits well into the universe, too. Thanks for sharing!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 11, 2023, 02:16:35 AM
Wow, these are some fantastic additions to your alien collection! I find it very refreshing to see Tion Medon's costume in a different design.

Coggin Shean and Weelis Pook remind me of mining workers and could be right off the Andor show. Fantastic ideas here! The hound from the Avatar line fits well into the universe, too. Thanks for sharing!

Many thanks, Philipp! Glad you "stopped by". It's been a couple months since I've posted anything truly new, so I'm glad to add some characters. Glad you enjoyed them, they were fun to design and build. Originally, I had thought of Cog and Weel as miners, but I've done a couple, so I switched them to garbage men/salvagers. I'll eventually do a diorama of Ferron's salvage yard for the guys to drop stuff off at.  ;)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on January 11, 2023, 04:04:04 AM
Wow, what a great update.

Man, I love that Moncal Guy. Nie work. All are great. I have been wondering what you have been up too.

Off to the top of the main page with you today!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on January 11, 2023, 10:26:57 AM
I always jump the gun and comment before you're done posting. I agree with DM, I like your garbage men. Grat paint apps on the Mon Cal. They're all great.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 11, 2023, 11:29:14 AM
Wow, what a great update.

Man, I love that Moncal Guy. Nie work. All are great. I have been wondering what you have been up too.

Off to the top of the main page with you today!

Thanks Tamer! November- December are always the busiest time of the year for me, so I do a bit here and there when I can. So...after the first week of January, I can usually finish up things I've started at the end of October. Anyway, that accounts for the several figures rather than just one or two. I was happy with how these turned out, but Keel (the Mon Cal) was kind of a late-to-the-party idea. I had this Triggerfish sitting around (bought on clearance) and thought, "what figures need a larger neck? Its either Ackbar or Yak face." So I let it float around in my head for a while, and now we have a Mon Cal mercenary.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 11, 2023, 11:31:52 AM
I always jump the gun and comment before you're done posting. I agree with DM, I like your garbage men. Grat paint apps on the Mon Cal. They're all great.

Thanks, JDeck. No worries, I often get interrupted with more critical things when I sit down to post (if I've got more than one or two), so getting ahead of me is not a surprise :) I really had fun with the garbage men and am kind of excited about building a scrap yard for them to deliver salvage to.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on January 12, 2023, 02:27:22 AM
You did a great job repainting Keel Hurjhan as well! Those shades of blue look spot on! So spot on that I initially thought it was the rare 5 POA figure from 2016. Just an awesome set of new characters.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 12, 2023, 02:44:08 PM
You did a great job repainting Keel Hurjhan as well! Those shades of blue look spot on! So spot on that I initially thought it was the rare 5 POA figure from 2016. Just an awesome set of new characters.

Thanks! I really liked the color scheme for Admiral Raddus, so I thought I would approximate it (with some modifications) for another all new figure, using the accessible Walmart exclusive Black Series 3.75" Admiral Ackbar head and forearms. Thanks for the compliments!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 25, 2023, 06:08:48 PM
Here's a couple I did recently:
Leshee Shaloop – Nikto animal handler. A free Nikto, Leshee harbors a strong resentment against the Hutts and their low value on the life of other beings. He was raised in a primarily human colony where his family was protected from slavers seeking to “return” them to Hutt service. He demonstrated an early affinity for animals, so was mentored by the colony’s veterinarian. He is a firm trainer, but gentle with his animals and well respected for his knowledge of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine.



Head = TVC Klaatu (head dress removed)
Hat/Satchel= Maruauder
Vest = taken from the Jurassic Hammond Collection Muldoon
Hands = Tusken Raider (I don;t remember which one)
Body = Figrin D'an

Ijian Larany – Gand artifacts dealer. A findsmen, Ijian earned his Janwuine status recovering ancient artifacts, which the Gand thought unworthy of a findsmen, until he saved the lives of each member of his Ruetsavii, defeated a violent band of competing treasure hunters and retrieved several artifacts from booby trapped locations. With his reputation earned, Ijian has settled into life as a dealer in antiquities.


This one is pretty transparent - a Kili body from "The Hobbit" and a Zuckuss head from the fodder box.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on February 27, 2023, 03:52:53 AM
I like both. That Animal Herder is nice. You need a Nerf. He doesn't look too scruffy though.

That Zuckuss looks like the body was made for it.

off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 28, 2023, 01:51:22 PM
Ha! I'll have to see about crafting a Nerf for him...on second thought...Nah - they're ornery.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Lenny Quinn on March 10, 2023, 01:46:05 PM
Really liking these kit bashes! The Avatar creatures fit in well, nice work!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 24, 2023, 02:50:45 PM
Really liking these kit bashes! The Avatar creatures fit in well, nice work!

Thanks, Lenny (sorry about the late response - I've been super busy and "out-of-the-loop" for several weeks.).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 27, 2023, 10:12:28 PM
Its been a while since I've posted a new custom. I finally had some breathing space to work on a few.

First up is a new droid using the "Zero" figure from Star Trek: Prodigy. I weathered the droid a bit and added a photoreceptor using an old gasket and a couple parts from a pen. Story: Ferron Salmi assembled the droid from salvage using programming from an A.S.P. labor droid and a SA-5 protocol droid, and calls it "Sec" for "Second."


Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 27, 2023, 11:03:58 PM
A few others:

Samber Babbedon – and unconventional Ithorian, rather than tend the gardens of his home-world, Samber became fascinated with “bio-forming.” A researcher with advanced degrees in several natural sciences, he likes to call himself an “experimental botanist.” Currently, he is busy at work with his scientific team on an uninhabited planet in the Outer Rim with a barely breathable atmosphere trying to replicate the environmental conditions for the Worxerite population to reproduce.

Head and hands = POTF Momaw Nadon (courtesy of JDeck)
Body = Buzz Lightyear Darby Steel (I may yet paint the suit so it doesn't look quite so "lightyear-y")

Bayrinne Mos’morindo – Balosar counter espionage agent for the New Republic (not an idiot like certain people). She banks on the poor stereotype of Balosars, She is very efficient and deadly when necessary, included in her successes is the uncovering of one Elia Kane (at least in my "head canon").

Head = Marvel Epic Hero Mantis
Body = Aayla Secura (ROTS)
Arms = Dr. Aphra

Pradi Bhashand - An independant mechanic. Pradi learned her trade from her mother and uncle on Corulag. She has since set out on her own and built a thriving hanger on Pamarthe.

Head = Dr. Aphra
Body = Rose Tico
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on April 28, 2023, 03:01:10 AM
Wow its hard for me to pick a favorite. Maybe that Ithorian with the Buzz Lightyear. You sir have a great eye for which parts go together well. Man, that Mantis custom looks so much better to me than any AF I have ever seen of her too.

Off to the front of the front pages today!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 28, 2023, 09:59:34 AM
Thanks, Tamer!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on April 28, 2023, 04:46:14 PM
Bayrinne Mos’morindo is a 10/10 for me. Is she single?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on April 28, 2023, 05:40:41 PM
I like SA-5 the best. Always like seeing the creativity people have with droids.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on April 28, 2023, 06:44:02 PM
Indeed they all look great, but I am partial to the Ithorian. Great job!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 29, 2023, 11:09:43 AM
Bayrinne Mos’morindo is a 10/10 for me. Is she single?

Yes, Philipp, yes she is.   ;D
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 29, 2023, 11:11:37 AM
I like SA-5 the best. Always like seeing the creativity people have with droids.

Thanks, RC. This one just made sense. Though I realize I should probably post a side picture so folks can see the eye better.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on April 29, 2023, 11:12:36 AM
I had a drink or two too many last night, but I'll figure out how to become a 1/18 action figure somehow.
Great updates once again, Sir.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 29, 2023, 11:13:50 AM
Indeed they all look great, but I am partial to the Ithorian. Great job!

Thanks JDeck! I like him too. I think I'm going with a green to cover up the off-white on his suit, but haven't figured that out yet.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 29, 2023, 11:15:55 AM
I had a drink or two too many last night, but I'll figure out how to become a 1/18 action figure somehow.
Great updates once again, Sir.

No worries  ;) I'm very happy with how she turned out. Generally pleased with all of these. They were "fresh" ideas, but I've got a host of partially finished projects I need to get to. So it's back to work on the pile of parts.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 07, 2023, 07:01:13 PM
Saw these at Fred Meyer (a Kroger department store and grocery in the Pacific Northwest):


and thought for $5.99, they provide a "fancy" dress option for some background characters (senators, night club patrons, etc.) - they're 5 POA for anyone interested. Here's a sample using a Rose head:


I may change the head before I'm done, but it provides easy "dressier" background characters. The heads are glued two-piece more brittle plastic, so carefully cut and separate, or crack and smash, depending on whether one wants to use the oversized head for something. There was Anna, Elsa, Merida, and Pocahontas - I don't know if there are more, that's all I saw - oh there were creature two-packs, so Jasmine and the Tiger (but I didn't pick one of those up). Just thought I'd share.

Also, here's a side view (so you can see the optical sensor) of "Sec":

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 07, 2023, 07:11:33 PM
Also for tonight:

Nireeva - A rare "frilled" Rodian, Nireeva left Rodia as soon as she could to avoid becoming some warlord or politician's trophy wife. Aspiring to act, she made her way to Coruscant hoping to find work in theater or holovid. It turned out she had an aptitude for dance and acrobatics, and found both training and family in an avant garde acting troupe that does both street theater and up-scale circus theater.



Head = POTF Greedo
Body = SpinMaster Harley Quinn
The "frill" is a piece of plastic card that has been scored and lightly covered with PVA (Elmer's) for texture.

Aln Trak - Neti. Aln is the lead museum curator for the Museum of Natural History on Coruscant.


Body = the new Epic series Groot
Clothing = belt from Luminara Unduli and tunic from the Shadows line Prince Xizor
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on June 08, 2023, 11:45:16 PM
Good eye for the softgoods, Starchaser! Those FROZEN character figures were quite popular here in Germany and the movie(s)? even have many adult fans. Like Grogu they might have been overproduced during the hype. So it's a win for both sides to see some on clearance now to make some space on shelves for new items.

Like Nireeva's story. She made a smart decision and I'm looking forward to seeing how she does on Coruscant. Is she wearing a Harley Quinn costume?
Love the design for Sec, too!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on June 09, 2023, 12:13:39 PM
Love the Rodian Gal. Man nice find on that Frozen stuff too.

Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 09, 2023, 05:35:41 PM
Good eye for the softgoods, Starchaser! Those FROZEN character figures were quite popular here in Germany and the movie(s)? even have many adult fans. Like Grogu they might have been overproduced during the hype. So it's a win for both sides to see some on clearance now to make some space on shelves for new items.

Like Nireeva's story. She made a smart decision and I'm looking forward to seeing how she does on Coruscant. Is she wearing a Harley Quinn costume?
Love the design for Sec, too!

Thanks, Philipp. Cost saving is always a thing for me, so I couldn't really pass up the chance for background figures that don't look like scavengers :) And you're right, the base for Nireeva is a Harley Quinn figure (from SpinMaster) - made sense for a street performer.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 09, 2023, 05:37:34 PM
Love the Rodian Gal. Man nice find on that Frozen stuff too.

Off to share.

Many thanks, Tamer.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on June 09, 2023, 06:44:51 PM
Awesome figures! The Rodian is great I like the fin a lot better than the hair they put on females. Hair on a lizard amphibian thing doesn't make sense to me, but it's Star Wars. Anyway that droid looks really cool too. 
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 09, 2023, 11:16:45 PM
Awesome figures! The Rodian is great I like the fin a lot better than the hair they put on females. Hair on a lizard amphibian thing doesn't make sense to me, but it's Star Wars. Anyway that droid looks really cool too.

Thanks JDeck! Something about Dimetrodons ran through my mind when I was thinking about a female Rodian. I agree with you, the hair on Greeata never seemed right. Anyway, this is what I came up with and I'm happy with it.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 10, 2023, 11:27:39 PM
Here's another figure (inspired by HighZone5's recent entry):

Jubro Blixx - A Snivvian spacer, Jubro is happy to go where the credits take him. He's not exactly unprincipled, he's just not particular. The same can be said for his "space jalopy."


Head = three pack Zutton
Body = Mythrol

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 10, 2023, 11:48:14 PM
And Bhemren - an Ubese bounty hunter.* Like many of his species, he trained in the militia of his homeworld (and thus was able to wear the traditional military kit seen on many Ubese in the galaxy) and then went off-world to use his training as a bounty hunter. A member of the Bounty Hunter Guild on Nevarro, he was one of those fortunate enough to be off planet during the battle with the Mandalorians, and so survived the conflict.


with Zuvio:

Recipe: (this figure had 12 points of articulation)
Helmet, upper torso armor, gaunlets, boots = 5POA Zuvio (lots of dremmeling!)
Visor = cut from a Boushh helmet (don't remember which version)
Torso and arms = TVC Rey (Jakku) figure (and a belt, holster, and pistol under the tunic you can't see)
Upper legs = TVC Luke (Bespin) - used figma joints for articulation at the knees.
Tunic = cut from a TCV Tusken Raider outer garment and hand stitched at the sides.

*Note: I have decided that no matter what the stories or Pablo Hidalgo say, Zuvio and his ilk cannot possibly be the same species as Embo. Just because they cover their nose and mouth and have a frisbee hat doesn't constitute adequate reason to name them the same species. I think Zuvio is closer to an Ubese (like Boushh), than he is a Kyuzo. I could make my case more thoroughly if anyone is interested, but in my world, Zuvio and Co. are Ubese.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on June 11, 2023, 06:10:54 AM
Two great new additions.

Off to share on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on June 11, 2023, 04:48:32 PM
That is pretty cool. I like the Boushh helmet design, they made awesome goggles.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on June 12, 2023, 02:55:17 AM
That's a simple yet great custom. It's sad we can't see Hasbro replicate even the most basic things into a simple and articulated sculpt. Great work!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 12, 2023, 06:41:19 PM
Two great new additions.

Off to share on the front pages.

Thanks Tamer!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 12, 2023, 06:43:48 PM
That is pretty cool. I like the Boushh helmet design, they made awesome goggles.

Thanks JDeck. I've been trying to figure out the constables especially since there is a character of the same design on Nevarro. I couldn't figure out how to "build" the goggles because they're so small, then I was looking at a spare Boushh helmet and thought, "That might work" and voila.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 12, 2023, 06:45:31 PM
That's a simple yet great custom. It's sad we can't see Hasbro replicate even the most basic things into a simple and articulated sculpt. Great work!

Thank RC. Yeah, its pretty sad that Hasbro doesn't have the will to produce figures they could easily adapt or articulate.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 15, 2023, 08:34:28 PM
Went back and painted Samber (a couple different shades of green). I like the look better than the Buzz Lightyear white:

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on June 17, 2023, 10:33:51 AM
Oh yeah, makes his head pop more.

Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on June 18, 2023, 08:40:19 PM
That works way too well. How much difficulty did this take attaching the Ithorian bits to the Buzz body?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: BlackThorne on June 19, 2023, 04:49:15 AM
This taller body does works well with the Ithorian, very nice.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 23, 2023, 08:58:02 PM
Oh yeah, makes his head pop more.

Off to share.

Thanks, Tamer! Now I need to build the rest of his team (though, I've got no idea about them yet).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 23, 2023, 08:58:36 PM
This taller body does works well with the Ithorian, very nice.

Thank BlackThorne!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 23, 2023, 09:01:37 PM
That works way too well. How much difficulty did this take attaching the Ithorian bits to the Buzz body?

It took a little time, but it was all dremel work (lots of testing so I didn't over trim). I had to dremel down the purple neck stub for Buzz (it was too thick and tall) and, of course, dremel a hole in Momaw Nadon's head and shape the his arms to install in the Buzz gauntlets.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on June 27, 2023, 06:18:36 PM
It is a great repaint. Ithorians are my favorite species. Just out  of curiosity. It's easily the coolest design in the cantina, yet we barely see it again.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on June 27, 2023, 07:39:31 PM
It is a great repaint. Ithorians are my favorite species. Just out  of curiosity. It's easily the coolest design in the cantina, yet we barely see it again.

Thanks, JDeck! I do think they're a great design, and wish we'd seen one as a Rebel pilot or technician :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on June 27, 2023, 09:08:46 PM
It is a great repaint. Ithorians are my favorite species. Just out  of curiosity. It's easily the coolest design in the cantina, yet we barely see it again.

Thanks, JDeck! I do think they're a great design, and wish we'd seen one as a Rebel pilot or technician :)
I like to think they have mushy bodies, maybe some cartridge  and a simple bone structure, enogh to be humanoid. So a an aromored mech type suit would be like an exoskeleton, to hold up their bodies, and protect them. That's my head canon.  I say you do good repaints, because they're subtle. They look like "no paint" customs but they aren't  Very clean I guess is what im saying.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 03, 2023, 11:06:06 PM

I like to think they have mushy bodies, maybe some cartridge  and a simple bone structure, enogh to be humanoid. So a an aromored mech type suit would be like an exoskeleton, to hold up their bodies, and protect them. That's my head canon.  I say you do good repaints, because they're subtle. They look like "no paint" customs but they aren't  Very clean I guess is what im saying.

Thanks for the compliment! I hadn't really thought about it much, but I think I like the cartilage idea - that could be fun.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on July 04, 2023, 03:36:37 PM

I like to think they have mushy bodies, maybe some cartridge  and a simple bone structure, enogh to be humanoid. So a an aromored mech type suit would be like an exoskeleton, to hold up their bodies, and protect them. That's my head canon.  I say you do good repaints, because they're subtle. They look like "no paint" customs but they aren't  Very clean I guess is what im saying.

Thanks for the compliment! I hadn't really thought about it much, but I think I like the cartilage idea - that could be fun.
I just saw a video of a snail with a left rotation, instead of right.  He was doomed to a life of  solitude, scientists searched the literal world over to find it a left turning snail.  I think it's hard being an Ithorian.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 05, 2023, 12:46:50 AM
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 15, 2023, 06:25:20 PM
A few simple customs for today:
Using the Disney princess bodies (found Mulan and Jasmine in addition to Anna, Elsa and Merida) I removed the heads, carved the neck posts appropriately and popped on some new heads. Now there is a bevy of female customers/onlookers for a night club, upscale casino, market, etc. (The heads are Rose, concept Starkiller, Rey, Zam Wesell, and the helicopter pilot from Jurassic World Dominion):


I don't know if anyone has watched the Young Jedi Adventures on Disney+ with kids (or grandkids). Its great for little children. One of the characters is a new species - Pooba, named Nubs - basically a blue Ewok with bigger ears. The character design is pretty lame (just make it an Ewok) when with animation it could still be "cute" but much more interesting. Anyway, I had a Sully from Monsters, Inc. sitting around and it struck me a bit funny that I could use him to do a "grown up" Pooba (really dumb species name). Anyway I bought a Nubs and Jedi Trainer ship set (the ship works as a speeder), removed Nubs' ears and attached them to Sully (cut off his little horns) and painted him up:


Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on July 15, 2023, 06:36:28 PM
They  all look awesome!  The princesses are dope. There are a lot of monarchs , whether Republic or Separatist.  The ewok monster is one of the coolest applications I've seen.  I'm an Ewok fanatic  what can I say?   
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 15, 2023, 06:57:09 PM
Rost Gliisner - A Shozer bandit. Rost's family were enslaved and separated under Imperial rule. Never reunited with his family after the war, Rost found himself constantly fighting to survive and became cynical about life. Rost turned first to a life of petty crime and then joined a gang of bandits for a time, before striking out on his own (more profit that way he reasoned) to become a "hold up" man. 


Head = Goss Toowers
Upper torso and arms = Legacy Han Solo (the one with the Stormtrooper belt)
Lower torso, legs and gloved hands = TVC Zutton

Ilara Temba - A youngling left in uncertainty by the Clone Wars. Ilara was being transported between an outlying training facility and Coruscant when the Jedi accompanying her received a distress call. The Jedi did not believe she was ready for a mission. So, breaking with protocol, the Jedi left her in the charge of the mistress of an orphanage she knew on a remote planet. The Jedi died fighting the Separatists and Ilara was left with an uncertain future until Sumorn Jaga showed up at the orphanage one day and offered her a home.


Head = DC Black Adam Cyclone
Body = TVC Padawan Anakin
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 15, 2023, 07:00:33 PM
They  all look awesome!  The princesses are dope. There are a lot of monarchs , whether Republic or Separatist.  The ewok monster is one of the coolest applications I've seen.  I'm an Ewok fanatic  what can I say?

Thanks JDeck - I'm still building a backstory, but he will probably be a laborer of some kind as the Pooba are supposedly extra strong. I think I will figure out a soft goods skirt or something for him, but haven't decided yet. As to the princesses - its a pretty cheap way to get some well-dressed background females!

I just realized that Rey on the Merida body looks rather "elvish." - Hmmmm.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 15, 2023, 07:11:25 PM
Here's the Young Jedi trainer ship - its not designed for 1/18 scale, but I think with some customizing it could work as a planetary speeder kind of like the Rebel Snowspeeder in concept (but not design). I've included a figure just for reference:


It has spring-loaded bottom wings (deployed here):


I have a few modifications in mind, so I will post images once the vehicle is modified.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on July 19, 2023, 08:36:57 AM
Yeah, I could see it working as a quasi speeder.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on July 22, 2023, 07:26:04 PM
That is a bangin speeder.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 22, 2023, 10:19:55 PM
 ;D I've assembled a few little parts to slightly modify the design and make it a little more "grown up." Not sure when I will have time to build and paint, but I will post it when done.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on July 23, 2023, 12:42:53 AM
A well inspired round of customs this go around. My favorite has to be the young Jedi. I could see her being an Order 66 survivor.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on July 23, 2023, 06:00:34 AM
Geesh, I didn't scroll down far enough to see the great new custom figures. Sorry Starchaser. They look awesome.

Off to share on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 23, 2023, 06:20:44 PM
A well inspired round of customs this go around. My favorite has to be the young Jedi. I could see her being an Order 66 survivor.

Thanks RC. That's what I was going for :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 23, 2023, 06:22:32 PM
Geesh, I didn't scroll down far enough to see the great new custom figures. Sorry Starchaser. They look awesome.

Off to share on the front pages.

No worries Tamer, and thanks!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 11, 2023, 09:54:57 PM
Feedback time:
I always thought the Kithaba torso would fit an Endor rebel commando (or other Rebel trooper), so I put it together with the legs from a Saga Collection commando and we have a new trooper. But...I'm not sure about the head. Should he stay a Klatoonian? or become a different alien rebel? If so, any suggestions?

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on August 12, 2023, 03:09:49 PM
I think it's an excellent Kithba Kitbash. Hey you can call him Kitbashh. I like the bandanna gives him a Vietnam war Rambo look. The rebels were Guerillas. I like it. Id just give the shirt a spash of paint to differentiate from being kithba.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 12, 2023, 04:17:46 PM
I think it's an excellent Kithba Kitbash. Hey you can call him Kitbashh. I like the bandanna gives him a Vietnam war Rambo look. The rebels were Guerillas. I like it. Id just give the shirt a spash of paint to differentiate from being kithba.

Cool, thanks for the feedback JDeck! How about Kithabasha?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on August 12, 2023, 05:57:13 PM
I think it's an excellent Kithba Kitbash. Hey you can call him Kitbashh. I like the bandanna gives him a Vietnam war Rambo look. The rebels were Guerillas. I like it. Id just give the shirt a spash of paint to differentiate from being kithba.

Cool, thanks for the feedback JDeck! How about Kithabasha?
Right on! Klatooinians are always portrayed as the bad guys, why not have a Rebel. Maybe paint the bandana green, he's instantly a good guy.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on August 13, 2023, 05:44:52 AM
Some citadel nurn oil wash and he's good to go!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on August 13, 2023, 06:38:27 AM
Looks good to me.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 21, 2023, 07:39:59 PM
Taking JDeck's suggestion, I painted the head-band green:
Rathasa Dek - Rathasa always hated being indentured to the Hutts. He longed for the freedom of charting his own course in the galaxy. The impetus to finally break away occured when, in a fit of rage over a damaged tapestry, his master fed  his mother to a pair of hungry Nexu. He escaped his master on a transport ship and made for the stars. His frustration with slavery aligned him with the fledgling Rebellion and he fought with distinction throughout the Galactic conflict becoming a member of the Rebel Special Forces Tracker Unit prior to the Battle of Endor.


Ebey Avry Eziren - Eziren is a Bimm "galactic peddler" who travels from planet to planet selling his odd collection of wares. Always smiling and happy to "make a deal" he seems a jovial sort. Most take this at face value, but a few discerning individuals notice he never answers questions about where his goods come from ("Oh, you know, here and there."). Is there something darker or more dangerous going on underneath this friendly exterior?


Recipe: (pretty simple)
Head = Thuggee chief temple guard - Indiania Jones
Body = LOTR Balin

Another simple one (just a head swap):
Romel Gressy - a courier by trade, but really the courier role allows Romel to travel broadly and get into secure places gathering information for the Rebel alliance Intelligence arm.


Head = Maruader Gun-Runners "Ryan"
Body = Cassian Andor show figure

The photos have a slightly orange hue because of the forest fire smoke in our area filtering the sunlight :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on August 22, 2023, 02:58:43 AM
Very nice all three.

Off to share on the front pages.

Those forest fires are awful. It has sure been a summer. I hope it doesn't effect your air quality too much.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on August 22, 2023, 05:05:33 AM
I wasn't on the phone much recently, but I had the same idea as JDeck: the head-band looks better in green. Love the name and the way your Kithabasha looks now! Another cool addition to your custom army!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 22, 2023, 05:59:18 PM
Very nice all three.

Off to share on the front pages.

Those forest fires are awful. It has sure been a summer. I hope it doesn't effect your air quality too much.

Thanks, Tamer. Our air quality has been okay until this weekend, but it is supposed to rain (finally) tonight or tomorrow and that will help greatly.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 22, 2023, 06:00:10 PM
I wasn't on the phone much recently, but I had the same idea as JDeck: the head-band looks better in green. Love the name and the way your Kithabasha looks now! Another cool addition to your custom army!

Thanks, Philipp! Are you on break still, or back at school?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on August 23, 2023, 02:29:45 AM
I absolutely love the peddler guy the best. Hilarious custom but still looks great!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on August 23, 2023, 02:32:20 AM

Thanks, Philipp! Are you on break still, or back at school?

Any time, Jeff! I think now he fits in line with the other Rebel Commandos on Endor.
My brother and I went for 7 dives on 3 days in Marsa Alam. We returned from Egypt on Monday afternoon.
I'm with my family today. It's my 30th birthday today and I'm watching the first episode of AHSoKa with my brother. And so far I like this present by Disney. Thanks Dave!
I go back to school mid September. But before I travel through Colorado by train. I'm excited!
Fortunately I have some more days here for customizing Star Wars stuff! Wish you a good day, bud!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 23, 2023, 03:31:08 PM
Well...Happy Birthday! ;D
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on August 24, 2023, 05:17:49 PM
These are an awesome bunch! The green bandana was just what he needed. The pedelar is awesome I don't know if it's intentional but he reminds me of Pasha Peddler from Johnny Quest one of my favorite shows of all time.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 24, 2023, 07:24:28 PM
These are an awesome bunch! The green bandana was just what he needed. The pedelar is awesome I don't know if it's intentional but he reminds me of Pasha Peddler from Johnny Quest one of my favorite shows of all time.

Totally!!! I just rewatched the 1964 episode with him in it. The two season original and the first season of the  1970s animated Flash Gordon are my "go to's" when I just want to unplug.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 27, 2023, 08:43:12 PM
Couldn't resist:


Nojin Lostimar Banidat – the name seems pretentious, but naming conventions among the Cyopdron are a big deal for identity. As a Jedi, however, he simply goes by “Ban.” Highly secretive, Cyopdron are virtually unheard of in the galactic community, preferring to keep to themselves. As a kit, however, Ban was a little too curious for his own good and wound up an unintentional stowaway on an explorer’s ship. Finding the little guy, the explorer took him to the Jedi Temple, where, finding him to be Force sensitive, the Jedi Council decided his presence must be a sign of the “will of the Force” and commissioned his training. Resourceful, easily overlooked, and highly adaptable, Ban is often sent on reconnaissance and other sensitive missions for the Council. While unimposing, Ban is agile, relentless, and fierce; his enemies usually find out too late that they underestimated him.



Recipe: Simple!
Head and tail = Rocket Raccoon - epic version (comes with the space ship)
Body = TVC Anakin (had to dremel a hole for the tail)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on August 28, 2023, 03:06:49 AM
Nice. He works.

Just actually watched the latest GOTG this past week.

Off to share on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on September 01, 2023, 12:56:15 PM
Well...Happy Birthday! ;D

Thank you, Jeff!  :D
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 02, 2023, 12:25:17 AM
I was inspired by the character Vinto Hreeda from the Imperial Assault when I managed to find a Hondo on sale. I didn't want to actually make Vinto, though. (Aude has done a brilliant version of him:

Instead, I built on the idea of a Rodian gunslinger and created Darcho Venstri a brown skinned Rodian who saw Vinto Hreeda in action against Stormtroopers when he was a youngster and aspired to be like him. He trained incessantly to be fast and accurate with a blaster. The years of practice have paid off and now Darcho has earned his own deadly reputation and like his hero, hates anything that even smells like the Empire.


Head and hands = POTF Greedo (I figured that anoles and chameleons can change colors from bright green to brown, so can't there be a brown Rodian)
Body = TVC Hondo
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on September 03, 2023, 11:31:33 AM
I love Rodians! Mr Venstri looks great in brown! I might use the coat of Mr Ohnaka for a Neimoidian custom.
Mighty TungHori still has him in stock at a reduced price:
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 03, 2023, 11:42:41 PM
I love Rodians! Mr Venstri looks great in brown! I might use the coat of Mr Ohnaka for a Neimoidian custom.
Mighty TungHori still has him in stock at a reduced price:

Thanks, Philipp! The coat will work well for a variety of customs, I think. He's $11.49 on US Amazon, which with Prime free shipping makes that a cheaper option that TungHori for me (and faster).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 05, 2023, 03:12:36 AM
Looks awesome to me.

Off to the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 06, 2023, 10:23:59 PM
Lodda Satler - A brilliant aquaculture specialist, Lodda has found a place beyond the bubble cities of Naboo. Her expertise has taken her to numerous planets, and she has found she appreciates the galactic community. Currently guest lecturing at the University of Coruscant, she has built a friendship with Brecca Jh’amp and can be seen after hours enjoying the Coruscant nightlife.


Head, arms, waist and legs = Clone Wars Jar Jar Binks
Upper Torso = Aayla Secura ROTS

Havasan Sherasadeem – Padawan learner. Survived the drop on Felucia but was separated from his Master during a dominance fight between two bull Jungle Rancors. He arrived to the battle front just in time to see his Master gunned down by their own clone troopers. He fled into the wilderness to hide. After the war, he found refuge in one of the small Felucian farming communities. He was eventually found by Sumorn Jagga, who brought him to “Sanctuary.”


Head, arms, and legs = Darius from Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous
Boots = cut from the 5POA "Solo" Han that came with the speeder
Torso and skirt = Zett Jukasa
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on September 07, 2023, 02:35:47 AM
Very nice, off to the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 07, 2023, 04:47:06 PM
Very nice, off to the front pages.

Thanks, Tamer.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Moronarama on September 20, 2023, 07:07:11 AM
Great stuff, as always.  Lodda Satler and Havasan Sherasadeem are awesome and I dig the back stories.  Good work!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 01, 2023, 02:35:12 PM
New figure:

Oseya (oh-see-ya) Eddori - as a young teen, Oseya was taken captive by slavers during a school outing. She managed to escape while her captors had landed on another planet to pick up some more “merchandise.” For several long months she managed to survive on the primitive and hostile world until she was found and rescued by Tremander Brace, who happened upon the planet on a mission. Shaped by her experience, the Chagrian now serves as one of the lead investigators for a seasoned attorney that prosecutes Sentient Being Rights violation cases in the high court of the New Republic. While most of her time is spent researching, tracking down leads, and interviewing potential witnesses, she is not to be trifled with when things turn rough, but has been known to hire the Wookiee freelancer Yubookoo if she expects much trouble.



Head = G.I. Joe Rise of Cobra Scarlett (hair removed)
Horns = POTJ Mas Amedda (conveniently, the side horns and back are a separate piece from the rest of Amedda's head). The top of Oseya's head required sculpting to get the "head plates."
Body = Roblox Imagination Collection Vie Battle Witch
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Moronarama on October 01, 2023, 03:25:47 PM
Excellent!  I like the work you did on the head.  And the story is great, I never thought about investigators and rights activists in the Star Wars setting.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 01, 2023, 06:10:38 PM
Excellent!  I like the work you did on the head.  And the story is great, I never thought about investigators and rights activists in the Star Wars setting.

Thanks so much M-. Sculpting her head was a little fiddly, but I'm really pleased with her. I figure there's got to be more than soldiers, bounty hunters and pilots in the Star Wars universe, right?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on October 02, 2023, 02:59:24 AM
Man this is great. Love the colors on this one too. Great backstory.

Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 02, 2023, 10:23:00 PM
Man this is great. Love the colors on this one too. Great backstory.

Off to share.

Thanks Tamer!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 05, 2023, 06:16:03 PM
Well, Starchaser has finally done it...he's designed and built his first original piece for a diorama. (JDeck says, "'bout time"):





A small generator with communication tower and radar that Ferron Salmi designed and installed for his salvage yard in Safa Thewel on Farsolax.

This was built from the plastic inset for an electronics box, an HO scale communication antenna model, a radar dish off a Micro Machines Endor playset, wood hexes, bottle caps, and bits from a pen. The antenna and radar dish are attached via magnets for easier storage. The base is XPS foam carved as a stone foundation and painted.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on October 06, 2023, 02:45:21 AM
That looks great to me. Very nice. Reminds me of a small power generator station you would see at any remote outpost.

Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Moronarama on October 06, 2023, 08:02:06 AM
Nicely done!.  Those diorama pieces are always harder to pull off than they look and you did an excellent job!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 06, 2023, 02:09:59 PM
That looks great to me. Very nice. Reminds me of a small power generator station you would see at any remote outpost.

Off to share.

Thanks, Tamer. That's exactly the impression I was going for.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 06, 2023, 02:14:16 PM
Nicely done!.  Those diorama pieces are always harder to pull off than they look and you did an excellent job!

Thank, Moronarama. Your right, it took longer than I expected, but not as long as it could have!   :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on October 23, 2023, 04:25:49 PM
Late to the party. I've been lurking, checking in everyday, just not posting. Your generator looks awesome. Now you have the fever, next thing you know you'll see star wars parts in everything until you have a whole room full of bits and pieces. Lol. It is awesome i love seeing trash to treasure builds.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: DarthSinister on October 23, 2023, 05:51:41 PM
Love It!!!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 23, 2023, 10:02:20 PM
Late to the party. I've been lurking, checking in everyday, just not posting. Your generator looks awesome. Now you have the fever, next thing you know you'll see star wars parts in everything until you have a whole room full of bits and pieces. Lol. It is awesome i love seeing trash to treasure builds.

Thanks, JDeck! Yeah...I've got a few tubs ;D I'm hoping when there is some space in my garage, to get to building the rest of the scrapyard (and more).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 23, 2023, 10:03:06 PM
Love It!!!

Thanks! There will be more...eventually :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Lenny Quinn on October 25, 2023, 10:34:56 AM
That came out great! Nicely done!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on October 25, 2023, 06:05:30 PM
That came out great! Nicely done!

Thanks Lenny. If I can get my garage cleaned up, I'll be able to build out the rest of the salvage yard.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on November 04, 2023, 08:20:14 AM
Great work on turning trash into treasure!

Fun fact, if you clean up yogurt cups and remove all the labeling they make awesome scifi containers with paint applications. Just gotta glue them together.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 04, 2023, 11:40:46 AM
Great work on turning trash into treasure!

Fun fact, if you clean up yogurt cups and remove all the labeling they make awesome scifi containers with paint applications. Just gotta glue them together.

Thanks, RC! Hadn't thought of yogurt could do small (like Yoplait) or big (like Oikos) that's a great idea.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on November 04, 2023, 11:58:51 AM
Great work on turning trash into treasure!

Fun fact, if you clean up yogurt cups and remove all the labeling they make awesome scifi containers with paint applications. Just gotta glue them together.

Thanks, RC! Hadn't thought of yogurt could do small (like Yoplait) or big (like Oikos) that's a great idea.

To be honest either would work out, but Oikos containers look best.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 07, 2023, 10:42:36 PM
Belsu – A member of a Kyuzo clovoc that encouraged members to go off-world, Belsu traveled the galaxy as a mercenary for several years before a mission brought his team to Farsolax. After completing their mission, the team took a breather in Safa Thewel. During their “rest” a small group of pirates landed, looking for repairs to their ship. Belsu joined in the firefight to drive the pirates off and decided to stay on as fulix (basically a marshal or sheriff).


Head/arms/legs = Embo
Torso/Skirt = Wooof
Holsters = Saga Djas Puhr
Death Trooper rifle; Australian slouch hat from Marauder Gun Runners
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on November 08, 2023, 03:41:15 AM
Looks good on the front page.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 08, 2023, 11:25:15 PM
Ruvast – Iakaru citizen of Safa Thewel. Fleeing Iakar because of growing control and oppression of galactic pharmaceutical companies (culminating in a full occupation by the Empire) Ruvast became one of the rare Iakaru found off-world. Out foraging, Ruvast returned to his village to find that his troop had been rounded up as slaves, so he sought an escape. Something of a novelty, Ruvast found that he could earn his keep doing jobs that took advantage of his agility and excellent perception. Eventually he found a suitable home on Farsolax, serving as the lead arborist/logger for Safa Thewel in the thick forest band that borders the plains and tundra near the town.

First version:

Final version:

Head = Rogue One Bistan (added to his "brow tufts" and changed his paint scheme a little)
Torso = Saelt Marae (TVC)
Arms/Legs = Nien Nunb (TVC)
Harness belt = Starkiller (TVC)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 08, 2023, 11:27:59 PM
Looks good on the front page.

Thanks, Tamer. I'm still working on the fauna for Farsolax to figure out what his "ride" might be. It might turn out being the dire horses from Avatar...but we'll see.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: DarthSinister on November 09, 2023, 07:39:59 AM
These are great! Love Belsu.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Moronarama on November 09, 2023, 07:50:45 AM
There are both awesome.  Great job on the eyebrow tufts.  It's probably just the angle on the hat in the photo, but I really want to see Belsu with a fishing pole :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 09, 2023, 11:11:38 AM
These are great! Love Belsu.

Thanks! I love the character design for Embo, so have to find other ways to bring real Kyuzo into the galaxy.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 09, 2023, 11:15:30 AM
There are both awesome.  Great job on the eyebrow tufts.  It's probably just the angle on the hat in the photo, but I really want to see Belsu with a fishing pole :)

Thanks! I almost put a boonie hat on him, which would totally be a fishing hat, but I like the military slouch hat - it's pinned on one side so you can shoulder your rifle for marching. You could shoulder a fishing pole (or other tools, like a shovel) the same way. Now that you mention it, I might have to design a fisherbeing   ;)  My guess is that Belsu would use a harpoon anyway.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on November 10, 2023, 08:12:54 PM
Awesome dudes! I like  ruvast's eyebrows. Belsu looks great too! I think Wooofs skirt is one of the best looking soft goods made, looks exactly like sheep skin in scale.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Lenny Quinn on November 11, 2023, 10:38:08 AM
Really like the creativity on these two! They look great, nice work!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 11, 2023, 04:51:54 PM
Awesome dudes! I like  ruvast's eyebrows. Belsu looks great too! I think Wooofs skirt is one of the best looking soft goods made, looks exactly like sheep skin in scale.

Thanks, JDeck. I agree with you that the Wooof soft goods look great.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 11, 2023, 04:52:55 PM
Really like the creativity on these two! They look great, nice work!

Thanks, Lenny. I'm building out the citizens of my little town, so we'll see who else shows up :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 11, 2023, 07:55:37 PM
Olees Tilbro – youngest child of a wealthy and prestigious Abednedo politician, and the only child of his second marriage, Olees was looked down on by his five older half-siblings and mostly left to find his own way. Bored, insecure, and discouraged, Olees got himself in trouble, a lot. Over the years he learned a great deal about how to read people and outmaneuver them.  Disenfranchised from his family (except his mother) Olees left his home planet and put his training to work as a gambler. He has a reputation as a cutthroat sabacc player, but remains a little jealous of the skill and success of his "more-than-an-aquantance, not quite a friend" rival, Teller.



This is not an original design with me, I-Am-Boba-Fett had this idea listed on his eBay page, but I really liked the look of it:
Head = C'ai Threnalli
Body = Greef Karga (TVC)
Cape = from one of the Mandalorians I had a duplicate of
Hands = Boss Fight Studios shadow gray Blanks

Gee Oachs – Gran who put his wanderlust and aggression into becoming a mercenary. He now works as an escort/bodyguard for E.A. Eziren the peddler.


Head = Ree Yees (TVC)
Body = Boba Fett (Tusken)
Hands = Quarren Soldier

I've seen several Quarren mods to the Boba Fett body (like Don's great one) so I thought I'd go a different direction with the unnecessary Ree Yees in the Jabba's Denizens pack  :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Lenny Quinn on November 11, 2023, 08:48:36 PM
Two more excellent additions! Off to hare on the front pages! Wait a minute, that's not my line!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on November 12, 2023, 03:46:27 AM
Olees Tilbro is a billiant figure! This alien design is actually everything I like about the Sequels.
The hands from Boss Fight match perfectly. I so need to save some budget to go shopping on their website. Same with Marauders...wish I had found more of those pilots on clearance back in the days...I recognized Greef's body right away, but wasn't aware of his customizing potential until I saw yours. Fantastic work by you and I-Am-Boba-Fett!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on November 12, 2023, 07:24:40 AM
These look great on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: DarthSinister on November 12, 2023, 09:53:20 AM
These are great Starchaser. Just how many in total of these great little background character have you made? I can't imagine. Great Work as usual!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 12, 2023, 01:03:45 PM
Two more excellent additions! Off to hare on the front pages! Wait a minute, that's not my line!

Heehee! Thanks.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 12, 2023, 01:06:20 PM
Olees Tilbro is a billiant figure! This alien design is actually everything I like about the Sequels.
The hands from Boss Fight match perfectly. I so need to save some budget to go shopping on their website. Same with Marauders...wish I had found more of those pilots on clearance back in the days...I recognized Greef's body right away, but wasn't aware of his customizing potential until I saw yours. Fantastic work by you and I-Am-Boba-Fett!

Thanks Philipp. I liked the design right away, so kudos to I-Am-Boba-Fett. Check out Vitruvian armory online for parts to Boss Fight and other lines (cheaper than buying whole figures).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 12, 2023, 01:06:39 PM
These look great on the front pages.

Thanks, Tamer.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on November 12, 2023, 01:09:11 PM
These are great Starchaser. Just how many in total of these great little background character have you made? I can't imagine. Great Work as usual!

Thanks! Uhhh...I dunno....I lost count :) I do have a running list on my computer - but I never thought about numbering them. I'm still waaaay behind the photonovelist folks (like Chewie),  and world-builders (like Don and JDeck), though.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: DarthSinister on November 26, 2023, 10:42:07 AM
Hey Starchaser, check your PMs I sent you a message.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 05, 2023, 11:06:11 PM
This was just a bit of fun, but I like it. When I saw the Axololt Fortnite figure I thought, "that fits in the Star Wars universe." So I made a few modifcations (yes those are rain drops on the figure):

Yahbow - a Xotal. Xotal develop from eggs, through a nymph stage (tadpole) to an "adolescent" amphibious quadrupedal stage. At this stage they can be mistaken for merqaal (Nix, the sidekick from Star Wars Outlaws). Yahbow was much more inquisitive than his clutch mates and so when explorers visited his planet, a child captured him for a pet. Yahbow, though innocent, was far from unintelligent. So it wasn't long before he had learned Basic and other "skills." He escaped from his "owner" and found a body of water to complete his final transformation into adulthood. He has found his way to Farsolax and lives along Clearwater Lake not far from Safa Thewel. He is generous, curious, always friendly, but never reveals anything about himself or his people to those he interacts with. For their part, the citizens of Safa Thewel treat him as part of their community without prejudice.



Recipe: (pretty simple)
Base figure = Fortnite Axolotl "Axo"
Shemagh = Marauder, Inc.
Knife belt = Chicken Fried Dime Store Legends "Sharpshooter"
Skirt = TVC Rey Jakku
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on December 06, 2023, 03:48:15 AM
Yep, I agree nice for the SW Verse. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 07, 2023, 01:45:49 AM
Yep, I agree nice for the SW Verse. Off to share.

Thanks Tamer, it was too good to pass up.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 28, 2023, 12:20:35 AM
So I had an ambitious idea that I would would upload a figure a day for all twelve days of Christmas, but I wasn't able to upload Christmas day or yesterday due to I'll begin with three tonight and try to add one a day for the remainder of "Christmas."

Christmas day
Jan Dodonna:


This is a simple one, just a head swap, now that we have the SA Captain Antilles from the Rebel Fleet Trooper 4-pack

Second day of Christmas (the Feast of Stephen from "Good King Wenceslas"):

Riiyah Zakar – A Zygerrian. Riiyah’s family made enemies of powerful Zygerrian nobles and, in an ironic twist, were sold as slaves themselves. Liberated by Jedi, Riiyah's grandparents used the operational skills to start get jobs at a galactic transportation company. Riiyah is third generation in shipping. She is a shipping agent for a small outer-rim shipping company that does supply runs and is stationed in Safa Thewel.


Also a simple head swap: Captian Amelia McDonald's toy; body from Morgan Elsbeth (this is going to be a good body for customizing!).

Third day of Christmas

Yahrst-Bennin - Yarkora. This particular Yarkora didn't like the idea of being associated with criminals, so instead he used his ability to get information from people as a skill set to get a job with the galactic diplomatic corp. Though many people are uncomfortable around Yarkora, Yahrst-Bennin has become successful as a treaty negotiator.


Head/arms/legs and lower torso = Saelt-Marae
Upper torso and skirt = Admiral Ackbar
I built up the waist post and the neck post with hot glue for a snug fit

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 28, 2023, 08:46:53 PM
Day four of Christmas:

Persola Nubres – Siebb’s mate and a shop keeper in Safa Thewel; she manages the operations side of her husband's mining as well as selling wares at Safa Thewel's equivalent of a general store. She has an excellent head for business and is as no-nonsense as they come. She may be small, but she commands respect in the community and from visitors.



Head = Nien Nunb (TVC)
Upper Torso = Chi Eekway
Lower Torso = Kuill
Hair sculpted with Kneadatite
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 29, 2023, 11:10:55 PM
Day Five of Christmas:

Maybe a younger Kuill working as a slave for the Empire?


Head = Kuill
Body = Fisher-Price Izzy
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on December 30, 2023, 10:41:07 PM
Day Six of Christmas:

Jeres Turani: A third generation soldier, Jeres was deeply disturbed by the cruelty of the Empire and left service after a particularly vicious planetary subjugation. He puts his expertise as a droid technician and electrician to work maintaining the systems and droids of Safa Thewel.



Recipe: This was a pretty simple parts swap
Head = Marvel Thunderstrike
Body = Andor
Arms = Wooof
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 01, 2024, 12:20:27 AM
Day Seven of Christmas (and Happy New Year's Eve):

Zet Areti Culan – a Sivykri from Neo-Afor (original species and planet). One of the regulars on the galactic gambling circuit, competitor to Teller, Parsem Bok, and Olees Tilbro.


Recipe (another simply head swap):
Head = Boss Fight Alien (mini kit head)
Body = Daultay Dofine
Cloak = Greef Karga
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on January 01, 2024, 09:33:19 AM
First custom posted in 2024!  DH

Very cool use of parts on this one.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 01, 2024, 11:27:30 AM
Thanks RC! Happy New Year!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 01, 2024, 03:26:25 PM
Updated the Zet image to outdoors:


Also, Kids got me the DnD Owlbear for the holidays - its massive:

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 01, 2024, 11:56:36 PM
Day Eight of Christmas:

Thaka Zaeg - this Klatooinian was used as a gladiator by the Hutts but earned his freedom. Now he enjoys a much easier life as bodyguard to the gambler Zet Areti Culan.


Recipe (another simple one):
Head = Umpass-Stay
Body = Indiana Jones Chief Temple Guard (Temple of Doom)
Knife - Saga Bib Fortuna//Ax - from one of the Fortnite figures
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 02, 2024, 11:35:19 PM
Day Nine of Christmas

Xir Tsanjin - A Khil Jedi (from the EU/Legends).



Head = Ithillid (custom cast from jokebofe on ebay); I added ears from a 3.75 Spock
Body = Anakin Skywalker
Hands = Boss Fight
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: hemble on January 03, 2024, 04:42:53 PM
Very nice work mate.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 03, 2024, 09:08:57 PM
Very nice work mate.


Thanks, Ron!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 03, 2024, 09:48:49 PM
Day Ten of Christmas:

Shebu Veneree - A human from Asmeru in the mid-rim Senex sector. As a child she had dreams of being a famous galactic actress, so she left home as a young woman bound for Coruscant and the Uscru District. Achieving her dreams was much more difficult in reality and Shebu makes a living as a dancer at the Outlander Club.


Head = Terr Taneel (Amanda Lucas figure)
Shoulder/Chest = Zorii Bliss
Arms = Ahsoka (VC 102)
Stomach and Legs = Aayla Secura
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 05, 2024, 12:59:35 AM
Day Eleven of Christmas
(Just under the wire, by one minute, my time - whew!)

This one is pretty obvious, a new head (courtesy of StarWarsGeek/jokebofe on eBay) for the Grand Inquisitor. I went with red for the facial tattoos (like the cartoon version), it just made more sense to me. No offense to Rupert Friend and Dave Filoni, but I think the elongated head is a better choice given the cartoon and Tion Medon.

And compared with the TVC version:

One to go, and I'll post a group shot tomorrow as well.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on January 05, 2024, 01:58:33 AM
I like your version of the Grand Inquisitor much better! Vastly superior to the original.  vadsab
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on January 05, 2024, 04:15:11 AM
Wow, now that is the way to bring in the New Year. Awesome.

Off to share these!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RCWCreations on January 05, 2024, 04:35:01 AM
These are awesome customs mate!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 06, 2024, 01:01:16 AM
I like your version of the Grand Inquisitor much better! Vastly superior to the original.  vadsab

Thanks so much! I'm pretty happy with how he turned out, and prefer him as well.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 06, 2024, 01:01:56 AM
Wow, now that is the way to bring in the New Year. Awesome.

Off to share these!

Thanks, Tamer - Happy New Year!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 06, 2024, 01:02:39 AM
These are awesome customs mate!

Thanks! Glad you like 'em.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 06, 2024, 01:08:47 AM
Twelfth Day of Christmas
(well, its a couple minutes past midnight my time. Ran out of hours today - something about work...

Lobot - after the retaking of Bespin, Lobot put his unique capacities to work. His ability to interface with computers and do rapid computations made him a highly sought after consultant to numerous business and government interests. He travels often, but can often be seen around Coruscant advising politicians and lobbyists.


Pretty simple - Lobot head and Playmates 3.75" movie Spock.
If I have time, I may take a group shot tomorrow (well, later today) and might possibly be able to provide an Epiphany ("Three Kings Day") custom to boot.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on January 07, 2024, 02:28:57 AM
Sorry, I'm late to the party. Day 7, 9, 10 and 11 are my favorites!
Love the alien characters 7 & 9. The inquisitor is a vast improvement, indeed! And the female custom looks great! Reminds me of an Egyptian woman.
Great stuff, I'm looking for the group picture and hope your job allows you more free time, soon.
Thanks for still sharing your customs even though it' late at night.
I was going to make some customs over the Holidays, but Christmas and New Year's kept me way to busy with family & friends.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 07, 2024, 09:21:30 PM
Thanks, Philipp. Happy New Year to you! Glad you like the aliens, I'm always looking to expand their ranks. Yes, Shebu was inspired by a random anime Eygptian inspired drawing I saw, so that is exactly the trajectory I was on with her.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on January 08, 2024, 05:15:38 AM
Nice I always wondered what happened to Lobot.

Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 08, 2024, 06:17:49 PM
Nice I always wondered what happened to Lobot.

Off to share.

Thanks, Tamer! There are some stories about him teaming up with Lando later in the EU (or other media), but they're kind of "meh" for me, so I just went my own direction with him.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on January 12, 2024, 12:08:13 PM
Your Lobot looks so formal now haha. Where did you get those trees in the background? Those are very cool too.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on January 13, 2024, 12:54:29 AM
Your Lobot looks so formal now haha. Where did you get those trees in the background? Those are very cool too.

Thanks RC - they were a "terrain" purchase for tabletop wargaming on sale at Hobby Lobby a year ago or so.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 02, 2024, 06:29:12 PM
Whew, after the twelve days of customs, I found myself catching up to the new year. I've got a fair number of partially finished projects that I hope to get to before too long, in the meantime I did manage to build these:

Thi Serral – A Kel Dor from Dorin, Thi hailed from a traditionalist family. Though no longer influential or wealthy, the Serral family had a proud history on Dorin. Finding Thi to be Force sensitive, she was sent to be trained by the Baran Do. Both gifted and determined, Thi sensed that the Force was guiding her to the stars for the greater good of her family and maybe even her people. She is an expert tracker (and handy with a blaster) and is often hired by bounty hunters, law enforcement and others. She sends a large part of her commissions home to help her family’s financial well-being. While not the path her parents would have chosen, they are nevertheless proud of their daughter and the fact that she is adding to the family legacy.


Head = Saga Plo Koon
Arms and jacket = TVC Hera
Rest = Dr. Aphra

Bileenka – Female Toydarian. Her mother was first cousin to King Katuunko and her father from an old and powerful noble family. When Savage Opress assassinated the king, it initiated a period of instability on Toydaria, with political families trying to gain influence over the crown. Knowing they were targets of other jealous families, Bileenka’s parent were concerned she would be harmed or kidnapped. So they hired a pilot and ship to fly her and her nanny to safety. Unfortunately, the pilot was unscrupulous and decided to keep all the supplies and a few treasures they were traveling with. Fortunately, he wasn’t the worst kind of unscrupulous and didn’t sell them as slaves, he simply dropped them off at the first convenient backward planet – Farsolax. The pilot was eventually found by mercenaries hired to kidnap Bileenka, but not finding their target, they killed the pilot. Bileenka’s family was consequently not able to find her, and she grew up on Farsolax. She always thought that her “mom’s” stories were just to entertain, not that they were actually family history. She lives on the banks of Clearwater Lake and plays mother to Yahbow.



Base figure = Watto (Episode one)
Topknot = Indiana Jones Ugha Warrior (now scalped)
Knit sweater and leg warmers = Trolls Band Together (Queen Poppy? - I know nothing about these, just thought the outift would work)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 03, 2024, 05:52:55 PM
Took a couple of weeks, but I finally got a group shot of the "12 Days of Christmas" customs 2023/2024 (I was tempted to add the two from yesterday, but...nah):

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on February 03, 2024, 08:43:36 PM
Awesome group of guys. I've been lurking and following your work, but got lazy i guess. Anyhows. They're all great I especially like the klatooinian great mashup.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 03, 2024, 10:44:33 PM
Thanks, JDeck. Glad to know you're still out there  ;D
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on February 04, 2024, 07:09:39 AM
Nice. Great project.

That new Toydarian is awesome.

Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 04, 2024, 03:20:34 PM
Nice. Great project.

That new Toydarian is awesome.

Off to share.

Thanks, Tamer. Glad you liked her:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 22, 2024, 12:21:19 AM
Here's a quick one:
Hurrmen – a Fluudling. 'urrmen (he always pronounces it with a silent “H”) is friendly, kind, generally happy and somewhat simple-minded. He is also exceptionally strong. He is a laborer who can be found wherever he is needed in the community. When he is frightened (either for himself or a friend) he can become very agitated and in this state is dangerous due to his prodigious strength. He likes children and animals and is very gentle with them. Hurrmen wound up on Farsolax when the merchant he was hired by (for his strength) became so exasperated with his lack of initiative that he flew off and left Hurrmen to fend for himself. Riiyah Zakar, who found him wandering around aimlessly, is one of the few who can help him calm himself when agitated. Leshee Shaloop, the animal handler, is probably his best friend, and he thinks Coggin and Weelis (the garbage managers) are the funniest beings in the galaxy.


Head = Funko Hup from Dark Crystal TV series
Body = TVC Ree-Yees
Hands = Orn Free Taa
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on February 22, 2024, 01:02:37 AM
Wow, that's so cool! It's kinda wicked to see the hands of Orn Free Taa in a different color other than blue. It works well! I also like Ree-Yees' jacket in red!

Add: on a second glance I find the background and the head give your custom and setting a medieval look.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 22, 2024, 01:21:40 AM
Wow, that's so cool! It's kinda wicked to see the hands of Orn Free Taa in a different color other than blue. It works well! I also like Ree-Yees' jacket in red!

Add: on a second glance I find the background and the head give your custom and setting a medieval look.

Good eye, Philipp. He could work in a Fantasy context just as well (in fact, the Dark Crystal setting from which the head comes is just that). I just happened to have this Medieval arch that my wife found at a thrift store that worked for the picture.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on February 22, 2024, 03:59:01 AM
Nice, off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on February 22, 2024, 07:24:52 PM
Cool character! Yeah the hands do fit in very well. Don't let him pet the rabbits lol.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 22, 2024, 07:27:05 PM
Nice, off to share.

Thanks Tamer!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on February 22, 2024, 07:28:04 PM
Cool character! Yeah the hands do fit in very well. Don't let him pet the rabbits lol.

Thanks, JDeck. Well, maybe not the rabbits. But...his pet is coming soon.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 06, 2024, 11:19:44 PM
Well, it looks the reset of the forums went back in time and my Maaro image disappeared, so here he is again (Maaro take 2).

Maaro - A Pelleezeean. Pelleezeean live simple lives in small communities on their home planet. They are rare in galaxy. In fact, most who have encountered a Pelleezeean have encounter only one, a foul-smelling brawler of a criminal who shall not be named. Consequently, the galactic "understanding" of Pelleezeeans is built primarily on the reputation of one representative. As a child, Maaro was bored and rebellious and secretly idolized the infamous galactic criminal. As soon as he was able, he fled his home planet to pursue the "romantic" life of a criminal. With a love for brawling, Maaro is very happy as a small-time enforcer for a criminal gang called the "Wandering Star" part of the Crymorah Syndicate.


Head = MOTU minis Stinkor
Body = Klatooinian Raider
Hands = Ponda Baba
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 06, 2024, 11:24:34 PM
And a new one:
Ezikarri Sorusalial – A landscape artist and professional gardener. In spite of his imposing size and somewhat frightening appearance, he is a gentle and serene being. A Krex,* Ezi has the ability to smell gradation in pH balance in soil, can see in both the ultraviolet and infrared spectrum, and is sensitive to moisture saturation. With an artistic eye, Ezi has become a master gardener and a sought after landscape architect. He has even created a garden-scape for the fabled Skydome Botanical Gardens on Coruscant.

*Species from the Old Republic, show with a large horn on its head – but only one Krex is ever shown, so I’m going to assume that different Krex members, or sub-species can have the frill like a Basilisk lizard and so we have Ezikarri.


Head = Marvel Legends Lizard (ToyBiz)
Body = Black Series Kuill
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 07, 2024, 03:55:06 AM
Yeah, to say I am having a time with our ISP is an understatement. Thank you for re-adding your last custom. I am getting it all back on the front pages too.

I like the new one. A fierce race doing a pacifistic job. Nice. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 07, 2024, 04:21:54 PM
Sorry that the adminstrative burden is such a hassle, but thanks for doing the work.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 07, 2024, 04:30:38 PM
Vaxo Rend – human bounty hunter. While on a hunt early in his career, Vaxo happened upon another hunter after the same quarry. Vaxo thought it was a friendly competition until he apprehended the mark and the Trandoshan hunter ambushed him. It was a nasty brawl, but in the end, Vaxo was no match for the Trandoshan hunter who left him for dead and took the prize. The fact he didn’t die was a testament to Vaxo’s determination. Recovery took a long time and Vaxo vowed never to be caught in this kind of situation again. He trained in combat arts and developed cybernetically enhanced armor for his arms that have made him fearsome in hand-to-hand combat. He has become an accomplished hunter and combatant, including exacting vengeance on the Trandoshan that ambushed him. He lives strictly by the Bounty Hunter’s Guild Code and is a proponent of harsh measures for those who violate it. It is said that even the likes of Bossk, Boba Fett, and Cad Bane won’t insult or condescend to him.


Helmet/Torso = Andor (Aldhari)
Arms = Ready Player One I-R0k (Funko)
Lower torso and legs = Snake Eyes (Paris Pursuit)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 08, 2024, 03:49:08 AM
Nice. Off to share.

It would be interesting to see him go back and take out that Trandoshan that messed him up.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 09, 2024, 07:40:40 PM
Nice. Off to share.

It would be interesting to see him go back and take out that Trandoshan that messed him up.

Thanks, Tamer. I might do a custom of the Trandoshan after Vaxo got done with him  ;D
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 10, 2024, 12:18:02 AM
Karph Mest and Onk Foe are two members of the Wandering Star criminal organization, in the same cell as Maaro. (Backstories still to come)

Karph Mest
Nikto criminal (Wandering Star) – Along with most of his species, Karph was enslaved by the Hutts. At some point early in his career as a guard, Karph bet against his Hutt overlord’s favorite gladiator. The gladiator was defeated by his opponent, a Wandering Star fighter, and the Hutt lost a lot of money. Karph was elated and made the mistake of showing it. His Hutt overlord was enraged and almost had him killed when the Wandering Star ambassador offered to cancel the debt in exchange for transferring ownership of Karph to him. With that Karph became a member of the Wandering Star criminal family. added 4/22/2024 :)


Onk Foe:
Gran criminal (Wandering Star) – From Varkana, Onk trained as a podracer mechanic. Though an excellent mechanic, he couldn’t avoid getting his reputation as a mechanic badly damaged when a podracer he serviced crashed during a race, ruining the career of, and nearly killing, its highly popular and very promising driver. Even though it was later determined that Onk was not at fault as a competitor sabotaged the podracer, the damage was done. Angry and desperate for work, he approached an acquaintance he believed had underworld connections looking for a job and an opportunity to punish the racer who had wrecked his career. It turned out that Wandering Star needed operatives with mechanical skills, so Onk became a member of the organization and was able to watch as his superiors, to cement his commitment, put out a bounty on the cheating racer that cost him dearly. added 4/22/2024 :)


together with Maaro

Head/hands/legs = Nikto skiff guard
Arms = Zutton (TVC)
Shemagh = Marauder gun-runners
Torso = Lando skiff guard disguise

Head = Ask Aak
Hands = Ree Yees
Hood = Clone Wars cold weather Plo Koon
Arms = Anakin Skywalker Padawan
Torso = Nikto skiff guard
Legs = Land skiff guard
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 10, 2024, 06:07:14 AM
Yep, nice and seedy. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 10, 2024, 07:06:19 PM
Thanks, Tamer. I think I'm going to build a couple of humans and maybe a Rodian and call this cell good.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on March 11, 2024, 05:25:48 AM
About Kharf: it’s a crazy coincidence that we worked on two very similar customs at the same time. I’m missing one of those scarfs from Marauder’s to recreate this concept from the Mandalorian.
I didn’t know what to do with the Nikto legs, yet. Thanks for the inspiration!
Your kit-bashes came out great!
Here’s my w.I.p. Best wishes from Egypt with not the best wifi.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 13, 2024, 12:18:10 AM
Hey Philipp - Have fun in Egypt  (and be safe). Thanks for commenting, I look forward to seeing how your gunner turns out.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 13, 2024, 01:29:05 AM
Jek Taasren - Another member of the Wandering Star cell. Jek grew up in extreme poverty on the lower floors of Coruscant. In an effort to help feed his sick mother and younger siblings, he turned to a life of petty crime - mostly burglary. He made the "mistake" of trying to pickpocket a member of the Wandering Star criminal organization. Instead of punishing him, Jek's "mark" saw an opportunity and Jek became an "apprentice" thief.


Head = Walmart Black Series Cassian Andor (Rogue One)
Torso = Indiana Jones figure
Arms = Lando - skiff guard (Hands from the fodder bin)
Legs = Plo Koon figure (don't remember which iteration)
Holster = Rebel Soldier (Echo Base)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 13, 2024, 02:58:34 AM
Nice, off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: DarthSinister on March 14, 2024, 07:51:13 AM
Great as usual Starchaser. Love the Jabba Goons!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 18, 2024, 06:23:00 PM
Nice, off to share.

Thanks, Tamer!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 18, 2024, 06:25:54 PM
Great as usual Starchaser. Love the Jabba Goons!

Thanks, DS. I've got a couple more and an "on the take" politician to finish this cell off. I found the "Wandering Star" in a Wookieepedia entry for criminal organizations as part of the Crymorah Syndicate. It's one of those "just mentioned" groups in the world of Star Wars, so I can play in that playground without offending anyone:)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on March 19, 2024, 12:06:07 AM
Hey Philipp - Have fun in Egypt  (and be safe). Thanks for commenting, I look forward to seeing how your gunner turns out.

Thanks Jeff! I had a great week in Egypt and returned to Germany safely. I already returned to the workbench. Great new customs by the way. Jek's story is poignant. I like how you modified Cassian's head.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 21, 2024, 10:12:29 PM

Thanks Jeff! I had a great week in Egypt and returned to Germany safely. I already returned to the workbench. Great new customs by the way. Jek's story is poignant. I like how you modified Cassian's head.

Thanks, Philipp. Glad you enjoyed Egypt. Did you get to scuba dive or snorkel on this trip? Glad you you like Jek's story. I wanted to use a human head that I had of lot of and figured I'd try the Cassian (not photo real). I'm pretty happy with the way he turned out.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 26, 2024, 10:26:46 PM
Qesenial Tsarman – A senator representing the Callia Sector on the Inner Rim. The Callia sector is near Hutt space and is not a wealthy sector – its primary economic engine being the prison planet of Ord Vaxal. Between its lack of robust economy and proximity to being pressured by the Hutts, Senator Tsarman was a reasonable risk for criminal groups to approach and bribe. Tsarman, frustrated with the lot of a lesser senator from a poor system, found the potential of additional funds very appealing. In the end, Wandering Star won the “bidding war” that secured the services of the senator. He uses his bureaucratic position to provide information and his travels as a senator for a variety of not so “above board” purposes.


I have some work to do to get that first hat to sit right on his head - its fiddly and that can wait :)
Head = Mattel Batman movie Penguin
Body = Orn Free Taa
Hands = fodder box
Hats = the cap off an adhesive tube//an imperial officer cap turned backwards.

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 26, 2024, 10:35:15 PM
And, no backstory needed: Benthic Two Tubes:


Head = Edrio 5POA (Rogue One Jedha revolt pack)
Upper Torso and skirt = Weequay Skiff Master (the little round electronic "pod" is cut from the Edrio figure)
Arms = Indiana Jones figure (the shoulder armor and hands cut from the Edrio figure)
Duster = DJ Forcelink 2.0
Legs = Rebel Soldier (Echo Base)
On the belt I included two pouches and the buckle assembly from the Edrio figure and cut the satchel pouch off the side of the Weequay Skiff Master's belt and moved it to its present location. He's not screen perfect, but I'm super pleased with how he turned out (especially since I don't think we will ever see him in TCV).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on March 27, 2024, 03:05:26 AM
Very nice. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on March 27, 2024, 10:32:43 PM
With fists like these, Qesenial Tsarman sure knows how to win every debate with "aggressive negotiations" as Padmé Amidala once said. I like his hat, too!

It's great to see Two Tubes in super-articulated form. In fact I saw it here first! How many years do you think Hasbro need to bring this character to TVC? Well, you actually don't have to worry about that anymore because you now have a great custom of him!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 29, 2024, 04:46:24 PM
Very nice. Off to share.

Thanks, Tamer!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on March 29, 2024, 04:54:08 PM
With fists like these, Qesenial Tsarman sure knows how to win every debate with "aggressive negotiations" as Padmé Amidala once said. I like his hat, too!

It's great to see Two Tubes in super-articulated form. In fact I saw it here first! How many years do you think Hasbro need to bring this character to TVC? Well, you actually don't have to worry about that anymore because you now have a great custom of him!

Thanks, Philipp! Yeah, I thought it kind of fit the Penguin/Kingpin vibe to make him a "not sissy." Though the truth is, he doesn't like getting his hands dirty :) 

Hasbro had an excellent sculpt for Edrio Two-Tubes in the Rogue One pack. I can't imagine it would have been a challenge to redesign the elements for a more articulated figure. I think Hasbro has shown a tremendous lack of initiative - and pretty lazy initiative at that - by not pushing some of these characters out faster. I really am not sure if they will ever get around to these. Chewie of Yakface did a great version of Edrio, but I wanted to see if I could get a good figure of Benthic - especially because I believe he shows up later in the timeline (in comics or books or something) as well as being in "Solo". He's not a perfect representation of either screen version, but no one wears exactly the same outfit everyday of their life except Darth I'm happy with him.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 01, 2024, 06:19:27 PM
I had part of today off and the weather in the Seattle area was beautiful, so I decided to have a little fun composing an image, so here is a shot of Leshee and Velsu herding some Farsolax livestock. I changed Velsu's hat to the BOBF Cad Bane hat. I also painted these Kool-Aid containters to use as storage mini-silos around Safa Thewel.



Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 03, 2024, 11:03:12 PM
I don't want to be "speciesist" so I thought a couple of non-human princesses would be a good addition to the quick and easy female diorama fillers (though requiring paint this time) using the Disney princess bodies. So I add two more to the "bevy of background beauties" seen on page 79 of this thread.   :)


Two different version of Anna and the heads of a Mandalore Ahsoka and Chi Eekway.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on April 04, 2024, 08:18:37 PM
The pricesses look great! The Disney princess bodies work great especially with Chi Ekway head. I never knew the head looked like that, I never owned the figure because I didn't know there was a head under all that hood.  I like the dino ranchers too.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 04, 2024, 10:21:23 PM
Thanks, JDeck - nice to hear from you, I hope all is well. I think I've got one more princess to do and then I really have to get a sabacc table and build a gambling diorama for them to populate with my "gambler" characters.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on April 07, 2024, 06:19:32 AM
Those princesses look great. Off to share on the front pages.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 07, 2024, 11:12:46 PM
Those princesses look great. Off to share on the front pages.

Thanks, Tamer!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: DarthSinister on April 15, 2024, 09:52:08 AM
I like em'. Great for dioramas or space stations.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 15, 2024, 01:12:43 PM
I like em'. Great for dioramas or space stations.

Thanks DS - yeah, I wanted a quick way to get some "better dressed" clientele for a casino or club or maybe a party at Mon Mothma's house. :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 22, 2024, 07:21:05 PM
Another member of the Wandering Star cell:
Tevvo Borr - not all Rodians make it as hunters. Some are simply too impatient to track and too implusive to bring in a live bounty. Tevvo started life as the youngest and smallest of eight brothers. He was constantly beaten up and the brunt of jokes, as a result, he grew up angry and isolated. He became fast with a blaster and used his toughness to his advantage, eventually earning the right to be a hunter. Tevvo, though, had other ideas, lacking the patience to hunt and any sense of connection to his family and culture. When got off planet he went looking for some organization that would let him play the role of "enforcer" and work out his pent-up frustration. He was recruited by Wandering Star to provide additional muscle to one of their cells.


Head and hands = POTF Greedo
Torso, arms and skirt = Pirates Tai Huang
Legs = Clone pilot ROTS

PS - I added backstories to the other two members of the gang - Onk Foe and Kharph Mest (back one page).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on April 22, 2024, 09:41:07 PM
Another superb custom! The universe needs more Rodians! A TVC Greedo would be neat.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 22, 2024, 10:19:48 PM
Another superb custom! The universe needs more Rodians! A TVC Greedo would be neat.

Thanks, Philipp. Yeah I would like a TVC movie accurate Greedo and a TVC version of the "Kenner style" Greedo. Both would be fun :)

I've got two more members of the gang to come - one almost done, the other still in the design phase. (But their backstories are finished).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on April 23, 2024, 02:48:57 AM

Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 24, 2024, 11:30:16 PM
Thanks Tamer!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 27, 2024, 09:48:30 PM
For tonight, I finish off the Wandering Star cell:

Dirette Garralo - Human criminal (Wandering Star) – cell leader. Dirette was reared in a pro-Imperial household on Ghorman. Her childhood was anything but joyful, her father was physically and verbally abusive and eventually sold Dirette into slavery to pay off a gambling debt. Dirette was both a survivor and clever and she was quickly noticed by a Wandering Star operative that had dealings with her master. The criminal organization pressured the being into releasing Dirette into their custody and she proved herself an able leader. On an assignment to Corellia, she became attached to a local that was providing intelligence. They eventually married and he became her lieutenant once she was commissioned as a cell leader. Practical, calculating and cutthroat – but not cruel – Dirette has earned the respect of even the top levels of Wandering Star.


Eclun Garralo - Human criminal (Wandering Star) – a member of the impoverished underclass on Corellia, Eclun wound up working as a “scumrat” for Lady Proxima. He was poorly treated but made enough to help his family and so advanced through the ranks to become an enforcer under Moloch. Eclun found Proxima’s tactics too cruel and wasteful and despised the haughtiness of the Grindalid toward humans. Eventually, he just walked away, but was recruited by Wandering Star for his knowledge of the Corellian underworld into which they were seeking to expand. Elcun was delighted when asked to assist a young cell leader-in-training, Dirette Bozos, in forcing the White Worms to acknowledge Wandering Star as their criminal overlords.


And together:


Head = Walmart Black Series Princess Leia
Torso = Hera Syndulla
Arms = Walmart Carbonized Armorer
Legs = Reva
Head = Airen Cracken
Upper Torso and Arms = Lando
Jacket = Han Solo Echo Base
Waist bit = Kithaba
Lower Torso and Legs =  Andor Aldhani Mission

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 28, 2024, 07:30:57 PM
Group shot of the Wandering Star cell:

Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on April 29, 2024, 02:58:57 AM
Very nice. These will be a great way to start off the front page for the week.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on April 29, 2024, 09:14:57 AM
What a cool gang you put together there! Now this is the fun of customizing all together in one group shot!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 29, 2024, 06:06:26 PM
Very nice. These will be a great way to start off the front page for the week.

Thanks Tamer! Hope your week is a good one.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on April 29, 2024, 06:07:38 PM
What a cool gang you put together there! Now this is the fun of customizing all together in one group shot!

Thanks Philipp! Seemed like a good idea to get a picture all together.  ;D
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 09, 2024, 11:09:01 PM
Hewe Nieblain – Hewe has spent most of his life working in and around mines. He ended his career as a mining foreman in the mineral mines deep in the Farsolax tundra, fleeing after having accused the mine’s corporate owners of dozens of code violations. Making his way across the tundra, Hewe found the town of Safa Thewel and his safe haven. He is a bit of a curmudgeon in the morning until he has had his morning “pick me up” from the Safa Thewel cantina, after which Hewe is a very helpful to his fellow citizens as a stonemason and construction foreman and regales the children with stories of his adventures.


Prodishu Teridol – Yet another refugee who has found solace in Safa Thewel. A Klatooinian, Prodi was sold to the mines by his Hutt master after insulting her Kowakian monkey lizard. One of a small group of laborers left behind when the mines were abandoned after a series of scandals and set-backs, Prodi was eventually found, injured and nearly starved, by the prospector Seibb Nubres, who brought him home to Safa Thewel. After he recovered, Prodi was trained by local brewer Bec Tondeetra to serve as the bartender at Bec’s cantina.


Head = LOTR Balin
Body = Jango Fett
Overshirt = mail away Modal Nodes

Head/Hands= Klatooinian Marauder
Torso = Plo Koon
Vest = from fodder box (Greedo I believe)
Arms = Indiana Jones
Apron = Boss Fight Mini-kit chef
Legs = Wooof
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on May 10, 2024, 02:24:20 AM
Very nice. Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on May 10, 2024, 07:34:14 AM
Another batch of great figures! Hewe kind of reminds me of my old sales director without the beard.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RC-1136 on May 10, 2024, 09:55:23 AM
I really like your recent additions, specially the Wandering Star cell members. Great use of mix matching parts to make new characters!  ()rr
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 10, 2024, 04:24:38 PM
Very nice. Off to share.

Thanks, Tamer
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 10, 2024, 04:25:56 PM
Another batch of great figures! Hewe kind of reminds me of my old sales director without the beard.

So...did he ever dress up as Balin for Halloween?
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on May 10, 2024, 04:26:33 PM
I really like your recent additions, specially the Wandering Star cell members. Great use of mix matching parts to make new characters!  ()rr

Thanks, RC.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: RCWCreations on May 15, 2024, 06:02:36 AM
These are awesome mate, I love them!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 06, 2024, 05:14:15 PM
No customs, but just for fun - a Hasbro drop at my house. How does this work?


Now for an acutal custom:
Mikgel originally built a family cafe but it wasn't profitable, so he accepted Greef Karga's proposal to turn it into a cantina for the Nevarro Bounty Hunter's Guild. He holds out hope that someday he will be able to have a family restaurant. (from the Nevarro Cantina cross section illustration online). You can briefly see the character in the cantina behind the bar when Din Djarin first enters the cantina in the Mandalorian Season One, Episode One.


Head = Dr. Jones Sr. with hair scuplted on
Torso = TVC Rose Tico
Arms = Brock Starsher
Hands = fodder bin
Lower torso/legs = TVC AT-ST driver
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth Revenge on July 06, 2024, 10:54:26 PM
Nice job. To be honest, I never build a custom with success. Even repaint was a fail  :o
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 06, 2024, 11:10:31 PM
Nice job. To be honest, I never build a custom with success. Even repaint was a fail  :o

You do a brilliant job with the dioramas, I know that you could figuer out the figure side - but it sure takes time. I'm nowhere as talented as others, like Darthdaddy and Elias, Chewie, and Echo Six, but I enjoy the process and that helps, and I'm okay to start over again.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Tamer on July 07, 2024, 06:35:21 AM
Very nice.

Off to share.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on July 07, 2024, 03:45:27 PM
Nice addition to your custom collection, Jeff! It's nice to see some of the latest Vintage Collection figures in your backyard! They look even better outside and in the Cantina!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 07, 2024, 07:27:38 PM
Very nice.

Off to share.

Thanks!  :)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 07, 2024, 07:29:49 PM
Nice addition to your custom collection, Jeff! It's nice to see some of the latest Vintage Collection figures in your backyard! They look even better outside and in the Cantina!

Thanks Philipp! Got to take advantage of the nice weather, right?

I've got another figure in the queue that I hope will get finished up in the next week or so to go along with Mikgel. Fingers crossed 🤞
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: DarthSinister on July 10, 2024, 07:30:30 AM
I thought that was Dr. Henry Jones Sr. Great job on him and nice display!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 10, 2024, 11:54:10 PM
I thought that was Dr. Henry Jones Sr. Great job on him and nice display!

Thanks, DS! Yep...I've gotten some good use out of Jones, Sr. for customs.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: DarthSinister on July 11, 2024, 10:56:38 AM
It's a pretty good likeness of Connery. The new Adventure Series Jones Sr looks spot on. He's on my shrinking list for TVC customs.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: JDeck on July 11, 2024, 03:40:49 PM
Awesome yeah the extra hair really makes a totally different look to the head 
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 11, 2024, 04:31:53 PM
Awesome yeah the extra hair really makes a totally different look to the head

Thanks, JDeck! I felt like it worked pretty well.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 27, 2024, 06:39:39 PM
K2-HK has rebuilt himself since the Empire fell. After the debacle that was the Clone Wars and the Empire's reliance on security droids, Ktwokh, as he calls himself, is making an effort to blend in. He hasn't quite mastered it yet, but from behind, at least, he could be mistaken for an organic with cybernetic legs. He spends a lot of time sitting in cantinas, where the lights are low and people are either distracted or tipsy.



Head = K2-SO//Hat = Nikto skiff guard
Body = HK-87
Arms and Jacket = Henry Jones, Sr.
Hands = Boba Fett (Tusken)
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth Revenge on July 27, 2024, 07:52:15 PM
Nice job again.

And I like the idea of using a natural background for your shots.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on July 27, 2024, 08:32:58 PM
Nice job again.

And I like the idea of using a natural background for your shots.

Thanks! I don't have a great lighting set up for interior pictures, so natural sunlight gives me better shots - hence the outdoor shots.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: DarthSinister on August 07, 2024, 08:05:21 AM
Great job bro! Love the back story... kind of sad.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on August 07, 2024, 10:21:22 PM
Great job bro! Love the back story... kind of sad.

Thanks! I think he would be a fun main character for a photo-novel (but I don't have time to do one).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 06, 2024, 10:48:02 PM
Arcannalo - A Dresselian Rebel guerilla. Arcannalo was arrested as a teen for allegedly participating in a violent mugging and locked away. During the Imperial occupation, he was given an opportunity to earn his freedom fighting the Empire. He was eventually recruited into the Rebel army. At the end of the galactic conflict, Arcannalo had no desire to return to his home planet, unlike other members of his isolationist species. Instead, he asked to become a New Republic marshal, with the freedom to travel a large swath of the Outer Rim exploring and bringing justice to out-of-the-way places. He is particularly known for his focus on due process...



Head = POTF Orrimaarko
Body = DC Comics Batman
Cybernetics on eye = parts from one of the guns in the Batman figure

I think I will probably paint the belt and the shoulder cannisters and bands.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: DarthSinister on September 07, 2024, 09:20:30 AM
Nice one Starchaser. Since he was a Marshal do you think he knew Cara Dune? That would be a nice little side story.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 07, 2024, 10:14:35 AM
Thanks, DS...He and Cara could have crossed paths, but the Alliance was often decentralized, so I don't see them as being in close contact with any regularity.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 17, 2024, 05:49:11 PM
Two for tonight:

Bafisi – a Shifala (Legends species) a member of the gray-haired mountain Shifala, Bafisi grew up in the caves of the northern mountain ranges of Carreras Major. He loved the light and longed for open spaces. When he was old enough to set out on his own, he headed for the capital city of Carreras Major, but quickly found the crowded city and prejudice against his “backward” sub-species intolerable. A quick study, Bafisi found his mountaineering skills made him as “at home” on a docking rig or the hull of a star cruiser as the cliffs of his home and he found work as a mechanic’s assistant at port. It wasn’t long before an opportunity to join a ship’s crew presented itself and Bafisi left Carreras major for the stars. He has settled in as crew on an geology expeditionary ship in a dual role doing mechanical work and mountaineering as needed.


Head/Arms = Animal Warriors of the Kingdom Pale
Body - TVC Lando

Nalitra Arkanree – Growing up in the slums of a sprawling city on Mirial, Nalitra always found the stars to be a source of comfort. Her love of the stars translated into a desire to fly starships, and it became something of an obsession for her through her teens. Finding every way possible to learn, she became a proficient pilot and left the crowded city for the peace and quiet of the stars as a helm’s assistant on board a heavy freighter. Traveling the star-lanes was a dream come true and eventually Nalitra was inherited a ship from an old pilot she served under. Now she maps star systems and travel routes for a cartography corporation.


Head = X-Wing pilot troop builder Mirialan
Torso/Arms = JoyToy Awakening LuoNing
Belt = Animal Warriors of the Kingdom
Legs/Hands = TVC Luminara Unduli
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: DarthSinister on September 18, 2024, 11:46:36 AM
Looking good Starchaser! Man you pump these out like a factory. I'd love to see a collective shot of only your customs grouped together. I'll bet it's massive.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth More on September 18, 2024, 01:15:58 PM
I agree with DarthSinister, a group shot would be epic! Two new and interesting characters. You know much more about the 3.75" inch universe than I do. So many companies and figures I never heard of...
Nalitra Arkanree must be one of my top 10 favorite customs of yours! I just love how she turned out with the parts fitting perfectly. What a perfect kit-bash she is and her jacket/torso looks phenomenal!
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 18, 2024, 05:42:52 PM
Looking good Starchaser! Man you pump these out like a factory. I'd love to see a collective shot of only your customs grouped together. I'll bet it's massive.

Thanks! Okay, so I did a quick count because you've commented on it twice. I have about 230 original customs with backstories (I had no idea there were that many!). If we include customs of Legends and canon figures (Odan-Urr, Empatajayos Brand, Plo Koon's master Tyvokka, a super-articulated Sarco Plank) and some customs built on the recipes of other brilliant customizers (and not posted anywhere), I think I'm sitting around 250. I'm sure I'm still way behind the photonovel folks like CHEWIE and the hard-core customizers like DarthDaddy and Elias, and Utah Don, but I had no idea there were actually that many. :P
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 18, 2024, 05:48:31 PM
I agree with DarthSinister, a group shot would be epic! Two new and interesting characters. You know much more about the 3.75" inch universe than I do. So many companies and figures I never heard of...
Nalitra Arkanree must be one of my top 10 favorite customs of yours! I just love how she turned out with the parts fitting perfectly. What a perfect kit-bash she is and her jacket/torso looks phenomenal!

Thanks, Philipp. I was really happy with how she turned out, as well. I wanted a different torso, and was chuffed when the head and legs from Hasbro Star Wars fit so easily with the JoyToys figure.  As to 3.75" figures, I would bet that Dan (Spectre) and others know more than I, but I think its a product of wanting to expand the playability of the Star Wars universe from when the first figures came out. I remember using 3.75" G.I. Joe figures as Rebel forest troopers before ROTJ was released. I remember using Micronauts as characters, too. So over the years, I've paid attention to 1/18 scale figures. In fact, the only reason I ever got a Facebook account was to follow independent toys designers like Boss Fight Studios, Chicken Fried Dime Store Legends, and the first round of Animal Warriors of the Kingdom (Jason has switched to 6" so I don't follow AWOK any more).
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: DarthSinister on September 19, 2024, 07:52:28 AM
Looking good Starchaser! Man you pump these out like a factory. I'd love to see a collective shot of only your customs grouped together. I'll bet it's massive.

Thanks! Okay, so I did a quick count because you've commented on it twice. I have about 230 original customs with backstories (I had no idea there were that many!). If we include customs of Legends and canon figures (Odan-Urr, Empatajayos Brand, Plo Koon's master Tyvokka, a super-articulated Sarco Plank) and some customs built on the recipes of other brilliant customizers (and not posted anywhere), I think I'm sitting around 250. I'm sure I'm still way behind the photonovel folks like CHEWIE and the hard-core customizers like DarthDaddy and Elias, and Utah Don, but I had no idea there were actually that many. :P

Ole' CHEWIE has been hitting me up on eBay quite a bit. Really happy to be able to offer people something they actually want and need to complete their art work. 250 huh. You'd need some serious space and a wide angle lens.
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Darth Revenge on September 19, 2024, 08:12:01 AM
Once again, awesome job !
Title: Re: Starchaser's Custom Thread
Post by: Starchaser on September 19, 2024, 12:58:28 PM
Once again, awesome job !
